but the ships are now account unlocks...so if you got them on one character you got them for all. I'm pretty sure I read this info in a previous post or a post by trendy here on the forum.
I think I am just going to skip the event. This behavior of not allowing people to get old ships is bad for the game. It makes it harder for new players to join. It also means for the winter event that new players will never get the Sarr Theln and the frigate pets.
The only way to get them to change is to refuse to participate.
I know people like exclusive content but it is bad for the game in general and there is no good reason for it. You should be able to earn any previous ship with the new currency and the currency can change every year. That way people will play the event if they don't have the ships and they can't just save up for the next year.
I don't know of any other way to get them to change. Most of my friends have quit already due to various bad decisions cryptic keeps making.
Personally, I think it sucks because a lot of work went into the corvette and luxury cruiser. They had more customization options than any other ship in the game -- and that isn't a trivial thing. That's just the superficial ship design, too.
I've never really agreed with Cryptic's policy on removing content or retiring ships.
Apparently those ships were good enough for dev blogs of their own, but not good enough to stick around for the long haul. The Risian Luxury Cruiser didn't even last a year.
If I had spent months working on the Risian Luxury Liner, only to be told it wouldn't be attainable for new players next year, I'd likely be very irate at my bosses.
You don't just retire art like that.
I'd rather have been annoyed at a repackaged T6 Risian Corvette than annoyed at ships with that kind of detail put into them being retired.
It really surprises me Stephen Ricossa would throw his ship design team under the bus like that.
Personally, I think they should have told people before this event, but given people this event to get things unlocked, in the knowledge that things will be changing after.
I've never really agreed with Cryptic's policy on removing content or retiring ships.
I won't ever understand this. This is the only MMO I have encountered where the developers routinely delete content. I have played MMOs since EQ1 and Asheron's Call and this idea of just removing content is destructive and harms the health of the game.
I won't ever understand this. This is the only MMO I have encountered where the developers routinely delete content. I have played MMOs since EQ1 and Asheron's Call and this idea of just removing content is destructive and harms the health of the game.
I also consider it very disrespectful to the artists and developers. You're basically telling them that their time and effort into doing their jobs doesn't matter. It's bad for company morale and I would assume makes the people who work on those kinds of things feel unappreciated.
It really surprises me Stephen Ricossa would throw his ship design team under the bus like that.
You've got a really strange perspective there, guy. From what I've seen of Jam Jamz tweets and others these dudes are just really stoked to be paid to design ships. I have no clue how you turned "retiring ships" into "throwing the ship design team under the bus". You people create so much drama where there is none it just blows the mind.
I also consider it very disrespectful to the artists and developers. You're basically telling them that their time and effort into doing their jobs doesn't matter. It's bad for company morale and I would assume makes the people who work on those kinds of things feel unappreciated.
There is no sense in retiring these ships.
Agreed. Even if they could perhaps have an improved option or modify it or...something other than just hit the delete button on them(or in this case, being inaccessible).
Retired. I'm now in search for that perfect space anomaly.
I think I am just going to skip the event. This behavior of not allowing people to get old ships is bad for the game. It makes it harder for new players to join. It also means for the winter event that new players will never get the Sarr Theln and the frigate pets.
The only way to get them to change is to refuse to participate.
I know people like exclusive content but it is bad for the game in general and there is no good reason for it. You should be able to earn any previous ship with the new currency and the currency can change every year. That way people will play the event if they don't have the ships and they can't just save up for the next year.
I don't know of any other way to get them to change. Most of my friends have quit already due to various bad decisions cryptic keeps making.
Make sure to hold your breath so Cryptic will notice...............
But in my professional personal opinion as former dev and community manager, I know it better and they do everything wrong. Personally I mean, I have no personal insight into statistics but I still say they will loose money because of my personal precognition.
They should listen personally to us, but they don't do it. But personally, I play this game since closed alpha and I like it.
I also consider it very disrespectful to the artists and developers. You're basically telling them that their time and effort into doing their jobs doesn't matter. It's bad for company morale and I would assume makes the people who work on those kinds of things feel unappreciated.
There is no sense in retiring these ships.
I would have to hit myself in the head with a hammer all day long to beat all logic out for this to make any sense.
You are trying too hard to fabricate angst where none exist. What is more desirable, being the designer for a limited edition ship envied by many or the designer of a ship handed to every self-entitled weenie that ever said MINE! MINE!?
But in my professional personal opinion as former dev and community manager, I know it better and they do everything wrong. Personally I mean, I have no personal insight into statistics but I still say they will loose money because of my personal precognition.
They should listen personally to us, but they don't do it. But personally, I play this game since closed alpha and I like it.
In my expert opinion of never being a dev or a community manager this is getting way overblown.
Getting rid of the old Risa ships isn't really all that bad. Very Few people use them anyways. I still have the corvette and cruiser boxed away on 3 of my characters. The only problem I see is if they introduce a 3rd console with the new Ferengi ship that makes a set. Then the bantha fodder will hit the roof. People love 3 piece ship sets, even if most of them are junk. Its just the idea of having a extra set to use whenever.
A Ferengi warship, now this I gotta see. The Ferengi are the richest race in the galaxy. I can't wait to see what they have built with all that gold pressed latnum. Super Mega Awesome D'Kora retrofit at your finger tips. Nobody messes with the exchange currency and gets by with it. Nobody. Ferengi are out for blood and of course profit. The chills just won't stop.
Personally, I think it sucks because a lot of work went into the corvette and luxury cruiser. They had more customization options than any other ship in the game -- and that isn't a trivial thing. That's just the superficial ship design, too.
I've never really agreed with Cryptic's policy on removing content or retiring ships.
Apparently those ships were good enough for dev blogs of their own, but not good enough to stick around for the long haul. The Risian Luxury Cruiser didn't even last a year.
If I had spent months working on the Risian Luxury Liner, only to be told it wouldn't be attainable for new players next year, I'd likely be very irate at my bosses.
You don't just retire art like that.
I'd rather have been annoyed at a repackaged T6 Risian Corvette than annoyed at ships with that kind of detail put into them being retired.
It really surprises me Stephen Ricossa would throw his ship design team under the bus like that.
I really agree with this
everything about this smells just wrong, even the announcement was odd. "hi, we are taking stuff away" and that's it, no more information. very very very weird.
and putting neon pinstriping on them and calling them t6 or t5-new is also bad
if they didn't have enough time to update the event properly (((like the winter holiday event))) then fine, there's always another year probably, there are plenty of people who don't have the ships who would like them
plenty of people don't have those ships and would want to get them, here is a telling quote from reddit
"I was barely able to pull off getting the Cruiser last year. The event runs when I've got family in town, I go right from the office to visit them and get back home in time to go to sleep to get up to go to work the next day. Honestly, I have no idea how I was able to get the cruiser - I'm guessing it involved missing sleep."
christ, all they would have had to do to get people to participate is add a couple new swimsuits
The new T6 dreadnought flying luxury hotel...enjoy your risian mai tai cocktail on your bridge while making the Borg regret the day they were born. YEAH! Those vacations will blow you away! *Monkeys not included*
You've got a really strange perspective there, guy. From what I've seen of Jam Jamz tweets and others these dudes are just really stoked to be paid to design ships. I have no clue how you turned "retiring ships" into "throwing the ship design team under the bus". You people create so much drama where there is none it just blows the mind.
I would have to hit myself in the head with a hammer all day long to beat all logic out for this to make any sense.
You are trying too hard to fabricate angst where none exist. What is more desirable, being the designer for a limited edition ship envied by many or the designer of a ship handed to every self-entitled weenie that ever said MINE! MINE!?
I'm not really fabricating anything. If my opinion is too convoluted, let me break it down into the most simple terms I can.
If developer time is valuable, then the things they create are valuable.
If the things they create are valuable, then they should be regarded as valuable.
If the things they create are not valuable, then the time spent creating them was not valuable.
If the time spent creating them was not valuable, then developer time is not valuable.
So... essentially, all that time they spent creating those ships means nothing. Labor hours. Meetings. Payroll. All of it meaningless.
I'm not really fabricating anything. If my opinion is too convoluted, let me break it down into the most simple terms I can.
If developer time is valuable, then the things they create are valuable.
If the things they create are valuable, then they should be regarded as valuable.
If the things they create are not valuable, then the time spent creating them was not valuable.
If the time spent creating them was not valuable, then developer time is not valuable.
So... essentially, all that time they spent creating those ships means nothing. Labor hours. Meetings. Payroll. All of it meaningless.
Based on that logic, everytime a player decides NOT to purchase a C-store ship, the time of the art department is wasted. So to make sure they are as important as possible, every player in the game needs to run out and buy EVERY C-store ship that is available?
I feel it's possible it's referring to T5 versions. Of course, I can be wrong, and they literally mean the entire design and effort that went into them.
They've already shown that they will re-release T6s of certain T5s if they have the Specialization for them.
The Risian Cruiser can readily get a Command Spec and the Risian Corvette can readily get Pilot, if they want to do so, with the new ship getting Intel, if they don't want to double-up on Escort-like ships for this event. And by cutting out the old T5s; they've just become some old status symbol, much like the JHAS was.
At the same time, they could re-release them in T6 formats; set in their new standards, and a new overhaul or alternate hull design, and being that it's a different design, could be classed as a new ship (the JHSS side of the equation).
As well, if they really want to pad metrics; they would release them as T6s, along with the new fancy T6. Then let players just grind 3 characters for the 20-30 days it takes to unlock each one in the Event Tab as well as for the upcoming Account Unlock Store (I wonder if they will reuse their Temporal Agents for such). Then players would just have to choose to either run a few more dailies on alts to unlock the ships via the Event tab, or wait until the ships are added to the Account Shop (likely after the event; and probably costing Dil).
Based on that logic, everytime a player decides NOT to purchase a C-store ship, the time of the art department is wasted. So to make sure they are as important as possible, every player in the game needs to run out and buy EVERY C-store ship that is available?
That's the thing. The C-store ships are always there. The Risian event ships are not always going to be there.
They could have easily gotten high participation by allowing you to unlock any previous ship only with the new tokens.
I just don't get it. The game is becoming more and more grindy and trying to make sure people log on extremely often and with monetization that does not seem to make much sense, especially when compared with other free to play MMOs.
I don't see any logic in what the devs are doing but I have fleet members that where looking forward to getting some of those older ships because they did not play the game then and now they are not playing at all.
It would not have hurt anyone to keep those ships in. Even if some people play purely for free you need enough people playing the game to keep in players that pay for stuff with real money and that is what keeps the game afloat. If you lose too many people you lose those who pay money also.
Giving out free ships you already made has no cost to it. They are t5 ships and don't even compete with the new ships but they still give people something to get and have fun with and they increase the number of people in the game.
It just seems to me that there is something seriously wrong with Cryptic and they need to address this before there is nobody left to address it with.
Yes, I have the ships, so maybe my perspective is off. But I've missed limited time/exclusive items in other games, without it being the end of the world. Or thinking that it's "bad for the game" (yes, it's terrible for the game to have special limited-time rewards to encourage people to participate in special events. Terrible, just terrible. :rolleyes:) or that it disrespects the devs (again - devs have been making special/exclusive/limited content in games for ages now. This is nothing new or strange. They're not feeling all hurt that the thing they made isn't available anymore).
Not enough Picard-facepalm gifs in the world for this overreaction.
edit: given that the new ship is Ferengi, rather than a third "Risian" ship, I'm pretty confidant that we're not getting a third-piece-set console with it.
Yes, I have the ships, so maybe my perspective is off. But I've missed limited time/exclusive items in other games, without it being the end of the world. Or thinking that it's "bad for the game" (yes, it's terrible for the game to have special limited-time rewards to encourage people to participate in special events. Terrible, just terrible. :rolleyes:) or that it disrespects the devs (again - devs have been making special/exclusive/limited content in games for ages now. This is nothing new or strange. They're not feeling all hurt that the thing they made isn't available anymore).
Not enough Picard-facepalm gifs in the world for this overreaction.
edit: given that the new ship is Ferengi, rather than a third "Risian" ship, I'm pretty confidant that we're not getting a third-piece-set console with it.
"Other people do it, so it's okay."
I don't think I'm overreacting. I'm just disappointed.
Yeah, there've been threads yelling about that for weeks now.
The only way to get them to change is to refuse to participate.
I know people like exclusive content but it is bad for the game in general and there is no good reason for it. You should be able to earn any previous ship with the new currency and the currency can change every year. That way people will play the event if they don't have the ships and they can't just save up for the next year.
I don't know of any other way to get them to change. Most of my friends have quit already due to various bad decisions cryptic keeps making.
If you have them on other characters, they are account unlocks. Otherwise, your SOL.
I've never really agreed with Cryptic's policy on removing content or retiring ships.
Apparently those ships were good enough for dev blogs of their own, but not good enough to stick around for the long haul. The Risian Luxury Cruiser didn't even last a year.
If I had spent months working on the Risian Luxury Liner, only to be told it wouldn't be attainable for new players next year, I'd likely be very irate at my bosses.
You don't just retire art like that.
I'd rather have been annoyed at a repackaged T6 Risian Corvette than annoyed at ships with that kind of detail put into them being retired.
It really surprises me Stephen Ricossa would throw his ship design team under the bus like that.
I won't ever understand this. This is the only MMO I have encountered where the developers routinely delete content. I have played MMOs since EQ1 and Asheron's Call and this idea of just removing content is destructive and harms the health of the game.
I also consider it very disrespectful to the artists and developers. You're basically telling them that their time and effort into doing their jobs doesn't matter. It's bad for company morale and I would assume makes the people who work on those kinds of things feel unappreciated.
There is no sense in retiring these ships.
You've got a really strange perspective there, guy. From what I've seen of Jam Jamz tweets and others these dudes are just really stoked to be paid to design ships. I have no clue how you turned "retiring ships" into "throwing the ship design team under the bus". You people create so much drama where there is none it just blows the mind.
Agreed. Even if they could perhaps have an improved option or modify it or...something other than just hit the delete button on them(or in this case, being inaccessible).
Make sure to hold your breath so Cryptic will notice...............
I already know they won't notice. They stopped caring long ago. I just don't see any other option than not to participate.
But in my professional personal opinion as former dev and community manager, I know it better and they do everything wrong. Personally I mean, I have no personal insight into statistics but I still say they will loose money because of my personal precognition.
They should listen personally to us, but they don't do it. But personally, I play this game since closed alpha and I like it.
I would have to hit myself in the head with a hammer all day long to beat all logic out for this to make any sense.
You are trying too hard to fabricate angst where none exist. What is more desirable, being the designer for a limited edition ship envied by many or the designer of a ship handed to every self-entitled weenie that ever said MINE! MINE!?
In my expert opinion of never being a dev or a community manager this is getting way overblown.
A Ferengi warship, now this I gotta see. The Ferengi are the richest race in the galaxy. I can't wait to see what they have built with all that gold pressed latnum. Super Mega Awesome D'Kora retrofit at your finger tips. Nobody messes with the exchange currency and gets by with it. Nobody. Ferengi are out for blood and of course profit. The chills just won't stop.
I really agree with this
everything about this smells just wrong, even the announcement was odd. "hi, we are taking stuff away" and that's it, no more information. very very very weird.
and putting neon pinstriping on them and calling them t6 or t5-new is also bad
if they didn't have enough time to update the event properly (((like the winter holiday event))) then fine, there's always another year probably, there are plenty of people who don't have the ships who would like them
plenty of people don't have those ships and would want to get them, here is a telling quote from reddit
"I was barely able to pull off getting the Cruiser last year. The event runs when I've got family in town, I go right from the office to visit them and get back home in time to go to sleep to get up to go to work the next day. Honestly, I have no idea how I was able to get the cruiser - I'm guessing it involved missing sleep."
christ, all they would have had to do to get people to participate is add a couple new swimsuits
You forgot to write it as a wall of text with how you feel about it, and how it ruined your life now.
The new T6 dreadnought flying luxury hotel...enjoy your risian mai tai cocktail on your bridge while making the Borg regret the day they were born. YEAH! Those vacations will blow you away! *Monkeys not included*
Seriously, those ships were a joke :rolleyes:
I'm not really fabricating anything. If my opinion is too convoluted, let me break it down into the most simple terms I can.
If developer time is valuable, then the things they create are valuable.
If the things they create are valuable, then they should be regarded as valuable.
If the things they create are not valuable, then the time spent creating them was not valuable.
If the time spent creating them was not valuable, then developer time is not valuable.
So... essentially, all that time they spent creating those ships means nothing. Labor hours. Meetings. Payroll. All of it meaningless.
Based on that logic, everytime a player decides NOT to purchase a C-store ship, the time of the art department is wasted. So to make sure they are as important as possible, every player in the game needs to run out and buy EVERY C-store ship that is available?
They've already shown that they will re-release T6s of certain T5s if they have the Specialization for them.
The Risian Cruiser can readily get a Command Spec and the Risian Corvette can readily get Pilot, if they want to do so, with the new ship getting Intel, if they don't want to double-up on Escort-like ships for this event. And by cutting out the old T5s; they've just become some old status symbol, much like the JHAS was.
At the same time, they could re-release them in T6 formats; set in their new standards, and a new overhaul or alternate hull design, and being that it's a different design, could be classed as a new ship (the JHSS side of the equation).
As well, if they really want to pad metrics; they would release them as T6s, along with the new fancy T6. Then let players just grind 3 characters for the 20-30 days it takes to unlock each one in the Event Tab as well as for the upcoming Account Unlock Store (I wonder if they will reuse their Temporal Agents for such). Then players would just have to choose to either run a few more dailies on alts to unlock the ships via the Event tab, or wait until the ships are added to the Account Shop (likely after the event; and probably costing Dil).
That's the thing. The C-store ships are always there. The Risian event ships are not always going to be there.
I just don't get it. The game is becoming more and more grindy and trying to make sure people log on extremely often and with monetization that does not seem to make much sense, especially when compared with other free to play MMOs.
I don't see any logic in what the devs are doing but I have fleet members that where looking forward to getting some of those older ships because they did not play the game then and now they are not playing at all.
It would not have hurt anyone to keep those ships in. Even if some people play purely for free you need enough people playing the game to keep in players that pay for stuff with real money and that is what keeps the game afloat. If you lose too many people you lose those who pay money also.
Giving out free ships you already made has no cost to it. They are t5 ships and don't even compete with the new ships but they still give people something to get and have fun with and they increase the number of people in the game.
It just seems to me that there is something seriously wrong with Cryptic and they need to address this before there is nobody left to address it with.
Yes, I have the ships, so maybe my perspective is off. But I've missed limited time/exclusive items in other games, without it being the end of the world. Or thinking that it's "bad for the game" (yes, it's terrible for the game to have special limited-time rewards to encourage people to participate in special events. Terrible, just terrible. :rolleyes:) or that it disrespects the devs (again - devs have been making special/exclusive/limited content in games for ages now. This is nothing new or strange. They're not feeling all hurt that the thing they made isn't available anymore).
Not enough Picard-facepalm gifs in the world for this overreaction.
edit: given that the new ship is Ferengi, rather than a third "Risian" ship, I'm pretty confidant that we're not getting a third-piece-set console with it.
True, but the coding for the Risa ships will still be in the Developers bag of tricks, for future use.
After all, we are talking about some lines of code here.
"Other people do it, so it's okay."
I don't think I'm overreacting. I'm just disappointed.