Using something you have obtained through time or money is not a cheat. If you take part in a race in real life, the quality of your training and performance is based upon the time and money you have invested, this virtual race is no different. If there are players that have not put in the time to complete the events,…
With the increate of character slots, I am not showing, as a life-timer, three extra slots. But, I still am unable to purchase the two final character slots that I should be able to purchase.
They are replacing some objectives with new ones - If you have not completed the old ones, you'll just have the new ones plus the remaining old ones to complete. Having only finished all three of my Deltas in the past few months (finally), many objectives were hard to get as those missions are no longer in the main story…
Under the "Delta Recruit and account rewards" section - the Delta Recruit Reward is what your recruit gets, the Account Reward is what your non-Delta Recruit characters get once they hit level 20+ (some unlock at different levels). Missions where you get technology/information, you unlock a box where you can select what…
Try this link, should contain all the info: Full details of changes might not be there just yet, but changes I would expect to be equivalent.
All accounts were given an extra slot for the recruit on the original event - the extra slot remained when new accounts were created afterward, so it is unlikely a new slot will be awarded again.
I'm really happy that they are bringing this back. I finally got all my recruits finished last year during furlough, and had frinds that had not created any or just a Fed Delta recruit. Now I can help them get all their Delta recruits completed, as they helped me.
I'm not too sure how any of that really answers any question asked or has much in the way of a valid point! Cryptic have already got the PC version ported for Xbox One and PS4, so Stadia not running PC games is a mute point there! Stadia has few users and a small library, well, yeah! It is weeks old and you're comparing it…
Yeah, that spasm it has does get annoying. If people can list on this thread the exact name of the accolade that is unobtainable, or if they should be changed, give examples of what the change should be, the dev's will have one list they can go through when they look at the problem to ensure they are all caught.
I have not been about to watch any of the livestreams since Trendy; but if it was recently mentioned, that is great. Yeah, these things take time, but I wanted to post to make sure it was at least a post-it on someone's whiteboard ;)
I have those accolades as well - I would like to eventually have all accolades completed on a single character, but ones like Vigilant, I would not be able to do.
I'm having the same problems with keybinds and my files (that have previously been working) are now not and they are located in this folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Star Trek Online\Star Trek Online\Live\
Sometimes the forum redirects have a funny moment, try visiting directly and see if you get the support page without any further problems.
For me STO was on loading for >10 mins - killed process. Restarted game - waited for a few mins and got sent back to login screen with the account authentication error - re-logged in from there and got in okay
I had not said the issue had been resolved and I had linked the open bug report to ensure everyone puts what epohhs cannot be handed in in one place - and the Bug Reports section IS actively monitored. The very earliest any fix would probably be out due to holidays will be next week.
If you want to report not being able to trade in epohhs in the GPL store please ensure you list each type in the Bug Reports section - there is an open thread:
The type of epohh rewards is completely random - I have recevied Cheery and Lime. If you are having issue trading them in, please report them in this thread:
I am having the same issue. Here is screenshot of 3 epohh's I cannot turn in with the GPL store showing zero for all packages: The types I cannot turn in are:* Epohh Elder - Cherry * Epohh Elder - Wild Cherry * Epohh Elder - Exreme Lime Rare For anyone else…