hrmm thats kinda short sited....give each one a unique trait to improve carrier gameplay while encouraging us to buy each one. i might pick up the klingon version to use with all my klinks....
thanks alot thats awesome to know. thanks for the feedback. Perhaps those slower beefy pets will be good for endgame stuff. On my main i got lucky and got a bug, so jhas pets for him, all the other ones though looks like ill be taking the elite yukawas for a spin!
Well if anyone who matters is reading this post, consider this. The good will that it would foster, allowing already established money spenders to keep the things they paid for, would be enormous. I know my wallet would be a little lighter, and i prolly would not be the only one.....
Im sure they are, thats just not good business sense. if someone already has a pattern of spending money, you should do everything you can to get them to spend more. Im not asking for a freebie, or expecting something for nothing. I just want to keep what i have already paid for. Is this unreasonable?
GTA V is just as mmo as STO online is. they allowed you a one time transfer of accounts. So its possible. This is a really simple issue for me. they either allow me to transfer my purchases to the Xbox one and ill prolly spend more money, or they wont, and ill never touch it.
You are wrong, there is not ONE post with INGAME numbers. Acutally skills, on Actual ships, explaining why it would be OP. Just alot of philosophy (which i tend to agree with on the philosophic side btw), but NO COLD HARD FACTS. Please quote the thread that contains INGAME examples with numbers of how it would be op. Im…
I think you hit the nail on the head. I could do with out the exiled Q boff, what i really wanted was the Universal Boff. Holographic would be a much better and more plausible way to pull it off. Well played sir...well played!
it would work as follows. normal human boff with the ability to sit in all three profession slots, able to train all the skills in each of his four skill slots. other then that, normal boff. normal stats.
the Q wouldn't have been expelled, they chose to leave. One already did it, and killed himself. There is plenty of precedent for it. He was bored. there was nothing left for him to do, an eternity of that boredom was intolerable to him. Since he set the "precedent" others decide to join him. and Since Q can reproduce, the…
Ill even start with the brainstorming. Back Story "tired of an eternity of boredom, following the example of their fellow Q, this (insert name here and sex) has chosen to join your crew. Limit one per captain. what makes this boff special is it is able to sit in any seat on your bridge regardless of rank or profession,…
You are wrong im afraid to say. there is more then enough precident across multiple series to support this option. Not gonna go your homework for you, but ill give you two examples. TNG when q is expelled and chooses entreprise. Voyager, when the q wants to and is granted the right to commit suicide. A Q boff would very…
what it comes down to though is dps. thats what they are really both made for. Does the JHAS pars higher then the fleet defiant retro? not gonna argue the bug is more survivable.......
its very simple for me. no point wasting time for me on the fleetmark que missions.....the amount of marks i get for the effort, just not worth it. see....i just really cant see how you can be this stupid mr stahl or Dahl or whatever your name is, you had two very sensible options. 1. cap the amount of fleet-marks you can…
Your best bet is Fleet antiproton DHC. prices on the AH are out of control for Antiproton. each DHC will cost you 20k fleet credits and 10k dilithuim. thats 60k and 30k dilithium for a full set of DHC, not a bad grind at all...
swap out one of those photon torps for a breen cluster torpedo. Then get yourself three projectile doffs. Work your way up to blue. the damage on that particular setup is hilarious. the breen cluster torp hits like a friggin mac truck. its basically a high yield tricobald every 15-25 seconds with that setup. The photons…
The breen cluster build is designed to get the CD on the cluster torpedo down as much as possible. Your other torpedos arn't really there for the damage, just to fire as fast as you can, so you have greater chances procing your projectile boffs, and lowering the CD on the breen cluster torpedo. Great thing about the…
kind of a bummer. i was gonna make my intrepid retro sci a torp boat with two omegas and the breen cluster torpedo. Just have to use fleet protons now.
I realize im trading off some dps on my three turrets by not going antiproton. im just wondering if the damage-resist debuff proc accross my team is worth the damage tradeoff.......again im in a chell grett. have three fleet aniproton DHC up front. have my cutting beam in back. instead of running antiproton turrets im…
that backs up what im wanting to do. I have antiproton DHC up front. im wanting the Disruptor Proc to enhance not only mine but team damage.....thansk for help.