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azaral Arc User



  • I love my MVAE but I deleted that console. I also have the entire Oddy set and I stuck all those consoles on a moth ball hull I use for storage. I use the MVAE as a heavy cruiser for STF play. I dont think of ships as escort, sci, cruiser so much as DD, CL, CA, CVL, CV, BB. The Defiant by size is a DD and feels like one.…
  • http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/index.php?build=Dreadnought_1587 I think this is what i am going to be using since i will only ever use a single torp the 3 to aux will do alot more for me tanking than the torp skill will my dps
  • Thanks, I basicly swap between your cannon load out and his beam load out as those are the most Efficent weapons lay outs I can find. As for Boff skills I play around with those alot but I carry the boffs to mirror both ships again. I am still STFing alot as i need my omega deflector and engine to finish that set. I do…
  • http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/index.php?build=Dreadnought_1587 new idea http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/index.php?build=Dragon_0 Dragon http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/index.php?build=HakaishinDreadnought_0 Hakaishin
  • I carry about 12 boffs and one has the tractor HE set up on her. If I run pvp i pop in that tractor boff but I also carry two sets of guns one dragon set and one cannon/turret set.
  • http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/index.php?build=Dreadnought_1587 This captain bounces between the MVAE and Escort Carrier and a Dread so keep that in mind. The boff lay out is basically a dragon but the skill allocation is my own basically. I like the dragon and the Hakashima so i kinda split the difference.
  • Ok so star bases will drive up the demand for dil. If the demand for Dil is high then a person selling dil gets the name his price. Why would that make a dil farmer upset? I thought that a person who had an item that was in demand would get a better deal than a person who had the item not in demand. AKA why would it…
  • how do I get that assault cruiser? ATM i have no fleet but I have 5 VA toons
  • The fact that a TAC escort is widely considered the most powerful PVE ship is going to play against you here. They are going to make PVE harder. Your success warping the class balance is going to make the DEVs change the games difficulty level. Stuff like this makes me wonder if you might want that power drain carrier to…
  • If you chain 4 EPtS/EPtW your at the global cool down so how would the cool down reduction doff help? or are you refering to the +25 power doffs?
  • Carrier http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/index.php?build=CV_1587 BB http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/index.php?build=KDHBB_1587 Torp http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/index.php?build=TorpBoP_1587
  • Ok my Bortasqu is running Engy captain with full Eff crew Command Cruiser so + 10 shields and weapons The captains skill tree is entirely matching that of the dragon dreadnaught posted in the forums. 4 x Disruptor console 2 x Shield Cap Consoles Borg Console Netronium Alloy FPS Flow Regulator Plasmatic Leech 8 x Disrutopr…
  • I have been in game about a month now and have 4 level 50 toons and 2 more I am working up. I have one of each type for KDF and fed and I prefer the battle ship feel of my Oddy and bortasqu. At this time I have them both speced and set up with 8 beams each. Anti proton fed side Disruptor/Plasma hybrid KDF side. I have just…
  • So energy weapons you just watch your weapons power while projectile weapons you watch cool downs?