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Why do some players have to be so outright nasty?



  • kain9primekain9prime Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    mayito2009 wrote: »
    I bet you the jerk is a frustrated PVPer who cannot find anyone to gank and has to take his frustrations against anyone he can.
    OR, a "frustrated" PvEer who gets repeatedly blown up at Ker'rat and rage-PMs "UR a haxx" because he can't understand why his blue Connie phasers fitted to an escort with stock shields aren't doing much verses a KDF ship with Covariant X 2 MK whatever with purple consoles geared for tanking, and guns and gear made for popping Fedscorts.

    News flash: PvEers are far from being saints.

    The artist formally known as Romulus_Prime
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    If someone is genuinely abusive to you, in a PM or elsewhere in the game, you should report them, ignore them, and move on.
  • themariethemarie Member Posts: 1,055 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    To the original poster:

    You are playing with folks that range from well adjusted sane people looking for fun, to obsessive number-crunchers who can only understand their little world. You have people who play because they like Star Trek, others who play because they like space-ships, and still others who simply log into a game to troll.

    Players range from 14 to 50+, some of us have been lifelong gamers (Tabletop!) others are new to the whole online community thing.

    Some people realize that there is a person just like them behind the @name... while others see the text and don't make the personal/emotional connection.

    In the end, you'll find yourself ignoring people, sometimes turning your back on entire sub-communities or pulling the plug on guilds. For example I had a bad experience PVPing, now I steer clear of the whole mess. Other folks refuse to STF because some "elite teams" care more about number-crunching than having fun. I had my fill with that crowd, now I PUG for fun and for profit.

    Don't let it get to you, it's just a game. Ignore-command makes the problem go away and life goes on.
  • stuart1965stuart1965 Member Posts: 691 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Im guessing its to do with an elite stf maybe???
    You may have messed up on that elite stf and that player who started on you,thought you were a noob,and to learn what to do next time?
    My answer to that would be to that player,either go onto the public elite chat channel,to play elite stuff,or organise a private stf in your fleet.
    If players want instant success in stfs,and want to avoid inexperienced players,then avoid doing PUGS.
  • immudzenimmudzen Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Many of the people who scream that someone else is a noob on elite STFs are the ones that screwed up in the first place. I have seen many times where someone that repeatedly did something stupid (like using a grab well right on top of the transport in no win scenario, or repulsors and pushing ships into range of what you are trying to protect etc) and they pick someone else to blame. What is really sad is that fairly often everyone else will blame the first person blamed regardless of who actually screwed up.

    In the end there are basically too many people that don't seem to realize or care that there is another person on the other end of the connection and they act extremely abusively. It is one thing I really miss about the older MMOs in the early days. There where far fewer people online, netiquette was still considered very important etc. Now we have people that don't know what any kind of etiquette is and they are extremely abusive.

    I hope it changes but I doubt it.
  • rushnorrushnor Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited December 2013

    I will have the grace to not name the player, or the things the player said to me.

    But basically, I got my head bitten off, some really, really nasty PM's. All I did was in team chat, replied about said player swearing in team chat with "How polite on boxing day! ;)"

    Obviously I hit ignore, but the things the player said, really hurt, y'know? It's the holidays, it's boxing day, I'm trying to have some fun playing on STO.

    I've actually been put off playing STO today, if players like that are going to insult me so seriously during Christmas. I'm sorry, but it's not a day to be so rotten.

    (/END RANT)

    So its like this. The guy is nasty, cussing and has no manners. Probably lives sad life and is angry at the whole world. Now when you say something kind like this to such a person do you really expect them to get all warm and fuzzy inside, stop cussing and just be a nice person?

    I don't believe there are people in online games who cuss would say "oh yeah sorry about that" when you point out that maybe they could be a bit less nasty because its a special day in your life?

    I've had similar experience couple of times. They would hate you from the depth of their guts and will try to offend you as hard as they possibly can if you point at their profane language. You can make all kind of conclusions but people like that are mostly single, immature, live pretty dark life in some dark basement or cheap place. They hate their jobs, they hate their parents and pretty much act like wild dogs.

    Try to go to the woods in the middle of winter find a wolf pack and see if one of them will let you scratch behind their ear. There are many people out there who are no better than those wolves and wild dogs and pointing out their stile of life or bad language will get you pretty much cussed off on the internet, or badly hurt or killed if you say it into their face.
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