I should have thought that with the Kobali Doff pack that was in the latest lock box no-one would be using common doffs for R&D crafting any more considering the exchange has been flooded with cheap purples. Kobali doff pack last time I checked sold for 1.5-2m EC for 3 purple R&D Doffs
If you upgrade an item, the rarity will stay the same with a small chance of going to the next rarity (Very Rare to Ultra Rare) The rarity of an item will NEVER go decrease
Glad to see that some of our ideas are finally being heard and acted upon, but to me this is far from finished, Here is my list of what still needs to be done/fixed 1. Filters needs to have Specialisation unchecked, it is a pain to have to manually uncheck all boxes to just list 1 or 2 specialisations, especially as you…
is there any possibility that Cryptic can implement a selection box so that players can choose between the old Doff UI and the new bulky cumbersome UI?? The new UI is not suited to purpose, requirements don't fit into the small box and usually means having to expand the UI to the whole screen to see everything, choosing…
One fact you may have neglected to mention or think of is that your way would basically make MK XII consoles available to everyone instantly when they reach the right level to craft them, particles are not hard to come by, especially as you can convert your current data samples and particle traces to the new materials,…
Just no, this is a terrible idea. Doffing is totally different to the rep system and should never be handled the same. In the rep system your missions stop at 100k, it doesn't in Doffing. I should imagine it is far too hard to program the system to cancel any bonus when you hit 100k in CXP Also 10x the amount bonus?? on…
So you are basically griping because if you don't get the optionals in a PUG then you want to quit and try again, the 1 hour wait for leaving STFs is there to stop people like you bailing at the 1st sign of something going wrong to restart, as was suggested by someone else, join a fleet so you can get fleet mates to run…
I usually enquire at the beginning if people know tactics for the various STFs if I am doing a PUG and then help explain it to anyone who doesn't to help along. The worse I have seen in a STF is Cure elite where I was playing with 4 random Tacts (I'm science) none of them wanted to go anywhere near the cubes and all sat…
I'd like to add a couple to this 1. face/skin textures on my toons/Boffs are glitched. (e.g. plain red face comes out glitched and blotchy, Jem Hadar Boff has 1/4 of his face coloured pink as if he was human) 2. Game always crashes if changing maps when doff screen is open ( I'm aware easy to close each time, but sometimes…
Please note I never said I wanted DS9 replaced with the new design, if you actually read what I said [/QUOTE]I would love to know with the latest books introducing a new DS9 station whether STO will be looking into implementing this into the game at some point?[/QUOTE] You will see that I mentioned the books introducing…
I am not stating that they replace DS9 with the new starbase in game, but as it would be a new design it might be good if they create new stations in the future to use it instead of the standard spacedock layout
If they do introduce Tact fleet consoles I do hope it is only for the lesser used ones that give boosts to mine damage, general torpedo or beam/cannon damage and not to specific weapon types like phaser, disruptor etc.. The MK XII consoles are nearly solely procured from doing the childrens toys doff assignments, if all…
Not that unlikely as they have managed to do it to get the Vesta class ship, and were also looking into getting access for new ships from the Voyager books like the Merian class & Mulcier classes
you are definitely in the wrong fleet, personally I give my fleet access to what they want whenever, if there is a restriction I'll raise it temporally to allow them to buy if they are too low a rank (only 1st rank in fleet) there shouldnt be any restriction at all
There is one Rare doff Assignment: Deliver Prototype Technology to Allies in Gamma Quadrant (espionage) This needs one of each of the Prototype plans (12 in total) and gives 1k Dilithium and a stack of each of the Gamma Quadrant Commodities Critical Success will give 4k Dilithium & larger stacks of gamma quadrant…