It serves no real purpose, it completely ruins a (very pretty) weapon type and it just bugs me on a visceral level, like a tiny dent in the back of a vintage Ford Galaxie 500.
That is all.
I hope you don't mean the Maco shield if not which is it?
What year of Galaxie Ford fan here?
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Age StarTrek-Gamers Administrator
USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer Star Trek Gamers
And that is somewhere @3 people who pvp.To change the game (which has more than 3 people) for 3 people in my book is called stupidity.
And this is sort of my point.
This issue is only a concern from a PVP perspective. And even so, this is not about 'balance'. Having plasma resist on a shield does not affect game balance for PVP. All it means is that if you PVP, you pick a different weapon energy type (and some of the other weapon procs are much better anyway, imo).
For those PVPers that are constantly complaining of game balance issues, my advice to you is to stick with issues that actually DO affect balance. You will only get so many things changed before the PVE community (a much larger community) starts to balk at some of those changes. In other words, pick your battles/issues to fight over. Making a big deal out of something like this that doesn't affect game balance, and is mostly a minor annoyance because you can't use a pretty color weapon, but the overwhelming majority of other players like, is not a smart thing to do.
Come join the 44th Fleet.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
The overwhelming majority of people I've talked to don't run combat parsers so they have no idea as to what extent their shields are helping/hindering them (hint: it's not as much as you think). If you're using your powers properly (again, I'm not going to mince words here) then a shield is a shield is a shield.
Question. If the plasma resist isn?t helping very much in PVE, is it the OP's contention then that it helps more in PVP?
I flatter myself to think that I am pretty good in both PVP and PVE. I find that with the proper understanding of the abilities available to different captain types and ships I can do pretty well in PVE, just as the OP has said I should. I also find that with a basic understanding of human psychology I can come out on top in PVP in many situations where the numbers might indicate it was impossible for me to do so.
I do not run parsers. Parsers are a crutch for people too unobservant to tell when they and there team mates are doing better or worse. I would highly recommend people put their parser in the bin with 'remodulate shields' and the 'subspace field modulator'.
Parsers lead people to the extremes of min/maxing. Which is fine for PVE, and will help you win in PVP against other min/maxers, but what?s the point of it all if the win goes to who ever has the biggest numbers? Might as well just swap figures, skip the match, and go strait to declaring a winner. Strategy, tactics and psychology, look to these and not to a parser, you will have twice as much success in PVP, and you will spend a lot less on gear.
I think the OP is right to want to even the playing field for different damage types. I think the OP is right to say the plasma resistance on end game gear doesn?t help people as much as they think in PVE. But I also think it doesn?t hurt plasma weapons as much as people think in PVP. As things stand plasma weapons are cheep because of this perception. It is good that there is cheaper equipment available for those with the good seance to take advantage of it.
If balance is to be imposed the better way is not to remove plasma resistance from the current sets, but to introduce new and equivalent sets with resistances to the other damage types. Let those who wish to, equip themselves with what ever resistance they like.
If balance is to be imposed the better way is not to remove plasma resistance from the current sets, but to introduce new and equivalent sets with resistances to the other damage types. Let those who wish to, equip themselves with what ever resistance they like.
I agree with this idea.
Oddly, this is one of few games I find that have no 'pvp gear' rewards. Like honor points and a vendor that sells Accx3 mod weapons together with a Mk12 set of stuff designed specifically for pvp (bonus acc and crit, and set bonuses that reduce enemy crit chance).
Giving those shields a choice of 10% energy resist in place of plasma resist is good enough.
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
I agree that it is stupid that plasma weapons are unseen in pvp simply because everyone is running anti-borg set gear. The Borg plasma beams don't even look the same as player plasma weapons, visually! Creating a new BorgPlasma damage type is fine (as long as armor consoles are tweaked to resist against both types of plasma), or simply making the maco and omega and khg shields have a "20% resistance to Borg weapons" or something like that. Dunno how the programming works.
Former/Cryptic Name: Captain_Hans_Langsdorff
Founding member, Special Service Squadron
"Fear God and Dread Nought." First Sea Lord, Adm. Jacky Fisher
If balance is to be imposed the better way is not to remove plasma resistance from the current sets, but to introduce new and equivalent sets with resistances to the other damage types. Let those who wish to, equip themselves with what ever resistance they like.
and thats why we have different armor to protect against different types of energy. I was under the impression that some shields already had protection against certain energy types.
The Borg set however; is the one that sticks out the most because of that 20% Plasma resistance. However; keep in mind that when using plasma weaponry you have that chance to do extra damage via Plasma fire that ignores the 20% resistance.
Truth be told - Take a look at all the shields, from the mundane to the Fat Horse Covariant and their extra defense.
PvP is a tricky business and one that requires a bit of knowledge, setup, and the concept of changing as you go during combat for those unsuspecting damages from weaponry. However; all this is obsolete in age where OP consoles are being flung around like TRIBBLE in a monkey cage.
Back on Topic:
Remove the 20% resist or make it that different sets that defend against the different types are introduced. End Game Gear in essence is TRIBBLE in STO, since all people do is STF and thats about it.
This issue is only a concern from a PVP perspective. And even so, this is not about 'balance'. Having plasma resist on a shield does not affect game balance for PVP. All it means is that if you PVP, you pick a different weapon energy type (and some of the other weapon procs are much better anyway, imo).
For those PVPers that are constantly complaining of game balance issues, my advice to you is to stick with issues that actually DO affect balance. You will only get so many things changed before the PVE community (a much larger community) starts to balk at some of those changes. In other words, pick your battles/issues to fight over. Making a big deal out of something like this that doesn't affect game balance, and is mostly a minor annoyance because you can't use a pretty color weapon, but the overwhelming majority of other players like, is not a smart thing to do.
Considering the amount of pointless and baseless opposition I'm getting to what in your eyes is a minor issue (because perma-nerfing an entire weapons class is no biggie... lol), what on Earth makes you think that me or anyone else can affect larger changes?
Let me put it this way, since I'm being insulted over my reason for wanting plasma back: I have stats, hard evidence, experience and logic on my side. I can provide detailed client logs that prove just how negligible the plasma resist is in PvE, and I can provide video proof of the immense difference between someone performing with a good build sans STF shield and someone performing with a suboptimal build while using the plasma resist. It'll be absolutely night and day.
We're not even speaking the same language here. I'm telling you that the plasma resist is a complete placebo because I know exactly what the cold numbers are and how the game mechanics work, but people are clinging to the thing for no real reason at all. Why is that resist so necessary? How did you even manage to get the shield in the first place if you couldn't run the content with it equipped?
I flatter myself to think that I am pretty good in both PVP and PVE. I find that with the proper understanding of the abilities available to different captain types and ships I can do pretty well in PVE, just as the OP has said I should. I also find that with a basic understanding of human psychology I can come out on top in PVP in many situations where the numbers might indicate it was impossible for me to do so.
But this is exactly my point... gear just isn't that big a deal, even in PvP; you could probably overcome the plasma resist with better piloting and knowing your skill tray. At the same time, that psychological factor has totally ruined plasma energy weapons, because why intentionally nerf your damage output against other players when you don't have to?
It's just fundamentally so silly that it's even there.
Considering the amount of pointless and baseless opposition I'm getting to what in your eyes is a minor issue (because perma-nerfing an entire weapons class is no biggie... lol), what on Earth makes you think that me or anyone else can affect larger changes?
Let me put it this way, since I'm being insulted over my reason for wanting plasma back: I have stats, hard evidence, experience and logic on my side. I can provide detailed client logs that prove just how negligible the plasma resist is in PvE, and I can provide video proof of the immense difference between someone performing with a good build sans STF shield and someone performing with a suboptimal build while using the plasma resist. It'll be absolutely night and day.
We're not even speaking the same language here. I'm telling you that the plasma resist is a complete placebo because I know exactly what the cold numbers are and how the game mechanics work, but people are clinging to the thing for no real reason at all. Why is that resist so necessary? How did you even manage to get the shield in the first place if you couldn't run the content with it equipped?
I'm sorry to actually disagree entirely with what you actually want, you're saying that the 20% resist is as it stands "useless", I've highlighted two parts of your post in RED.
IF what you're saying is a true statement and that you truely want to use Plasma weapons... why don't you, you have evidence AGAINST your own argument, I use Plasma weapons on one of my Sci VA alts... works fine for me. I've even PvP'd with it.
I use Tetryon on my main, similar to you liking Plasma because its "pretty" I use Tetryon because its "Blue".
Regardless of my above statements "steps off toes" I do agree with you that the 20% resist is completely un-noticeable as most Borg NPC damage is Kinetic.
I'm sorry to actually disagree entirely with what you actually want, you're saying that the 20% resist is as it stands "useless", I've highlighted two parts of your post in RED.
IF what you're saying is a true statement and that you truely want to use Plasma weapons... why don't you, you have evidence AGAINST your own argument, I use Plasma weapons on one of my Sci VA alts... works fine for me. I've even PvP'd with it.
I use Tetryon on my main, similar to you liking Plasma because its "pretty" I use Tetryon because its "Blue".
Regardless of my above statements "steps off toes" I do agree with you that the 20% resist is completely un-noticeable as most Borg NPC damage is Kinetic.
The plasma resist is a placebo in PvE. In PvP between players of comparable skill and experience it makes a massive difference, a flat 20% damage drop is basically a permanent debuff.
The plasma resist is a placebo in PvE. In PvP between players of comparable skill and experience it makes a massive difference, a flat 20% damage drop is basically a permanent debuff.
I can understand that but using my Sci alt with plasma weapons I still seem to be doing well in PvP "I haven't been playing recently as the news of S7 with its Shiny Grindfest badge disheartens me"
To the contrary of PvP and PvE, the STF ship sets Borg/MACO/Omega/Honour Guard, are designed for STF's, the sets are good for PvP but they're not designed for it "about to step on toes... probably alot of toes", your argument Shimmerless in all respects is valid but should not be aimed at Cryptic, the sets are, as they would say "working as intended" not the PvP communitys fault STF ship sets are shiny and have good perks, but they're using these Sets for PvP they're the ones responsible for giving Plasma no chance for PvP.
Hopefully "fingers crossed" cryptic will include ship sets that are PvP orientated. I'd like to see the crafting system have a revamp, to create these sets.
I do dislike that Plasma is held back in a PvP format, then again a very good portion of PvE is Vs plasma equiped NPCs, Borg/Undine/Romulans/Remans.
P.S. - we seen what happened when the Engineers lost their Kit switching abilities, PvP Community was glad, PvE community flipped.
You won't find any argument from me about the shields, in all honesty the fact that there are only one-and-a-half competitive options (two if you count KHG) is criminal. That said, if the resist were taken off, other shields would stand a better chance, little sluggers like the Jemmy/Reman.
And yeah, it's also lame that crafting still doesn't exist in any real sense. In PvP we pretty much get what we're given, we don't get the chance to tailor our own equipment or anything. STO is really unusual in that regard, most people (myself included) love crafting and find it rewarding.
Considering the amount of pointless and baseless opposition I'm getting to what in your eyes is a minor issue (because perma-nerfing an entire weapons class is no biggie... lol), what on Earth makes you think that me or anyone else can affect larger changes?
You're still missing my point. Plasma weapons are not 'perma-nerfed'... unless you PVP against those that use the borg gear. Plasma works fine for all PVE content.
Come join the 44th Fleet.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
You're still missing my point. Plasma weapons are not 'perma-nerfed'... unless you PVP against those that use the borg gear. Plasma works fine for all PVE content.
You will not find anyone in PvP who doesn't use Borg gear. Whether you consider PvP equally important or not is a matter of opinion, but there are those who do and they're paying customers just like you are.
Considering the amount of pointless and baseless opposition I'm getting to what in your eyes is a minor issue (because perma-nerfing an entire weapons class is no biggie... lol), what on Earth makes you think that me or anyone else can affect larger changes?
We all know that everyone is wrong and you are right because you know better what people want/need and others (players and cryptic) should and I quote you "man up" :rolleyes:
You will not find anyone in PvP who doesn't use Borg gear. Whether you consider PvP equally important or not is a matter of opinion, but there are those who do and they're paying customers just like you are.
Paying minority.Some minority plays KDF episodes and they are paying like pvp people and get no new episodes.Why are 3 pvp people more important than a entire faction and storyline?
They need to put this on a logo or forums rules ..."PvP sucks ,don't rant about it" and threads like these would be pointless .
To the contrary of PvP and PvE, the STF ship sets Borg/MACO/Omega/Honour Guard, are designed for STF's, the sets are good for PvP but they're not designed for it "about to step on toes...
Dear lady, show me which shields are designed for PvP in this game ? I must have missed them.
"Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
First a question to the PVP community. Isn't it necessary to switch up your gear from time to time as the new flavor of the month in weapons come out?
I'll tell you this much, when I do PVP (which admittedly is not often), the first thing I drop are the STF shields. Why? Because I assume that the PVP players would be expecting an inexperienced PVP'er to be equipped for PVE, and build specifically to eat them alive. I tend to favor shields with Disruptor resist, or Polaron.
The one thing I enjoy about PVP is the variety.... sometimes I do well... sometimes I get my butt handed to me... many many times. The use of tactics and builds becomes a larger consideration because you simply don't know what you are going to face, or its skill level.
- People who like cruisers and sci vessels may not want escorts to be such good tanks, because it just makes them feel unneeded in PvE.
This isn't far off from how I feel on my Sci toon. I stopped playing him for the longest time because, support in STF's isn't really necessary. It got a little better with the death clock, but still I came out of many feeling that I did not contribute to the mission in general, if not a detriment to the team.
I do support the idea of the borg set modification, and a nerf to the BFI doff... mainly becuase there are a community of players who have decided to play a different role in the game.
The idea that a solo Escort should be able to tank a Tactical Cube for 3 minutes is, in my opinion, ridiculous. At that point, there is no need for anything but Tactical Officers in escorts in any PVE. This is what the game has become...
I have been around a long time... I recall when teams WANTED, even NEEDED a mix of classes (who else recalls KASE when the gateways spewed both Spheres and probes with EVERY spawn... 1 tac couldn't cover both sides, they needed support)... and I eagerly await for that type of dynamic again.
Johnny, that's half true... the fleet shields are quite nice (although I have to say again, why they lumped all of the best types onto one and not the other baffles me) for what you mean.
But ultimately, the STF shields are just too good. MACO in particular is completely absurd, I mean the MACO shield is in a league of its own. If you're Fed-side your mental calculus is always, "If I don't go MACO, what of these will I choose...?"
Johnny, that's half true... the fleet shields are quite nice (although I have to say again, why they lumped all of the best types onto one and not the other baffles me) for what you mean.
But ultimately, the STF shields are just too good. MACO in particular is completely absurd, I mean the MACO shield is in a league of its own. If you're Fed-side your mental calculus is always, "If I don't go MACO, what of these will I choose...?"
It is not as it is for engineer capt. not omega that is for tac capt. criuser=Maco and escort=omega.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Age StarTrek-Gamers Administrator
USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer Star Trek Gamers
The plasma resist is a placebo in PvE. In PvP between players of comparable skill and experience it makes a massive difference, a flat 20% damage drop is basically a permanent debuff.
That's just an opinion.. Even if you have figures that's still just your personal experiance and you're point of view, still nothing more than an opinion. You should wake up to the fact that it isn't better than anyone else's.. You're ignoring common ground and coming off very self centered.
That's not a relevant issue. The maco/omega/khg shields aren't "endgame" shields. They are endgame rewards for specific borg-related achievements.
At some point we should see new stfs (let's say tholian ones) with new sets. That would still not be an "endgame gear" but an endgame reward for specific tholian related achievements. If we had those tholian STFs we would get anti tetryon shields. And so on. In 5 yers we could very well have ~10 endgame reward shields with specific resistances to various damage type. But a genuine "endgame" reward would be a set with parts and powers useful in every possible situation, but we have nothing like that yet.
Er.....Jem'Hadar shields? 10% all energy resist, 10 kinetic resist, perma BFI crew resist, and it's resilient ontop of that. Sure it has a lower max cap but I've never once had that be a problem.
That's just an opinion.. Even if you have figures that's still just your personal experiance and you're point of view, still nothing more than an opinion. You should wake up to the fact that it isn't better than anyone else's.. You're ignoring common ground and coming off very self centered.
You will not find anyone in PvP who doesn't use Borg gear. Whether you consider PvP equally important or not is a matter of opinion, but there are those who do and they're paying customers just like you are.
And KDF players are paying customers too. And we all know the vast dev resources that go into that faction because there are so many of them. :rolleyes: Again, you are arguing a point that is not an issue for the vast majority of players.
Come join the 44th Fleet.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Plasma (for players) has always been the "underpowered" weapon type, and always will be. Borg plasma weapons, on the other hand, are overpowered; the endgame shields give players a little bit of an edge in terms of survival.
The plasma resist on endgame shield makes sense in terms of RP also; don't you think Starfleet and the KDF would be working non-stop to adept their shielding against Borg plasma weapons?
If you really "really" want to make plasma a more legitimate damage type option, then I suggest this; reclass Borg weapons as there own damage type (for example, Borg Plasma, which is different from standard player Plasma), then give endgame shields a resistance to Borg Plasma rather then player plasma. Thus, PvE players get their resistance to Borg weapons, while PvP players retain plasma weaponry as a legitimate option. This solution is practical on several does not, however, change the fact that most NPCs have a plasma resistance as well, thus plasmas effectiveness would still be limited in PvE.
Hard numbers taken from your personal experience help tailor your point of view, you don't represent every playstyle.. You're consciousness isn't some magical thing that encompasses the reality of other people's experiences. It could prove an accurate assessment of general gameplay experiance, but just to assume such seems pretty short sighted.. needlessly aggressive.
Either way it's not like you should consider numbers the only factor in an opinion anyway.
while PvP players retain plasma weaponry as a legitimate option.
Who cares? There are many other "options". And there is no better option. Plasma is one of them but there's really no reason to ask devs to work on that for such a minor issue. Use disruptor instead, or phaser, or antiproton, or whatever... Anyway, you can always buy a [Cap]x2 [Ap] shield on the exchange. Would you complain about that if half of the server was sucing such a shield?
Plasma is a legitimate choice. Players can use the shield they want. Maco or KHG are choices players can make. Don't complain about other's choices in pvp. Adapt. That's the very meaning of pvp anyway.
Plasma is a legitimate choice. Players can use the shield they want. Maco or KHG are choices players can make. Don't complain about other's choices in pvp. Adapt. That's the very meaning of pvp anyway.
I hope you don't mean the Maco shield if not which is it?
What year of Galaxie Ford fan here?
USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
Star Trek Gamers
And this is sort of my point.
This issue is only a concern from a PVP perspective. And even so, this is not about 'balance'. Having plasma resist on a shield does not affect game balance for PVP. All it means is that if you PVP, you pick a different weapon energy type (and some of the other weapon procs are much better anyway, imo).
For those PVPers that are constantly complaining of game balance issues, my advice to you is to stick with issues that actually DO affect balance. You will only get so many things changed before the PVE community (a much larger community) starts to balk at some of those changes. In other words, pick your battles/issues to fight over. Making a big deal out of something like this that doesn't affect game balance, and is mostly a minor annoyance because you can't use a pretty color weapon, but the overwhelming majority of other players like, is not a smart thing to do.
Come join the 44th Fleet.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Question. If the plasma resist isn?t helping very much in PVE, is it the OP's contention then that it helps more in PVP?
I flatter myself to think that I am pretty good in both PVP and PVE. I find that with the proper understanding of the abilities available to different captain types and ships I can do pretty well in PVE, just as the OP has said I should. I also find that with a basic understanding of human psychology I can come out on top in PVP in many situations where the numbers might indicate it was impossible for me to do so.
I do not run parsers. Parsers are a crutch for people too unobservant to tell when they and there team mates are doing better or worse. I would highly recommend people put their parser in the bin with 'remodulate shields' and the 'subspace field modulator'.
Parsers lead people to the extremes of min/maxing. Which is fine for PVE, and will help you win in PVP against other min/maxers, but what?s the point of it all if the win goes to who ever has the biggest numbers? Might as well just swap figures, skip the match, and go strait to declaring a winner. Strategy, tactics and psychology, look to these and not to a parser, you will have twice as much success in PVP, and you will spend a lot less on gear.
I think the OP is right to want to even the playing field for different damage types. I think the OP is right to say the plasma resistance on end game gear doesn?t help people as much as they think in PVE. But I also think it doesn?t hurt plasma weapons as much as people think in PVP. As things stand plasma weapons are cheep because of this perception. It is good that there is cheaper equipment available for those with the good seance to take advantage of it.
If balance is to be imposed the better way is not to remove plasma resistance from the current sets, but to introduce new and equivalent sets with resistances to the other damage types. Let those who wish to, equip themselves with what ever resistance they like.
I agree with this idea.
Oddly, this is one of few games I find that have no 'pvp gear' rewards. Like honor points and a vendor that sells Accx3 mod weapons together with a Mk12 set of stuff designed specifically for pvp (bonus acc and crit, and set bonuses that reduce enemy crit chance).
Giving those shields a choice of 10% energy resist in place of plasma resist is good enough.
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!
Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
Former/Cryptic Name: Captain_Hans_Langsdorff
Founding member, Special Service Squadron
"Fear God and Dread Nought." First Sea Lord, Adm. Jacky Fisher
and thats why we have different armor to protect against different types of energy. I was under the impression that some shields already had protection against certain energy types.
The Borg set however; is the one that sticks out the most because of that 20% Plasma resistance. However; keep in mind that when using plasma weaponry you have that chance to do extra damage via Plasma fire that ignores the 20% resistance.
Truth be told - Take a look at all the shields, from the mundane to the Fat Horse Covariant and their extra defense.
PvP is a tricky business and one that requires a bit of knowledge, setup, and the concept of changing as you go during combat for those unsuspecting damages from weaponry. However; all this is obsolete in age where OP consoles are being flung around like TRIBBLE in a monkey cage.
Back on Topic:
Remove the 20% resist or make it that different sets that defend against the different types are introduced. End Game Gear in essence is TRIBBLE in STO, since all people do is STF and thats about it.
Considering the amount of pointless and baseless opposition I'm getting to what in your eyes is a minor issue (because perma-nerfing an entire weapons class is no biggie... lol), what on Earth makes you think that me or anyone else can affect larger changes?
Let me put it this way, since I'm being insulted over my reason for wanting plasma back: I have stats, hard evidence, experience and logic on my side. I can provide detailed client logs that prove just how negligible the plasma resist is in PvE, and I can provide video proof of the immense difference between someone performing with a good build sans STF shield and someone performing with a suboptimal build while using the plasma resist. It'll be absolutely night and day.
We're not even speaking the same language here. I'm telling you that the plasma resist is a complete placebo because I know exactly what the cold numbers are and how the game mechanics work, but people are clinging to the thing for no real reason at all. Why is that resist so necessary? How did you even manage to get the shield in the first place if you couldn't run the content with it equipped?
vids and guides and stuff
[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
But this is exactly my point... gear just isn't that big a deal, even in PvP; you could probably overcome the plasma resist with better piloting and knowing your skill tray. At the same time, that psychological factor has totally ruined plasma energy weapons, because why intentionally nerf your damage output against other players when you don't have to?
It's just fundamentally so silly that it's even there.
vids and guides and stuff
[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
I'm sorry to actually disagree entirely with what you actually want, you're saying that the 20% resist is as it stands "useless", I've highlighted two parts of your post in RED.
IF what you're saying is a true statement and that you truely want to use Plasma weapons... why don't you, you have evidence AGAINST your own argument, I use Plasma weapons on one of my Sci VA alts... works fine for me. I've even PvP'd with it.
I use Tetryon on my main, similar to you liking Plasma because its "pretty" I use Tetryon because its "Blue".
Regardless of my above statements "steps off toes" I do agree with you that the 20% resist is completely un-noticeable as most Borg NPC damage is Kinetic.
The plasma resist is a placebo in PvE. In PvP between players of comparable skill and experience it makes a massive difference, a flat 20% damage drop is basically a permanent debuff.
vids and guides and stuff
[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
I can understand that but using my Sci alt with plasma weapons I still seem to be doing well in PvP "I haven't been playing recently as the news of S7 with its Shiny Grindfest badge disheartens me"
To the contrary of PvP and PvE, the STF ship sets Borg/MACO/Omega/Honour Guard, are designed for STF's, the sets are good for PvP but they're not designed for it "about to step on toes... probably alot of toes", your argument Shimmerless in all respects is valid but should not be aimed at Cryptic, the sets are, as they would say "working as intended" not the PvP communitys fault STF ship sets are shiny and have good perks, but they're using these Sets for PvP they're the ones responsible for giving Plasma no chance for PvP.
Hopefully "fingers crossed" cryptic will include ship sets that are PvP orientated. I'd like to see the crafting system have a revamp, to create these sets.
I do dislike that Plasma is held back in a PvP format, then again a very good portion of PvE is Vs plasma equiped NPCs, Borg/Undine/Romulans/Remans.
P.S. - we seen what happened when the Engineers lost their Kit switching abilities, PvP Community was glad, PvE community flipped.
And yeah, it's also lame that crafting still doesn't exist in any real sense. In PvP we pretty much get what we're given, we don't get the chance to tailor our own equipment or anything. STO is really unusual in that regard, most people (myself included) love crafting and find it rewarding.
vids and guides and stuff
[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
You're still missing my point. Plasma weapons are not 'perma-nerfed'... unless you PVP against those that use the borg gear. Plasma works fine for all PVE content.
Come join the 44th Fleet.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
You will not find anyone in PvP who doesn't use Borg gear. Whether you consider PvP equally important or not is a matter of opinion, but there are those who do and they're paying customers just like you are.
vids and guides and stuff
[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
We all know that everyone is wrong and you are right because you know better what people want/need and others (players and cryptic) should and I quote you "man up" :rolleyes:
Paying minority.Some minority plays KDF episodes and they are paying like pvp people and get no new episodes.Why are 3 pvp people more important than a entire faction and storyline?
They need to put this on a logo or forums rules ..."PvP sucks ,don't rant about it" and threads like these would be pointless .
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[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
Dear lady, show me which shields are designed for PvP in this game ?
I'll tell you this much, when I do PVP (which admittedly is not often), the first thing I drop are the STF shields. Why? Because I assume that the PVP players would be expecting an inexperienced PVP'er to be equipped for PVE, and build specifically to eat them alive. I tend to favor shields with Disruptor resist, or Polaron.
The one thing I enjoy about PVP is the variety.... sometimes I do well... sometimes I get my butt handed to me... many many times. The use of tactics and builds becomes a larger consideration because you simply don't know what you are going to face, or its skill level.
This isn't far off from how I feel on my Sci toon. I stopped playing him for the longest time because, support in STF's isn't really necessary. It got a little better with the death clock, but still I came out of many feeling that I did not contribute to the mission in general, if not a detriment to the team.
I do support the idea of the borg set modification, and a nerf to the BFI doff... mainly becuase there are a community of players who have decided to play a different role in the game.
The idea that a solo Escort should be able to tank a Tactical Cube for 3 minutes is, in my opinion, ridiculous. At that point, there is no need for anything but Tactical Officers in escorts in any PVE. This is what the game has become...
I have been around a long time... I recall when teams WANTED, even NEEDED a mix of classes (who else recalls KASE when the gateways spewed both Spheres and probes with EVERY spawn... 1 tac couldn't cover both sides, they needed support)... and I eagerly await for that type of dynamic again.
Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
But ultimately, the STF shields are just too good. MACO in particular is completely absurd, I mean the MACO shield is in a league of its own. If you're Fed-side your mental calculus is always, "If I don't go MACO, what of these will I choose...?"
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[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
It is not as it is for engineer capt. not omega that is for tac capt. criuser=Maco and escort=omega.
USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
Star Trek Gamers
That's just an opinion.. Even if you have figures that's still just your personal experiance and you're point of view, still nothing more than an opinion. You should wake up to the fact that it isn't better than anyone else's.. You're ignoring common ground and coming off very self centered.
At some point we should see new stfs (let's say tholian ones) with new sets. That would still not be an "endgame gear" but an endgame reward for specific tholian related achievements. If we had those tholian STFs we would get anti tetryon shields. And so on. In 5 yers we could very well have ~10 endgame reward shields with specific resistances to various damage type. But a genuine "endgame" reward would be a set with parts and powers useful in every possible situation, but we have nothing like that yet.
God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
Hard numbers are my point of view? Lol
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[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
And KDF players are paying customers too. And we all know the vast dev resources that go into that faction because there are so many of them. :rolleyes: Again, you are arguing a point that is not an issue for the vast majority of players.
Come join the 44th Fleet.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Plasma (for players) has always been the "underpowered" weapon type, and always will be. Borg plasma weapons, on the other hand, are overpowered; the endgame shields give players a little bit of an edge in terms of survival.
The plasma resist on endgame shield makes sense in terms of RP also; don't you think Starfleet and the KDF would be working non-stop to adept their shielding against Borg plasma weapons?
If you really "really" want to make plasma a more legitimate damage type option, then I suggest this; reclass Borg weapons as there own damage type (for example, Borg Plasma, which is different from standard player Plasma), then give endgame shields a resistance to Borg Plasma rather then player plasma. Thus, PvE players get their resistance to Borg weapons, while PvP players retain plasma weaponry as a legitimate option. This solution is practical on several does not, however, change the fact that most NPCs have a plasma resistance as well, thus plasmas effectiveness would still be limited in PvE.
Just my take.
Hard numbers taken from your personal experience help tailor your point of view, you don't represent every playstyle.. You're consciousness isn't some magical thing that encompasses the reality of other people's experiences. It could prove an accurate assessment of general gameplay experiance, but just to assume such seems pretty short sighted.. needlessly aggressive.
Either way it's not like you should consider numbers the only factor in an opinion anyway.
Who cares? There are many other "options". And there is no better option. Plasma is one of them but there's really no reason to ask devs to work on that for such a minor issue. Use disruptor instead, or phaser, or antiproton, or whatever... Anyway, you can always buy a [Cap]x2 [Ap] shield on the exchange. Would you complain about that if half of the server was sucing such a shield?
Plasma is a legitimate choice. Players can use the shield they want. Maco or KHG are choices players can make. Don't complain about other's choices in pvp. Adapt. That's the very meaning of pvp anyway.
God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
You mistake my comment as "complaining".
I'm not complaining at all, I'm simply my opinion