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Romulan Plasma for Ships

cancelleracancellera Member Posts: 77 Arc User
edited April 2014 in Federation Discussion
Hi guys,

I'm a big fan of plasma torpedoes... but are romulan plasma beam weapons any different in DPV/DPS from Fleet (Advanced) Plasma versions?

Also, is the Romulan space plasma worth the trouble compared to a non-reputation Fleet equivalent?

I'm currently running a Fleet tetryon beam/cannon loadout with Fleet adv plasma torp up front and Omega plasma torp behind.
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  • ltdata96ltdata96 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    IMO RomPlas are not that awesome as some players say they are.
    Antiproton does a better job if you have the Crit Chance to support it.

    For RomPlas vs. FleetPlas i'd take the fleet ones, they're considerably cheaper and i certainly prefer a [Dmg]x2 mod to a 2,5% chance to reduce the DRM of my target by 10. That said i actually don't understand the hype made around the RomPlas, they aren't THAT great...
  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    RomPlas trades off a mod for a Disruptor proc. Advanced Fleet weapons will have 4 mods, so it'll be short 2 mods in comparison.

    For a DHC/turret loadout, I would recommend Advanced Fleet plasma DHCs and Romulan Plasma turrets. The loss of 2 mods on turrets results in a very small loss in DPS, which should be more than offset by increase in damage damage from your DHCs/torpedoes if the Disruptor proc occurs.

    If you're a beamboat, then stick just one Fore and Aft (one of which should be the Experimental Beam Array because it has 0 drain) and call it good.

    I'm personally running all RomPlas beams, but that's because I'm in a carrier and it buffs the damage of my hangers.
  • cancelleracancellera Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I'm on an Avenger - essentially a cruiser with 800 crew and turn rate (Fleet Mk xii RCS) that allows me to use front/rear torpedoes extremely quickly.

    What about plasma torps? Romulan or Omega? I have one Adv Fleet Plasma torp in front where i need faster torpedoes, but I like to 'strafe' by so a hard hitting high-yield out back would be awesome.

    I don't mind being caught in the high-yield blast - the plasma burn doesnt seem to affect me (high hull regen with max skillpts and BOFF buffs trait buffs).
  • sonnikkusonnikku Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    cancellera wrote: »
    I'm on an Avenger - essentially a cruiser with 800 crew and turn rate (Fleet Mk xii RCS) that allows me to use front/rear torpedoes extremely quickly.

    What about plasma torps? Romulan or Omega? I have one Adv Fleet Plasma torp in front where i need faster torpedoes, but I like to 'strafe' by so a hard hitting high-yield out back would be awesome.

    I don't mind being caught in the high-yield blast - the plasma burn doesnt seem to affect me (high hull regen with max skillpts and BOFF buffs trait buffs).

    The Omega torp got neutered. Unlimited ammo bug fixed without a balancing pass being done on it's dps after the fact. The tooltip on it also lies making it sound like it unleashes far more damage than it does.
  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The Omega torp as a constantly firing torpedo fore does less DPS than a Photon or Quantum launcher (which are the best DPS torps). When using Torpedo Spread, it parsed worse than a Fleet Advanced Plasma torp. I can't imagine it'd be much better aft, though I don't PvP.

    The Rom Hyper-Plasma torp is situationally better than a normal Plasma torp. When using HYT on high hull targets like in an STF, it definitely does better. Torpedo Spread is not as good. If you only manage to get one target in the arc you end up firing two torps instead of the normal three. If you manage to max your targets, you get a giant clusterfrack of torpedoes, but that's still no good because if there's that many targets, they're probably normal enemies which will die before your torpedoes get there. You'd probably want HYT anyway.

    In general, I found the only enemies that don't die before my torpedoes get there are the big STF structures or Tac Cubes. Even on a normal cube, I'll maybe get one volley in if it launches right away.

    So if you're mounting a torp aft, I'd recommend the Hyper-Plasma. Only the first torpedo requires your target to be in the arc. It's actually possible in a high turn rate ship to target with your butt, have the Hyper-Plasma start firing, turn around, and fire the 3rd torp out your front. I'd assume that your cruiser would also have the Experimental Rom Plasma Array, so you'd get the 3-set bonus too.

    If you're fighting Voth, switch out the Hyper-Plasma, it'll almost never hit a target before it gets nuked.

    In general though, I prefer the Wide-Angle Quantum Torp launcher on my cruisers. :P
  • neos472neos472 Member Posts: 580 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    the Romulan torp is a real bad mix for escorts since they are always in a HY form they tend to injure your ship if you are doing straifing runs or an up close Alpha sooo i have to reccomend that only as a siege weapon for PVE against static targets otherwise its not useful to anything but a cruiser.
    manipulator of time and long time space traveler
  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    RomPlas, basically you're trading the [Dmg]x2 of an Advanced Fleet weapon for a disruptor proc, though that proc goes off at the same time as your plasma proc, making burns a little nastier. And of course being plasma, you can use the Romulan Harness set and the Embassy Science consoles to boost it further. Generally, its very nice both for team support and hull-burning setups. Antiproton can outdo it for personal DPS though, but that requires you get your Crit Hit chance to 20+ to really amplify the effects of the damage bonuses, so your choice of the three largely depends on what you're flying and how you're flying it.
  • ksathra2ksathra2 Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Still think the best torps in the game are the grav torps. Those things are perfect for escorts and sci ships and do some great damage with torp spreads.
  • nobletnoblet Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    ksathra2 wrote: »
    Still think the best torps in the game are the grav torps. Those things are perfect for escorts and sci ships and do some great damage with torp spreads.

    It depends on your definition of "best." Frankly, grav torp don't stand out enough in any aspect that it's hard to call them "best" by any definition. Spike is low, dps is poor even with rift dps counted in. Romulan torp, on the other hand, gets by far the highest dps of any weapon, including energy weapons. One Romulan torp with 0 tac console cycling 2 copies of torp spread will far outdps 2 dhcs with 5 tac consoles cycling 2 copies of csv. It spawns a huge number of green balls, each are fully aoe, their initial impact dmg is aoe, and their plasma burn splash is aoe, works especially well with grav well. Only if they hit, of course. Doesn't work against Tholians.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    If you're a Torp Boat and have not killed yourself several times by your own torpedo blasts, you're not playing aggressive enough :cool:
  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    noblet wrote: »
    Romulan torp, on the other hand, gets by far the highest dps of any weapon, including energy weapons. One Romulan torp with 0 tac console cycling 2 copies of torp spread will far outdps 2 dhcs with 5 tac consoles cycling 2 copies of csv. It spawns a huge number of green balls, each are fully aoe, their initial impact dmg is aoe, and their plasma burn splash is aoe, works especially well with grav well. Only if they hit, of course. Doesn't work against Tholians.

    That's really the trick, isn't it?

    Back when I was in a JHEC, I never had the Hyper-Plasma torp with TS3 parse anything close to one DHC with two copies of CSV1 in an STF.

    Assuming your teammates aren't ****, every group will die before your torpedoes get there. At least half the time you won't even be spewing a cloud of torpedoes, because most of the group is dead, so then you're just spitting out two torpedoes instead of three. Heck, I got 12k DPS in ISE back then and would kill groups on my own before my torpedoes managed to get there.

    Using HYT3 instead of TS3 actually gave me higher numbers, since I could use it on the Gateways and Tac Cubes, which would actually live enough to be hit. The Hyper-Plasma pissed me off with its inability to hit anything, and a Fleet Plasma torp with TS3 parsed higher than the HYT3.

    (Switching in the Grav Torpedo and the Experimental Proton weapon in place of the plasma torp and a DHC gave me another 1k DPS. Didn't need a different setup against the Voth, either.)

    If you actually use Projectile DOffs, your results may vary. I did not find the Hyper-Plasma to be better than the Grav Torpedo with the Exp Proton weapon.
  • adwynythadwynyth Member Posts: 369 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    cancellera wrote: »
    What about plasma torps? Romulan or Omega? I have one Adv Fleet Plasma torp in front where i need faster torpedoes, but I like to 'strafe' by so a hard hitting high-yield out back would be awesome.

    Yes. Both.

    I have a D'Kora with all RomPlas beams and the Romulan Hyper-Plasma up front, as well as the Omega aft.

    The Romulan Hyper-Plasma one is great because you get 3 torps at a time under normal use. They're all still slow and destructible, but with a couple of Projectile Weapons doffs, you can have a truly astonishing stream of torps flying at your target. And they do some good damage.

    High-Yield: 3 big mamas. Just meaner versions of the standard fire.

    Also, the torps find a new target nearby when the initial one is destroyed, so the extra torps do NOT go to waste.

    For Spread, you get two torps at each target, so I avoid using it on a single-target, as you actually lose a torp. Honestly, I've never been able to determine whether each torp is meaner, so you may not be losing anything. That's my lack of attention, sorry.

    One thing I've learned from this launcher: NPCs don't shoot torps down often. Usually, it's just AoE effects that destroy them if you have bad luck or bad timing.

    As for the Omega in back, I find a couple of useful attributes.

    One is: it has 5 charges, and if it's fully charged up, you get all 5 torps one second apart. If you present your fore to your targets for ~45 seconds at a time, you'll get the full contingent of 5 when you next present them your butt.

    Secondly, Spread acts just as it does on normal plasma torpedo launchers, firing a crapload of torpedos in seemingly all directions. Also useful for fast-moving, nondestructible burst damage against a single target.

    Thirdly, and best of all, high-yield on the Omega gives you a ridiculous damage "Plasma Energy Bolt", just like the mama-ship in Red Alerts (and tac cubes, etc). And yes, if shields are down (or close to it), it does stupid amounts of damage.

    Anyway, this is just my take. So, yes. Both. Get 'em both, and I'm a big fan of getting both full sets (Omega/Cutting Beam/Console and Beam/Hyper-Plasma/Console). There's something to like a lot in each set's bonuses.
  • uryenserellonturyenserellont Member Posts: 858 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Omega torp seems only good for HY now. I've gotten crazy damage like 97k from it. The regular torps do very little damage though. The tooltip lies. It doesn't do anywhere near the DPS it says it does. HY though, holy cow it's a beast if it crits. Pretty good even if it doesn't crit.

    I'm finding romulan hyper torp better overall. The HY hyper torps don't do anywhere near the crazy wtf omega HY damage but it's hyper torp spread I love. Grav well, APO 3, CSV 3, torp spread 2 is beautiful. I gather a bunch of ships in mirror invasion, pop all those and watch the damage spam.
  • slyism3003slyism3003 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I'm currently running on this on my Oddy Cruiser (2 year gift):

    Fore: Rom Hyper Torp, Adv. Plasma Torp.,Exp. Plasma Array, Adv. Fleet Plasma Array(Dmgx2 Accx2)

    Aft: 2 Adv. Plasma Arrays(same as fore), Omega Torp. & KCB

    Had Antiprotons for arrays but switched to plasma because of overall plasma damage with Zero Point Console.

    I try to run with full sets as much as possible for the bonuses.

    For OP, set it up right and you have a serious beast.
  • age03age03 Member Posts: 1,664 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    When it come to using a Rom Torpedos as i remember they are energy based you need to invest a lot of points in Torpedo targeting.

    When it comes to playing fed use phasers or anti proton,torpedos photon or quantum.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Age StarTrek-Gamers Administrator
    USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
    Star Trek Gamers
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Might be worth reminding people of the buff HY plasma torps get from the Romulan or Reman space set.

    Makes them considerably quicker and harder to kill.

    Which also helps if youre addicted to straight line strafing and keep getting caught in your own plasma bang.

    Personally a couple of quick doglegs solves that problem for me....
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