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Update on Fleet Marks and Dilithium



  • boglejam73boglejam73 Member Posts: 890 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    You know... here is a crazy thought.

    Sell Fleet marks.

    I mean, I still wouldn't buy them. But if a small fleet really wanted to go fast thru the progression and had some extra cash. it'd be a winning proposition for them and Cryptic.

    And the players with the glut of dilithium could convert to zen to buy fleet marks...

    But thus would never happen. It would fix too many problems while simultaneously make the developer money. :rolleyes:
  • petst0nepetst0ne Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    broken1981 wrote: »
    hello Mr.dastahl, i have a question from the pvp side of things. i really hope you do answer my question because it also affects pve game play. why is the cost of building a star base so expensive when the gear is not even worth it?

    the ships in lock boxes are better, the weps we get from drops and off exchange are much better, yet we have to spend an ungodly amount of dil for accx1 damage x3 mk12? im not asking for any accx3 weps. maybe that can be part of some pvp rep or just left as drops.

    but the gear that comes from the star base isent great at all. sure it has a flashy color and a mk12 tag. but i can go to the exchange and get a mk12 wep with way better mods for under 200k ec.

    also what i dont understand is the advanced ground weps are better then the elite ground weps. now dont get me wrong, some of the stuff is nice. elite shields which are considered over powered and then the tact kit mk12 fire team. the mk12 fire team kit is over powered for ground pvp. fine we under stand power creep, but then why are the engineer and sci kits not up to par? first off an engineer can lay emplacements that look good. but if you have just 2 tacts on a ground stf that engineer is going to have a fail kit. the npc will be dead by the time the first mortar shell will hit the ground.

    all the tacts are going to do is use suppression fire and use a sword with a critdx3 mod and mow down every npc. the borg cant use anything to slow down the tact since you can just use motion accletor. it will affect the whoel team but again the engineer is just going to be holding a gun and not really getting much of a chance to shoot anything.

    see the thing is swords get 80% penetration, on top of that full omega gear gives crit, then we have 3 doffs as well to boost that crit. also the borg will not adapt to that damage.any ground stf can be completed with in a 6 minute time frame with a whole team using swords.

    so i just ask that maybe the embassy kits gets another look at. not to nerf the tact kit but to bring engy and sci up to par with it. also maybe take a look at the ground and space weps from the star base.

    Regarding the requesting better gear from a possible pvp reputation system, if that ever happens, that will be the last day Perfect World Entertainment or Cryptic Studios will ever get my 14.99$ per month for the gold membership subscription, and they will never see my account log on again. Heck, even this recent update was virtually crossing the line, but because I like Star Trek Online, I have not lost hope yet. But, this is not permanent. I am an avid pvper, and curently, grinding both a fleet starbase with a group of friends. Just so you know, when I say Grinding, I mean Grinding. We're a group of 3 people, and we have gotten to fleet level 4, starbase tier 2, and almost embassy tier 1 in less then 2 weeks, without trying our hardest. If a pvp reputation system were to come out, it would set everything off balance. Pvp isn't meant to have a group of weapons, kits, or armor/shields, not to mention that everyone should wear, because it's better then the best, which you would get from the fleet starbase, or the exchange. the stuff that you get off of the fleet starbase is 10 times better then the stuff that you get off of the exchange.... Sorry, back on topic... Right now, there are 4 Reputation systems, 2 personal, and 2 fleet. If we add a third personal reputation, which would hinder about 90% of the game that is not in a large tier 5 fleet that requires no grinding, it would set everything off balance, not to mention kill off the already (sadly) dying PvP., not necessarily kill things as well as a tac. In my personal opinion, the only reason that you would be complaining about the engineer embassy kit not being as powerful as the embassy tac kit, is because you wouldn't know how to run either the kit, or the engineer, or what their role in the game is.
    Radar =/\=
  • lordagamemnonb5lordagamemnonb5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    solomace wrote: »
    You on Red Bull or something? ;) I admire the strength it must take to lift those pom poms of yours...:)

    Limitless supply of Red Bull and Monster are perks for enlisting in the Cryptic Defense Forces. :cool:
    How the Devs see Star Trek, apparently:
    Star Trek: The Original Grind
    Star Trek: The Next Grind
    Star Trek: Deep Space Grind
    Star Trek: Voyage to the Grind
  • thebumblethebumble Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2013
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    That camel always regenerates , but in the end they will add FM it may not be to the foundry and then everyone will forgive and forget ,and the cycle continues .

    The cycle has always been it can never be broken, it is eternal.

    Resistance is futile.

    Oh, it'll end someday. Most likely as soon as another Star Trek MMO appears. Or something close to it that will pull people away. This game is hemorrhaging players, but it doesn't seem like it because of all the new accounts being made, that are being abandoned a month in.

    Sort of like Cryptics numbers. Stahl said not every player is hitting the dilithium cap. How many people hit the cap with every alt they have in the game on a daily basis?

    Big Fleets have alot of members, but how many of them are alts? I can bet you their not using their alts everyday, but I bet Craptic counts them.

    Any decent player hits his/her dilithium cap on their main. Cryptic just wants to control every aspect of your game. They want to micro-manage your every action so they can put you in their straight narrow version of how the game should be played, how fast you should advance and what lock boxes you should buy.
  • kamiyama317kamiyama317 Member Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    dastahl wrote: »
    Over the next several months we will be adjusting where Fleet Marks are granted to be more in line with our original design - Fleet Marks are for Fleet Gameplay. This means that Fleet Marks will be granted in more places where Fleets group up for missions, because the reason you need Fleet Marks is to benefit the Fleet.

    Please add a small amount of fleet marks to Borg STF's. Maybe 10 or 15 for normals and 30 or 35 for elites?

    While you don't have to do them with your fleet, you do have to do them in a group. At the least I think STF's are more deserving of fleet mark rewards than the Foundry. It would also be really convenient for those casual players that only have an hour or two to play each day since they could grind Omega rep and get a small amount of fleet marks at the same time.
  • lordagamemnonb5lordagamemnonb5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    petst0ne wrote: »
    Regarding the requesting better gear from a possible pvp reputation system, if that ever happens, that will be the last day Perfect World Entertainment or Cryptic Studios will ever get my 14.99$ per month for the gold membership subscription, and they will never see my account log on again. Heck, even this recent update was virtually crossing the line, but because I like Star Trek Online, I have not lost hope yet. But, this is not permanent. I am an avid pvper, and curently, grinding both a fleet starbase with a group of friends. Just so you know, when I say Grinding, I mean Grinding. We're a group of 3 people, and we have gotten to fleet level 4, starbase tier 2, and almost embassy tier 1 in less then 2 weeks, without trying our hardest. If a pvp reputation system were to come out, it would set everything off balance. Pvp isn't meant to have a group of weapons, kits, or armor/shields, not to mention that everyone should wear, because it's better then the best, which you would get from the fleet starbase, or the exchange. the stuff that you get off of the fleet starbase is 10 times better then the stuff that you get off of the exchange.... Sorry, back on topic... Right now, there are 4 Reputation systems, 2 personal, and 2 fleet. If we add a third personal reputation, which would hinder about 90% of the game that is not in a large tier 5 fleet that requires no grinding, it would set everything off balance, not to mention kill off the already (sadly) dying PvP.

    I agree. The PvP reputation practically killed SWTOR PvP (it was called expertise there). At least here gear is viable in both PvP and PvE, but to grind for gear that would only be usable in one? Bad idea. Not to mention you would have to intentially get roflstomped to get enough marks to get PvP only gear.
    How the Devs see Star Trek, apparently:
    Star Trek: The Original Grind
    Star Trek: The Next Grind
    Star Trek: Deep Space Grind
    Star Trek: Voyage to the Grind
  • weylandjuarezweylandjuarez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    In a couple of weeks, what has some of us so up-in-arms will be a moot point. At least, that is my feeling on the matter.

    I think the (false) assumption you're making is that everyone thought STO was peachy after the hastily and ill-considered 'rewards' were TRIBBLE in after S7 went disastrously live.

    Many, many players still aren't 'happy' with the changes that were made but the restoration of Dilithium rewards and the quite honestly ridiculous repeatable IOR mission at least gave the impression that Cryptic had realised the scale of its blunder and wanted to make amends.

    This latest move though shows that they're still not done trying to manipulate the player-base into playing the game the way they want us to play it - it also makes me wonder what new ways they'll find to TRIBBLE us over in May since you can guarantee that any new fluff they deliver will be a smoke-screen designed to cover their real intentions much as Season 7 was/is.
    Please join our peaceful protest to help make STO a better game
    Proudly not contributing to PWE's bottom-line since October 2012
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    boglejam73 wrote: »
    You know... here is a crazy thought.

    Sell Fleet marks.

    I mean, I still wouldn't buy them. But if a small fleet really wanted to go fast thru the progression and had some extra cash. it'd be a winning proposition for them and Cryptic.

    And the players with the glut of dilithium could convert to zen to buy fleet marks...

    Absolutely not. That would give Cryptic zero incentive, and in fact a major financial disincentive, to fix the problems with fleet mark scarcity.
  • suuperduudesuuperduude Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Why not put a contact in Starbases that will let you pick up a foundry mission and give fleet marks but no Dilithium?

    If it's picked up in the starbase, then it's obviously a fleet mission?
    Lion Heart of Hammer Squadron
  • boglejam73boglejam73 Member Posts: 890 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Absolutely not. That would give Cryptic zero incentive, and in fact a major financial disincentive, to fix the problems with fleet mark scarcity.

    Oh yeah, I totally agree. But my point is that they probably won't fix the scarcity issue anyway. Or, if you believe Dan...maybe fix it in May. Maybe.

    So, if it isn't going to be fixed, then why not just sell the marks outright so at least the 5 man fleets with cash and/or dilithium can hack a win out of this clusterf**k? :D
  • thebumblethebumble Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2013
    What I don't understand is how you can pug any STF with a group of 5 people and its not a fleet mission, but you can pug a fleet event with the same 5 guys and it is a fleet mission.

    Maybe they think our brains are stuffed with Tribbles...

    Sort of boggles the mind.
  • naeviusnaevius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    If you are in a Fleet less than 25 players, then it is expected to be more challenging than the norm.

    I find that surprising. I'd love to see how many fleets have 25 active members.
    [Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth]
    [Louis Cipher][Outta Gum][Thysa Kymbo][Spanner][Frakk]
    Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
  • perfectcrypticperfectcryptic Member Posts: 266 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    dastahl wrote: »
    Both of these suggestions are in line with the changes coming.

    Not just the current fleet missions but all the others that have been subsequently removed. Should at least have a small amount of fleet marks for each fleet mission then a much bigger amount for daily. The daily's are weird as well. For some reason I have just done Minefield 3 days in a row, may be 2 since I had it lined up... still should get a fourth in with CD/reset.
  • brakner11brakner11 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Why not make it like City of Heroes and "going into Super Group" mode? But call it "flee Mode". Basically when you go into fleet mode you half your XP and mission rewards in favor of receiving SG (fleet) rewards XP. (IE if you normally get 1000xp and 100 Dil for a mission you would now get 500xp 25 FM and 25 Dil) This way like in CoH you can start new characters that "want" to go through all the content because it gives SG (fleet) XP throughout the life of the characters leveling.

    This also helps not having to grind the same 4 mission over and over again since all content offers FM?.. CoH did this right
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    thebumble wrote: »
    What I don't understand is how you can pug any STF with a group of 5 people and its not a fleet mission, but you can pug a fleet event with the same 5 guys and it is a fleet mission.

    Maybe they think our brains are stuffed with Tribbles...

    Sort of boggles the mind.

    You know better than to expect logic from Cryptic.
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited February 2013

    Talk about throwing oneself under a bus....

    Dan, I think you've also rolled over to the other lane, got hit by a mac truck and then ended up on some train tracks with the crossing arms coming down... :eek:

    I've seen road-kill that looks better than you right now.

    I'd rather stomp on a burning bag of poo, than be in your shoes at the moment.


    ...any bets as to how long before They toss a measly amount of FM's to a couple of missions to attempt to quell this raging firestorm of whoop-TRIBBLE??

    Remember what Smokey says...
    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • thebumblethebumble Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2013
    They normally do quick-fixes and emergency maintenance on Mondays..XD
  • broken1981broken1981 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    petst0ne wrote: »
    Regarding the requesting better gear from a possible pvp reputation system, if that ever happens, that will be the last day Perfect World Entertainment or Cryptic Studios will ever get my 14.99$ per month for the gold membership subscription, and they will never see my account log on again. Heck, even this recent update was virtually crossing the line, but because I like Star Trek Online, I have not lost hope yet. But, this is not permanent. I am an avid pvper, and curently, grinding both a fleet starbase with a group of friends. Just so you know, when I say Grinding, I mean Grinding. We're a group of 3 people, and we have gotten to fleet level 4, starbase tier 2, and almost embassy tier 1 in less then 2 weeks, without trying our hardest. If a pvp reputation system were to come out, it would set everything off balance. Pvp isn't meant to have a group of weapons, kits, or armor/shields, not to mention that everyone should wear, because it's better then the best, which you would get from the fleet starbase, or the exchange. the stuff that you get off of the fleet starbase is 10 times better then the stuff that you get off of the exchange.... Sorry, back on topic... Right now, there are 4 Reputation systems, 2 personal, and 2 fleet. If we add a third personal reputation, which would hinder about 90% of the game that is not in a large tier 5 fleet that requires no grinding, it would set everything off balance, not to mention kill off the already (sadly) dying PvP., not necessarily kill things as well as a tac. In my personal opinion, the only reason that you would be complaining about the engineer embassy kit not being as powerful as the embassy tac kit, is because you wouldn't know how to run either the kit, or the engineer, or what their role in the game is.
    Radar =/\=

    actually if you do pvp then you would know the best gear for ground is stf and for space is either omega with elite fleet shields or borg gear. as far as weps for space anything with a damage mod is garbage. even for pve. to be very good in space pvp you need accx2 atleast. ground would be anything with a critdx3.

    also i think you need to check your star base and look at the fact advanced ground weps are better then eite. i doubt anyone in thier right mind would agree that top level gear should be better then lower level gear.......

    the stuff from sb..........well lets just say most of it is TRIBBLE. the mk12 fire team kit from embassy is the only good kit they came up with.

    as for a rep pvp system i would love to see accx3 that i could pay dil for that bound to toon.

    but i think you missed my point here. building a star base is res heavy. the gear that comes out of it is really not even worth it. i would not put on any of the space weps to go space pvping in. so again im asking why do we have such a huge dil and ec sink if what come out of the sb is not even good even for pve?

    as far as not knowing how to play engy or sci class? sorry m8 but i do. im in the best pvp ground fleet atm. FES

    so to even try to question me on ground is a bit stupid. im actually trying to bring up the topic to get the other kits brought inline with tact. im sure anyone who is not as dumb as a rock would have seen the example i gave and understtod very fast.

    Join Date: Dec 2007Originally Posted by BROKEN1981
    I can throw [Fireworks] at you and hope you catch on fire and burn to death lol
  • lordagamemnonb5lordagamemnonb5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Funny enough, there are a lot of posts by people saying the have gotten no EC and less than the stated amount of bonus dilithium for completing first spotlight of the day.

    Man, they can't even do a nerf right.
    How the Devs see Star Trek, apparently:
    Star Trek: The Original Grind
    Star Trek: The Next Grind
    Star Trek: Deep Space Grind
    Star Trek: Voyage to the Grind
  • boglejam73boglejam73 Member Posts: 890 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    daveyny wrote: »

    Talk about throwing oneself under a bus....

    Dan, I think you've also rolled over to the other lane, got hit by a mac truck and then ended up on some train tracks with the crossing arms coming down... :eek:

    I've seen road-kill that looks better then you right now.

    I'd rather stomp on a burning bag of poo, than be in your shoes at the moment.


    ...any bets as to how long before They toss a measly amount of FM's to a couple of missions to attempt to quell this raging firestorm of whoop-TRIBBLE??

    Remember what Smokey says...

    Yeah, I don't understand that. Whenever Cryptic does something boneheaded, they go all in.

    They can't get a patch onto Tribble and fix the bugs BEFORE they push it to Holodeck, but they can and will vehemently defend any unpopular decision to the best of their ability.

    And then they will come back a day or two later and say "Yeah, we didn't think that thru. Our bad."

    WTF Cryptic? Save yourselves some misery and think these things thru before you push them out to all of us.
  • lordagamemnonb5lordagamemnonb5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    boglejam73 wrote: »
    Yeah, I don't understand that. Whenever Cryptic does something boneheaded, they go all in.

    They can't get a patch onto Tribble and fix the bugs BEFORE they push it to Holodeck, but they can and will vehemently defend any unpopular decision to the best of their ability.

    And then they will come back a day or two later and say "Yeah, we didn't think that thru. Our bad."

    WTF Cryptic? Save yourselves some misery and think these things thru before you push them out to all of us.

    Why do we even have a test server if they don't even bother fixing the bugs that are found there?
    How the Devs see Star Trek, apparently:
    Star Trek: The Original Grind
    Star Trek: The Next Grind
    Star Trek: Deep Space Grind
    Star Trek: Voyage to the Grind
  • lordhooklordhook Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    There is a suggestion to solve this problem here:

  • boglejam73boglejam73 Member Posts: 890 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Why do we even have a test server if they don't even bother fixing the bugs that are found there?

    My proposal was to rename Tribble "The Bug Preview Server."

    I'm not getting any traction with my change, thou.
  • petst0nepetst0ne Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    broken1981 wrote: »
    actually if you do pvp then you would know the best gear for ground is stf and because for space is either omega with elite fleet shields or borg gear.

    the stuff from sb..........well lets just say most of it is TRIBBLE. the mk12 fire team kit from embassy is the only good kit they came up with.

    as for a rep pvp system i would love to see accx3 that i could pay dil for that bound to toon.

    but i think you missed my point here. building a star base is res heavy. the gear that comes out of it is really not even worth it. i would not put on any of the space weps to go space pvping in. so again im asking why do we have such a huge dil and ec sink if what come out of the sb is not even good even for pve?

    as far as not knowing how to play engy or sci class? sorry m8 but i do. im in the best pvp ground fleet atm. FES

    so to even try to question me on ground is a bit stupid. im actually trying to bring up the topic to get the other kits brought inline with tact. im sure anyone who is not as dumb as a rock would have seen the example i gave and understtod very fast.


    The only way the stuff from STFS are good is if you're using the omega force on a tac, which I do, infact, do. However, if I don't yet have access to the omega force on a tac character, I will most definitely use fleet equipment. not only guns, but also shields and armor.
  • lordagamemnonb5lordagamemnonb5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    lordhook wrote: »
    There is a suggestion to solve this problem here:


    syberghost and bluegeek are going to be working overtime for the next couple of days, lol.
    How the Devs see Star Trek, apparently:
    Star Trek: The Original Grind
    Star Trek: The Next Grind
    Star Trek: Deep Space Grind
    Star Trek: Voyage to the Grind
  • thebumblethebumble Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2013
    lordhook wrote: »
    There is a suggestion to solve this problem here:


    Wow. That thread got shut down in a hurry..XD

    I liked the 3 little pigs analogy though...

    Fleet Marks in STFs is THE WIN! Hell, we grind 50 of them a day anyways...
  • bluedarkybluedarky Member Posts: 548 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    solidsam wrote: »
    I wouldn't take his word on that. Remember when he said that the KDF would have PvE content 1-50 BEFORE the Romulan faction would be added to the game?

    Look what's coming in May.

    Sorry my Crystal Ball isn't working, could you tell me what's coming in May.

    We do have a teaser that strongly hints at a Romulan Faction but could mean anything. All's we can guarantee from the image is that a new Romulan Faction is coming.

    Hell they never said that we wouldn't see a new faction the same season that they finished 1-50 content for the KDF.
    I think the (false) assumption you're making is that everyone thought STO was peachy after the hastily and ill-considered 'rewards' were TRIBBLE in after S7 went disastrously live.

    Many, many players still aren't 'happy' with the changes that were made but the restoration of Dilithium rewards and the quite honestly ridiculous repeatable IOR mission at least gave the impression that Cryptic had realised the scale of its blunder and wanted to make amends.

    This latest move though shows that they're still not done trying to manipulate the player-base into playing the game the way they want us to play it - it also makes me wonder what new ways they'll find to TRIBBLE us over in May since you can guarantee that any new fluff they deliver will be a smoke-screen designed to cover their real intentions much as Season 7 was/is.

    Nothing you've described is new to STO or any MMO, development teams have reduced awards in areas where people were farming said reward when they didn't want them farming it so much.

    Besides, if Cryptic had added a patch last week that doubled FM from PvE events and gave 10 FM for every Cryptic mission you did people would still be moaning about this patch.
  • synkr0nizedsynkr0nized Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    thebumble wrote: »
    What I don't understand is how you can pug any STF with a group of 5 people and its not a fleet mission, but you can pug a fleet event with the same 5 guys and it is a fleet mission.

    I agree.

    When Blizzard added levels to guilds, progression was achieved for playing the game normally. Leveling an alt in the guild? A portion of your experience contributes to the guild's progression! Running dungeons or raids in guild groups (3+/5 for dungeons, 8+/10 for 10-man groups, etc.)? The guild gets credit! Additional weekly goals earned additional bonuses, such as killing a raid boss or winning some PvP matches.

    Look, I know that the game mechanics aren't the same, but the point is that guild progression was tied to what players were already doing in-game. Here, in STO, unless you queue for Fleet missions, you're not getting all of what you need for starbase projects and items. And even if you do, it's only based on whether or not you do the appropriate mission, not whether or not you are doing it with your fleet.

    Enable players to contribute to their fleets alongside normal gameplay rather than making it an additional grind.

    Fleet marks from IOR is similarly flawed, despite how nice it was to have that option, so I'm not even arguing for it back. And people wouldn't be upset with IOR going away if marks weren't a separate currency grind on top of the other ones we all queue for every day already.
    equal parts cynical and helpful
  • petst0nepetst0ne Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    broken1981 wrote: »
    actually if you do pvp then you would know the best gear for ground is stf and for space is either omega with elite fleet shields or borg gear. as far as weps for space anything with a damage mod is garbage. even for pve. to be very good in space pvp you need accx2 atleast. ground would be anything with a critdx3.

    also i think you need to check your star base and look at the fact advanced ground weps are better then eite. i doubt anyone in thier right mind would agree that top level gear should be better then lower level gear.......

    the stuff from sb..........well lets just say most of it is TRIBBLE. the mk12 fire team kit from embassy is the only good kit they came up with.

    as for a rep pvp system i would love to see accx3 that i could pay dil for that bound to toon.

    but i think you missed my point here. building a star base is res heavy. the gear that comes out of it is really not even worth it. i would not put on any of the space weps to go space pvping in. so again im asking why do we have such a huge dil and ec sink if what come out of the sb is not even good even for pve?

    as far as not knowing how to play engy or sci class? sorry m8 but i do. im in the best pvp ground fleet atm. FES

    so to even try to question me on ground is a bit stupid. im actually trying to bring up the topic to get the other kits brought inline with tact. im sure anyone who is not as dumb as a rock would have seen the example i gave and understtod very fast.


    If I might say so myself, FES has been loosing quality in it's members, in terms of pvp gameplay, as of late. And, even if you do or do not how to pvp/run a certain type of character, the addition of a pvp reuptation system is simply absurd.
  • broken1981broken1981 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    petst0ne wrote: »
    The only way the stuff from STFS are good is if you're using the omega force on a tac, which I do, infact, do. However, if I don't yet have access to the omega force on a tac character, I will most definitely use fleet equipment. not only guns, but also shields and armor.

    this is untrue in regards to ground. any class fits well with full ground omega. the boost to crit is very good. not to mention the fact it give high dodge. tho maco is not bad either.

    some armor is good actually from sb. but dont expect to survive if getting hit by lung or pounce.
    Join Date: Dec 2007Originally Posted by BROKEN1981
    I can throw [Fireworks] at you and hope you catch on fire and burn to death lol
This discussion has been closed.