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  • I am talking about the tier 5 Explorer class ships and the Star cruiser that is also suffering from lack to tac consoles slots. If they want to rework all the TNG ships, that doesn't bother me because all the ships that are older than TNG period were made strong in this game, so why can't the Galaxy, Nebula, and Intrepid…
  • If Cryptic is too lazy to rework the Galaxy's layout then they should at least make a special weapon console that is exclusive to Exlporer-class and Star Cruiser class cruisers that would bring up beam weapon or projectile damage to be equal with having 3 weapon consoles. Two of these special weapon consoles would be like…
  • Ok guys i'm getting on the plane to China so you won't hear from me while i am there. Take care of this thread, TNG fans.
  • Yeah, good idea. There is the proof we need to maked a LTC universal BOFF slot on the Galaxy.
  • Science for your mind? What the hell does that have to do with the ship? You still can't count Trio. She only felt alien's mind or presence but didn't realy push any buttons, once. She couldn't even medical relieve an officer for mental instability because only Crusher could do that. Crusher, I already said she was the…
  • You are so wrong. You don't know the game history. The Galaxy X got upgraded once, because it was first released with 7 weaopon slots. All the fed ships with sauser separation, cloak, or takyon grid got changed to where those powers were mad into consoles. So quit your doubting hater, and sit on the sidelines and whatch…
  • Dude, you don't know what you are talking about because there are ships that got revamped before. The B'rel did, the Defiant did, and the Galaxy X did, so stop being a hater and let us get the message to the devs.
  • Thats what i said a long time ago. You don't get rewarded in this game for healing or supporting others, you get that best gear by getting the most kills. That mostly happens for escorts in group playing.
  • About Wesley, I was not calling him a tac officer because of his uniform color. Remember the episode when Worf went to through the Enterprise D of another quantum realities? With Captain Picard gone and the rest of the crew was promoted while staying in there respective roles. Worf was the commander and Riker was captain…
  • Yeah, it has to work eventually. We did that with the Ambassador and even the free version came out very competitively.
  • A stand alone ensign is not needed. Every boff comes with ensign powers. I was trying to convey that a stand alone ensign power just gets in the way of having a full LTC boff slot. Having LTC slot is way better than having LT/En slots. Also having an LTC slot allows you to diversify your abilities better withen the carreer…
  • The Galaxy in STO has not got upgraded or made right from the begining.
  • Trio has no Science Knowledge. She has only been a counselor in all the shows and movies. She never came up with a theory or en equation. She only sensed people's feelinggs and advised. Doctor Crusher was the only official Science Officer onboard but she spent most of the time in sickbay or bio labs. She did help implament…
  • Thats what i have been doing to my Galaxy Classes to improve turn rate.
  • Let me correct you. Picard don't start off as command. He was given command of the Stargazer becasue he was a fighter spirit and he made risky irrational decisions in the past. Remember the episode when Picard got stabed through the heart and Q gave him a chance to change his life during his academy days. He desided not to…
  • Apparently you punked out, Mr new guy. There no such thing as a ship just to look at. The Galaxy X and R are rather costly to just sit and look pretty. Why don't you sit on the sideline and be quiet because you didn't want to be proven wrong about the Galaxy in a 1 v1. You are so cowardice that you didn't even want to test…
  • How about slap yourself back to reality. I am tired of people, that don't know Star Trek, saying the Galaxy is too old a ship class for anybody to care about upgrading with the current times. You people forget that the Excelsior, Ambassador, Miranda, and Oberth are all way older than the Galaxy Class. The KDF uses most of…
  • They shouldn't have made the Galaxy a ship just to cater to one carreer. Every escort works just as powerful wether the captain is Tac, ENG, or Sci. it would be only fair for the cruisers work as well, no matter the career type. Like I always say, the USS Enterprise D has 3 Tac command bridge officers to one Eng and no…
  • You know what? I wouldn't care that the movement of the Galaxy from all ENG to balanced/TAC may cause them to change the Star cruiser to more tac. The star cruiser is also a weak ship. I never met a Star cruiser that can tank even my Galaxy and that speaks to the weak setup they made for these ships.
  • Of course if you got good team members that stick together and cross heal, you can tank forever but I have alot of fleet members that are on at different timezones so I am forced to pug it and is left to tank on my own. I have gone up against some infamous Bug players from Fed and Klink side. Some of thise names like Cryox…
  • I guess you seem to look at bits pieces of the show and now you think you know the whole story. The Galaxy was designed during the Cardasian War( certainly not a time of peace), to give Starfleet an edge over Cardasian Galors. The first Galaxy destroyed was the USS Yamato that incountered the Iconion probe that gave it a…
  • Are you a DEV? If you are then, you need to post in the offical pink or yellow color name. If you just a player then, don't tell me what the DEVs will and will not do.
  • I don't like your 3/3/3 console set up plus the fleet version has an added console slot making it 10. The C-store Galaxy R should have 4/2/3. It works for the Galaxy X, and I can tank all day in that thing and sting back. The Galaxy R and Galaxy X are the same ship minus the weapons and cloak. Having cannons do make a big…
  • Obviously you don't PVP much in a Galaxy or you would be embarressed or raging mad at how badly the setup is. I would even Challenge you myself I have to prove you wrong, but if you accept, you have to do it quickly because soon I will not have access to the forums one I get to China next week.
  • Why are you generalizing all of us TNG fans? We all don't want the same thing, we post our idea to start a debate. Not once have you seen me ask for 5 tac consoles. I only ask for 4 tac consoles on the fleet version because it comes with an extra console and I don't think it needs 3 science consoles. The ship have weak…
  • I own one and i have a hard time tanking a well built bug ship. Most times if i tank well, opponants start spamming me and subnuking me so i can't tank. Maybe you need to share your build and we can try it out and see if it works or not.
  • I got the stats from memory alpha. I could not find any other sites that are close to being canon thats get specific about the stats of the Jem'Hadar Dreadnought. All i find are game connected sites and even the speculate on weapons systems. Star Trek did a poor job of catalogging star ships so people have to speculate.…
  • Almost every version of the Galaxy R is a total joke in comparison to other cruisers. The so called engineering heavy BOFF setup is one major problem for it in healing and removing debuffs because there are no duration of ENG team like Tac Team. Hazard Emitters has a duration of healing and the higher the power, the longer…
  • Hold up!!!!!!! You complaining about sombody wanting the Galaxy to be a god ship but why aren't you or anybody complaining about the Jem'Hadar Bug ship being OP? The game vesion of the ship is way off canon and is the most op and tanking ship out of all escorts. Some people want keep the cruisers nerfed so they can…
  • The stats did say it is only armed with 10 torpedo launchers. I didn't make that up. Plus the Valient Captain was a stupid bullheaded cadet who was more interested in self glory than fighting smart or just follow the orders.