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Beam Question

azaralazaral Member Posts: 18 Arc User
edited June 2012 in Federation Discussion
What is the maximum number of beams I can fire on a broad side at one time without causing overlap in the cycle time.

I know I have read 3 photons is the optimal for torps without causing overlaps but I have not seen any other definative statements about other weapons and their cool downs.
Post edited by azaral on


  • defalusdefalus Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    You can fire as many as you have on your ship, beams dont share a cooldown. The only thing you need to consider with beams is weapon power drain, the more beams you fire the more your power drops and with a drop in weapon power your beams do less damage.
  • azaralazaral Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    So energy weapons you just watch your weapons power while projectile weapons you watch cool downs?
  • tenkaritenkari Member Posts: 2,906 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Pretty much this. However, the global cooldown on torpedoes is one second. That means if you use two quantums up front, the second can be fired one second after the first. You still have to wait 7 seconds to fire the first again, however.

    unless your rare or very rare Projectile officers proc a lot.....
  • bludaggerbludagger Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    defalus wrote: »
    You can fire as many as you have on your ship, beams dont share a cooldown. The only thing you need to consider with beams is weapon power drain, the more beams you fire the more your power drops and with a drop in weapon power your beams do less damage.

    Actually Beam Arrays and Dual Beam banks have firing Sequences just like Cannons. You will find each weapon, even on auto fire shoots in specific sequences. When the sequence is over all of that weapons power drops back into the power slot, so in truth you do not loose enough to compensate for, unless you use a special Bridge officer power.

    For instance, You have 8 beams on a ship, on auto fire, it looks like all are shooting, but if you look at the damage and your power consumption you will find only 4 to 6 are really shooting at a time. What occurs is the beams, lets say front and back, begin swapping out. Since they are the same weapon type, one group drops to cooldown the other picks right up shooting so there is no loss in damage output.

    Now many run Beam boats, with 8 beams of equal type, and use FAW (Fire at Will) bridge officer power, this allows all the beam weapons to fire, and is a very effective damage output in a nest of cruisers. Some instances I do not recommend its use, but it is effective regardless.
  • bludaggerbludagger Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Pretty much this. However, the global cooldown on torpedoes is one second. That means if you use two quantums up front, the second can be fired one second after the first. You still have to wait 7 seconds to fire the first again, however.

    On torpedoes, all torpedoes share a common global cool down so they can not fire back to back. The exception to this rule is the Rapid Fire Transphasic Torpedo.

    I tested a torpedo boat just recently and found while two photons work ok with each other, you can place a third, but the drop off, due to the global timers drops the firing sequence out of order and the DPS suffers.

    I test several variations and found that a good setup with proper sequencing, meaning not waiting on a global timer, is the following

    RF Transphasic Torpedo, Photon Torpedo, RF Transphasic Torpedo, (add your big hitter torp here, or weapon of your choice for the fourth slot)
    you can add Duty officers that shorten the timers but even without them the fire pattern becomes the following
    RF Torp, 1 second, Photon torp, 1 second, RF Torp, 1 second, Photon torp, etc so forth...

    Question is what build are your looking to do? and for what vessel?
  • azaralazaral Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I have been in game about a month now and have 4 level 50 toons and 2 more I am working up. I have one of each type for KDF and fed and I prefer the battle ship feel of my Oddy and bortasqu. At this time I have them both speced and set up with 8 beams each. Anti proton fed side Disruptor/Plasma hybrid KDF side. I have just began using the Lt. Com uni slot for a tac officer to increase the number of tac skills I can to use. Both of these ships have ENG captains. I started ENG then leveled a cannon raptor tac and a carrier based fed sci up to expirment with new skills and ideas. My starting build is basicly a dragon beam boat but with 8 beams instead of 7 and a torp.

    I use BFAW alot and have done so since my first build. I can link my builds from the academy when I get home from work.

    I find that I like the double tac team approach and also really prefer broad side play or carrier strike tactics over the nose on cannon approach.

    I have a Brel I am working on that is a sci officer torp boat that I also enjoy.

    Cannon escorts just feel to much like an airplane not a warship.
  • bludaggerbludagger Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Their global cool down is 1 second. That's firing back to back.

    the Rapid Fire Transphasic Torpedo has no global cool down. It fires one right after the other with no pauses according to how many you have lined up. Its drawback is its lack of hitting power.

    As such, I have the following...

    • 1001: RFT1
    • 1002: Photon1, RTF1 5 seconds
    • 1003: RTF2, RTF cooldown 4 seconds, photon1 3 second
    • 1004: Heavy Torp FIre (in my case, tricobolt), RTF1 3 seconds, photon1 2 second, RTF2 5 seconds
    • 1005: FIRST PAUSE
    • 1006: Photon1, RTF1 1 seconds, RTF2, 3 seconds, tri 58 seconds
    • 1007: RTF1 Fires, RTF2 2 seconds, Photon1 3 seconds, tri 57 seconds

    *this where the pattern begins Photon, RTF, Photon, RTF... etc... Now vs a 3 Photon torp set....

    • 1001: Photon1,
    • 1002: FIRST PAUSE
    • 1003: Photon 2, photon1 2 second
    • 1004: SECOND PAUSE, photon1 1 second, photon2 3 seconds
    • 1005: Photon 3, photon1 waiting in firing line, photon2 2 seconds
    • 1006: THIRD PAUSE, Photon1 still waiting to fire, Photon2 1 second, photon3 3 seconds
    • 1007: Photon1 Fires (after in waiting in line for 2 seconds), Photon2 waiting to fire,
    photon3 2 seconds...

    ** notice how the torps begin backing up here in this sequence.

    the above is just how the game mechanic does the firing, not how it should be, just how it is. Now the unknown factor in this is the DOFF that buff this. With the global cooldown STILL only allows the above for the 3 photon set, regardless of the DOFF proc, the RFT/Photon begins to shine as the RTF does not suffer the Global cooldown and begins that rapid firing it is design for. If the DOFF proc hits it, it fires immediately, no pause.

    Now the RF Transphasic has been addressed with a increase from 20% shield penetration to 40%. I plan to test this out some on my escort and see if I can get a good damage for it through shields. The torp will still be very lack luster when a shield is down however, so this is only part of a solution. The torp itself needs a bit of a buff in its overall damage capacity, but due to the above game mechanic, is that a good move??

    Do not know, from tests, it helps it out better on the initial attack, its balance is that it still is lackluster in straight hull damage, even console buffed.

    I use a Photon Torp due to its quick charge time so it mixes in well with the transphasic's. Still you can use 2 photon's and 1 transphasic, or mix in a hard hitting Quantum in the mix. completely up to personal play style. I have not found a right or wrong way to make a good torpedo boat, save for 3 torps of the same type loose DPS just due to timer recharge issues.
  • bludaggerbludagger Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    azaral wrote: »
    I have been in game about a month now and have 4 level 50 toons and 2 more I am working up. I have one of each type for KDF and fed and I prefer the battle ship feel of my Oddy and bortasqu. At this time I have them both speced and set up with 8 beams each. Anti proton fed side Disruptor/Plasma hybrid KDF side. I have just began using the Lt. Com uni slot for a tac officer to increase the number of tac skills I can to use. Both of these ships have ENG captains. I started ENG then leveled a cannon raptor tac and a carrier based fed sci up to expirment with new skills and ideas. My starting build is basicly a dragon beam boat but with 8 beams instead of 7 and a torp.

    I use BFAW alot and have done so since my first build. I can link my builds from the academy when I get home from work.

    I find that I like the double tac team approach and also really prefer broad side play or carrier strike tactics over the nose on cannon approach.

    I have a Brel I am working on that is a sci officer torp boat that I also enjoy.

    Cannon escorts just feel to much like an airplane not a warship.

    Sounds like you got the basics of it, Do not be afraid to experiment some. Also ask questions, tons of good folks here on the forums to help you.
  • azaralazaral Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Ok my Bortasqu is running

    Engy captain with full Eff crew

    Command Cruiser so + 10 shields and weapons

    The captains skill tree is entirely matching that of the dragon dreadnaught posted in the forums.

    4 x Disruptor console
    2 x Shield Cap Consoles
    Borg Console
    Netronium Alloy
    FPS Flow Regulator
    Plasmatic Leech

    8 x Disrutopr Plasma Hybride Arrays

    Red Mater Cap
    Subspace Thingy

    Commander Eng
    EPtS1 / RVSP 1 / EPtS 3/ AtSIF III

    Lt. Commander Tac
    TT 1 / ATB 1 / BFaW III

    Lt. Tac
    TT 1 / BO 2

    Lt. Sci
    HE 1 / TSS 2

    Ens. Eng
    EPtW 1
  • bludaggerbludagger Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    not a lot of heals on Dragon's build, its more "attack" based for a cruiser set, which works fine so long as you go into a battle understanding that you are an attack boat and you will suffer a touch on the heal side.

    Understand that build does not make you a glass ship by any means, just means do not expect to remain at 100% health vs a pure breed tanker like myself. Half my cruisers are set to be support/healers, you hit one of those in a pvp, yeah... your wasting your time, find an easier target. Just gimp their engines and keep them out of the fight with holds/scrambles, target subsystem engines and attack the rest of the team.

    His build is a decent attack build. Give it a whirl and see if it fits what you are trying to do. Just be mindful, for his build to work the best, your have to be aggressive to make it really shine.
  • aulcardaulcard Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I'd suggest Anti-proton over disruptor. On disruptor Proc, you get a 10% damage debuff. A MKXII disruptor beam bank would only do an extra 264 over the course of 15 seconds.(Assuming every single beam hits!) You'll never do all of that damage and if your fighting a fast BoP that might not be many hits at all. That's not a game changing amount of damage for a 15 second stretch.

    Take anti-proton, you crit. That's 50% standard crit severity + 20% crit severity or a minimum extra 123 damage, instantly. These are the only beams who's bonuses can be further buffed by your gear.

    The assimilated console inherently improves this beams procs % and damage. All accuracy modifiers improve your crit severity and damage in general. And any time your opponent is moving slowly increases accuracy, which increases crit severity, resulting in more damage. Attack Patten Alpha also increases crit chance. Borg antiproton beam arrays come with an improved hit chance.

    What does all this mean? You're critH buffs can ensure you crit on 5%+ of your attacks. Which means you'll be criting way more often than you will through other procs. And anything that adds to crit severity increases the power of the beams proc. Cut out the middle men procs and stick with the beam that does what it's supposed to do best, hurt stuff.

    I'm a Tac officer that has never touched a cannon.
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