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fogerty1 Arc User



  • Scuseeee me while I whip this out.
  • Besides laughing so hard to nearly tears, the sad fact is THIS MIGHT BE TRUE!!! lol
  • Has anyone tried to blame Bush for this yet?
  • I dont blame him for not wanting to be contacted. I have a couple of foundry missions I made and one was short and simple for people to get skilled the second a litttle bit of a story. Well Most loved it but then, someone went in and really trashed the rating because they weren't smart enough to understand. So I asked them…
  • I say give us some perk rewards for this outage. Some of us don't get to play as much as we like, and this outage wipes out my little time tonight. Throw us at least Fleet Credits or Omega Points, Anything. It's not OUR fault ANOTHER game wiped out OUR game for this period.
  • And what a classically great scene that was!
  • Yep its certifiably down again. Just when I was rejoicing in seeing a spawn camper run away and leave the match.
  • Might be jumping ahead here as I didn't get to rea dall the pages but Dan seriously? The reason Ground PVP is way down is: 1) You never do anything to entice people to play it. 2) You never make anything directed toward it. 3) You offer no rewards other than dilithium 4) You don't care about it. I saw your statement that…
  • Do not need some POS spayware and mini website designed for tracking nor do I care to create a profile on that nose-diving mass exodus Fartbook. What I do care about is Cryptic listening to the members and seeing their revenue from within not from the outside with 3rd party garbage. Make more content, factions, missions,…
  • Well said and my sentiments exactly.
  • And can you comprehend the group of earned and experienced capable players working hard, grumbling the same thing back that why do we have to suffer LESS marks and missions taking sooo long because of this noob TRIBBLE it up? And that happens 99% of the time with PUGS with noobs in it. Do you think we care if the noob…
  • This is ALL too common to the point of garunteed with ANY PUG. Now with new penalty, you have to suffer, waste consumables, time, etc. just to complete it and get LESS credits than you normally would with an equally leveled team. So instead of getting 42 credits, you walk away with MAYBE 23? Hypothetically, your strabase…
  • Wow shocking, I actually agree with you. I almost have fallen on the floor from the shock of it.
  • Really don't care. Opinion noted and discarded. an no I am not 33 like you think I am. Feel free to hit ignore button at anytime. :D
  • Agreed, same for me, just another notch of things being prevented from worthy paying customers. It's the Craptic way. :)
  • In my previous statement: "Ever considered the fact to be that you are the problem? Hence the internal politics. God forbid you are wrong, you just simply can't handle that your over-opinionated self-righteous attitude is the problem. I really am surprised you havn't jumped off a bridge yet." Where in HELL, did I suggest…
  • Hey your right, the lowest fleet credits ever earned? THREE. So I can see why alot of VA's bailed out on rez like myself, with the hint of a noobster present on the mission.
  • Nothing to do with the post, but Where is Osama Bin Biden the Kenyan Fraudster-In-Chief? Got to be fair and put both up libtard.
  • First let me say, WELL SAID, at least Patrick understands the point of the complaint people. However, I am not the best, I am speced for Space but hold up in some top games on ground pvp pretty well. I do my part, I met and made alot of friends over the years of grinding. We are all in it for fun and decent rewards. But to…
  • I do not want a GARUNTEED WIN, I want a fair and balanced win or loss, period. I am not one to cry if I or my "Qualified" team loses. It stregthens tactic knowledge and communication. But that is based on players knowing what the hell they are doing and being an asset not a liability. So the point of this thread is that…
  • piwright42, I wholeheartedly agree with your opinion of having a solid build, some basic skill, etc. BUT I agreed in one way with both of you and still believe that accolades make a world of difference. You may have not noticed it, but I playing for as long as I did and doing recurring tests at each accolade, have. 2% of…
  • Brain dead intrepiduk, read post #90
  • Holy Jesus Christ, did you flunk Reading Comprehension in school? I guess your throwing your fashionable ELITIST term because you think that's what it's about, Read back before mouthing off with senseless opinions.
  • This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies. ~kalecto
  • Ever considered the fact to be that you are the problem? Hence the internal politics. God forbid you are wrong, you just simply can't handle that your over-opinionated self-righteous attitude is the problem. I really am surprised you havn't jumped off a bridge yet. As for the 10's of thousands of Dilithium you "pump" in,…
  • Darn once I read a defense of trollster high and always must be right Sollvax, all I saw was blah blah blah. Life, blah blah blah, rules, blah blah blah. To answer your question oh wise one, yes I do actually have a life but I actually have the time a little more than you do to play this game. Secondly I have been a paying…
  • Here is something all of you need to ponder: Placing these Leaver Penalties against PAYING, long-time Players like myself, for not wanting to carry and endure consistent failed STF's and Fleet Missions, is forcing US TO LEAVE THE GAME. In place for what the alternative is: F2P players, who will probably never spend a…
  • I know Martin in game and he is a darn good player who knows what he is talking about. I know he isn't DOFFING, his way like Sollvax the troll is. At the same time you are correct about the puniching bag, but geez let's face it, that is only ONE of the pile of 2% you need to have to stand up to the severe beatings you can…
  • Then I guess you don't comprehend what you read. Try brushing up on reading comprehension. Well, aren't you the privledged queen? Some of us aren't as lucky to have all of our capable friends on at the same time and are forced to PUG it. As stated earlier, RANK MEANS NOTHING. VA in a week, no stroylines, no pvp jump right…