to make it appear, Arnock at the race of Natara. Arnock, on the night of his joining. Bazminti when he pulled back the veil. The beast at Tanagra. Chenza at court, the court of silence. Children of Tama. Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra. Darmok and Jalad on the Ocean. Darmok on the Ocean. Picard and Dathon at El-Adrel. Gramble,…
Player Housing when players build it up. the system gives them ways to buy ,acc bound l.b. weapons endevor progression alt friendly progression for ,rep ,spelisation ,r&d ... vehicles, that work on. larger ground and space maps. maybe improving on shuttle and ev systems
really good ideas! my suggestion, for a franchise that invented energy credits. and not to mention from a dev. company named cryptic! it is mind boggling, that we didn't expanded into crypto \ blockchain \ play to earn space!! STO would get more players ,more revenue and in game exchanges would be more fluent. Expansion :…
i visit random planets on the map,when get bored. some of them have ,side missions. There are several Combat Zones. and there are twitch \ community events ...
suggestion, for a guaranteed promo! ship 9mili dilit ,lockbox 5.5 mili dilit ,set of 6x crtd lockbox weapons 3.5 mili ,non tradable. the amount of dill. can differ just saying in order to make the lives of Voldemort's difficult, provide those ships in other ways than just gamble or ec
so people make, 500+ mili profit from a single item nowadays. something must be done against exc. hoarders. my suggestion ,if the account gets one of the promo! ships ,the next same one 70 dollars +350 lobi