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slyism3003 Arc User



  • For me my favorite Janeway moment had to be during "Bride of Chaotica " when they were in the conference room. Paris had just suggested to her to be in the program. Seven makes some sort of sarcastic comment when Janeway looks at her and says "Thanks" while at the same time puts her hand out as to say " One more of those…
  • If this isn't canon, then what's with the star voice overs?
  • Been trying it with the 360 AP beam, Obiesk warp core, Assimilated set and a quantum torpedo for kick. May go with Adapted MACO or the Mk XII Jem'Hadar set. Assimilated is only Mk XI but actually is fun to use. Can't go wrong with a tractor beam! :D VADM Malinda Leisha Ketchem, Federation Ambassador, U.S.S. Orlando
  • These are your real culprits.:D
  • Well, I guess its back to watching DVD Extras of TNG.:confused:
  • For a screenshot w/o the HUD I hold down CTRL then press PRNT SCRN. Hope it helps.
  • Really nice! Reclaim my Exter and get Fleet Nebula or go with one, buy 2 more slots and get Odyssey 3-pack. Thanks y'all!!
  • Definitely loved the new FE! It really did have a feel of a movie! One thing though, after the battle at Qo'nos and everyone is in the Great Hall did anyone launch any discoballs? Seeing Tuvok, Worf, and Admiral Quinn cut a rug was quite priceless indeed:D! VADM Malinda Leisha Ketchem, Federation Ambassador, U.S.S.…
  • Leave the Oddy alone! Even with the Star Cruiser I can put out decent dps. Saving for the bundle. One will have all the of consoles and the other two straight beasts. Just leave her alone! VADM Malinda Leisha Ketchem, Federation Ambassador, U.S.S. Orlando(and proud to be an Oddy!);)
  • You'll be seriously missed and hope that your family and future endeavors be rich in fiber!:D VADM Malinda Leisha Ketchem, Federation Ambassador, U.S.S. Orlando;)
  • To me, it cheapens this. VADM Malinda Leisha Ketchem, Federation Ambassador, U.S.S. Orlando:mad:
  • Just finished watching First Contact. Just thought that it's funny that the Federation started in a bar with a broken jukebox. May take out the Soveveign today (the original U.S.S. Orlando). VADM Malinda Leisha Ketchem, Federation Ambassador, U.S.S. Orlando;)
  • Building up fleet mine & embassy, accolade hunting(U.F.P. Medal Of Honor:D), just finished MU and making life a nightmare for my bridge crew. Recently redid all of my Boffs so now they are all purple quality plus retaining their individual looks (a LOT of going back & forth to the tailor). Now grinding for new uniforms but…
  • I'm currently running on this on my Oddy Cruiser (2 year gift): Fore: Rom Hyper Torp, Adv. Plasma Torp.,Exp. Plasma Array, Adv. Fleet Plasma Array(Dmgx2 Accx2) Aft: 2 Adv. Plasma Arrays(same as fore), Omega Torp. & KCB Had Antiprotons for arrays but switched to plasma because of overall plasma damage with Zero Point…
  • Usually some liquid drum & bass (LSB, Netsky, and Bassdrive.com) to get me going. Nothing like going through Tour the Galaxy to a nice bass line.
  • Finished on my main a couple of weeks ago. Plan on starting on the Klingon once I get an acct. bank.
  • Thanks for the ups y'all! Right now I have the Assimilated Set Mk XII on my Odyssey(also a Mk XI on my Nebula and Mk X on my Mirror Sovereign), Omega Set, Dyson Warp Core(good for shields), Exp. Plasma Array(plan on getting another one along with Plasma Torpedo) and the Tetryon Weapon from T5 Nukara completion. All depends…
  • Maybe its me but I like to fly the Phoenix after ISE or KASE is finished , just before I leave the map. Feels like I'm rubbing it in the Borg's face.:D
  • Sorry. Was trying to put in pics but somehow messed up. Do I drag & drop or am I missing something?