This finally worked after I restarted the whole leg of the mission. Not just returning back to ship and continuing, but dropped the mission and picked it up again.
After Cryptic was acquired by Perfect World I already knew where this is gonna end. And you guys may argue or not. Nothing will change because game is now owned by F2P publisher. You probably never played any of the PW games before. If you've had, you wouldn't ask all these "strange" questions about lock boxes and limited…
It's because LOR was about well, a romulans. DR is about what? right, jelly people... :D actually there is very little about the founders. Then I'd say it's more about lizard people after all, and no, not those lizards, vuadwarrwarwarwarrrrr. :). Romulans were cool, the stories are very fun. Delta quadrant was never…
Ok guys lets be realistic here. STO is a completely free game. It's probably the least limited content F2P game on the market, it's more of your greed speaking than Cryptics/PWI. You want everything latest and fanciest but you don't want to play the game to earn it. Play the game, earn EC and buy your T6 ships for 120 mil…
No, not 5. You get 5 marks for each patrol, so it's 70 marks (50 for daily) for 4 patrols that are part of storyline. So yeah you get much more than you are complaining about.
I have to agree with most of the above, except hatred, grudge etc. While I didn't have a big grudge hatred case as many here I was just surprised to see patrol missions in delta rising story arc. That's about it. There was a little bug first, but after I've done 3 patrols the fourth opened properly. and I agree with…
There are people who like MMOs, there are people who like Star Trek, there are people who are obsessed with Star Trek and there are totally obsessed geeks. I don't think that Cryptic devs are totally obsessed trekky geeks to follow every little tiny canonical detail. As one of the above - those who like Star Trek but not…
Its funny because STO actually introduced me to Star Trek universe and since I've started playing STO I watched everything there is about Star Trek except the "Enterprise". I hated that show from the very first episode... I am not a trekky, nor I am a ST geek now. But I liked the shows similar to how I like Star Wars…
Speaking of "lesser evil" It seems to me that opening Voth boxes is more profitable than DOFF pack. Doff pack costs almost as much as 2 keys and overall is less "valuable" since items in the box are more sought after and box gives 4-50 lobi crystals.
Its probably nice to be a slave of an online game... not. But it is pretty much what you are saying - if you don't have money or don't want to pay be ready to invest some real hours for many months to have things that are pretty much fluff.
These boxes... is the worst thing that happened in STO ever. But what else you expect from a company like PWE who bought Cryptic and their game. Long live and prosper. Oh yeah, they'll definitely prosper hehe. ;)
So its like this. The guy is nasty, cussing and has no manners. Probably lives sad life and is angry at the whole world. Now when you say something kind like this to such a person do you really expect them to get all warm and fuzzy inside, stop cussing and just be a nice person? I don't believe there are people in online…