i totally agree with the OP spice those npc's up a little... i can just sit in the middle and let them kill themselves with a FBP 2 with 0.58 reflect without even shooting my beams or cannons give them more independend buffs and more powers also i like to see FUSION CUBES ohw meh gawd that would be sweet!!!:D [2/14 12:45]…
D'deridex it moved like an escort in TNG and it was like 4 times the size of the ent D:D it should get a sim setup like a galor coz its suppose to be a beast to recon with:D but knowing cryptic...:eek: they prolly gunna dwell on it and make it useless...:mad: Goshia
well.... werent the FED and KDF at was at some time ??? make the Eta Eridani block open pvp we need more zones like kerrat and n'vak thats the thing this game is still lacking A NEUTRAL ZONE (where most of the fights in startrek actually happend imo)
before this ends up into a 13 in a dosign thread... when it comes to hosting a special event with rules like for example old skool classics no lockbox ships no p2w consoles etc etc for those who sign up is expected that they obey these rules... if not they will prolly be excluded/disqualified how hard can that be to grasp?…
most all p2w consoles are allready crossfaction, people will always cry about something anyway.. i think its a good start to make it cross faction it will open a lot of possibilities btw hard to lvl up a kdf toon? while u can do it in like 5 or 6 hours of mirror events? how is that hard?
first of all this isnt wow second its not about removing fvk fvf kvk etc etc its about adding a queue 5v5 or 3v3 for mixed teams for now the only thing whats in this whole freakin game what even gets close to the so called war between fed and kdf is kerrat and even that has a missions that points more towards borg than the…
erm... i think most peepz like myself have paid real money for this game... so be sure as hell im gunna use my paid to win consoles when ever i see fit or my paid to use ships or my paid to win what ever... sure when u run the queues u respect certain rules... but actually what are those rules again? i detect a lot of cry…
Agreed. its simple, if u act like a douche u will be treated in such a way too no, dont give any powers to certain induviduals ive seen a lot of bitchin and maybe i add some too but givin powers to different induviduals from different fleets that's gunna be funny "Sad Panda member : hey u guy from 106th ure an TRIBBLE!"…
ure all wrong !! this approach wont work ever !!! we need to find a flaw that relates to the snb doffs in PVE first :confused:;):cool::) roflstomplollmfao btw can anyone plz explain to meh which ever idiot wants to use these doffs in pve ? these are made to destroy pvp but yeah, i can understand why the (allready) using…
i want romulan ships ! heck ill pay loads for those unless cryptic/pwe makes then really dull and not like they should be i mean double shields at least 12 weapon slots on a d'diridex unpenetrable cloaks especially when u think about it, a romulan warbird had the equivalant on weps as 3 galaxy's together and moved like a…
hate to tell u... u never beat me also we never had a premade vs premade fight isc vs panda's and about the third point u made... i only see bs excuses
joking around is no problem at all i tried to bring this subtile to the forums im not saying im a victum of mockery but i see it happen a lot lately in OPVP burning somebody to the ground isnt joking anymore i dont see mutual respect anymore when sort of things happens and its scarin off people and i dont see anyone doing…
how are new individuals gonna learn something from a small group of people that dont share info, or give u false info to start with... or how is it gunna boost someone's confidence if the people ure trying to learn something from are constandly mockin' u in the same channel ? yeah we have common goals, i am here to realise…
lol... what i really dont underdstand about this movie if the pandas are that great... why the heck do they need big bro TSI to come in with them and hold there soggy hands? i dare the pandas to come in alone vs a better organized group of isc's and i want to see what happens then kerrat is all about having fun, tho nobody…