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hatepwe Arc User



  • Trendy said last week it appeared to be client side and they were looking into it further. No updates since then though. They may be waiting to see if today's patch fixes it. I wish I could offer the exact times but it's only one character and it was the first character I logged into after the new season started and into…
  • This I agree with but I think creating Rare/UR DOFF and Admirality assignments that issue Rep as well as a rep box on related content makes sense. Maybe relate mission reward to difficulty level to boot. I did say NO to more solo content as every part of the game is solo except the queues and STFs. Aside from those you're…
  • Hehe was thinking same thing... I too agree with Sov about better drops the themed BOFFs is a great idea but BOFF slots aren't super cheap hehe...perhaps have rare chance to get services and other things in the c-store already (Boff slot box etc)
  • Teasers and Lore updates regarding anniversary and our freebie ship. Anniversary Episode after that with Anniversary event games. Then likely another episode drawing from the Anniversary and after that hopefully something big with the Star Trek 50th in mind. Perhaps a time travel episode back to TOS related to temporal…
  • Yeah clustering ships in lower tiers together as faction bundles would be a welcome option. I also like these single ship sales, would be great to see featured ships on sale, maybe even get a short story about that crew and have it be the ship of the month. Maybe have a bonus to using that ship like innate +X% to whatever…
  • I think it can go without saying but, it stands to reason that if there's a KDF and FED campaign there will be a Romulan campaign, I'm betting we're gonna see that by or for the Anniversary.
  • I'd love to see all activities in an event realm give varying degrees of the same currency and then allow people to spend as they choose. If they want to use 10 vouchers for a fancy pistol that's event use only go for it. If they want to save them and use 1000 for a ship and get a few extras then cool! I know I'd spend a…
  • Exactly this, in the short term everything will spike up to 1 billion but since that's such a massive amount of EC just psychologically people won't want to pay that. And as stated undercutting will lower the price, frankly I'm more surprised to see keys still sitting so high up in price.
  • I feel like in general the people on the ground at Cryptic do a great job. As someone that works within a corporate atmosphere I can understand the mountain of stupid in place that has to be navigated just to get one little thing looked at or fixed. As someone that's produced a game for public consumption I can also…
  • Or the various references to Trip Tucker's brother and his brother's husband and their kid(s?). Though I'm the only person that watched Enterprise in this thread (some of the books are exceptional FYI)
  • I still Say having a different event each year offer the tokens is better than the race every year. Or even break the amount awarded among all the events to that you can do them all if you want ot take a couple extra days to get them, do like a daily bonus (how marks get one) every 20 hours for the first even you get…
  • I really feel like the Foundry is full of good missions that could have things tweaked and be moved to an exploration system, even if they can make a few dozen of them similar but with different species (I'm sure the breen are harassing multiple populations, etc) But to be fair it could be said that by the very nature of…
  • I just wish these alternate things to do during the events also gave some amount of winter vouchers. even if it was just 1 or 2 per day. It gets boring having this whole area and the only thing that hold true value for players is the race which is the least fun part of the whole zone. Then make everything in the zone…
  • Just saw another thread that reminded me: Expanded Gateway Integration. Click-Based content accessibility. DOFF, Admirality, Reputation System, etc.
  • Just make sure you log in once a month otherwise you stop getting zen stipends, I missed several months and lost a lot of zen because of being in transition between places and not having my pc up to sign in. Probably lost a good 1500 zen because of it.
  • Well the way I see it, account unlock makes me more likely to try and get them and even willing to spend real cash to do so. You end up spending nearly as much or more as you would on a C-Store ship. I also know very few people that spend cash on multiple lockbox ships of the same type for their account. I typically just…
  • I'd say it's wortth it. CBS has been working with Cryptic on the game for years. Now there's a new series out soon. Likely we'll see a bump in money being put into the game plus a new player rush. On top of all that since CBS only has prime universe rights it's very likely we'll see a show taking place during this period…
  • I'm betting we get a Tier 6 Luna or DSSV in the next few weeks. Betting we see an Odyssey-ish Nebula T6 too. Really they don't have many other ships to make T6 versions of EXCEPT Science at this point.
  • Someone mentioned upgrading Boff unique items, I was thinking maybe a named BOFF set that is unlocked by episode replay, perhaps even unlocked through Accolades and bought for Dil in the Dil store or something. Get the Breen kill accolade finished and the breen weapon damage and all the accolades for their story arc and…
  • Good suggestion, I know there's the environmental hazards or the Briar Patch but they aren't anything you see much of and even they were dulled down quite a bit. I remember after launch clearing the briar patch mission space portion just by blowing them up with gas detonations. Sorry I haven't been updating the OP with…
  • Was just thinking as I dry docked ships that I won't use for some time (T6s I haven't gotten to try out, etc) It would be nice if new ships didn't come with items built in because I delete it and it provides no EC anyway. Instead of they MUST have basic free and non-upgrade-able items available then add them into one of…
  • Faction-Specific TOS replacements for Romulan and KDF. Though Romulans start out in a TOS BoP perhaps a D7 for Klingons. Also, some sort of starship upgrade projects that could create T-Up tokens for lower tier ships.
  • Per Groupees CS if you haven't gotten a T6 bundle: "T6 keys are currently out of stock. It will be added to your account once more keys arrive." Basically they're throwing Cryptic under the bus as I'd assume Cryptic is providing the keys and they're saying Cryptic didn't give the amount needed to cover all the ones marked…
  • Yeah T6 bundle unlocked but no codes on my end either. Atleast the tiny ships unlocked and leeta unlocked finally. But I did get double charged even though I cancelled a bundle purchase.
  • Yeah I just assume that people using credit cards just lost out. No emails, purchase disappeared from my bundles page and have two pending charges on my card. Oh well.
  • glad to see I'm not the only one who saw purchases disappear and otherwise is having issues with that site. Hopefully it all resolves properly.
  • Also if you have any indepth thoughts solutions or ideas feel free to elaborate. So if you suggest "Fix K7" and have ideas for what could be done to make it better let me know!
  • I think exploration could be filled out by having foundry authors submit once every 3 months missions that they want to have in Exploration. They could get say a title maybe a special Foundry author pet or something if their work is selected. Then those missions get added to different planets as permanent fixtures that…
  • I never have time to do it but I always tell myself that I'm gonna build a really great ship of each type available to me (Escort, Science, Destroyer, Cruiser, Battlecruiser) and swap between those ships depending on my mood. I've never made it past my science ship though...and that was back in Beta I decided this...
  • I just wish if they aren't good for future purchases then let us at least sell/trade them among ourselves. If I have 1 photo left and Jim has 29 I don't care about that 1 it is a pittance but for Jim that 1 makes a huge difference. Would suck to be a handful of photos away from something useful in that store.