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immudzen Arc User



  • So far though the approach seems to be to try and nerf those queues so people don't play them as much. Instead what happens is fewer people play queues at all and go find something else to do.
  • Some suffer much worse than others though. In ESO you have the champion point system that applies to all of your other characters, you do have a lot of end game dungeons and other stuff to do and lets be honest ESO has VASTLY more content than STO does. ESO is also open world and level scaled so level 50 with 400 champion…
  • I don't think nerfing people will get the queues played. Many of the older players mostly just have nothing to play for anymore. There is no real endgame. If you notice most of the newer queues are time gated and more dps does not really help that much. Even if you have a team where everyone does 200K+ you don't cut that…
  • A DPS cap of 30K would mostly just shift the kinds of ships people fly. 30K of antiproton damage is not the same as 30K of exotic damage. If you have to destroy the shields before the hull but I can ignore the shields and go right to the hull I will kill faster even at the same DPS. If you put in a hard dps cap you will…
  • There is a simpler solution. Only set the first entry and run through the 5 numbers. You will find the first number within 5 guesses and you will know all the numbers that are found in the rest of the puzzle. You can then only guess numbers that are available in the rest of the puzzle and even just do one digit at a time…
  • I would make it cost in game currency or free. The problem is that most ships have a spec that will fit the ship. If your spec does not fit the ship then you either pay to change the spec and pay for the ship and hope you like the new playstyle or you just pass on the ship. In the end what I have seen is most people don't…
  • Thank you for the reply. I did not want to start any kind of argument. I just copied a character to Tribble and played around with it a bit before giving some feedback. I am sure feedback is going in pretty much every direction possible. I intend to do some more testing and see how various abilities work compared to…
  • I am planning to pass on this ship. The tactical layout is horrible. The T6 skill does not look useful for a carrier at all. Worse the pets use cannons. I have been flying carriers for a long time. Do you know how bad pet AI is? Do you know how often those cannons will EVER be in arc to fire? Until they fix pet AI it is…
  • I like carriers a lot. However, I won't buy the carrier unless it is a good ship. It needs to have a good trait and be combat competitive with the Breen carrier. I want either a science or tactical carrier since there is no need for a tank and a tank carrier is just not very useful given the current game setup. If they…
  • Come on guys! A shut up and take my money moment should not be based on something reasonable! It should be based on something so amazing you would not even think about it. In my case I want a Borg Tactical Cube. Fully loaded with Borg technology. Even better would be a Borg Unimatrix ship.
  • Honestly I don't like gamma at all but I did vote for #TeamGamma because I think that Delta is the ugliest ship I have ever seen. I am not just including star trek ships either. Just ugliest ship period. Something about the saucer design just looks truly horrible to me and I have no idea why. Delta needs to have the saucer…
  • There are many ships that I have purchased that I really like, My favorite ever is the Dauntless. That is an amazing science vessel that is almost as maneuverable as a shuttle. The other ships I have purchased over the years that I have really liked is the Vesta pack the Avenger. The Avenger is an UGLY ship. It reminds me…
  • I am running Windows 10 here also and I have had no problems with the game or any other game for that matter. The install went smoothly and all my apps are where I left them and everything is still working. Very smooth upgrade.
    in Windows 10 Comment by immudzen July 2015
  • Gambling in Fallout New Vegas is NOT like gambling in STO. You pay for Fallout New Vegas just once and you can play the slots as much as you want since currency is basically limitless and trivial to acquire in the game. The other issue is that people don't play Fallout New Vegas for the slots but a heck of a lot of people…
  • Overall assigning blame is not interesting to me. The person did make a choice to play a game with unclear rules. The rules should NEVER be unclear. It is deceptive as hell and should be fraudulent to not post the odds. Just remember there are many people out there that are not very smart and in most areas of our society…
  • The difference is that people normally buy those drinks and the item is truly completely secondary. What percentage of R&D packs are sold during promotions vs any other time? I am pretty sure that mcdonalds doesn't sell more than a tiny percentage more sodas while they do their monopoly promotion. I am sure that cryptic…
  • If they don't admit it is gambling and publish the odds they are going to get regulated as gambling and things will be worse. They could say what is in the r&d pack along with the odds of getting any of the special items and still try to claim it is not gambling.
  • If you look at most of the comments here almost everyone says this is gambling. Pretty much everyone recognizes that this is actually gambling it is just evading gambling laws on a technicality. The fundamental issue is that the odds should be posted and even though some MMO companies have lobbied to keep laws from being…
  • This seems like hiding based on a technicality. Those boxes are sold because of the ships not because of the R&D components. NO matter how they try to present it the system is still gambling. The issue I see is that hiding it is massively unethical. Worse since it is just hiding based on a technicality the laws will…
  • One BIG issue I see is that like any other gambling system the odds should be clearly posted. Every time the lottery is advertised on TV in the USA or you are at a game of chance you can clearly see the odds. It should be illegal not to clearly state the odds since it is gambling. I wonder how many people would open…
  • You are also comparing to a highly successful game. A game that has millions of players and no real danger of dieing. If you have a large and healthy community the community itself is enough to keep people in the game and draw others. In that situation you can make different decisions. STO does not have that. If STO had a…
  • How does this change help retain players? How does this change bring in new players? The game is bleeding players right now. There is no reason to make this change when it can only damage the playerbase instead of helping it. I readily accept there is a problem with people just saving stuff from the previous year to get a…
  • It is bad for the game because there are fewer people to play with. More people have been quiting and even getting groups in the DPS channels is pretty slow now. This change does NOTHING to retain players. The absolute best case you can get from this change is neutral to player numbers. The problem is that we don't have…
  • They could have easily gotten high participation by allowing you to unlock any previous ship only with the new tokens. I just don't get it. The game is becoming more and more grindy and trying to make sure people log on extremely often and with monetization that does not seem to make much sense, especially when compared…
  • I already know they won't notice. They stopped caring long ago. I just don't see any other option than not to participate.
  • I won't ever understand this. This is the only MMO I have encountered where the developers routinely delete content. I have played MMOs since EQ1 and Asheron's Call and this idea of just removing content is destructive and harms the health of the game.
  • I think I am just going to skip the event. This behavior of not allowing people to get old ships is bad for the game. It makes it harder for new players to join. It also means for the winter event that new players will never get the Sarr Theln and the frigate pets. The only way to get them to change is to refuse to…
  • Based on history .... it means that none of them will be worthwhile and that the game will be even more of a grind than it is now. Don't worry though they will sell more xp boosters.
    in I'm sorry Comment by immudzen May 2015
  • The problem that i see is the insta fails are just too easy to cause. I have seen people try to gravwell enemies in ISA to stop them from getting to the generator but instead of targetting the farthest back one they targetted the farthest forward enemy and sucked them into range to repair the transform and instant fail. I…
  • Mostly it depends on the craft. For example the Sarr Theln frigate pets at elite get the breen energy dissipator. The lower rarity versions don't have it. Look at the pets you are interested in and see if they get any new abilities at elite. If all they get is higher tier of the same abilities then it probably does not…