Yep, I got a Fleet T6 Double-D... to scratch that canonical itch.
The build is pretty wide-open, ATM... I'm an Engie with very few Ship Traits, Intel/Pilot (both nowhere close to full, however). The weapon flavor is Nanite Disruptors (Mk XII [CrtD]x2 [DMG] beams, because that's what I have). I also may end up throwing on the Tractor Mines, because those are pretty fun for me.
I have a UR Mk XIV Conductive RCS with [Turn] mod, and I'm looking to MAYBE add that new Polaric console from "Delta Flight" (because Turn Rate). Also thinking of going pure Fleet gear, mainly because I've never done that before. (FED technology is dead to me on this toon, LOL, so nothing that smells of vile Human weakness. :P)
SO... any thoughts???
Hopefully u get some good ideas tho.
As an engie your good with beams. I like that your going disruptors. I went plasma with my D'D and throw in the rommi 3 piece to get hyperflux for a bit of an alpha. IF you want you can make a DHCs build but its really not worth it. The base turn is so low it you have to give up nearly evertyhgin to get higher turn rates needed for cannons. Aside from beams I would build around the LCDR sci station. I'm not sure you get much value from GW for FAW like you would CR or CSV. I would therefore, ditch the singularity projectile as well since it shares a timer with GW and isn't very useful in general. You can do an ATB with the LT universal or a second attacker pattern and FAW which when combined with LCDR tac station and ensign tac gives you 2xTT, 2x FAW and a LT and LDCR slots for attack patterns. The tier 6 is far better than the t5U due to that LT universal instead of ensign universal. Sadly commander powers suck IMO and aren't worth the time.
Haven't tried using the LT universal for Sci. The Tier 6 D'D is just as versatile as the Tier 5 but only 50x better with the LT universal.
Thanks!!! I think I may try to get a Tachyokinetic console, if I can gets me some Lobi.
Well, right off the bat, I'm thinking about doing Tachyon Beam III... but only because I use that on my Tal Shiar Adapted Destroyer already. Tractor mines holding the target in place, drain, and kill.
Any science consoles to recommend? I'm not that into going full A2B... never done it before.
Also thinking of dropping a Spire core into the ship, if that helps (it will have [AMP], since all the cool kids use that).
Yeah this console is pretty good. I have to get one more for my tier 5 D'D. I've found using beams is pretty effective, aux2batt or emergency power to x builds work pretty well on it.
Don't bother adding any turn-rate consoles since the ship is already too darn slow. Instead, focus on maximizing particle gens or flow caps depending on what kind of build you'd like to go with. I did actually go for a cannon/torp build since it's the closest thing to a cannon D'D. I use the 90 degree crafted disruptor dual heavy cannons and the elachi heavy cannon from the silent enemy set, together with an elachi Dual beam bank and the neutronic torp. In the back, I use the undine heavy disruptor turret, two elachi turrets, and a 360 disruptor beam array.
To get around the slow turn rate issue, I use the subspace jump console and reverse tractor beam repulsors. The trick is turning my ship to face npc's before dragging them towards me. If I can't turn to face them in time, I simply come to a full stop and put it in reverse until they've entered into my forward arc.
If the reverse repulsors doff is too expensive, you could try to go for a different kind of crowd control build. You could slot grav well, equip the projected singularity console, and throw the grav torp in there for good measure. You could also purchase a tier 1 version of the subspace vortex training manual (about 7 to 8 mil) which would allow you to triple up on gravimetric anamolies (grav well, singularity, and vortex).
I have a couple questions for you. Do you have the samsar console and do you use miracle worker?
Yes, I do have that console, and yes, I use Miracle Worker.
I took a look at your build. It can definitely use some fine tuning but it's a good start.
For example, put the samsar console on it and ditch the engineering team 2 as well as the structural integrity collapse. Instead, put emergency power to weapons 2 and emergency power to aux III on your ship. For the ensign engineer slot, I would suggest emergency power to engines especially considering all of the subsystem disables the voth, undine, and Icionians like to to use. Also swap the aceton beam for reverse shield polarity 3. Emergency power to shields isn't necessary for an engineer in a warbird that can battle cloak. Plus you have access to shield modulation, miracle worker, and RSP III.
Another recommendation I have for you is buy the warp core engineer doff that clears all debuffs when Emergency powers are activated. This doff, together with at least 3 emergency power to X abilities precludes the need for engineering team. However, keep hazard emitters because it's useful for clearing plasma burn and undine torpedo disables.
For tac abilities, substitute torpedo spread for high yield. I actually doubled up on torp spread 1 for extra crowd control. Remember, your goal is crowd control, not dps. The fire at wills are fine.
For science abilities, either double up on reverse tractor beam repulsors (which require expensive doff) or get grav well 1 and subspace vortex 1. Having two copies of a crowd control ability is absolutely key for getting the most out of this ship.
As for your space set, fleet engines, deflector, and shield are fine but make sure that at least some of them have particle gen bonuses. I highly recommend getting a rep set like undine one since it's deflector has decent particle gens and the 4 piece bonuses include two radiation AOE attacks which would synergize well with the new DD reverse shield polarity mastery trait blast. That would be 3 blasts plus two crowd control abilities.
Good suggestions, and I already switched out some of those BOFF abilities. Tyken's Rift instead of Tachyon Beam (wanted this to be a drain build), Spread instead of High Yield, EPtoW and RSP in place of some of those other ENG powers...
If I have time, I'll update Skill Planner with the new powers... DOFFing will likely be my next focus. And Supremacy will be on this toon at some point (I just need to level the Astika), FYI.