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neotara Arc User



  • OMG the progress tab is a dead tie with the all selected. 20 assignments I need to know what's ending at a glance not scroll through all this freaking new fodder!!!
  • O come on 51 jobs ... you need an average of 2 dofs an assignment, 20 assignments... 2040 clicks. We should ask from them to keep all the amazing work. 3 cheers, so ready for the next expansion, I'm just itching to open my wallet. :eek:
  • I'm back to say... 600+ clicks if you wish to pick officers using the sorting filter... This UI is sooooo awesome. Omg best game ever made. The person who redid the UI should get a promotion and a very large bonus. *Rolls eyes :mad::mad::mad:
  • Sears was sued for telling people they needed to replace the belts in there cars every time they got an oil change... The belts were fine they argued it was a "suggestion." Sears lost. My point: You were selling Life Time Subscriptions just before implementing major game braking changes. Bait and Switch. You took a product…
  • My guess is they will remove all traits and just find more ways for you to pay Dil instead of earning it. The goal of STO is no longer to create fun new content. The goal is to Slap the Star Trek logo on a lunch box you have pay to open. This just another step before they find new ways to Tme-Gate and Pay-Wall it.
  • A picture says 1000 words... https://twitter.com/HiddenTranny/status/484944530370605056 2 Purples both with Crits Nets you 7% failure!!! :eek: This goes live I'm done with STO and telling everyone Star Trek / Cryptic / Perfect World / Arc can't make a good video game to save it's life! :mad::mad: Star Trek Video Games…
  • "IF IT'S NOT BROKE DON"T FIX IT!" ~Every Grandparent ever After playing with this UI for a few hours I can safely say... I will most likely stop playing STO if this is the Final product and this is the direction it's headed. It's not effective, it makes the current fun yet complex system and tries to dumb it down for a…
  • WE won't be able to change their minds... I think the whole business strategy was laid out perfectly on Risa. Annoy the player into spending more money by forcing them into liner repeatable task. STO is becoming less and less open world, and more of point and grind, or point and pay or you have to grind. I'd gladly be a…
  • In the announcements they talked about reducing inventory clogging... But with only 100 in a stack it's taking up 2.5x the space for all full stacks! :mad: I also really don't like the UI look. The original was not only fine I love it; this new one looks too busy, and is an eye sore. :/ I's strongly suggest keeping the…
  • "Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Her five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no one has gone before." That's really how I feel about this... While not caulked with great story content, this was the most…
  • "how else will they learn?" Sheldon Cooper. The events mechanics suck, the time gates really really suck... They can do better... A lot better!!
  • I'm not wasting my summer for a handful of useless items. It really upsets me that the race is only 2x an hr and you have to GRAB the flag. It would be awesome if you could just run races 24-7n then I would actually want the better boards.
  • All these timers really bum me out... I'd very much like to pick and choose which events I actually want to do. More female outfits is great but the amount of time it would take for a bunch of costumes you can only wear on Risa, totally not worth it! It also looks stupid when you have to spend 3 hours or so in regular wear…
  • Nothing to see here... *Shifty eyes*