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quaestus Arc User



  • We've got way better go-to source material than TRIBBLE's with already existing art assets though, the Borg are our TRIBBLE... plus we've got Iconians, Devidians, Pakleds... There's no shortage of evil to go around. More time travel missions with Scotty and the TOS crew though... yes pls... I still want a Night of the…
  • Zombie TRIBBLE's... On the moon...
  • Actually that's exactly the same as the cloak/carrier debate... If one side has it all nobody will play the other side... A "beta" theory I thought discredited by KDF's constant population issues despite their distinct tactical advantage through most of this games life but I guess greater minds have prevailed... What's…
  • Sounds a lot like "if KDF can cloak and has carriers nobody will have any reason to play Fed"... :rolleyes:
  • Yeah I just tried it, I was under the impression that sharing technology (since the Romulan c-store offering was so slim) was the whole point in faction alignment and that's pretty much how the game seems to set it up but... yeah... Wouldn't want all those Romulans trading up all their bug ships and Cardassian cruisers for…
  • Better question is are the players supposed to be in this game or not... I wasn't really planning on using either ship but it seems like every time something's "happening" in this game and I come back to check things out all I see is the same monkey doing his football and I remember why I'm off playing other things. Oh…
  • Oh really? So... wait... what's the point of forcing Romulans to align then?
  • If you are Romulan you can fly KDF or Fed ships depending on who you side with so any VA Romulan has the option of flying one of the 2 giveaway ships if they like... it's not like they didn't give Romlulans "anything"... They just didn't give anything Romulan specific.
  • Everyone in the romulan faction has to align either Fed or KDF thus giving Romulans access to Fed and KDF ships thus meaning regardless which side you chose a romulan still has access to one ship or the other... They didn't "ignore us".
  • All new items for me, will be fun to check out a couple new ships, thanks. :)
  • It was the basic premise behind the exploration sectors, randomly generated instanced zones where you would see something different every time you went in... they just never finished the development on it and all we ever got was the same run along this path and click these 5 items or kill these 5 groups of trash mission…
  • I like the idea but if they would do something like this I would rather see a universal console that can upgrade any class/tier ship to a .5/U version, even the starter ship would be cool to have a tier 1.5 alternative for so people that like to min/max the lower tier ships can give them a little bump and new players…
  • Might I just remind people we're playing a game with space cats where the best technology for your faction comes from an alien faction you apparently make contact with through a Ferengi lottery and "to boldly go where no man has gone before" means "to repeatedly go where you had just been 45 minutes ago"... Don't get me…
  • Dilithium exchange... Why is it 3/4 of this community are up in arms over having to "buy" upgrades when this game is one of the VERY FEW AAA MMO's where you can earn cash-shop currency via gameplay and nobody has to spend anything they don't want to... Am I missing something or is the vocal majority around here really just…
  • Gonna come in handy for all that challenging PvE content we have... you know... for when you're tired of sitting in the same spot spamming space bar and want to sit in a new spot.
  • Why? it's an iPhone, not like they've added anything new to it... Errr... what the heck happened to my post count/history? This account ain't new and this isn't my first post... Odd...