I would love to see a Penrose Triangle design with some form of singularity vortex or gravity well occupying the center. Having it continually rotate around this center on a random axis would be a nice touch.
Sure...if you only play 1 toon. If you did it across multiple toons, every other toon is getting the 42000 dil--assumiung you did the project day 1 with stockpiled/zen-purchased tokens. And I know of very, very few (if any) people who went to the extraordinary length of slotting the main project on every toon and THEN…
Precisely. At least force those without the completed 14 day project to buy their desired item from Phoenix Box and get no dil/marks payout for finishing the project.
I'd also like to mention that cryptic dis-incentivized doing daily projects after the initial 14 day project--because the rewards are almost half of what the 14 day project pays. Had cryptic offered 4,000 dil for the daily (rather than 2,000) this would have compared favorably with the 3,571 dil-per-token of the 14 day…
I feel that without buy-back, the only equitable way for this to work is to unslot existing projects and offer no reward for them. No dil, no marks, no item. Those who wish to obtain the item will have to then buy it from Phoenix Boxes. It's a sub-optimal solution, but still far more equitable than the current planned…
I would like to know why currency conversion for Winter Wonderland, Anniversary and Risa was handled APPROPRIATELY--with buy-backs offered for those who obtained these currencies. Yet now, with the removal of Voth Operative Transmissions, Crystal Shards, Zefram Cochrane Memorial Holograms, Merits of Sompek, etc---that NO…
I'll add that the Dabo wheel could use some sound upgrades too. Dabo spins should have some kind of alternate sound too. Perhaps something like a stick dragging along a fence or a playing card in a bicycle wheel--of course as imitated by a person. Even Leeta's dialogue could be "upgraded".
I thought yesterday was bad when swapping toons took agonizingly long. Today? I can't even get past the STO launch window after patching. "Unable to Authenticate". I appreciate the extension to the event due to these login issues, but I also think it's unfair to those who are now even further behind on their endeavors.
If we're talking overall productivity in the game itself, then I'm going to say "Use an Alternate Account". That way, while your main is sitting there AFK, you can grind piles of manure to keep your fleet moving forward, list items for sale on exchange, and basically do all the things that you would normally do with your…
The new level restrictions are also annoying. Level 15's can no longer compete against level 50's. Which dis-allows the ability to make purposefully asymmetric teams (3 max level vs. 5 lower level).
Say what you want, druk, but that's not how Cryptic thinks things should be...and I quite agree. The game is already horribly biased in favor of Tac's--most pronounced in space. If Cryptic wants to make all classes equally valuable/playable/functional/good--then a pyramid isn't going to work. As it stands now, it makes…
The best part of STO for me is expanding the storylines of the Trek universe. Tying together things that were only lightly touched upon in the shows. Iconians are a good example of this. Star Trek II did this with KNS, and it worked great. STO can do the same thing with any thing from Mudd to Charlie X to Garth of Izar to…
It would be easier if they just posted everything in military time--just like they do already with UTC. That way they don't have to figure am/pm. Anyone know the reason for the downtime? Wednesday is highly unusual for STO patches.
I would much rather have a T6 Oberth. In fact, give it a 5/1 fore/aft weapons (or at least 4/2), 0 device slots, and 1/5/5 console configuration. Or if you can't give it a nice little tactical flavor...how about making it a "true" sci ship. 2/2 fore/aft, 5 device slots, 2/7/2 console config. Something that screams for an…
*Update* Simply double-clicking & manually clicking "ok" on the pop-up window to allocate stat points...will also crash the game. This time it happened within about 20 points I'd spent.
This issue started the same patch that "categories" were added for damage type accolades. And it is the same regardless of whether completed accolades are displayed or not displayed. The list becomes even worse the further down in it you scroll. As of currently, there is simply no easy way to verify accolade progress for…
I'd just to politely ask Cryptic to make the RMC an account-wide unlock for those who don't currently have it as an account-wide unlock. I got mine in the Loot-Crate promotion this year, and I'm highly disappointed that I can only have it on 1 toon. Same for the Boff (0718)--it's only available on 1 toon. This is quite…
It's still not working. Even logging in through ARC, it starts patching, then times out/disconnects--and starts over from the beginning. I've been attempting to patch since the server went "Green" status this morning. Something is clearly wrong with the patch server.
My tac flying the Sarr Theln is using Gravametric torps & Gravity Well 3. Conductive RCS, Exotic Particle Field Exciter, and a few other things to boost shields & abilities. Depending on your damage type, there may be some universal consoles to help boost the damage, so those also fit nice into sci slots. Tac slots are for…
You, like the other guy, have missed the point entirely. Neither lord steve, nor myself, are complaining about the free items. What we're noting--in unison--is the contradictory nature of Cryptic's own communication. For example, if they said they were giving out a new thing every 24 hours for 5 days; but it happened to be…
I didn't want the thread hijacked because I wanted Cryptic to actually see the intent--not just another mindless thread about bitching--of which there are a ton on here already. Moreover, yes, I have driven back 30 miles to a record store to pay for a CD that wasn't charged to me, paid the $15 price & only got a $3 coupon…