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saiwot Arc User



  • I also think that the weapon should shoot a bolt, but I would also like for the secondary attack work like isometric charge. It could bounce from enemy to enemy doing more and more damage.
  • I have this same problem. And yes the MVAM needs some work. It is not really useful. The sections need some carrier type commands because all they ever do is fly off and die. I never use the MVAM console.:rolleyes:
  • Throw out the T5-U nonsense and just let players upgrade their T5 ships to T6. There should be a percentage based fee to upgrade any T5 ship to a T6 and it should be based on how much the T5 ship cost compared to the T6. Cryptic it is creating a new subclass of ships similar to how the current T5 ships are compared to the…
  • I really didn't care for the hourly events. Whatever I wanted to do many times was either before or after I was online. However, the hourly events were better than nothing and it seems they pulled them before there was anything ready to put in their place. Something works better than nothing in this case. :rolleyes: I…
  • WOW! I really forgot how bad it looked. I have been with the game since BETA and the first thing that I saw that disappointed me was the old ESD. I mean really that thing was bad and looked like it had been plucked from some random fantasy space game that was canceled. STO didn't even try to look like a Star Trek game. So…
  • WOW! I think you have changed my mind. The OP's idea is a terrible because....... 1) Players will spend money on this game thinking they will win more often. 2) Someone will try to use a game play mechanic at the wrong time in the wrong place and fail. 3) A developer will have to write code for the game. Writing code for a…
  • I was about to say something like this. What is better the multi-vector advanced escort with a LCDR SCI or the tactical escort retrofit? I think the only honest argument that could be made against this idea is that players would more often than not use ships with less effective boff setups and be less effective in game.…
  • This changes your basic understanding of the game. Oh no the sky is falling! This idea doesn't turn an escort into a cruiser or a science ship into an escort. That is what I think is the most important and the OP's idea doesn't affect that. This whole argument that you need to know what you are up against is bogus. "Oh,…
  • I came up with this idea a while back and I don't think I was ever motivated enough to post anything about it. I would like to have this option in the c-store how you described it. While I would really like to have this why would the Devs do it? The only way they really have in their minds to market c-store ships and…
  • They are just a few of those forgotten things that haven't been fixed yet. At least they made the C-Store EV suits vet rewards and they do look nice IMO. Maybe they would have sold well if they had come with a costume unlock. I think for the longest time I used the free one I got from the Dominion FE series. Looking at the…
  • Why not have 100 marks = 1 commendation. For some reason when I am not having fun doing new things in game I am not spending money on the game. Making the reputation system take longer so I need to repeat the same content has the opposite effect, but statistically I guess players like me are a minority. I am fleet of one I…
  • So you are saying that the current kits let you pull limitless grenades out of your pants, so you don't support customizable tricorders in place of kits because it doesn't explain how you can still pull limitless grenades out of your pants. :rolleyes: I figured someone would "vote nay" for this reason. Can you tell me…
  • I think part of the reason ground combat is meh is because of how the kits work. I would even like for bridge officers to be able to use tricorders the same way as players. Instead of training them in only 4 abilities, just give them different tricorders. However, that would cut down on the need to have as many different…
  • Thank you for reading it... Is there anything you would change?
  • The two things that for me are the most annoying and unenjoyable about the Dyson Battlezone. I have no idea why they made Dyson credits work the way they do. It causes frustration over something small and otherwise simple. I am supposed to work as a team to take an area then I have to race and compete with my "teammates"…
  • Well I have unlocked the Omega MkII style 2 and 3 costume projects for my FED/Romulan. The MkII style 2 Omega only gives me the MkI options with no helmet and the Omega MkII style 3 seems to give me all the harvester parts, but still no helmet. I still cannot use the HG Adapted Helmet on my KDF character after many...…
  • 1. I would assume that in large fleets getting credits can be a problem and in small fleets getting provisions would be more of a problem. Maybe this would be like a shifting gradient based on how many people are in a fleet and actively contributing and taking provisions. Individual provisioning is not meant to solve the…
  • I am in two very large and successful fleets one KDF and one FED. Most of the time I have a hard time donating anything at all. Fleet credits are a dime a dozen and if you have a lot of people chomping at the bit to donate even dilithium gets filled fast. One of the fleets I am in I am not too trusting of because of drama…
  • I think a lot of people start fleets for their own selfish purposes. I see people spamming that they need 5 to start a fleet all the time. Maybe they want to be in control of others or they don't feel secure joining another fleet where they are not in control at all. Maybe some people have not noticed, but there is a lot…
  • From my point of view Fleet Marks are a very easy to get and give a lot of fleet credit. Fleet Marks can only be used on fleet projects. Dilithium can be very time consuming to earn or expensive in real life money to buy and it gives very little fleet credit. Plus Dilithium is used to buy most high end gear and in the…
  • For me it is the reputation and the fleet system. In my opinion neither of these systems are alt friendly. Before these I was playing 5 characters about equally and I was starting a 6th. As a result of the reputation and fleet system I have only 3 characters I take seriously now ( 1 FED, 1 KDF, & 1 ROM) I still play these…
  • I do not thing the AFK Penalty working based on DPS alone is a good system. However, while there are ways to complete some missions without firing a shot none that I have seen or done seem to be intentional game play mechanics. More like an oversight in the placement of enemies like in the Azure Nebula. If some players…
  • Diplomacy and Marauding give DOFFs of the opposite faction. Makessa is a Green Vulcan Trade DOFF from Marauding. Perhaps you confused the two or leveled Colonial and Marauding at the same. The Colonial tab is right under Marauding tab.
  • I know.....:rolleyes: And I have to agree with others too. Instead of making the ship cloak less effective why not make the racial trait less effective. I don't understand why they give Romulans an advantage with cloaking just to turn around and make it so they have little to no advantage at all by nerfing the cloak on…
  • I have played some of the new Klingon tutorial missions up until after Rura Penthe and I think they are really good. Obviously there is some polish to be done (I HOPE), but overall they felt good and appropriate for the Klingons to me. I think they are as good as the Romulan missions and much better than many of the old…
  • Similarly, I bought the T4 Vor'Kang and then I used the skin on my T5 Vor'Cha and then used the skin on my Fleet Tor'Kaht. I do not see why it would be different for the Assault Cruisers.
  • Lobi: I understand the need to keep lobi character bound, but why not make it so everything purchased with lobi is received in a tradable crate that a player can trade to another character or put on the exchange. For Example if a player wants a MKXII Jem?Hadar set they trade their MKXI set + lobi for a tradable crate with…
  • Not wanting to grind out an alt for every ship, profession, or change in mood does not make someone lazy. The real question is how lazy or mind numbingly bored does someone need to be in order to sit for many hours in front of a computer game and do the same quests on several different characters to get the same rewards he…
  • Isn't that how it usually is on these forums when someone posts and idea? What I do not understand is how people will support being able to change species or traits when they want, but when it comes to professions, they say just go make an alt. Well right back at you. Just go make an alt if you are unhappy with your…
  • So because I did not cut and paste points from the original post that were in total support of the original post only I was off topic? Getting back on topic ?especially here? mostly means ignore opinions and suggestions you are not concerned with or care about and keep going. Everyone has his or her priorities I guess. thx…