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peevil31 Arc User



  • Base damage? I think a good combat log parser will serve you best. Found by searching for "STO Combat Parser". Hope that helps.
  • Me, and my channel. hope it helps.
  • Your argument is nul. Again, I'm sure this person means well and all that but I honestly do not agree with anything this person has said. As you are here to read my guide and not his, try to listen to my advice. Or not, up to you. Perhaps this person should create their own guide instead of posting competitive seeming…
  • Please, whatever you do, do not listen to this person. I'm sure he means well, it's just that he has no idea (for the most part) what he's talking about. Almost every thing he posted is untrue or will lead to bad ground performance. No offense sir but I think you need a bit more ground experience before you call me out on…
  • Reserved for addendum.
  • That's a good question. First of all, this wasn't intended to be an advanced ground combat manual. Second, it in no way shape or form covers ALL aspects of ground combat. Lastly, honesty. I didn't put melee combat in this guide because every time I see someone trying to melee they either are doing it wrong. (with a…
  • Escape button >> Options button >> Controls tab >> In here there a number of different targeting and turn-to-face options to change your Point of View (PoV). I hope that helps.
  • I guess, after reading 6 pages of replies, that people, mainly, have an issue with my preferred or listed weapon choices. If you feel, strongly enough, that my guide would mislead a new person into making the wrong weapon choices, to post a 1 page rebuttal saying as such. This guide wasn't for you in the first place. This…
  • "2. You probably won't agree with all/some of this guide. I do not care. Post whatever you like. Maybe I'll even learn something new." Need I say more? I'm not about to tear you down. It's not how I do. Those who needed it, got something from this guide. Perhaps you didn't, either way, couch critic, I hope you have a…
  • No matter what anyone says about PvP vs. PvE with regards to First Person or "zoom", it is outdated, cumbersome and unwise to use. Liken it to taping a toilet paper tube in front of your face to see through and then trying to play dodge ball. It serves no purpose besides the 2 very specific and rare times I listed before.…
  • I said, "Single Target", not multiple target DPS. [QUOTE=majortiraomega;13735311 Your comment on wide beam pistols is completely in left field however. Wide beam pistols at MK XII Very Rare sell for minimum price on the exchange for a reason, they are vendor trash. I'd go as far to say they are the worst weapons in the…
  • Love this fleet! Best I've ever SEEN! Thanks Matt!
  • First off I'm melee main. I'm geared for it and I know what I'm doing. That being said... When I fight Tholians and it behooves me to fight at range I use 2 types of Weapons. First is High Density Beam Rifle. The HDBR is one of my favorites for a bunch of reasons. I find the HDBR is best for me because, first off, of all…
  • Sometimes it's almost as if Cryptic carefully scoops fail sand then adds their special fail ingredients then fires that sand in an old fail kiln. After the fail bricks have cooled and cured, the carefully start building their fail empire, fail brick by fail brick.
  • Insert Sarcasm: No console then add console, take tally. There's no way Crytpic's in-game depiction of DPS change could be completely untrue. Without a "punching bag" scenario. We will never know for sure. STO, when compared to other MMOs is ridiculously hard to accurately parse. How come, in almost all the threads…
  • I think you and perhaps a lot of other people are missing my point. My console reads, in the description, 'Increases Antiproton damage by 26%'. In what universe, under what non-newtonian laws does that make sense or even approach reality in? Copied from your text above: "(those aren't accurate numbers, just an illustration…
  • Think about it. Did you realize the truth? PvP aficionados are massively competitive. And by massively I mean almost to the point of OCD. Now, compared to the "average" gamer, who do you think will spend more money buying gear they feel they "need"? That's right, now you're catching on. Cryptic and primarily PWE, had this…
  • Clearly I'm missing some vital piece of information. According to all the forum reading research I've done, there is, in fact a diminish. What source are you quoting? Where did you get this information? A link perhaps, with irrefutable, easy to digest explanation/definition?
  • Don't need tier 5 you say? Ah yes, when you graduate from PvP preschool and can sit at the big kid's table you'll be singing a different tune. You need BETTER than Tier 5. Being adequate or even a tad above par in PvP means you die slightly less than you kill and that's "fun" for who? Not I said the spider to the fly.
  • That's totally awesome for you! Enjoy not ever having anything from the tier upgrades as you only farm so scarcely.
  • I might be wrong about the whole AntiProton thing but my understanding of the debate on weapon types is: AntiProton: Highest Damage Potential in the game. 'Potential' meaning it's just a modifier. If the rest of your gear is TRIBBLE and you read that it's a good weapon and decide to put it on that little hoopty of a raptor…
  • Thanks for posting publicly that the server is down. It's a sign you guys might be finally trying on your big boy pants.
  • I couldn't have said it better myself! Wait... I'm agnostic. Perhaps not a holy person but maybe recycle all the old 1999 Emachine servers into ham radios or something. Replace with say, dual quad cores with fail-safe backups instead of reel to reel magnetic tape chirping in the background? Your call.
  • Try this, see if it helps: Try using Aegis Deflector/Shields. The Jem'Hadar Engines or the Borg ones if you're a "Set" kind of person. Engineering slots you can try Neuotronium X2 and a Monotonium or vice versa depending on what the ratio-ness of shield to hull squishyness you retain. Ditch the Theta... Ability consoles…
  • I agree... kind of. Point Defense systems and all other "Ability" type consoles are kind of a joke to most of the experienced PvP people out there. Imagine what else you could have in that slot that's always active, always helping your ship! Filling a console slot with a 5 minute ability is just ridiculous in my humble…
  • One quick and dirty way I make sure my Gravity Well 3 sticks is to wait till the probes are head on and at 4km away before using it. After I use it, I keep firing waiting for one (or both) to inch forward to break-away point then slam a Photonic Shockwave on them. While any movement debuff except Tractor Beam Repulsors…
  • I completely agree. It's kind of sad, really, more people don't understand the 'gimmick' nature of these consoles. They might get away with it in STFs and such but in PvP it's a tell-tale sign of inexperience. In my opinion, at least.
  • I rarely use Tactical Team as a shield strength transfer aid. With 9/9 EPS points my Distribute Shield Strength ability is usually all I need. I, normally, only use Tactical Team for the damage buff or to rid boarding parties. My character is alien. Passives: Accurate (+10% Accuracy) - Space Elusive (+10% Defense) - Space…
  • At first I started with Phasers because I thought the Point Defense System would be augmented by my triad of Phaser Tactical consoles. I didn't see much, if any, gain. I also got rid of them because I didn't like the proc rate along with the fact that it can disable Aux systems, which does nothing. I do have a third Dual…
  • Space Officers: 3 X Ten of Ten: Purple, Borg, Projectile Weapons officers. (3 X 20% chance to reduce the time to recharge torpedoes) Dlyrene: Purple, Tholian, Space Warfare Specialist (+10% damage to Borg) Generic Human, purple Hazard Systems Officer. (Damage resistance buff with Ramming Speed and Brace for Impact.)