I dont want the new lighting as it doesnt look nice (to me) so i hope there will be a toggle for it because usually with deferred lighting you cannot use FSAA which i would prefer over this new lighting which tbh isnt much of a upgrade truth be told.
Main issue i think is ur ships damaged, probably the other guys is as well. Fix that, browse the builds section of the forums for tips on ur particular ships and try to optimize them. Take OFF advanced or elite difficulty as you arnt playing normally hence the damage on your ship which makes you pop on even the easiest…
Not a build written for you but maybe you get some ideas. It is not upto date unfortunatly as i have a fleet DD t5U so the build u see is missing the extra eng console and i use a tac for the universal slot for an extra apb i think. Hopefully u get some good ideas tho.…
I thought they stopped doing visual effects with sets awhile ago due to it taking too much time and resources to do it for every ship now that the list has grown so much?
The thing about dps is that in stfs it is quite alot based on your team strength. Say for instance i am usually a 15k dps player in the old ise elite. This is usually with a good team. If i was in a medium to poor dps team my dps suffers somewhat. Factors include powers like apb between the team, damage resistant weapons…
Also upgrading this item only increases the shield thing on it, the other 2 things do not improve at all. They should at least a tiny bit. Please look into it while investigating the above. Cheers. Also in regards to the above poster, i had noticed that most boff powers were reduced by about 2 seconds with the 7% power…
Can you please confirm this bug is actually fixed with this emergency maintenance happening now. Resolved an additional issue where the open mission Defense at the Gates could occasionally be blocked from completing in the Kobali Adventure Zone. As previous patch today didnt fix it. It seems ppl kill all the enemy before…
I asked geko about the dil rewards of adv queues like isa and csa and kasa. Al Rivera @CaptainGeko Oct 15 @Captain_Skeeter dilithium rewards for queues are being evaluated. Like last time they tried to reduce them then they said they are gona evaluate them then they put them up a bit again. My guess is were lucky if its…
Didnt read thread just title but imo cryptic gave feds the finger this round they gave them the god awful t6 intel ship designs. The rom and kdf ones dont have the grey simply throw on color on the ships like feds have with few decals. The rom and kdf ones look like their races ones as in nice greens with lots of detail…
Yeah if u have about a mill in the bank on ur toons maybe u can buy one of them dead cheap mirror ships off exchange and u can beam up to it? Unless u have a cstore ship available to claim.
Doesnt do everything per toon imo. Usually had to save and load a keybind file through command in the chat screen to get custom keybinds to load per toon. Them ones where u can say bind loads of things to one key etc like space for shields, fire weapons and do a row of abilities etc.
Hmm i dunno why we cant just buy a update kit from lobi store instead of doing all that researching TRIBBLE wasting dilithium and ec which tbh i cant be bothered to grind for anymore as i thought i had all of my toons having pretty decent gear now. 50 lobi for a upgrade kit or somit for a boost from xii to xiv and 25 lobi…
Yeah i dunno what cryptic was smoking when they came up with them angular designs, totally ruins fed ships when you add sharp edges. Plus the low poly of em contributed to that as well i think. The dauntless while not the best idea in the world it should make fed players happy theres at least a more traditional fed design…
Dunno if its been asked yet but im curious as to why this ships is made for sto or to put it better what is this ship in sto. In the show it was a fed lookin ship but ultimatly a alien vessel set up as a trap by Arturis. Near the end the insides turned from fed to alien tech etc. So what exactly will the dauntless be in…
You could use this to make your gameplay more fun i guess. Seems all the rage for elite dangerous and star citizen and should i reckon be useable in other games like sto. http://www.voiceattack.com/ Bind your voice to keybinds i.e say fire weapons it will fire weapons, more power to shields fore, then it will do it. etc.…
Not sure i have the same issue per say but i do notice that audio cuts out alot during hectic fights like you hear phaser fire from lots of sources but then them sources are culled and then you get cut off audio midway which kinda ruins the fun.
@crypticcliff. Thanks for the response. I do hope you can find the cause and fix it so that it doesnt cull players own weapons at least and the ones directly fire at your ship. Not too fussed if from my perspective when playing that other players weapons dont fully render all effects (cannon spread fire for example) as it…
Wasnt fixed fully but i think its a bit better than before. Read my experience of invisible weapons after todays patch doing a cce. http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?p=19171831#post19171831
Yeah i have seen other peoples grav wells disappear or flicker badly so it wasnt just players own effects not just appearing. Hopefully cryptic can say if other fx anomalys will be fixed with the fix they implemented or not.
Hey Cryptic. I would love to know what went behind the fix for the missing fx as in cause and fix implimented. If possible. Us techy guys like to know these things. :)
There is a vsync option in the display i think it is part of the options screens. Remember gfx stuff has been split to 3 tabs now afaik. Vsync is on the one where you adjust resolution and AA. Also dont disable aero if running on win 7, that makes tearing really bad. Dunno why but it does.
I have a decent enough system, a 3570k at 4.5ghz 8 gb ddr3 and a msi 670 2gb. The problem is the game not the hardware, taco said once its our hardware that our cards can only draw so much. I find that a bit of a stretch. Their are loads of games which draw more effects at once and dont cull important effects at all. Also…