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Lifetime Sub Sale + New Benefit



  • khayuungkhayuung Member Posts: 1,876 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Thing is, its not so much about whoop-de-doo other mmos are older, is whether STO will remain around, for life (or at least 16-18 months). I only need to look to SWG --> SWTOR to see an example of a failed MMO that could've gone on forever as F2P, shut their doors and reroll when someone came and bought up their licence.

    And then fail again. Only this time, there's no LTS.

    So the precedent set is unnerving. When is the next Valveware Icefrog fledgling studio is going to make the next big hit, earn enough moolah to bribe out CBS, and make STO2? Though unlikely at this point, it might even be Blizzard-Activision, to go head to head against EA-BW.

    I'd still grab LTS simply because I'm a trekkie that thinks this game should've been more about doffing, exploring and diplomacy, and less about STFs and PVP. Which this game is kinda perfect for. Hopefully by the time I save up enough for LTS, there will be exploration and revamped diplomacy missions to play around with!

    (Though, Cryptic, are you having a bug on my account or something? 1 day I post about Akira carrier, dev appears in thread within 12 hours, and in 1 month the Armitage is announced. Now after I raged about LTS and STO2 yesterday, this happens! I feel the love. And I'm kinda spooked out by it.)

    "Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.

    Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!

    Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
  • jexsamxjexsamx Member Posts: 2,803 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I'm loving how this is generating some forum nerd rage.

    "Captain, sensors are showing a massive understatement in this region of space..."

    I'm loving how this is generating some forum nerd rage.
  • linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    SWTOR announced F2P on its way.
    BioWare said it will arrive by the end of the year.

    We cannot post competitor links here.
  • terminationshockterminationshock Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Seriously what was the downside for this from a company perspective? They sell a lot of new LTS and those that had a bit of the rug pulled out from under them - what are you going to do - cancel that LTS you paid for? No you just have to sit back(or bend over) and accept it.

    From a business perspective, I 100% agree and they have a monopoly of sorts since there are very few SciFi MMOs to choose from (if you want to actually call this an MMO). They have nothing to loose and everything to gain...in the short term. But from my business experience, you don't last long throwing your customers under the bus to gain new ones.

    But like you said..."please sir, may I have another".
  • rreubenrreuben Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I have been a LTS since Beta, I had to wait every 100 days to reach the next tier I enjoyed that as it helped foster a connection with the game the players and the spirit of Star Trek, The system with no attention to acted like it served as a Promotion type event, for every 100 days you were promoted up getting new perks for your service to the game the players and the spirit of ST. The Vet system helped show every one who had the time in game and the skills and knowledge to help others out, With this change that level of security is gone. A player who starts playing a week from now with a LTS will look as if he is a 1,000 day vet, and Im sorry to say that will hurt the game, as people will not be able to trust some one is truly skilled and knows what they are doing. I give a example to this, A few days ago I was Pugging IGE and as I was the pug with a team of 4 fleetys I did as they told as it was their run, It failed twice due to their lack of skill for the run, I was able to show them how to do the run taught them what to do as they saw I was a long time vet they trusted me, that will be gone now as anyone will be a 1,000 day vet who has a LTS, this will hurt the game not make it better, I believe a indicator of how many days played should be added to the UI to help keep the trust.
    ***IcarusElite.org***R'C, 1 of 3, Dr. Bellet(FED)-Pal'Kin, Lihop, Casya(KDF) LVL 50.***Jan '08 Account I EARNED my 1000 days...I didn't BUY it! LTS = Death to Vet. System: 10/10/12 Never Forget Something should be done for those who cared enough to have a 1000+ day sub.
  • khayuungkhayuung Member Posts: 1,876 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    SWTOR going F2P is a good thing, and I really like their monetization model. Encourages devs to make actual content.
    hrisvalar wrote: »
    No, Perfect World really doesn't stand for anything. :P
    Hey, they are much more familiar with the Rules of Acquisition than I ever was!

    They stand for draining your dil.
    jexsamx wrote: »
    "Captain, sensors are showing a massive understatement in this region of space..."


    "I'm picking up large amounts of win in this post, Captain."

    "Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.

    Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!

    Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
  • dreamspiderdreamspider Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    rreuben wrote: »
    I have been a LTS since Beta, I had to wait every 100 days to reach the next tier I enjoyed that as it helped foster a connection with the game the players and the spirit of Star Trek,

    [Snipped for irrelevancy]

    A few days ago I was Pugging IGE and as I was the pug with a team of 4 fleetys I did as they told as it was their run, It failed twice due to their lack of skill for the run, I was able to show them how to do the run taught them what to do as they saw I was a long time vet they trusted me, that will be gone now as anyone will be a 1,000 day vet who has a LTS, this will hurt the game not make it better, I believe a indicator of how many days played should be added to the UI to help keep the trust.

    Since when is age an indicator of experience or relevance?

    Skill presents itself, regardless, and there are far too many 300+day vets who can't pop CSE in less than ten minutes. I judge by ability and not subscription level - I really never look and flatly don't care how long anyone's been playing the game.

    If you can't play, you can't play. If you can, you can, and length-of-subscription doesn't mean jack.
  • solidsamsolidsam Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    While I'm glad to be getting the ships a day early, I'm disappointed that this effectively invalidates the spirit of the 1000 day reward. Does this mean the end of vet rewards as well?
    Formerly known as Khannnnn
    "Spock, this 'child' is about to wipe out every living thing on Earth. Now, what do you suggest we do? Spank it?" -Commander Leonard 'Bones' McCoy, M.D.
  • hrisvalarhrisvalar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The only thing you did to "earn" them was give Cryptic your money.

    100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 or 1000 days ago.

    Maybe you don't recall, or never saw, the state of the game when it launched, but it launched broken. It launched too early cause Cryptic's license was running out, and if they didn't push the whole thing live when they did, CBS could've withdrawn it. And we were asked to pay a large sum of money and gamble this game wouldn't turn into a second Tabula Rasa, or go F2P within a year as TOR (which should've been serious competition) later did. We were asked for a leap of faith, to make that early large investment that went toward further developing the game toward completion. Later on, monthly subscribers paid through half a year where absolutely nothing happened while they worked this game over for PWE to let people in for free. The Vet Rewards were at least something that came out of that. Now though, people can just buy the whole bundle, and while yes, it's added value to the LTSes that were sold recently, or are yet to be sold, it's devalued the LTSes and monthly subscriptions sold early on.

    So what the hell? Then at least cut the Vet Reward interval to 50 days. So people who actually subscribed monthly from the start, and for reasons that would no doubt baffle me continued to do so into F2P, will get the last of the rewards as well at 500 days. Afterall, this move proves that absolutely all that matters to Cryptic under PWE is the money, and anyone who's subscribed that long has paid the value of an LTS. They shouldn't have to buy an LTS on top of that cause consistency is a problem around here.

    (Though I suppose they've been throwing curveballs pretty consistently.)
  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    From a business perspective, I 100% agree and they have a monopoly of sorts since there are very few SciFi MMOs to choose from (if you want to actually call this an MMO). They have nothing to loose and everything to gain...in the short term. But from my business experience, you don't last long throwing your customers under the bus to gain new ones.

    But like you said..."please sir, may I have another".

    Will all the people who poured blood and sweat for 7 months and got a Tier 5 Starbase say "please sir, may I have another" when they show up in the C-store as mods you can buy?
  • weylandjuarezweylandjuarez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    hrisvalar wrote: »
    100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 or 1000 days ago.

    Maybe you don't recall, or never saw, the state of the game when it launched, but it launched broken. It launched too early cause Cryptic's license was running out, and if they didn't push the whole thing live when they did, CBS could've withdrawn it. And we were asked to pay a large sum of money and gamble this game wouldn't turn into a second Tabula Rasa, or go F2P within a year as TOR (which should've been serious competition) later did. We were asked for a leap of faith, to make that early large investment that went toward further developing the game toward completion. Later on, monthly subscribers paid through half a year where absolutely nothing happened while they worked this game over for PWE to let people in for free. The Vet Rewards were at least something that came out of that. Now though, people can just buy the whole bundle, and while yes, it's added value to the LTSes that were sold recently, or are yet to be sold, it's devalued the LTSes and monthly subscriptions sold early on.

    So what the hell? Then at least cut the Vet Reward interval to 50 days. So people who actually subscribed monthly from the start, and for reasons that would no doubt baffle me continued to do so into F2P, will get the last of the rewards as well at 500 days. Afterall, this move proves that absolutely all that matters to Cryptic under PWE is the money, and anyone who's subscribed that long has paid the value of an LTS. They shouldn't have to buy an LTS on top of that cause consistency is a problem around here.

    (Though I suppose they've been throwing curveballs pretty consistently.)

    Thanks for this post - you've put it far more eloquently (and with a good deal more patience) than I've been able to.
    Please join our peaceful protest to help make STO a better game
    Proudly not contributing to PWE's bottom-line since October 2012
  • terminationshockterminationshock Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Ok, I'm done complaining. Nothing will come from it and I get a new ship tomorrow. Oh well...
  • gramogramo Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I am so glad i continued to pay my $15 per month every month waiting to get my much anticipated 1000 day reward. Then along strolls ensign Ricky buys a reduced Lifetime sub and they get all the Vet rewards i have earned and Paid 3 times as much for. This is the last straw. I so sick and tired or PWE and Cryptic Sh*tting on their gold members. they should have told us before now they were going to be giving this stuff away with subs. No they wanted to gouge every last penny out of gold members. Sure why not have a reward fro life subs but not the reward for the 1000 day vet. it supposed to be an earned reward for loyalty not effectivly a c-store ship you can buy with a your life sub.

    I pledge to never give PWE another penny of my money they do not deserve my mopney, my loyalty or my time.

    It is so disapointing when you spend all your time defending the game to everyone only to be shafted from behind by the people you are defening. They should have told us they were planning to do this and we could have made an infomred decission on what to do. Instaead they waited till the last possible minute to release this info so they can gouge every last penny out of gold members.

    So tired ans o disappointed
  • jared1701jared1701 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Ultimatly for STO to survive it has to make money, if this will help them make more money then I'm all for it. and I get my 1000 day ship 250 days early!
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." Jean-Luc Picard
  • icegavelicegavel Member Posts: 991 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Ironically, I calculated what date I'd get each of those rewards. Guess I miscalculated. Still, best news I've gotten in a long time.

    Now if only my stipend would get here... or, could I at least get a ticker telling me WHEN I'm getting my stipend?
  • shaanithegreenshaanithegreen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    hrisvalar wrote: »
    100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 or 1000 days ago.

    Maybe you don't recall, or never saw, the state of the game when it launched, but it launched broken.

    Paying for a broken product is not a magnanimous act. It's not an achievement, it does not require effort. If paying money for a broken game was an act of faith or charity, then everyone who bought any game released in the past ten years on it's launch day is Mother Teresa.

    Furthermore, it is possible this game is past it's prime, the economy could still take another dip, and it may well not last 1000 more days. The game is older now than when it came out, and certainly closer to it's end than it was on day one. People still need just as much faith now as they did then.

    People who buy a LTS now will NEVER play the game for free during P2P, they will never get exclusive access to 9/10ths of the vet rewards for any amount of time, and very likely they will never recoup their initial investment value in terms of subscription money, which you already have. Even if they DO, you will still have more months of free dilithium due to being around longer, nor as many days of premium service as you.

    Your LTS is more valuable in the long run than new ones, and always will be, due to simple arithmetic. You just don't have an exclusive ship to flaunt this fact anymore.
  • matteo716maikaimatteo716maikai Member Posts: 823
    edited October 2012
    so much for making those who have actually played for 1000 days (and have a life time) actually feel like they accoplished something....
  • rikwesselsrikwessels Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    While I understand the reasoning behind the scheme ( me being a f2p player) for Cryptic to try to make more cash short-term by selling LTS's ,I still feel for those that went through open/closed beta and bought a lifetime subscription on day 1 ...

    There should always be some sort of recognition of that kind of devotion and loyalty which is NOT available for those joining the game much,much later ( be it a title , uniform or whatever) .To "give all " to NEW lifetime subscribers isn't a problem but then you also need to add something special for the true veterans which still recognizes them as the "originals". Else there's very little point in calling it a veteran's rewards program.

    In short I agree with the folks voicing their disapproval of this scheme ..
  • mirai222mirai222 Member Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    so much for making those who have actually played for 1000 days (and have a life time) actually feel like they accoplished something....

    I count my accomplishments on how I've built up my characters over the years, not by the extra little perks I've picked up here and there. I'm happy to share the perks with newbie lifers.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The devs could have released this lifetime perk 1000 days after the game launched to give beta lifers a chance to fly the ship for a couple of weeks before the rest of the lifers got it since we have waited 1000 days to get it. Now anyone with $200 can get the same things a beta lifer had to wait for? Was happy for today with the news of the new vet ships and the title that we are getting a new lifetime perk, but I already have that perk so whats the point. Good job on smashing my hopes on a new lifetime perk Cryptic.
  • gramogramo Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    It sadly all boils down to have pay the most money the quickest. NO consideration is give to loyalty, investment, or effort. I can pay ?124 right now and be given all the perks and rewards i have paid nearly ?400 for over the past 985 days. lets just cut out the middle man here . Lets just save time and when you log in to STO the screen flashed "Game complete" and you'll receive a bill for ?300. I would probibly feel about as valued if that happened.

    It is so gauling to see people ont he game 5 minutes get all the reward i have work and paid for, for over 2 1/2 years.
  • domparisdomparis Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    gramo wrote: »
    I am so glad i continued to pay my $15 per month every month waiting to get my much anticipated 1000 day reward. Then along strolls ensign Ricky buys a reduced Lifetime sub and they get all the Vet rewards i have earned and Paid 3 times as much for. This is the last straw. I so sick and tired or PWE and Cryptic Sh*tting on their gold members. they should have told us before now they were going to be giving this stuff away with subs. No they wanted to gouge every last penny out of gold members. Sure why not have a reward fro life subs but not the reward for the 1000 day vet. it supposed to be an earned reward for loyalty not effectivly a c-store ship you can buy with a your life sub.

    I pledge to never give PWE another penny of my money they do not deserve my mopney, my loyalty or my time.

    It is so disapointing when you spend all your time defending the game to everyone only to be shafted from behind by the people you are defening. They should have told us they were planning to do this and we could have made an infomred decission on what to do. Instaead they waited till the last possible minute to release this info so they can gouge every last penny out of gold members.

    So tired ans o disappointed

    Same here, I've been paying subs since this game began and I have seen it through all the way to now. now they tell us that someone can just come and get the rewards we have been patient for. It just sickens me knowing that money is more important to them then loyalty :(
    =/\= LLAP =/\=
    Join date Jan 2010
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Member Posts: 1,728 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I've been a lifer well passed the 1100 days in champions and 996 here in STO and frankly this kind of make it feel "pay 2 win" to me. Vet rewards are supposed to be a thank you for sticking with the game for so long, not give me "$300 and i'll give you some goodies", especially since there won't be any more vet rewards, it just makes it all the more Pay to win. It kind of seems insulting to those who already have the 1000 days as well as those who still pay monthly but won't be getting the vet rewards all at once.

    It just strikes me as both disrespectful to the long term players/fans as well as a cheap cash grab. It's really kind of painful to think that a game that's only around because of the support of it's long term players (anyone who's been around since beta knows what i mean) is doing such a terrible thing. Especially given that every thing they've promised lifers so far went out the window about a month afterwards it's really seems like they've just given up on caring about the fans. The LTS was originally sold as a package deal, of which we only had the liberated borg delivered as well as stay lifer only. Everything else never happened or in the case of the captain's table went vet reward. Then when people started making a fuss about it Stormy said "they don't have to pay to play any more and they should be happy to even have that" which upset a lot of people.

    Life time subscriptions have always been the redheaded stepchild second only to the KDF, because lets face it, Cryptic has treated the dedicated KDF way worse than lifers let alone the lifer s that are KDF only who should be doubly mad. I could understand if it were maybe a short sale bonus for a limited time, but even then it's still just a disrespectful cash grab that spits on the long time fans.
  • domparisdomparis Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    rikwessels wrote: »
    While I understand the reasoning behind the scheme ( me being a f2p player) for Cryptic to try to make more cash short-term by selling LTS's ,I still feel for those that went through open/closed beta and bought a lifetime subscription on day 1 ...

    There should always be some sort of recognition of that kind of devotion and loyalty which is NOT available for those joining the game much,much later ( be it a title , uniform or whatever) .To "give all " to NEW lifetime subscribers isn't a problem but then you also need to add something special for the true veterans which still recognizes them as the "originals". Else there's very little point in calling it a veteran's rewards program.

    In short I agree with the folks voicing their disapproval of this scheme ..

    I completely agree with you. This reward was going to be a ship that distinguished all the veterans as the people who have waited, and the people who have supported this game. There will have to be something really special cryptic would have to give to the veterans to show that they are the veterans.
    =/\= LLAP =/\=
    Join date Jan 2010
  • shaanithegreenshaanithegreen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    domparis wrote: »
    I completely agree with you. This reward was going to be a ship that distinguished all the veterans as the people who have waited, and the people who have supported this game. There will have to be something really special cryptic would have to give to the veterans to show that they are the veterans.

    I'm not opposed to this, but if we're just going by how long an account has been active, then Silvers should get it as well.

    If you're going by how long you're paying to play, then there's no reason for lifers to wait, and the wait makes buying a new LTS to get the ship a needlessly risky venture.
  • captallendalecaptallendale Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    starkaos wrote: »
    The devs could have released this lifetime perk 1000 days after the game launched to give beta lifers a chance to fly the ship for a couple of weeks before the rest of the lifers got it since we have waited 1000 days to get it. Now anyone with $200 can get the same things a beta lifer had to wait for? Was happy for today with the news of the new vet ships and the title that we are getting a new lifetime perk, but I already have that perk so whats the point. Good job on smashing my hopes on a new lifetime perk Cryptic.

    Now that is perfectly understandable. And I truly think the titles that you get at x100 day milestones should stay that way, and hope that is how that will work. I just subscribe to the theory that it is not a zero-sum thing. New LTS getting the same stuff you get does not take away from you. Beta LTS's still got exceptionally MORE value out of than a new person will.

    To be honest the whole game is like this. I could grind dilithium for weeks to get enough zen to buy a new ship, and someone else can come in a plunk down $25 and get it tomorrow.

    I am not trying to argue with the people hurt by this. I do understand where they are coming from. They have some right to feel all butthurt. But let's face it, it is the way it is. It is good to complain for a bit on here, nothing wrong with that. But at the end of the day we have to face the reality. I am trying to bring some rational thought in to make the acceptance a little easier.

    What I really can not understand is how someone would decide not to play anymore. Nothing was really taken away from the actual game at least.

    That being said, I wish this outrage will make them listen a little and maybe think about something they can do to make Beta LTS's feel a little better. They do deserve SOMETHING.
  • knockyknocky Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Would those of you that are raging on PW be less wrathful if lifetime rewards were only valid on the subs bought during the sale?
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    knocky wrote: »
    Would those of you that are raging on PW be less wrathful if lifetime rewards were only valid on the subs bought during the sale?

    No. It would be a sore issue that people point back to forever because that's what MMO players do.
  • boglejam73boglejam73 Member Posts: 890 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    knocky wrote: »
    Would those of you that are raging on PW be less wrathful if lifetime rewards were only valid on the subs bought during the sale?

    I'm guessing you haven't been around the forum much, eh?

    Ragers gonna rage, bro. :D
  • kbflordkruegkbflordkrueg Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    hrisvalar wrote: »
    Maybe you don't recall, or never saw, the state of the game when it launched, but it launched broken. It launched too early cause Cryptic's license was running out, and if they didn't push the whole thing live when they did, CBS could've withdrawn it. And we were asked to pay a large sum of money and gamble this game wouldn't turn into a second Tabula Rasa, or go F2P within a year as TOR (which should've been serious competition) later did. We were asked for a leap of faith, to make that early large investment that went toward further developing the game toward completion. Later on, monthly subscribers paid through half a year where absolutely nothing happened while they worked this game over for PWE to let people in for free. The Vet Rewards were at least something that came out of that. Now though, people can just buy the whole bundle, and while yes, it's added value to the LTSes that were sold recently, or are yet to be sold, it's devalued the LTSes and monthly subscriptions sold early on.

    I am forced to agree with my esteemed colleage...

    Registered the fleet in 2008 on the website to secure the name.
    Watched forums for almost 2 years.
    Got pre-order LTS, played Beta for a cple hrs until I figured out there were no Klingons.
    Then started in Headstart, formed KDF fleet 40+ strong first day in.
    Same fleet today, some of the same members, but many left after 30-90 days in, mostly due to the state of the Empire.
    Several new members since F2P.
    And I have spent more than double, maybe a lot more lost track long ago, than the cost of the LTS in the C/Zstore.
    11 days until the 1K reward.
    And now Johnny New Guy that joined last week and decides to buy an LTS will have all the same "Vet" items that my Fleetmates and I earned for all our support and tolerance of the issues, bugs, and mega grinding...:confused:
    Yay for Johnny...
    Lord Krueg
    KBF CO
    We are the Dead
    join date Aug 2008
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