Making a textbook guide to 5 man preamde/pug. Stay tuned.
Hey, let's stay in touch about this. really. As I was walking up the library steps this morning on my way to work, I was thinking that, if things continue to go well with this "boot camp" idea (B-flakes has already indicated that he is interested and will contact me about it) then we will need some sort of rough outline/curriculum around which to schedule things, so that we can actually take people from one step to another. Perhaps we can collaborate on how to use your handbook idea in the boot camp.
If its easier for you, please feel free to contact me at the following email address:
I foresee a massive problem if you really want to get cryptic support for this:
To get somewhat decent PVP, you need to outlaw at least some of the more extreme p2w items and doffs. And I really can't see cryptic promoting something that requires people to accept the fact that cryptic has failed to balance certain items and then use some self-restraint to keep the gameplay fun for everyone.
No hilbert, clearly you haven't read or understood the root of the problems. Branflakes has already made it clear, that exposing more players to the evil PvP'ers from the forums, is something that cryptic cannot support.
Rubbing costumer's noses in the amount of fail they are putting on holodeck, for insane gambling lotto prices, has nothing to do with it.
I foresee a massive problem if you really want to get cryptic support for this:
To get somewhat decent PVP, you need to outlaw at least some of the more extreme p2w items and doffs. And I really can't see cryptic promoting something that requires people to accept the fact that cryptic has failed to balance certain items and then use some self-restraint to keep the gameplay fun for everyone.
Thanks for bringing this up. I address this--in a cursory manner--in the initial post:
"1) Because this is not a tournament, in which rules like "no siphon drones, AMS, etc." would be implemented, it is more likely that Branflakes could promote it. It is not beyond the realm of possibility for us to get a front page blog article on STO's website."
In the case of "boot camp," I think we need to be flexible on the p2w stuff, not because I don't think there are problems with certain items but because moving forward with Cryptic requires that we be somewhat flexible on certain issues. While I am certainly in agreement with you and probably most of the other PvP folks about which items are problematic in PvP scenarios, right now I am more concerned with simply getting people itnerested, educated, and confident in PvP. In individual training sessions, coaches can say what they want, but officially, I would really prefer to stay open on this issue. I hope this will cause not you to hesitate to participate, because your understanding of pvp is off the charts and I would value very much having your presence.
Look at it this way, Boot Camp is about the basics, like you touch on in your guide. If people, individually, decide to use items that are frowned upon by the PvP community, that is their own decision to make. With that said, if they end up in some of the more elite groups you and I both know that such items will not be tolerated in most cases.
To reiterate, this is not a tournament but a PvP kindergarten.
No hilbert, clearly you haven't read or understood the root of the problems. Branflakes has already made it clear, that exposing more players to the evil PvP'ers from the forums, is something that cryptic cannot support.
Rubbing costumer's noses in the amount of fail they are putting on holodeck, for insane gambling lotto prices, has nothing to do with it.
*these are not the failures you are looking for*
Don't be too pessimistic=)
In the vesta PvP thread, B-flakes said he has already read the Boot Camp idea, indicated that he liked it, and has since promised to contact me about next steps So I think we are making some progress.
Hey, let's stay in touch about this. really. As I was walking up the library steps this morning on my way to work, I was thinking that, if things continue to go well with this "boot camp" idea (B-flakes has already indicated that he is interested and will contact me about it) then we will need some sort of rough outline/curriculum around which to schedule things, so that we can actually take people from one step to another. Perhaps we can collaborate on how to use your handbook idea in the boot camp.
If its easier for you, please feel free to contact me at the following email address:
Just wanted to voice my support of what you guys are trying to do here
I haven't PvP'ed in a while now because frankly, the PuG scene had just devolved into endless bouts of PuGstomping - not the fault of established PvP teams but not so long ago you could PuG in STO and get pretty varied results - sometimes you'd get stomped, sometimes you'd be able to put up a decent fight and then there were those rare games where the final score would be 12/15 or similar where everybody had a good time.
Whilst I may not participate any more, I have nothing but respect for those of you that still do (particularly the PuGgers ) so anything, anything at all that gets PvP in this game moving in the right direction is a worthy cause in my book.
In the vesta PvP thread, B-flakes said he has already read the Boot Camp idea, indicated that he liked it, and has since promised to contact me about next steps So I think we are making some progress.
I definitely do like it and would love to be involved. I'll be reaching out to you next week so we can start talks and get this idea rolling, as well as getting other members in the PvP community involved.
I definitely do like it and would love to be involved. I'll be reaching out to you next week so we can start talks and get this idea rolling, as well as getting other members in the PvP community involved.
Brandon =/\=
Excellent, Brandon. Thanks again. I look forward to getting things moving.
HOLY COW! This is incredible stuff. And why aren't you on the dev team?=) But really, I think it would be soooooo cool to have a demo for this project. It sounds like things are going to start moving next week, when Brandon gets in contact with me. For now I can only say that having even a short promo video would be nothing short of winnniiinng!!!! Plus, if Brandon allows us to have some sort of front page ad on the STO website, it would be a great opportunity for you to showcase your skills and get your name out there.
As an on-again off-again PvPer, and mostly Ker'rat at that (nothing against the queues or PvP fleets, it's just that I don't always like to wait), I'd like to mention I support this idea.
I'm not a huge PvPer, I don't know how to absolutely min-max my ship and character to amazing heights of perfection. I know the game well enough of course, but am fully willing to admit I could get a little better.
On the other end, I started off only as a PvEer, and chose, willingly, to start coming onto this area of the forums. I was nervous to be honest, but my fears were nullified once I really learned what it truly like to PvP, nothing else quite like it in the game.
I feel like this idea would help foster the same thing.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
HOLY COW! This is incredible stuff. And why aren't you on the dev team?=) But really, I think it would be soooooo cool to have a demo for this project. It sounds like things are going to start moving next week, when Brandon gets in contact with me. For now I can only say that having even a short promo video would be nothing short of winnniiinng!!!! Plus, if Brandon allows us to have some sort of front page ad on the STO website, it would be a great opportunity for you to showcase your skills and get your name out there.
Thanks for your generosity.
No Problem. I am also a bit of a community website creator
So if you need something I leave it with you to contact me @drkfrontiers
As an on-again off-again PvPer, and mostly Ker'rat at that (nothing against the queues or PvP fleets, it's just that I don't always like to wait), I'd like to mention I support this idea.
I'm not a huge PvPer, I don't know how to absolutely min-max my ship and character to amazing heights of perfection. I know the game well enough of course, but am fully willing to admit I could get a little better.
On the other end, I started off only as a PvEer, and chose, willingly, to start coming onto this area of the forums. I was nervous to be honest, but my fears were nullified once I really learned what it truly like to PvP, nothing else quite like it in the game.
I feel like this idea would help foster the same thing.
I am glad to hear you are interested. Keep your eye on the PvP forums as new stuff will be posted in the coming days.
Any word on this yet? I'd love to help out and see if we can get something started.
I am supposed to hear from Brandon this week. Once I do, I will let the community know as soon as possible=). I have been soooo excited about this all weekend and am really looking forward to how we can team up with Cryptic to make this a really cool event. I will create an update thread, probably later this week, to inform interested parties of new developments. The timeline, at this point, depends on Brandon.
PaxOttomana: gawd mirror event is like fighting a tsi premade, they keep comin and comin!
Hey, let's stay in touch about this. really. As I was walking up the library steps this morning on my way to work, I was thinking that, if things continue to go well with this "boot camp" idea (B-flakes has already indicated that he is interested and will contact me about it) then we will need some sort of rough outline/curriculum around which to schedule things, so that we can actually take people from one step to another. Perhaps we can collaborate on how to use your handbook idea in the boot camp.
If its easier for you, please feel free to contact me at the following email address:
To get somewhat decent PVP, you need to outlaw at least some of the more extreme p2w items and doffs. And I really can't see cryptic promoting something that requires people to accept the fact that cryptic has failed to balance certain items and then use some self-restraint to keep the gameplay fun for everyone.
Rubbing costumer's noses in the amount of fail they are putting on holodeck, for insane gambling lotto prices, has nothing to do with it.
*these are not the failures you are looking for*
a history of sto pvp: 2010 - 2011
a history of sto pvp: 2012 - 2013
Thanks for bringing this up. I address this--in a cursory manner--in the initial post:
"1) Because this is not a tournament, in which rules like "no siphon drones, AMS, etc." would be implemented, it is more likely that Branflakes could promote it. It is not beyond the realm of possibility for us to get a front page blog article on STO's website."
In the case of "boot camp," I think we need to be flexible on the p2w stuff, not because I don't think there are problems with certain items but because moving forward with Cryptic requires that we be somewhat flexible on certain issues. While I am certainly in agreement with you and probably most of the other PvP folks about which items are problematic in PvP scenarios, right now I am more concerned with simply getting people itnerested, educated, and confident in PvP. In individual training sessions, coaches can say what they want, but officially, I would really prefer to stay open on this issue. I hope this will cause not you to hesitate to participate, because your understanding of pvp is off the charts and I would value very much having your presence.
Look at it this way, Boot Camp is about the basics, like you touch on in your guide. If people, individually, decide to use items that are frowned upon by the PvP community, that is their own decision to make. With that said, if they end up in some of the more elite groups you and I both know that such items will not be tolerated in most cases.
To reiterate, this is not a tournament but a PvP kindergarten.
Thanks again.
Don't be too pessimistic=)
In the vesta PvP thread, B-flakes said he has already read the Boot Camp idea, indicated that he liked it, and has since promised to contact me about next steps So I think we are making some progress.
No worries. The textbook guide is here.
Just contact me ingame if this really kicks off, and ill gladly help.
PaxOttomana: gawd mirror event is like fighting a tsi premade, they keep comin and comin!
I haven't PvP'ed in a while now because frankly, the PuG scene had just devolved into endless bouts of PuGstomping - not the fault of established PvP teams but not so long ago you could PuG in STO and get pretty varied results - sometimes you'd get stomped, sometimes you'd be able to put up a decent fight and then there were those rare games where the final score would be 12/15 or similar where everybody had a good time.
Whilst I may not participate any more, I have nothing but respect for those of you that still do (particularly the PuGgers
I definitely do like it and would love to be involved. I'll be reaching out to you next week so we can start talks and get this idea rolling, as well as getting other members in the PvP community involved.
Brandon =/\=
Excellent, Brandon. Thanks again. I look forward to getting things moving.
i think that opens up a lot of possibility's right there
Here is my portfolio of videos:
Stray Dogs
STO Frontlines
DFA Recruitment
HOLY COW! This is incredible stuff. And why aren't you on the dev team?=) But really, I think it would be soooooo cool to have a demo for this project. It sounds like things are going to start moving next week, when Brandon gets in contact with me. For now I can only say that having even a short promo video would be nothing short of winnniiinng!!!! Plus, if Brandon allows us to have some sort of front page ad on the STO website, it would be a great opportunity for you to showcase your skills and get your name out there.
Thanks for your generosity.
I'm not a huge PvPer, I don't know how to absolutely min-max my ship and character to amazing heights of perfection. I know the game well enough of course, but am fully willing to admit I could get a little better.
On the other end, I started off only as a PvEer, and chose, willingly, to start coming onto this area of the forums. I was nervous to be honest, but my fears were nullified once I really learned what it truly like to PvP, nothing else quite like it in the game.
I feel like this idea would help foster the same thing.
No Problem. I am also a bit of a community website creator
So if you need something I leave it with you to contact me @drkfrontiers
Some of the community I have helped
STO Frontlines
Blood Dragons
I am glad to hear you are interested. Keep your eye on the PvP forums as new stuff will be posted in the coming days.
I am amazed, really. We will be in touch.
Perhaps one day we could breath some life into my idea for persistent PvP!
It seems like it's easier for Feds to get access to SNB doffs too, so that's going to TRIBBLE KDF pugs quite a bit.
If it get's to that point, I expect KDF to go full-on-cheese without regret.
If it gets to that point, I will never complain about siphon teams again.
vids and guides and stuff
[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
I am supposed to hear from Brandon this week. Once I do, I will let the community know as soon as possible=). I have been soooo excited about this all weekend and am really looking forward to how we can team up with Cryptic to make this a really cool event. I will create an update thread, probably later this week, to inform interested parties of new developments. The timeline, at this point, depends on Brandon.
I have experience as ENG, SCI, TAC
I can offer help for the following roles: Healer, Croud Control, Support Damage Dealer
Tao@pascalb1 The300/110th
- Nova Aurora Polaris -