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January 31st 2016



  • farranorfarranor Member Posts: 559 Arc User
    "New item every day!"

    > new day
    > no new item

    Okay then.
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,535 Arc User
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    you will need a character from each of the 3 factions to claim all 3 ships.

    Not true...a rom can pull double duty for whatever faction they are aligned with.

    that's true but I didn't want to confuse the issue, the other poster seemed confused enough as it was.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

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  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    scrooge69 wrote: »
    op: it says from saturday to monday 10am pdt for the ship reward.
    We’re kicking off the celebrations early for Star Trek Online’s 6-year Anniversary! It’s been a wonderful year and we’re happy to celebrate alongside you. Every day from Tuesday 1/26 at 10am PST till Monday 2/1 at 10am PST we’ll be giving away new C-Store items for Captains to enjoy. Every 24 hours, we’ll be giving out a different item (or even multiple), so be sure to grab these up!

    Today's giveaway is ships! Shippy ship ship ships!!


    @mirrorchaos you are wrong ;)

    We’re kicking off the celebrations early for Star Trek Online’s 6-year Anniversary! It’s been a wonderful year and we’re happy to celebrate alongside you. Every day we’ll be giving away new C-Store items for Captains to enjoy. Every 24 hours, we’ll be giving out a different item (or even multiple), so be sure to grab these up!

    To claim our T4 Ships ( Ar’kala Tactical Warbird / Puyjaq Class / Sao Paulo Tactical Escort Refit ):

    1. Log into the game on a character between 10AM PST on Saturday January 30 and 10AM PST on Monday February 1.
    2. Visit the in-game C-Store via the button on the minimap
    3. Navigate to the ‘Ships’ tab on the left
    4. Scroll down to and click on the ‘Ar’kala Tactical Warbird / Puyjaq Class / Sao Paulo Tactical Escort Refit” item
    5. Click the “Claim” button towards the bottom-right of the interface

    and what part would that be?

    It's the clear contradiction that is causing the confusion. The top part of the blog clearly states a different item every 24hrs, but yet the T4 ships will have been available for 48hrs, which is where the confusion is coming from.
    The part relating to how to claim the T4's is correct so that is fine, it's just that it goes against what the blog has always stated from the start.
    People expected a 6 day event with 6 items, they got a 6 day event with 5 items and one up for 2 days. Not a major issue but it has lead to confusion among players.
    I take issue with the poor communication, not the lack of a freebie. We know Cryptic do this all the time but it's still disappointing that it keep happening, blogs need to be accurate.
  • farranorfarranor Member Posts: 559 Arc User
    lordsteve1 wrote: »
    It's the clear contradiction that is causing the confusion. The top part of the blog clearly states a different item every 24hrs, but yet the T4 ships will have been available for 48hrs, which is where the confusion is coming from.
    The part relating to how to claim the T4's is correct so that is fine, it's just that it goes against what the blog has always stated from the start.
    People expected a 6 day event with 6 items, they got a 6 day event with 5 items and one up for 2 days. Not a major issue but it has lead to confusion among players.
    I take issue with the poor communication, not the lack of a freebie. We know Cryptic do this all the time but it's still disappointing that it keep happening, blogs need to be accurate.

    This. No one wants to have to watch the launcher, the forum, the news site, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etc., and then Beautiful Mind them all together just to figure out what's actually going on.
  • twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    capnkirk4 wrote: »
    At this point in the game ya'll should know not to take anything Cryptic says, seriously.

    Everything they say is true. Especially the lies.

    Or, in the Ferengi version: Everything they say is true. Until there's a chance at profit, then it wasn't true.

  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    lordsteve1 wrote: »
    It's the clear contradiction that is causing the confusion. The top part of the blog clearly states a different item every 24hrs, but yet the T4 ships will have been available for 48hrs, which is where the confusion is coming from.
    The part relating to how to claim the T4's is correct so that is fine, it's just that it goes against what the blog has always stated from the start.
    People expected a 6 day event with 6 items, they got a 6 day event with 5 items and one up for 2 days. Not a major issue but it has lead to confusion among players.
    I take issue with the poor communication, not the lack of a freebie. We know Cryptic do this all the time but it's still disappointing that it keep happening, blogs need to be accurate.

    two points in this;

    1. its a gift, why are you looking a gift horse down its mouth looking for more? take the gifts for what they are, cryptic didnt "have" to do this as they could of very well not of bothered.
    2. you are getting 7 items in a six day event (although techically you are getting 9 items if you seperate out the tech upgrade and spec point as one each). the first four items, the spec points, dilithium fleet token, enhanced tech upgrades, open uniforms plus the 3 t4 ships and you are calling that a disadvantage?
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • painfullylargepainfullylarge Member Posts: 174 Arc User
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    Welcome to a FORUM. You don't like your thread getting hijacked...tough. If you can't deal with it, then don't start a thread. It is annoying tho...but deal.

    And NOBODY thinks they are excessive...doesn't mean you are not. And while you seem to think that a small oversight in a blog is troubling, most of us, shurg, go meh and go on with our lives. And integrity...I love how people toss that word around at other people. Tell me, how often have YOU made a mistake and gone back to fix it? Is it 100%? Because if not, what you say they do and what you do don't match up. Have you driven back 15 miles to a store because you realized they gave you back too much change? Have you gone back into a store, waited 10 min in line again to pay for something that wasn't charged? Have you double booked yourself to help somebody and ended up paying somebody so that both people you promised got their help? Do you do this 100% of the time? Because if you don't..,.then you don't have integrity...at least not all the time. And you seem to be demanding that they do...all the time. Tossing about things like integrity is the mark of a hypocrite.

    I didn't want the thread hijacked because I wanted Cryptic to actually see the intent--not just another mindless thread about bitching--of which there are a ton on here already.

    Moreover, yes, I have driven back 30 miles to a record store to pay for a CD that wasn't charged to me, paid the $15 price & only got a $3 coupon as a thanks for my trouble. Integrity is a large part of who I am; what is required of me for my job; and what I expect of those I interact with. I don't know who died and put you in charge, but I do not appreciate being called a hypocrite by someone who doesn't know anything about me, who I am, etc. Just because our national leadership cannot fess up to making a mistake--doesn't mean that the rest of the population is exempt from doing the right thing.

    Please save your self-righteous, white-knight-to-the-rescue, anyone-who-calls-Cryptic-out-on-anything-(factual or otherwise)-must-be-eliminated, myopia for other--more appropriate--situations.

    Don't get butt-hurt because I beat you to the punch about posting on this.
  • hawku001xhawku001x Member Posts: 10,771 Arc User
    You could claim one T4 ship Saturday, then another Sunday.
  • farranorfarranor Member Posts: 559 Arc User
    lordsteve1 wrote: »
    It's the clear contradiction that is causing the confusion. The top part of the blog clearly states a different item every 24hrs, but yet the T4 ships will have been available for 48hrs, which is where the confusion is coming from.
    The part relating to how to claim the T4's is correct so that is fine, it's just that it goes against what the blog has always stated from the start.
    People expected a 6 day event with 6 items, they got a 6 day event with 5 items and one up for 2 days. Not a major issue but it has lead to confusion among players.
    I take issue with the poor communication, not the lack of a freebie. We know Cryptic do this all the time but it's still disappointing that it keep happening, blogs need to be accurate.

    two points in this;

    1. its a gift, why are you looking a gift horse down its mouth looking for more? take the gifts for what they are, cryptic didnt "have" to do this as they could of very well not of bothered.
    2. you are getting 7 items in a six day event (although techically you are getting 9 items if you seperate out the tech upgrade and spec point as one each). the first four items, the spec points, dilithium fleet token, enhanced tech upgrades, open uniforms plus the 3 t4 ships and you are calling that a disadvantage?

    1. Gifts are nice. Telling someone you will give them X many gifts and then giving them X-1 gifts isn't quite as nice.
    2. Three ships? That's odd. Each of my characters only got one ship, and I have characters on both factions.
  • painfullylargepainfullylarge Member Posts: 174 Arc User
    two points in this;

    1. its a gift, why are you looking a gift horse down its mouth looking for more? take the gifts for what they are, cryptic didnt "have" to do this as they could of very well not of bothered.
    2. you are getting 7 items in a six day event (although techically you are getting 9 items if you seperate out the tech upgrade and spec point as one each). the first four items, the spec points, dilithium fleet token, enhanced tech upgrades, open uniforms plus the 3 t4 ships and you are calling that a disadvantage?

    You, like the other guy, have missed the point entirely. Neither lord steve, nor myself, are complaining about the free items. What we're noting--in unison--is the contradictory nature of Cryptic's own communication. For example, if they said they were giving out a new thing every 24 hours for 5 days; but it happened to be the same thing, 5 days in a row--that wouldn't be the quite the same. Neither would it be congruent if they said they were giving out nothing--then secretly put something in the zen store unannounced--and most people missed it because it...because it was never announced & Cryptic had said they already weren't doing so.

    I do not care if the standard is arbitrary and unfair--I simply ask that Cryptic adhere to it. And in this case, the standard is whatever Cryptic itself decreed.
  • claudiusdkclaudiusdk Member Posts: 561 Arc User

    So we have to go to some 3rd-party site to learn that they aren't giving anymore items?
    I don't mind small updates and bits of info on sites like facebook and twitter and such. Can still read them even if I don't have an account.
    But don't do stuff only on those places.

    We were promissed new items every day. So Cryptic/PWE, whats the item for Janurary 31st?
    "Please, Captain, not in front of the Klingons."
    Spock to Kirk, as Kirk is about to hug him.
    Star Trek V: "The Final Frontier"
  • saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,409 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    claudiusdk wrote: »
    We were promissed new items every day. So Cryptic/PWE, whats the item for Janurary 31st?
    Yesterday was supposed to be the Sao Paulo, today was to be the Ar'kala and Monday was to be the Puyjaq but they got a bug that made them unable to be separated, so they decided to leave them together for 3 days to compensate.

    There, I changed it to be fitting with the "bugs everywhere!" tone while still staying logical, problem solved.

    Ah yes, just to anticipate, you guys also realize you won't get another thing tomorrow according to what is written down, right? >:)
  • admrenlarreckadmrenlarreck Member Posts: 2,041 Arc User
    claudiusdk wrote: »

    So we have to go to some 3rd-party site to learn that they aren't giving anymore items?
    I don't mind small updates and bits of info on sites like facebook and twitter and such. Can still read them even if I don't have an account.
    But don't do stuff only on those places.

    We were promissed new items every day. So Cryptic/PWE, whats the item for Janurary 31st?

    One thing I learned a long time ago.

    If you want STO Information come here.
    If you want ACCURATE STO Information you go to Facebook, twitter, or Reddit.

    I saw a post on reddit from a dev a while back, it flat out stated that they go to reddit as the forums here are too hostile.


    Fleet leader Nova Elite

    Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
  • crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    scrooge69 wrote: »
    azrael605 wrote: »
    Givaways this year were a cop out, all consumable stuff except for some lowbie ships? Remember the year we got shuttles, tier 2 ships, and tier 5 ships for each faction? Yeah, not impressed cryptic.

    How is 2 spec points per character consumables? Costumes are not consumables either. Might want to do some fact checking before you decide to make stupid posts.

    go go white knight!

    anyways OP is right there is supposed to be a giveaway according to the forum news post today

    Well, technically, they ARE giving something away today (Jan 31) - it's the exact same thing they were giving away on Jan 30 though. Technically, they didn't say:

    "We'll be giving something DIFFERENT each day..."

    And before someone goes, well that's not 'fair' or 'honest' - remember, for any player that ALREADY has the ships being given away, they are technically not receiving anything. Plus, in the end, you can always express your displease (in addition to posting here) by stopping to play STO altogether, or, if you do continue to play STO; not spending another real world dime on the game.
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
  • aequitasveritas#0670 aequitasveritas Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    claudiusdk wrote: »
    Well, technically, they ARE giving something away today (Jan 31) - it's the exact same thing they were giving away on Jan 30 though. Technically, they didn't say:

    "We'll be giving something DIFFERENT each day..."

    And before someone goes, well that's not 'fair' or 'honest' - remember, for any player that ALREADY has the ships being given away, they are technically not receiving anything. Plus, in the end, you can always express your displease (in addition to posting here) by stopping to play STO altogether, or, if you do continue to play STO; not spending another real world dime on the game.

    Hate to be the one but:
    Every day we’ll be giving away new C-Store items for Captains to enjoy. Every 24 hours, we’ll be giving out a different item (or even multiple), so be sure to grab these up!
    Source: Clicky

    They actually said it Twice.
  • farranorfarranor Member Posts: 559 Arc User
    scrooge69 wrote: »
    azrael605 wrote: »
    Givaways this year were a cop out, all consumable stuff except for some lowbie ships? Remember the year we got shuttles, tier 2 ships, and tier 5 ships for each faction? Yeah, not impressed cryptic.

    How is 2 spec points per character consumables? Costumes are not consumables either. Might want to do some fact checking before you decide to make stupid posts.

    go go white knight!

    anyways OP is right there is supposed to be a giveaway according to the forum news post today

    Well, technically, they ARE giving something away today (Jan 31) - it's the exact same thing they were giving away on Jan 30 though. Technically, they didn't say:

    "We'll be giving something DIFFERENT each day..."

    And before someone goes, well that's not 'fair' or 'honest' - remember, for any player that ALREADY has the ships being given away, they are technically not receiving anything. Plus, in the end, you can always express your displease (in addition to posting here) by stopping to play STO altogether, or, if you do continue to play STO; not spending another real world dime on the game.


    Every 24 hours, we’ll be giving out a different item

    So yes, they did say exactly that.
  • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
    So OP, yer callin' Cryptic out about something not exactly matching what they said?

    1) Take a number.
    2) Get in line.
    3) Might be a bit of a walk. The line's about six years long by now.
    4) Get over yerself, Snowflake. Yer not any more speshul than the rest of us.

    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
  • farranorfarranor Member Posts: 559 Arc User
    I guess you could say there was a free gift today, after all:

  • comrademococomrademoco Member Posts: 1,694 Bug Hunter
    The rage is strong in this one... Thisll make a fine sith... Urm... Khan!

  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    I do agree on this. There is a contradiction on what was stated. And what did happen. Someone dropped the ball on this one. And didn't correct the typo or what was to be told.

    I'm not complaining about it. But there is a issue on what was worded. I'm still happy with the gifts. I got several new items added this go around.

    Oh well, things happen. :/

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • dareaudareau Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    You know, I went to go claim them free Quad Cannons (a Phaser one for anyone with "fed" in their affiliation and a Plasma one for my Rommies), and some funky console that I forgot about already for my KDFs.

    The instructions specifically stated that I needed to go under ships and look up "Sao Paulo", "Ar'Kif", and Pegh? Raptor - and claim them, cause they're what's containing the free items for today...

    Haven't seen the congratulations on this thread over these items today. Though I seem to see a lot of them dated yesterday in this thread. Did someone leak the cannon release?

    And I can't remember exactly when, but as I followed the instructions it seems that I must have gotten them ships in a previous giveaway. Dang, they blur together so much over time...
    Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...

    To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    Cryptic, over promise, and under deliver. In past giveaways they always managed to keep up with the daily giveaway. Heck, they took a whole week off the anniversary grind compared to last year to make the ship even more exclusive. You miss 4 days of the grind and you're screwed.
  • harlequinpixieharlequinpixie Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Perhaps the new item is tomorrow, as people tend not to work Sundays. Of course, I can be just making it up. *Shrugs*
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  • farranorfarranor Member Posts: 559 Arc User
    azrael605 wrote: »
    farranor wrote: »
    lordsteve1 wrote: »
    It's the clear contradiction that is causing the confusion. The top part of the blog clearly states a different item every 24hrs, but yet the T4 ships will have been available for 48hrs, which is where the confusion is coming from.
    The part relating to how to claim the T4's is correct so that is fine, it's just that it goes against what the blog has always stated from the start.
    People expected a 6 day event with 6 items, they got a 6 day event with 5 items and one up for 2 days. Not a major issue but it has lead to confusion among players.
    I take issue with the poor communication, not the lack of a freebie. We know Cryptic do this all the time but it's still disappointing that it keep happening, blogs need to be accurate.

    two points in this;

    1. its a gift, why are you looking a gift horse down its mouth looking for more? take the gifts for what they are, cryptic didnt "have" to do this as they could of very well not of bothered.
    2. you are getting 7 items in a six day event (although techically you are getting 9 items if you seperate out the tech upgrade and spec point as one each). the first four items, the spec points, dilithium fleet token, enhanced tech upgrades, open uniforms plus the 3 t4 ships and you are calling that a disadvantage?

    1. Gifts are nice. Telling someone you will give them X many gifts and then giving them X-1 gifts isn't quite as nice.
    2. Three ships? That's odd. Each of my characters only got one ship, and I have characters on both factions.

    There are 3 factions, and 3 ships were given out, 1 Fed ship, 1 KDF ship, and 1 Romulan ship, this is indisputable fact.

    It is also a fact that the sum of squares of the length of each leg of a right triangle is equal to the square of the length of its hypotenuse. However, neither of those facts is relevant to this discussion.

    Each of my characters - Fed and KDF - got one ship. If the ships weren't mutually exclusive, your point would be more relevant.
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  • farranorfarranor Member Posts: 559 Arc User
    azrael605 wrote: »
    farranor wrote: »
    azrael605 wrote: »
    farranor wrote: »
    lordsteve1 wrote: »
    It's the clear contradiction that is causing the confusion. The top part of the blog clearly states a different item every 24hrs, but yet the T4 ships will have been available for 48hrs, which is where the confusion is coming from.
    The part relating to how to claim the T4's is correct so that is fine, it's just that it goes against what the blog has always stated from the start.
    People expected a 6 day event with 6 items, they got a 6 day event with 5 items and one up for 2 days. Not a major issue but it has lead to confusion among players.
    I take issue with the poor communication, not the lack of a freebie. We know Cryptic do this all the time but it's still disappointing that it keep happening, blogs need to be accurate.

    two points in this;

    1. its a gift, why are you looking a gift horse down its mouth looking for more? take the gifts for what they are, cryptic didnt "have" to do this as they could of very well not of bothered.
    2. you are getting 7 items in a six day event (although techically you are getting 9 items if you seperate out the tech upgrade and spec point as one each). the first four items, the spec points, dilithium fleet token, enhanced tech upgrades, open uniforms plus the 3 t4 ships and you are calling that a disadvantage?

    1. Gifts are nice. Telling someone you will give them X many gifts and then giving them X-1 gifts isn't quite as nice.
    2. Three ships? That's odd. Each of my characters only got one ship, and I have characters on both factions.

    There are 3 factions, and 3 ships were given out, 1 Fed ship, 1 KDF ship, and 1 Romulan ship, this is indisputable fact.

    It is also a fact that the sum of squares of the length of each leg of a right triangle is equal to the square of the length of its hypotenuse. However, neither of those facts is relevant to this discussion.

    Each of my characters - Fed and KDF - got one ship. If the ships weren't mutually exclusive, your point would be more relevant.

    And if you had had a Romulan character you could have gotten the third ship like I and many many other people did, don't try to make BS claims just because you don't have the character needed to claim a giveaway item.

    A Romulan can get two ships, not three. I'm not making any "BS claim" - you simply don't have a relevant point to make. You might as well suggest that the spec point gift counted as two gifts, because there were two points in it. In fact, that would make more sense, because each character could actually use every point in that pack. Unfortunately, each character can use only one of these ships (and, again, two for Romulans, not three).

    And, once again, the news post on this clearly stated a new item or set of items each day. That didn't happen. In case you forgot:
    Every day we’ll be giving away new C-Store items for Captains to enjoy. Every 24 hours, we’ll be giving out a different item (or even multiple), so be sure to grab these up!

    24 hours later, and no different item (or set of items) was given out.
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