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AAA+ Federation Tutorial

drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
edited April 2015 in Federation Discussion
So I decided to roll a Federation toon, and wowzer!

Great tutorial. It was perfect! Felt very authenticate. Please this is really great content.

Keep up the effort!
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  • stuart1965stuart1965 Member Posts: 691 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    So I decided to roll a Federation toon, and wowzer!

    Great tutorial. It was perfect! Felt very authenticate. Please this is really great content.

    Keep up the effort!

    Yes agree here,but its not something i would want to do again and again with new toons though.
  • earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Haven't done it yet. Between work, and keeping up with my trinket/Q-pic getting, haven't really had the urge yet, to make a new character.
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Yeah, I'm going to be "that guy".

    I still feel that the tutorial still lacks in the tutorial department. They said it was redone to help players learn the game from scratch, but it still doesn't reflect the necessities like understanding the UI, the UI pages (like the character page and the mission pages), and even more advanced tools like changing settings, keymaps, and of course an explanation of shooter mode.

    Then them using stupid STO terms for the Vesta and the Miranda. "Maximum Thrusters"? Last I checked it was "thrusters ahead full". Thought these guys said they were Star Trek fans?

    Storywise, I really hate how the Borg just magically had to show up when you were there investigating. Would've been better if you got the Federation Subspace Channels suddenly lighting up with Borg appearing and you being vectored to assist. Not to mention them ruining the awesomeness that was Khitomer Accord. That use to be one of the best STO stories. And of course we just ignore Vega after the tutorial, when its now a Borg world, in the heart of Federation space? WTF kind of logic is that?

    And finally, WTF is Vega doing in the Sirius Sector? Vega is located "northwest" of Earth / Sol in the Alpha Quadrant, both canonically and in the real world?

    They talked about adding the Alpha Quadrant, just for Foundry, months ago. So why didn't they spare a minute to add two sector maps, and add some worlds? My word, Cryptic just makes me want to leave an indentation in my desk at times.
  • wazzagiowwazzagiow Member Posts: 769 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    the sad thing is that I would have to delete a character or buy new slots just to try this new content neither of which I'm happy about doing on holodeck. unless I missed a replay option some where? am i right in thinking the only way i can play this will be on tribble?
  • fraghul2000fraghul2000 Member Posts: 1,590 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    the sad thing is that I would have to delete a character or buy new slots just to try this new content neither of which I'm happy about doing on holodeck. unless I missed a replay option some where? am i right in thinking the only way i can play this will be on tribble?

    You can always create another account to play the tutorial. Since you have the game client installed already, it takes about 5 minutes to do.
    Felt very authenticate.


    To me it felt the complete opposite.

    It was way too fast-paced. Have drinks in the bar right after shooting 2 enemies on the holodeck which qualifies you for a spot as an XO, a bar which is located inside a shuttlebay, from which you get to depart instantly to destroy a Negh'Var and stop a whole Borg invasion in a Miranda...just seemed way over the top. Imho they should have stuck to one of the threat-storylines or - even better - have the whole tutorial take place on the holodeck with the graduation being the final point.

    Then there were tons of immersion-killers, like the moment when they were looking at the Vesta in space-dock and your friend keeps brabbling on about it's weapon slots etc...

    Considering the great work they did on the new KDF intro, the Fed one felt disappointing.
  • mrspidey2mrspidey2 Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    And of course we just ignore Vega after the tutorial, when its now a Borg world, in the heart of Federation space? WTF kind of logic is that?

    And finally, WTF is Vega doing in the Sirius Sector? Vega is located "northwest" of Earth / Sol in the Alpha Quadrant, both canonically and in the real world?
    Well, if we're going for realism, Vega shouldn't have a Class-M planet in the first place. It's a very young main sequence star that is still surrounded by an accretion disk. Observations of said disc revealed that there might be a Neptun-sized planet but that's about it.
  • hevachhevach Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    It was way too fast-paced. Have drinks in the bar right after shooting 2 enemies on the holodeck which qualifies you for a spot as an XO

    No, you already qualified for it. You only took the shooting test because the captain told you he was about to pass you over because you hadn't taken it.
    from which you get to depart instantly to destroy a Negh'Var

    The Regent did most of that, just as in the Romulan and Klingon tutorials you're just there while a stronger ship wins that first battle.
    and stop a whole Borg invasion in a Miranda...

    Again, the credit here goes to the Khitomer and the Regent (the Defiant and Armitage show up near the end, as well). You don't stop the invasion, you fail to save most of the colonists, the planet is abandoned, and aside from a couple probes you don't actually do most of the work of destroying ships.

    No offense, but it's pretty conceited to say you did it "all in a Miranda" while four other starships were present to fight the cube and at one point you flee the battle and leave the Khitomer and Regent to hold off the invasion.

    Then there were tons of immersion-killers, like the moment when they were looking at the Vesta in space-dock and your friend keeps brabbling on about it's weapon slots etc...

    They never mention its weapons slots, only the name of its signature weapon and one of its consoles... both names come from the novels that the ship appears in, not STO.
  • timezargtimezarg Member Posts: 1,268
    edited December 2013
    Considering the great work they did on the new KDF intro, the Fed one felt disappointing.

    Well, all the more reason to play KDF, right? :D
    tIqIpqu' 'ej nom tIqIp
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    mrspidey2 wrote: »
    Well, if we're going for realism, Vega shouldn't have a Class-M planet in the first place. It's a very young main sequence star that is still surrounded by an accretion disk. Observations of said disc revealed that there might be a Neptun-sized planet but that's about it.

    In my defense, I also pointed out the Star Trek Star charts (which Cryptic based their maps off).

    Besides, they haven't ruled out just yet there are no planets around Vega. Just look at how long it took them to find planets orbiting Alpha Centauri. Right now, scientists think there are plants around that star, because of the large gaps between the warm and cold belts.
    hevach wrote: »
    They never mention its weapons slots, only the name of its signature weapon and one of its consoles... both names come from the novels that the ship appears in, not STO.

    Still what they said was very unTrekish. Almost like a car commercial.

    "Introducing the 2409 Vesta Starship, complete with Auxiliary Cannons and Slipstream. Only $49.99."
  • mrspidey2mrspidey2 Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Still what they said was very unTrekish. Almost like a car commercial.

    "Introducing the 2409 Vesta Starship, complete with Auxiliary Cannons and Slipstream. Only $49.99."
    I thought it was a nice callback to The Search for Spock, where the Enterprise returns home and everyone but Scotty marvels at the brand new Excelsior, docked at the Starbase.
    There's also a similar scene in the Voyager pilot.
  • hevachhevach Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    mrspidey2 wrote: »
    I thought it was a nice callback to The Search for Spock, where the Enterprise returns home and everyone but Scotty marvels at the brand new Excelsior, docked at the Starbase.
    There's also a similar scene in the Voyager pilot.

    More than once in DS9, too, regarding various ships (several times for the Defiant, not all of them being Sisko's fondness of bragging about his baby).
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,430 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    mrspidey2 wrote: »
    Well, if we're going for realism, Vega shouldn't have a Class-M planet in the first place. It's a very young main sequence star that is still surrounded by an accretion disk. Observations of said disc revealed that there might be a Neptun-sized planet but that's about it.
    It's also an A-class blue-white star; it's a good question how far out the Goldilocks zone would be, or if it would even have one. There's a lot of fudging with astrography in this game, of course...
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,430 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Besides, they haven't ruled out just yet there are no planets around Vega. Just look at how long it took them to find planets orbiting Alpha Centauri. Right now, scientists think there are plants around that star, because of the large gaps between the warm and cold belts.
    Alpha Centauri Bb, a gas giant orbiting the orange dwarf star Alpha Centauri B. And perturbations in the debris disk surrounding Vega indicate the possible presence of a Jovian-mass planet - but the disk itself is well-established as existing, and by its nature would rule out the presence of a Human-habitable world (any world orbiting that star is going to be subject to some major asteroidal bombardment).
  • hevachhevach Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    It's also an A-class blue-white star; it's a good question how far out the Goldilocks zone would be, or if it would even have one. There's a lot of fudging with astrography in this game, of course...

    It's not the game, the Vega IX colony is canon going all the way back to TOS, one of if not the first successful human colonies and the most populous.

    Vega's disk should (by the current model) not interfere with habitation. The Spitzer telescope's observations show the disk has an inner boundary of 70 AU on the outer disk, and Chandra observations suggest an 8 AU outer boundary on the inner ring. The habitable range is estimated to be somewhere between 6.6 and 10 AU, giving plenty of range in the clear space, and the possible Neptune-sized planet is far enough away not to interfere.

    The outer disk is also not from a protoplanetary disk, but collision debris. A protoplanetary disk would have been blown away by the star's output, so the disk is either recent or being renewed. To be renewed at its density would require an unbelievably dense Kuiper belt, which is why the Spitzer team suggests a relatively recent cataclysmic collision, which would only require two roughly Pluto-sized objects.

    If the disk is being renewed continuously, the sheer volume of comets required to do so would pose far worse dangers to habitation, but the cataclysmic creation isn't so much of a worry over the long term, aside from a temporary increase in comets and other debris entering the inner system.
  • amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 1,495 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    My main problem with the tutorial was how underwhelming the colony invasion by the Borg felt, especially when compared to the Virinat colony invasion you get during the Romulan tutorial/stater experience.
    U.S.S. Endeavour NCC-71895 - Nebula-class
    Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
    Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    Alpha Centauri Bb, a gas giant orbiting the orange dwarf star Alpha Centauri B. And perturbations in the debris disk surrounding Vega indicate the possible presence of a Jovian-mass planet - but the disk itself is well-established as existing, and by its nature would rule out the presence of a Human-habitable world (any world orbiting that star is going to be subject to some major asteroidal bombardment).

    Well Hev just responded, but needless to say the professionals still think something is there. Even if there is no world in the real world, it exists in Star Trek and either case, in the wrong location.
    mrspidey2 wrote: »
    I thought it was a nice callback to The Search for Spock, where the Enterprise returns home and everyone but Scotty marvels at the brand new Excelsior, docked at the Starbase.
    There's also a similar scene in the Voyager pilot.

    You misunderstand, I'm not disagreeing with the appearance of the Vesta. I'm disapproving of the choice of words they spoke of during the dialogue regarding the Vesta and the Miranda.
  • starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,963 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Personally I find the rewrite of the story annoying because it restricts backstory. It makes more sense for you to be somebody who's been out of the Academy for quite a while rather than a completely green cadet. Lieutenant, junior grade would make even better sense. Remember what happened the last time they let cadets command a ship in wartime?

    @The guys who are arguing about whether a Vega colony is realistic: This is Star Trek, the same franchise that has put a crack in the event horizon of a black hole. Check any scientific realism-based argument at the door.
    "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
    — Sabaton, "Great War"

    Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
  • astro2244astro2244 Member Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    They never mention its weapons slots, only the name of its signature weapon and one of its consoles... both names come from the novels that the ship appears in, not STO.[/QUOTE]

    Actually a direct quote from Flores describing the ship is: "Miranda-class. 200 crew. Two forward weapon mounts. one aft.". So pretty much idle chatter that's just useless fourth wall breaking speculation, but not at all supported as a canon weapons configuration from the shows and movie it was in.
  • rushnorrushnor Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Yeah, I'm going to be "that guy".

    I still feel that the tutorial still lacks in the tutorial department. They said it was redone to help players learn the game from scratch, but it still doesn't reflect the necessities like understanding the UI, the UI pages (like the character page and the mission pages), and even more advanced tools like changing settings, keymaps, and of course an explanation of shooter mode.

    Then them using stupid STO terms for the Vesta and the Miranda. "Maximum Thrusters"? Last I checked it was "thrusters ahead full". Thought these guys said they were Star Trek fans?

    Storywise, I really hate how the Borg just magically had to show up when you were there investigating. Would've been better if you got the Federation Subspace Channels suddenly lighting up with Borg appearing and you being vectored to assist. Not to mention them ruining the awesomeness that was Khitomer Accord. That use to be one of the best STO stories. And of course we just ignore Vega after the tutorial, when its now a Borg world, in the heart of Federation space? WTF kind of logic is that?

    And finally, WTF is Vega doing in the Sirius Sector? Vega is located "northwest" of Earth / Sol in the Alpha Quadrant, both canonically and in the real world?

    They talked about adding the Alpha Quadrant, just for Foundry, months ago. So why didn't they spare a minute to add two sector maps, and add some worlds? My word, Cryptic just makes me want to leave an indentation in my desk at times.

    There are people who like MMOs, there are people who like Star Trek, there are people who are obsessed with Star Trek and there are totally obsessed geeks. I don't think that Cryptic devs are totally obsessed trekky geeks to follow every little tiny canonical detail. As one of the above - those who like Star Trek but not obsessed or obsessed geeks, I think they've done a good job to represent the spirit of Star Trek especially after they started making episodes about a year ago. In the end of the day though - its just an MMO.
  • stoltsstolts Member Posts: 482 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    So I decided to roll a Federation toon, and wowzer!

    Great tutorial. It was perfect! Felt very authenticate. Please this is really great content.

    Keep up the effort!

    I agree! I really like that they gave the starter BOffs some spotlight and depth: voices, emotions, and snippet of history (albeit history at the academy). Really connects them with you especially with what you go through. Now that I know that Flores wants to command a Vestal-class one day, when they introduce BOffs commanding other ships guess which ship she is getting ;)

    The starter BOffs are my fav BOffs for this reason. I use them still at level cap and they fit perfectly into my Tempest-class.

    Other than that nice to see that they opened up sections of the Academy (always wondered what was happening up on the top floor seeing shuttles come in and out. But to my dismay it was only for the tutorial the top is still closed off in regular :(
    The first Belfast was commanded by Captain Ve'Kal Shon until its destruction in 2409. A new ship was commissioned bearing the same name and registry as special dispensation to then newly promoted Captain Edward XIII for his pivotal role during the renewed Dominion War.
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