As a general rule, I think they've stuck to that pretty well. The only one that break it that springs to mind is the Vo'Quv... That I would like ;) Actually, they put considerably more effort into the temporal ships than any other ships. Remember when they made 3 skins for each ship rather than just 1? Well, 3 is greater…
That's my point, it wouldn't make sense. The six temporal ships are actually (as we all know) the 2 temporal ships. They just don't want people flying ships of other factions. So, they added a skin to allow the KDF & Roms to use said ships. They are not distinctly different ships. Hell, they aren't even different ships. By…
I don't hate the Voth, I do however find it odd that they chose the Voth over a more significant/noteworthy race. I suppose this does give Cryptic more freedom though, so it kinda makes sense...
I never understood this assumption. From a financial perspective, Cryptic get nothing out of it, they just have the cost of running the servers. Ideally, we'd buy everything and then never play the game. I assume that cryptic are nice people, and most of their employees want to make something fun to be enjoyed by we, the…
You inferred, I did not imply. I did apologise for my poor wording previously, so I think you should just blame me. On that: telbasta7386, I sincerely apologise. I shall try not to do it again...
Consider my actual intent. Of course, you had no way of knowing that for certain. I'll admit I didn't make that entirely clear, and perhaps I should have specified the majority of my post was an open statement. Although I had expected that to be quite obvious... To try and make things clearer, the only part directed…
Why should there be? There's no fleet Thermionic, no fleet Wing cannons, no fleet Aux cannons, no fleet retrofit phasers, no fleet chroniton beam banks, no fleet Rapid fire missile launchers... All of those fit into the same category, why should Quad cannons be special? What you actually mean is you want them.
Yeah, I kinda covered that... Twice... But thanks for repeating me, and missing the point all in one fell swoop :) So, just exactly what percentage of people would you expect to shell out the money for a shortcut? You'd still have the vast majority of players to populate your queues. Also, I don't know about you, but I…
I've always thought they should just add Elite level content for Nukara/Rommie/Choice-of marks. That's the only reason vault gives you 30 and ISE gives you 90 (in a third of the time). Just a couple of nice ESTF-esque runs for the other reps, and everybody could be moderately displeased about other things instead! Edit:…
Yes, and your point is? From cryptics point of view, this'd probably be a good thing: + money, - expenses. From a players point of view, anybody with an ounces of altruism would want to "make" players do something they don't want to. Yes, I'm aware that nobody forces people to earn the end game rewards - but making such a…
Why? That'd kinda defeat the point of the concept... No, it's a very sensible wish. I want to get more output for the same input, just like the people who want the price to go down (or up from my pov :P)
Getting first place wouldn't be hard... Remembering back to the Crystalline Catastrophe event: all of my characters got first place atleast ones (for all my tacticals it was more like 90% of the time, engineers 50%, sci notably less - I suck at sci :P). This includes the 1 character I've put a lot off effort in to, the 4…
I think the reasoning around this is the same as the species respec. They claim this is too complex to implement. However, if changing the basic profile data itself is too hard, I don't see why they couldn't just copy over all your items, accolades, statistics and whatever else onto a new character. Unless it's all…
I want the somewhat matallic, sleek rifles from late DS9 & TNG era films. i.e. the ones that actually look nice. The ones that look more like this, not those strange white sticks with a diamond on the end, not the silly holographic white/chrome ones we have, none of those silly bulbous and/or spiky designs. Nice weapons…
See "Shortcut packs" in many, many other games. I'd approve, although I wouldn't purchase. Seems to me that people that want to play the game for fun shouldn't have to waste days doing something they don't want to do, merely to get the equipment they want. Keep in mind that I've often argued against the people who want the…
I remember seeing it mentioned in an Ask Cryptic, Dev Blog or interview or something... No idea where, I'm pretty sure it was more of a "we might..." or "we'd like..." than a "we will...". Also, I'd have gone for "It's only been half a year"... That's a justification that always amused me - I remember a carrier thread…
I wouldn't use them, regardless of the price. But that's just me ;) Also why I was somewhat hesitant with my original wording: Saying they're not overpriced, then pointing out they're useless... Let me correct that: 50 refined dil is not a lot, but the items are useless so you might as well waste it elsewhere.