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What is the Arc Client?
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dezstravus Arc User




  • Hey themarie, Can you elaborate on the report regarding the hard drive scanning? Arc does check your drives to see if launchable PWE games are installed, but I'm not sure if this is the behavior you are referring to. Please share any details if anything seems amiss and I'll escalate accordingly. Alternatively, you can…
  • Hey Maxvitor, I've escalated the question about the ArcPlugin dialogue to the developers. At this time I am not aware of its functionality but I will do the research and post the response in this thread. Thanks!
  • Hey dgdolph, I appreciate your critical perspective. It is our goal to create software that our gamers want to use, so integrating any of the above would actually work against our vision. That being said, if you encounter anything in Arc that you feel falls into one of the above categories, we are committed to looking into…
  • Thanks for the report, Teluas. Do you have any data regarding what attribute or element of the site caused the employer's hardware/software to block it?
  • Hey Donbo, We've been responding to a lot of feedback, bug reports, and suggestions, too. Of course, we can't respond to everything, but we try to. :) We are committed to addressing any compatibility issues with anti-malware software, so please feel free to continue escalating those reports. We've already escalated a…
  • I can't take credit for inventing anything. :) My job is to deliver important communications, so I call the T-800.
  • Hey there, Gateway should continue to exist. The issue right now is more that it exists, but the user experience of finding it via Arcgames.com could be improved by having more links to it.
  • Updated reply to this: Please let us know if your system provided any context for the warning. Did a specific behavior or element of the software trigger the warning? Please feel free to post it here or send the info to arc_feedback@perfectworld.com and we'll be happy to look into it. Thanks! Noel
  • Thanks for reporting the issues with Malwarebytes and Avira. I will pass along the reports and we will look into what is causing that. Arc doesn't contain any malware or spyware, so we will see what could be causing the alert to go off.
  • Hi Bluegeek, Great point. I think we need to add more prominent links to those. Let me pass the feedback along. Thank you!
  • Hey Worffan, To clarify, I believe that your test results are for the old version of the client. We just released a new beta client today, so it's worth noting that your your experience may change if you elect to check out the new version.
  • Working on the text cutoff issue now. :)
  • Hey Cookiecrook, Thanks for posting your feedback and questions here. We looked into this claim and were not able to confirm it. Upon investigation, the behaviors that were reported were: a.) Arc was accessing the hard drive and b.) Arc was accessing the internet Both of these behaviors should be expected, as Arc needs…
  • Hi Sunfracks, I wanted to thank you personally for posting your thoughts and findings about Arc. Even though we were not able to confirm the issue on our end, it is still important to us that we treat these reports as a high priority, and are happy to look into any future reports that are related to Arc and customer…
  • Hey All, Thanks to everyone that has posted their feedback. Please note that we are looking at everyone's comments, and consider everyone's perspective to be valuable. One clarification that I would like to make very clearly is that privacy and security are very important to us. We are committed to ensuring that our…
  • Hi Medica, Currently there are no changes to Steam in the works. Our current development goal is to allow Steam users to launch STO without needing to launch the full Arc platform software. As a heads-up, it may be a while before we have more details on this, as our immediate initiatives are focused on the new version of…
  • Hey Sunfrankcs, Thanks for posting these test results. In order to escalate the issue I will need a bit more info. To provide some transparency, any time we escalate an issue to our developers, we need to provide very specific information and reproduction steps in order to ensure that the issue is fully understood during…
  • Yep, support for game cards is here to stay. :)
  • Hey breadandcircuses, I don't currently have any data regarding what security software has been tested alongside the browser, though we are open to addressing any conflicts that our players report. This is one of the reasons for releasing an early version of the client for players to check out. In regards to the EULA, I…
  • The new version isn't ready yet, but we hope to have it ready before the end of the year. We'll be happy to look at any feedback you have regarding the anonymous usage stats! The goal is to respect your privacy by keeping data collection anonymous and only related to performance, so if you check it out and don't feel that…
  • Thanks for the suggestion ravin. This is a great suggestion and I think it would be very convenient for our players. We would like to have a unified currency and purchase system, though it's a long term goal rather than a short term one due to the significant amount of development work that would be needed to migrate…
  • Hello lan, In regards to a forum upgrade, it is definitely something that would be cool, though we currently do not have any information regarding when this could occur. Sorry about that. :( In regards to the client, the design goal is that it should automatically update to the new version whenever a new version is…
  • Hey druhin, I personally think that an upgrade would be really cool, though right now there are no concrete plans to make any changes to the STO forums outside of the minor design changes needed to support the new site infrastructure. I would say that if a new forum or social site is a big desire for our community, to keep…
  • Hey Everyone, Nothing public-facing should be occurring during this maintenance. As far as I understand it, it's only some network maintenance that might require a few hardware reboots and maybe some cable swaps here and there. Sorry, nothing too exciting or scary. :)
  • Hey frtoaster, The website integration doesn't involve any back-end changes to forums. The forums will remain in their current state, with their current content. There will likely be some small changes to the menu bar at the top of the page (My Account, Support, Language), since the forums will live "inside" a new website…
  • Hi Lord Havelock, Thanks for taking the time to post your feedback here. I'll make sure to pass this to the team, along with other key feedback that players have posted. Of course I'm unable to guarantee any specific changes to the design or the strategy, though I will make sure that your concerns are relayed in detail and…
  • Hey elessym, That is in fact a very important question. :) Our design goals are to make it so that Arc is empowered to download and patch all Perfect World games without the use of additional launchers, and to make it so that Steam users can download and patch our games without the need to download and install the full Arc…
  • Hi enyinaya, I apologize for the delay in responding to your question. Thanks for understanding that it wasn't intentional evasion; just a matter of getting to them all. :) To clarify, Arc is currently being designed with the intended user experience of remaining open after a game client is launched. Arc is meant to stay…
  • [Quote:Me] Arc will be the exclusive method of downloading, patching, and launching all Perfect World games[/quote] Ah, great feedback. Thanks for pointing that out. In retrospect, I can now see the potential confusion that the above statement could cause. To clarify, we definitely plan to continue supporting Steam.
  • Hi aquitaine, We plan on keeping STO available via Steam, and currently there are no plans to remove any of the packs that are available for purchase on Steam. Thanks for requesting clarification!