|This problem is plaguing a lot of us at the moment, everything worked fine for years then suddenly no STO. ARC won't help as it still uses the same STO launcher. There is is problem somewhere, and for me it is not my ISP but somewhere along the route my connection takes. Something isn't right, and if someone is doing…
When I actually do manage to load a map, the ship just sits there....i try to transwarp and the ship zooms off and then just reappears where I started, I can't load assignments or fleet information.....I have experienced lagging and rubber banding rarely, and for the most part over the past year it has been fine. I used…
Here are my results: Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601] Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Windows\system32>tracert startrekonline.com Tracing route to startrekonline.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 20 ms 91 ms 21 ms…
My IP is fine, they even reset my port for me, this started happening after the server downtime on Tuesday I think, but there are too many people having the same problem for it to be IP related don't you think?
So now there are two places you can ignore us? No replies to my query here, no reply there. As if being ignored once wasn't fun, I get to be ignored twice, and to think I gave you guys my money....more the fool me! :mad:
It's not just ARC folks, I use the regular launcher and since the server mysteriously went down two days ago, and since the launcher update yesterday the login server continuously times out. If you are lucky enough to load a map, the ship just sits there, you can swivel it but you can't boldly go. Load the assignments and…
Ok so i managed to load the game now, but now the ship just stays there, i can swivel it around but it wont move....all the other ships are zooming about me, full speed....nada. What on earth is going on.
The US proxy takes ages, but just displays character and not the ship, then after clicking play is times out. The EU proxy does the same, except is gets loading a map and while it is loading a map as normal i get the login2 timeout error thingy. It's dead Jim.
Same here, except it happened since the launcher update to me, my internet is running full speed here in South Africa (what passes for full speed anyway). Hoping that after the shard maintenance it will be fixed.
Hi there, my game crashes whenever I beam into a base or facility. Planet surfaces are fine and mining works fine, space and battles work fine, but as soon as I beam into a base the game client stops working. Anyone else had this problem? I will add that it is a recent problem and that all files verify with no problem.