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What is your beef with the Galaxy Cryptic?



  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    sevmrage wrote: »
    Everyone leaves behind loot. I'm one of the only people I've ever seen that tries to collect all the loot critters I can.

    me too, i hate to leave them, so i always take the time to pick them up, it only a matter of 15 sec anyway
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,001 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    orangeitis wrote: »
    Is the carrier build strictly for PvP? Or is it viable for PvE as well?

    Just from looking at it, it depends on the PvE setting I'd guess. Most STF enemies like Borg and Voth dreads and the like are basically immune to subsystem effects (a downed system will become available in less than a second on most occasons). Regular mobs will probably suffer heavily from boarding parties, I did make quite a lot of use of those on my KDF Negh'Var and Fed Galaxy last season.

    EDIT: Why not include the scorpion pet device in the carrier build? :D
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • kimmymkimmym Member Posts: 1,317 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Hehe, I'd say its the opposite, its only really good for PvE, and I got really lucky against people that weren't ready for it in PvP.

    I thought about adding the device scorps for kicks, but Nimbus Pirates are so much better I didn't. Maybe when I'm flying thru story missions or something hehe.
    I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
    Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited February 2014
    The Galaxy R and fleet are not Fine
    Noy Fine at all there pretty crummy

    PvP is less than 5% of this game so anything it can be tweeked to do in pvp doesnt matter

    Add up the number of people playing in PvE ques then the pvp ques to get the number of players in both

    super tank with no dps is not needed in PvE so the galaxy has no role to fill

    Anything the Galaxy can do the Fleet assualt can do better with 4 tac consoles verses 2

    The ship needs more Firepower so its a worthwhile choice in PvE which is 95% of the game
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • kimmymkimmym Member Posts: 1,317 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Blew all my cash on doffs, so I can't afford the doffs I want to try next. Using what I've learned accidentally PvPing for fun in my silly build yesterday, I came to the realization that solo PvP I did not need a second hazards and tss to survive. In Group PvP I rely on them in a cruiser because I adopt a healing role, but solo I was actually managing fine without them.

    In theory, with a little tweaking and some doffs, I may well be able to put together a passable PvP Gal build that only a Gal-r, Ody, or Bort could fly... And instead of focusing on heals be far more about survive and pressure... And that I would actually want to fly sometimes instead of just as a joke to pass the time.

    Honestly, this game has so much diversity, and the meta game changes very quickly and thoroughly with all the doff powers and new ships and new gear. I'd wager that less then 500 people total are even trying to push the top end, and that none of them actually fully understand the system so completely that they cannot be surprised by it. Absolutist thought is not your friend. Just because you cannot achieve something doesn't mean you should close your ears when other people are showing signs of success. There is no shame in not knowing everything about a system as complex as this one. There is no reason to close one's self off to it. Instead of sticking your fingers in your ears and going "NAH NAH NAH NO NO NO I DON'T DO MAX DPS SHIP SUCKS PLZ BUF!!!!!!! NAH NAH NAH I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!!" why don't you put your money where your mouth is and try pushing the envelope a little. You may learn something, and you are almost certain to have a ton of fun along the way.

    At the very least you can have the eternal right to rag on a fleetmate that you beat them in a Gal-R... That was worth it's weight in latinum!

    Edit:Give me some doffs or a set or some way to get cooldown reduction on TSS and HE in a Gal-R without sacrificing my aux and that really would be all I needed... hint hint devs... Or how about one that adds hazzard clense to aux to sif? Either of those would end this debate right quick and I'd be champing at the bit to get out there in a gal-r healboat.
    I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
    Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
  • rylanadionysisrylanadionysis Member Posts: 3,359 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    kimmym wrote: »
    Blew all my cash on doffs, so I can't afford the doffs I want to try next. Using what I've learned accidentally PvPing for fun in my silly build yesterday, I came to the realization that solo PvP I did not need a second hazards and tss to survive. In Group PvP I rely on them in a cruiser because I adopt a healing role, but solo I was actually managing fine without them.

    In theory, with a little tweaking and some doffs, I may well be able to put together a passable PvP Gal build that only a Gal-r, Ody, or Bort could fly... And instead of focusing on heals be far more about survive and pressure... And that I would actually want to fly sometimes instead of just as a joke to pass the time.

    Honestly, this game has so much diversity, and the meta game changes very quickly and thoroughly with all the doff powers and new ships and new gear. I'd wager that less then 500 people total are even trying to push the top end, and that none of them actually fully understand the system so completely that they cannot be surprised by it. Absolutist thought is not your friend. Just because you cannot achieve something doesn't mean you should close your ears when other people are showing signs of success. There is no shame in not knowing everything about a system as complex as this one. There is no reason to close one's self off to it. Instead of sticking your fingers in your ears and going "NAH NAH NAH NO NO NO I DON'T DO MAX DPS SHIP SUCKS PLZ BUF!!!!!!! NAH NAH NAH I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!!" why don't you put your money where your mouth is and try pushing the envelope a little. You may learn something, and you are almost certain to have a ton of fun along the way.

    At the very least you can have the eternal right to rag on a fleetmate that you beat them in a Gal-R... That was worth it's weight in latinum!

    Edit:Give me some doffs or a set or some way to get cooldown reduction on TSS and HE in a Gal-R without sacrificing my aux and that really would be all I needed... hint hint devs... Or how about one that adds hazzard clense to aux to sif? Either of those would end this debate right quick and I'd be champing at the bit to get out there in a gal-r healboat.

    I created a build on a level 30 galaxy that did over 8000 DPS in ISE. Using the same template I bet I could make a nasty pressure build out of the Gal-R that could heal like a champ as well.

    I know its possible, I want to see you do it now.
    Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
    Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
    Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    kimmym wrote: »
    Blew all my cash on doffs, so I can't afford the doffs I want to try next. Using what I've learned accidentally PvPing for fun in my silly build yesterday, I came to the realization that solo PvP I did not need a second hazards and tss to survive. In Group PvP I rely on them in a cruiser because I adopt a healing role, but solo I was actually managing fine without them.

    In theory, with a little tweaking and some doffs, I may well be able to put together a passable PvP Gal build that only a Gal-r, Ody, or Bort could fly... And instead of focusing on heals be far more about survive and pressure... And that I would actually want to fly sometimes instead of just as a joke to pass the time.

    Honestly, this game has so much diversity, and the meta game changes very quickly and thoroughly with all the doff powers and new ships and new gear. I'd wager that less then 500 people total are even trying to push the top end, and that none of them actually fully understand the system so completely that they cannot be surprised by it. Absolutist thought is not your friend. Just because you cannot achieve something doesn't mean you should close your ears when other people are showing signs of success. There is no shame in not knowing everything about a system as complex as this one. There is no reason to close one's self off to it. Instead of sticking your fingers in your ears and going "NAH NAH NAH NO NO NO I DON'T DO MAX DPS SHIP SUCKS PLZ BUF!!!!!!! NAH NAH NAH I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!!" why don't you put your money where your mouth is and try pushing the envelope a little. You may learn something, and you are almost certain to have a ton of fun along the way.

    At the very least you can have the eternal right to rag on a fleetmate that you beat them in a Gal-R... That was worth it's weight in latinum!

    Edit:Give me some doffs or a set or some way to get cooldown reduction on TSS and HE in a Gal-R without sacrificing my aux and that really would be all I needed... hint hint devs... Or how about one that adds hazzard clense to aux to sif? Either of those would end this debate right quick and I'd be champing at the bit to get out there in a gal-r healboat.

    I ended up in a pug KASE with you yesterday. I was using one of my alt engineering captain that isn't geared very well, but even so we were the major damage dealers in the stf (tho we were not impressive) and without us I'm pretty sure they would have failed lol.

    Lilith (Me) - 7.025
    Uranya - 6.174
    La gana - 1.985
    Gersimi - 1.256
    Hung'tu Long - 979

    I'm curious, you may have answered this earlier in the thread and if so I must have missed it, but why exactly do you use the Galaxy? I know that I pull mine out every once in a while since its a beautiful ship and one of my favorites from the tv series, but I end up putting it away again since it's just so terrible in comparison to the other available cruisers.
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Well, with every product deserves the caveat... "Your actual performance may vary...", might have been play style and several other factors. Despite your fleets opinions back then, I beg to differ, and all of our opinions are just that... opinions.

    the disappearance of the ship in sector space in this day, is NOT, an opinion.
    especially when we did not have much ship choices as we do now.
    like i said, either everyone hate the galaxy or they were something else.
    Well, just as today, crew barely had an effect on the game. The only real loss powerwise was the shield power, a los of 5 engine power was more than made up for by the seperation and you only has a lt sci, so the 5 aux loss was only minimal. Using DBB/ torps and turrets back then more than made up the difference between it and the Star Cruiser.

    there is not just 1 real loss,or just 1 valuable lost while the other are not important.
    it is a hole.
    at the exeption of the crew capacitie who is the only stats that can be ignored even if it is still an other lost.
    these "loss" are stacking, you have -5 shield power "+" -5% shield hp, you have -5% auxiliary power "+" -15% hull capacity.
    combined with the fact tat the galaxy not separated is already not as tanky as the star cruiser, when you add all this tohether you realize that the little firepower you gain is ridicule in comparison.
    a double fire at will star cruiser would beat a 1 fire at will + torp power ( remember that torp spread was really crappy at thet time, this power have been reworked with season 3, before it did in most of the case crappy damage ) and UNBUFFED turret.

    if you want to buff turret you lose a lt tact power for your beam or torp ( all that just to have the incredible firepower of 4 buff turret -_- ).
    if you want to use a torp power and a beam power that mean that you are using unbuffed turret, buff turret are already not a huge dps machine, so unbuffed turret?

    in evey combination you can come with, considering the power available at that time, you will end up with less firepower at the second you want to use turret in your build.

    the only combination that allow you to outdps the star cruiser are BO and BFAW, or a double BFAW,and here the difference would really be not worth the lost in survivability in pvp.
    but i can see that the boost in maneuvrability in pve can make you life easier, but that do not make the ship a better overhaul alternative technically speaking, meaning certainly not in pvp.
    Never said my Excel was a DPS king

    and i never said that you said it either, my point was that this kind of combination didn't have as function to kill people, so using a power like BO with that is uncoherent to said the least.
    I also look at BO in terms of the "Tac" cruisers and Sci-ships that I use too. Its especially a PITA for my Nebula.

    a lt tact BO and 2 tact console ship, and you have absolutly no idea why it is a PITA in this case?
    Thats your opinion.

    yes, it is, the real question is: is this opinion is share amoung the pvp community?
    to the point where this opinion is more an empirical fact than a way of seeing things.
    i don't known, all i known is that i never see some double bo build with a galaxy retrofit piloted by engineer in pvp premades, you can switch this ship with a star cruiser or even an exelsior if you want that is still the same.
    i will quote myself again
    so, using bo is not a bad thing on it own, it is choosing ship and captain abilities that are at the opposite in nature of the intended purpose of what bo is supposed to do that is bad.

    So because I don't know some quasi-LOL/MMO speak term means that I don't PvP? On what planet does that even remotely make sense on? Also, calling me a liar isn't really going to earn you any points in the discussion. Did you ever think that maybe the people I chat with don't use that term?

    it don't mean that you don't pvp, heck someone can do a pvp matche once every 2 month and said he do pvp! how can someone could proove the countrary?

    however a player that want to do pvp seriously must informed himself on evey new power, gear, traits, reputation system and all other exploits, "hax" that are discover in the game to be prepared when he will face them ( or used them, pick your choice ).
    vaper would be a term that you would known by now if you were just reading the opvpchannel, the pvp forum of cryptic or the zone chat in kerrat ( you rarely see that term in arena since people don't talk much there in pug exept the "GG" at the end of the match ).
    people there speak about it for weeks now.
    so this just show that your involvement in this part of the game is extremely limited to said the least and also undermined your abilitie to evaluate BO in it entirety, properly.
  • kimmymkimmym Member Posts: 1,317 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Edit: Holy wall of text batman! I'm sorry... but that is the short version.

    Oh boy, I'm not sure I can answer that quickly, but I will try.

    I've been into the MMO game scene since before most people knew the internet existed. I was connecting to the net on a VT100 thru a 12000 baud modem in the early '80s. I had helped developing features on several different MUD's, and was running my own Diku mud and later a short lived UnterMUD before The UnterVerse collapsed, all before I owned a Nintendo. I purposefully omit my professional history, but now due to heath matters I am essentially housebound, so I am free to speak my mind rather then having to always watch my tounge... Ahhh, freedom!

    There is one universal truism that you learn when you are the one behind the scenes rather then the player, and that is players don't have any idea what they are talking about. Not really any of them. Even the best have a limited view. It cannot be any other way. Even the developers reach a point where they cannot know it all, and the players never have a clear shot.

    Compounded with that, players each individually have their own agendas, will feel they are personally correct in the presence of evidence to the contrary, and will feel owed to them the right to dictate how the game is made, because somehow they must understand everything better then the people who are in charge, that any of the reasoning behind any decision is immediately faulty, and will take it as a sign of low intellect that the developer made a different choice than the player would have.

    During my MMO career, I've been the lone Bard in EQ that was able to make anybody's jaw drop, at the exact same time the entire bard community was quitting in droves because they didn't understand the value of 0 downtime (nor the price they had to pay in constant uptime). I was that one Warlock in Vanilla WoW that would sit on a point in AB and solo 2-3 other "OP" classes in the time when it was an open joke that Warlocks were the worst class ever made (I had played an EQ necromancer... I already had training... people were just short sighted) All those Warlock PvP nerfs that happened when most people thought Locks were bad? Sorry all, that was me... Locking down people so hard people would stop trying to take my node...

    Now? I came to this game to retire from being hardcore. My joints can't take the abuse anymore, and my health is failing. Still, I can't help but have a different perspective on these things. I was using A2B doffs, and had threads of people telling me how badly they sucked, and now they are all the rage. I was personally among the people who originally thought that beams were broken. Then I did some testing. Beams, it turned out, when you use them right, totally rock. In fact, all this beam popularity? It started... Wait for it!... *DURING* the time that BFaW both didn't crit, *AND* wasn't benefiting from mods... It wasn't broken beams, it was poor playing. Now beams are considered one of the best ways to play. No buffing, in fact nerfing, but clever players finally figured it out. I was one of the ones testing it. Infact, I bought my Gal-R to get over the sting of my accidentally discharging a ship with gear still on her because I was very sleepy after running all the tests. I don't really fly my Galaxy, although I would love to. I fly an Atrox...

    Oh yeah, the Atrox... there is another one. 100s of threads telling me the Atrox is only a half step up from a Gal-R! I dove on mine day one, while my KDF was sitting in a VQ and a Kar'Fi, and she is still my #1 PvE ship. I do things in my Catbox that I've never seen done. I beat most tac scorts without blinking. I rank up with your average scimmy (not the peaked out monsters, but your average showing) I do all that and have a full sci layout and nearly 60k hull... I might actually break 60k when I get the fleet version. But... My ship sucks, I can't possibly fly her as well as I say I do... Yeah... My fleetmates know better.

    The Galaxy? She is my favorite canon ship, how could she not be? I grew up on Next Gen. She is *MY* Enterprise. I admit, she has problems, and I did mention so earlier on in the thread what I feel they are. I admit I prefer to fly other ships to do what the Gal-R *SHOULD* (not what I *THINK* or *WANT* it should do, what it *REALLY SHOULD* do with its boff layout, eat damage and protect groupmates). I will likely chose something with higher science capability every time. I don't think that is necessarily bad, either. I personally don't prefer a Defiant to a ship that has more sci, either, but I do find that, for some reason, giving a ship the same treatment a Defaint gets for tac and an Intrepid gets for sci doesn't work when you give it the engineering version. I may be listening to to many Vulcans... but to me I can't help but see the logic is not that the ship needs to be changed, engineering needs tweaked so that the layout is more viable, not the layout removed from existence because it shows the inherent weakness in the skill design of engineering. She has very strong powers, but her cooldown management is a mess. Because of conflicting cooldowns it is overly difficult to cope with the influx of engineering boff assignments. Science giggles, they have skills to spare. Tac grumbles about not being able to use all DHC/Turrets, but eventually loads a torp or beam and gets over it. Engineering, "OMFG WHAT DO I DO WITH ALL THESE ENG SLOTS!!!" Ship is not broken, skills are.

    Add to that, the Gal-R gets so much fan service, my own included, that everybody and their brother wants one that is the way they envision flying her. That clouds the issue even further. Nobody wants to hear that she won't do tons of DPS, they want her to be a clear cut, no holds barred, winner of awesomeness. Well, great. What will you do when the fancy lock box ship still outdps's her? What will you do when you get beat in PvP? She will never be some sort of mythical best ship ever. She will never be a tactical monster. Hell, I *LOVE* her, but lets be real. She flew around the galaxy filled with civilians and children to do humanitarian and diplomatic missions. She did light research because at the time she was the ship the built for exploring, but they quite often just did preliminary checks on things and sent the data back to Star Fleet to send real researchers. She isn't tac. She isn't sci. She really was... a glorified cruise ship. And that's the canon. I didn't write it. I just watched it, and enjoyed it immensely.

    So why am I currently enamored with the Gal-R? Because I love her for the feelings she invokes in me every time I hear Picard say, "Engage!," and because as hard as I try to get away from the challenge of understanding the underdog and seeing if things are really as gloomy as they seem, I can't help it. I need to know.

    If it really is as bad as it seems... you can be rest assured I'd be right there complaining. It's bad, yes, but it is nowhere near the level of outrage people show to her. Add a new engineering skill or 2 and things change entirely. unlink some of engineering shared cooldowns and things change entirely.

    Extra credit bonus stage: If I'm being totally honest, and opening myself up to be burnt at the stake as a heretic... It's not even really that Eng is underpowered... It's that sci heals are too good... But at this point very integrated into the game... it would be difficult to nerf them correctly without having total player uproar and a period of re-balancing as stats got shifted and people relearned how to play. The reason people aren't thrilled to death to load up on Eng skills is because most of the secondary ones would be for increasing your resistances so damage vanishes, but isntead of actually wanting to use them, instead I'm going for the super power that heals great, clears debuffs, and grants resists as well. Like tac team, sci heals are way too strong for the good of balance, and too ingrained to consider changing lightly. I don't have the answers for what should be done to fix it, but I most certainly can see exactly where the problem is, even tho to fix it would be a major nerf to myself. I certainly don't want to be the one to announce a sci heal nerf, anymore then they want to announce a tac/scort one, so instead we get cruiser command/deflector/flanking bonus buff... And I would guess that the devs will take a similar "buff it to make it right" attitude and add cleanses to eng heals, ending the argument entirely. I don't have a crystal ball, but it certainly stands to reason. They already gave a self cleanse when using EP2* skills doff... perhaps I'm not as clever a prognosticator as I pretend :P

    Oh, yeah KASE is hard to parse because its so spread out, you won't get proper reads for people who aren't you, unless they are in range the whole time. Even the span of the 2 generators is too far. Let me see if I can find that parse from my perspective:



    And here is a run in my Atrox, not my best showing but I don't have any other KASE with my Catbox ready to go:


    See, and while I had an easier time dealing with probes in the Atrox, and did a hair more DPS, she blew chunks on Donatra. She cloaked over and over and over... Boarding party Gal-r smoked her pretty quick. Aux disables stop cloak. Shield drops increase damage. I'm spitting up to 9 of those things at a time with doffs. They are sometimes armed with point defense. I'm covered in FAW and DEM with marion. I have to manually deal with shields, I can do that PvE. I have to watch boarding parties on myself, I do that anyway to sqeeze AP:B on my Atrox. I'm having problems saying the ship is not effective, let alone as broken as most of the posts on this thread would have you belive, and I'm starting to think I can prove it, as well.

    I haven't even tried to see what I can do with A2B yet, other then my first post in this thread where I did 12.something just tossing TRIBBLE on. Who knows what I will come up with once I try to mix it and the boarding parties.

    Edit: My Atrox hit 18.8k ISE yesterday, for reference... broken ship my eye... (still only 17.5k DPS league... but TRIBBLE it I'm calling my extra fluff DPS when I can, it makes my e-endowments so big and swollen!)
    I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
    Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    kimmym wrote: »
    Edit: Holy wall of text batman! I'm sorry... but that is the short version.

    Oh boy, I'm not sure I can answer that quickly, but I will try.

    I've been into the MMO game scene since before most people knew the internet existed. I was connecting to the net on a VT100 thru a 12000 baud modem in the early '80s. I had helped developing features on several different MUD's, and was running my own Diku mud and later a short lived UnterMUD before The UnterVerse collapsed, all before I owned a Nintendo. I purposefully omit my professional history, but now due to heath matters I am essentially housebound, so I am free to speak my mind rather then having to always watch my tounge... Ahhh, freedom!

    There is one universal truism that you learn when you are the one behind the scenes rather then the player, and that is players don't have any idea what they are talking about. Not really any of them. Even the best have a limited view. It cannot be any other way. Even the developers reach a point where they cannot know it all, and the players never have a clear shot.

    Compounded with that, players each individually have their own agendas, will feel they are personally correct in the presence of evidence to the contrary, and will feel owed to them the right to dictate how the game is made, because somehow they must understand everything better then the people who are in charge, that any of the reasoning behind any decision is immediately faulty, and will take it as a sign of low intellect that the developer made a different choice than the player would have.

    During my MMO career, I've been the lone Bard in EQ that was able to make anybody's jaw drop, at the exact same time the entire bard community was quitting in droves because they didn't understand the value of 0 downtime (nor the price they had to pay in constant uptime). I was that one Warlock in Vanilla WoW that would sit on a point in AB and solo 2-3 other "OP" classes in the time when it was an open joke that Warlocks were the worst class ever made (I had played an EQ necromancer... I already had training... people were just short sighted) All those Warlock PvP nerfs that happened when most people thought Locks were bad? Sorry all, that was me... Locking down people so hard people would stop trying to take my node...

    Now? I came to this game to retire from being hardcore. My joints can't take the abuse anymore, and my health is failing. Still, I can't help but have a different perspective on these things. I was using A2B doffs, and had threads of people telling me how badly they sucked, and now they are all the rage. I was personally among the people who originally thought that beams were broken. Then I did some testing. Beams, it turned out, when you use them right, totally rock. In fact, all this beam popularity? It started... Wait for it!... *DURING* the time that BFaW both didn't crit, *AND* wasn't benefiting from mods... It wasn't broken beams, it was poor playing. Now beams are considered one of the best ways to play. No buffing, in fact nerfing, but clever players finally figured it out. I was one of the ones testing it. Infact, I bought my Gal-R to get over the sting of my accidentally discharging a ship with gear still on her because I was very sleepy after running all the tests. I don't really fly my Galaxy, although I would love to. I fly an Atrox...

    Oh yeah, the Atrox... there is another one. 100s of threads telling me the Atrox is only a half step up from a Gal-R! I dove on mine day one, while my KDF was sitting in a VQ and a Kar'Fi, and she is still my #1 PvE ship. I do things in my Catbox that I've never seen done. I beat most tac scorts without blinking. I rank up with your average scimmy (not the peaked out monsters, but your average showing) I do all that and have a full sci layout and nearly 60k hull... I might actually break 60k when I get the fleet version. But... My ship sucks, I can't possibly fly her as well as I say I do... Yeah... My fleetmates know better.

    The Galaxy? She is my favorite canon ship, how could she not be? I grew up on Next Gen. She is *MY* Enterprise. I admit, she has problems, and I did mention so earlier on in the thread what I feel they are. I admit I prefer to fly other ships to do what the Gal-R *SHOULD* (not what I *THINK* or *WANT* it should do, what it *REALLY SHOULD* do with its boff layout, eat damage and protect groupmates). I will likely chose something with higher science capability every time. I don't think that is necessarily bad, either. I personally don't prefer a Defiant to a ship that has more sci, either, but I do find that, for some reason, giving a ship the same treatment a Defaint gets for tac and an Intrepid gets for sci doesn't work when you give it the engineering version. I may be listening to to many Vulcans... but to me I can't help but see the logic is not that the ship needs to be changed, engineering needs tweaked so that the layout is more viable, not the layout removed from existence because it shows the inherent weakness in the skill design of engineering. She has very strong powers, but her cooldown management is a mess. Because of conflicting cooldowns it is overly difficult to cope with the influx of engineering boff assignments. Science giggles, they have skills to spare. Tac grumbles about not being able to use all DHC/Turrets, but eventually loads a torp or beam and gets over it. Engineering, "OMFG WHAT DO I DO WITH ALL THESE ENG SLOTS!!!" Ship is not broken, skills are.

    Add to that, the Gal-R gets so much fan service, my own included, that everybody and their brother wants one that is the way they envision flying her. That clouds the issue even further. Nobody wants to hear that she won't do tons of DPS, they want her to be a clear cut, no holds barred, winner of awesomeness. Well, great. What will you do when the fancy lock box ship still outdps's her? What will you do when you get beat in PvP? She will never be some sort of mythical best ship ever. She will never be a tactical monster. Hell, I *LOVE* her, but lets be real. She flew around the galaxy filled with civilians and children to do humanitarian and diplomatic missions. She did light research because at the time she was the ship the built for exploring, but they quite often just did preliminary checks on things and sent the data back to Star Fleet to send real researchers. She isn't tac. She isn't sci. She really was... a glorified cruise ship. And that's the canon. I didn't write it. I just watched it, and enjoyed it immensely.

    So why am I currently enamored with the Gal-R? Because I love her for the feelings she invokes in me every time I hear Picard say, "Engage!," and because as hard as I try to get away from the challenge of understanding the underdog and seeing if things are really as gloomy as they seem, I can't help it. I need to know.

    If it really is as bad as it seems... you can be rest assured I'd be right there complaining. It's bad, yes, but it is nowhere near the level of outrage people show to her. Add a new engineering skill or 2 and things change entirely. unlink some of engineering shared cooldowns and things change entirely.

    Extra credit bonus stage: If I'm being totally honest, and opening myself up to be burnt at the stake as a heretic... It's not even really that Eng is underpowered... It's that sci heals are too good... But at this point very integrated into the game... it would be difficult to nerf them correctly without having total player uproar and a period of re-balancing as stats got shifted and people relearned how to play. The reason people aren't thrilled to death to load up on Eng skills is because most of the secondary ones would be for increasing your resistances so damage vanishes, but isntead of actually wanting to use them, instead I'm going for the super power that heals great, clears debuffs, and grants resists as well. Like tac team, sci heals are way too strong for the good of balance, and too ingrained to consider changing lightly. I don't have the answers for what should be done to fix it, but I most certainly can see exactly where the problem is, even tho to fix it would be a major nerf to myself. I certainly don't want to be the one to announce a sci heal nerf, anymore then they want to announce a tac/scort one, so instead we get cruiser command/deflector/flanking bonus buff... And I would guess that the devs will take a similar "buff it to make it right" attitude and add cleanses to eng heals, ending the argument entirely. I don't have a crystal ball, but it certainly stands to reason. They already gave a self cleanse when using EP2* skills doff... perhaps I'm not as clever a prognosticator as I pretend :P

    Oh, yeah KASE is hard to parse because its so spread out, you won't get proper reads for people who aren't you, unless they are in range the whole time. Even the span of the 2 generators is too far. Let me see if I can find that parse from my perspective:



    And here is a run in my Atrox, not my best showing but I don't have any other KASE with my Catbox ready to go:


    See, and while I had an easier time dealing with probes in the Atrox, and did a hair more DPS, she blew chunks on Donatra. She cloaked over and over and over... Boarding party Gal-r smoked her pretty quick. Aux disables stop cloak. Shield drops increase damage. I'm spitting up to 9 of those things at a time with doffs. They are sometimes armed with point defense. I'm covered in FAW and DEM with marion. I have to manually deal with shields, I can do that PvE. I have to watch boarding parties on myself, I do that anyway to sqeeze AP:B on my Atrox. I'm having problems saying the ship is not effective, let alone as broken as most of the posts on this thread would have you belive, and I'm starting to think I can prove it, as well.

    I haven't even tried to see what I can do with A2B yet, other then my first post in this thread where I did 12.something just tossing TRIBBLE on. Who knows what I will come up with once I try to mix it and the boarding parties.

    Edit: My Atrox hit 18.8k ISE yesterday, for reference... broken ship my eye... (still only 17.5k DPS league... but TRIBBLE it I'm calling my extra fluff DPS when I can, it makes my e-endowments so big and swollen!)

    That was a lot more detailed then I was expecting lol.

    The Galaxy is probably my favorite ship as well. I also grew up watching TNG. :) In this game though the ship is unfortunately pretty bad when compared to the other ships in its class. While I enjoy trying to squeeze every ounce of performance out of subpar ship the Galaxy is particularly bad and is the weakest of all the cruisers. There are no other ships that are so skewed towards engineering. It's unique in that regard, but that doesn't really bring anything to the table. A Fleet Assault Cruiser can absorb damage just as well and put out double the dps, while a Fleet Support Cruiser can tank/heal/cc and put out more damage. There is no real lure to use the Galaxy other then it looks freaking awesome. While I agree there are problems with the engineering abilities...particularly those at ensign level. I have more confidence in cryptics ability to adjust the boff layout then I am with them revamping engineering skills as whole.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    the galaxy wasn't quite as bad as it is now, back a LONG time ago, because back then you actually had to run 4 copies of EPt skills to get full up time with 2 different systems. 1 copy of any other eng skill did not give you full up time for it ether, like it does now with AtB builds, a glaxy R back then you could more easily run multiple DEM, RSP, ES, AtS, ET3, then you could on other cruisers, without dipping into your EPt skills.

    damage control doffs removed this advantage, every other cruiser now had more eng slot flexibility then the galaxy R did without damage control, and a galaxy with damage control had way more then it needed, and that ENS eng started really having a poor opportunity cost. since it had so little tac or sci, there wasn't that many other doffs that would be useful for it, back then.

    then came along the moving of AtB from the EPt system cooldown to the AtX system cooldown. now you can run 2 different EPt skills, and AtB. only then did this flavor of the year(s) AtB build take over the damage dealing cruiser game, before it was a crazy person niche. with this new high tier other cruisers can be pushed to thanks to this, the value of every single additional eng skill over about 6 comes heavily into question. if you run an AtB build, your trying to deal damage, what 7th or 8th eng skill would help you more then additional tac or sci? what would benefit your damage, force multiplication, or survivability more? the answer is not more eng.

    in fact destroyers that have a COM tac, and can have a LTC and LT eng are better then 6 eng skill cruisers, what you can get with a COM tac is far better then anything you could set up with a COM eng. 2 LT eng might be even better, then you have a COM tac and a LTC sci. the only reason cruisers can compete with these ships is because they have an 8th weapons and a bit more hitpoints. at least the top 3 beam boats are not cruisers though, but ships with a COM tac. like the scimitar, breen chel, jem dread, jem heavy, vet ships, even though many of those are down a weapon.

    nothing thats found in the eng tree is part of some secret recipe for the perfect vap or DPS. nothing has some exaggerated effect when combined just right with other powers, like tac and sci are filthy with. EWP cant stop anything you need to stop thanks to APO and buffed EPtE, can hardly be wielded by a fat high inertia cruiser at all, and the skill that literally every single person runs, HE, clears it easily. DEM3 is no APO3 when it comes to damage dealing. AB does nearly nothing, also HE cleared. ES is a team heal skill fit for a heal boat not a dps boat, ET3 interferes with TT, and if a galaxy ran it that would literally mean your running a ship with 1 less station power then everyone else, given you have to run ET1 on the ship. you cant be serious, considering running a 3rd EPt skill there, id love to watch you accidentally go without EPtS for 30 seconds, and thats still got terrible opportunity cost compared to a tac or sci skill even if you pull it off perfectly. all you need is RSP2 and DEM3, 2 AtB, and EPtS1 and ether EPtE/W1. theres no other valuable skill in that tree for a dps cruiser. not only that, if your running a 7 or 8 eng power cruiser, your proboly missing out on ether a LTC tac or sci skill. its not an understatement to say that whatever skill you could slot there is the skill the whole rest of your ship will pivot around, and be built to exploit the best. be it doffed TBR, GW, FAW3, APO, any of those skills can make your ship an order of magnitude more dangerous, and you would consider not running any of them for a 7th eng skill that serves no useful purpose? and THEN there the galaxy R, it has 8 eng skill, its hard to articulate just how far behind that leaves it.

    on the other side of the coin theres the whole healer tank role the galaxy R could take, and its epically bad at that too. the best heal boat setup is a COM and ENS eng, and an LTC and TL sci. or a step beyond that, COM and LTC eng, LTC and ENS sci, ENS tac that the recluse has. the galaxy R station setup is even farther from these healing ideals then it is far from tac cruiser optimal.

    is it still possible to kill things or heal things or tank in a galaxy R? yes, but dont for a second think every single other cruiser option can do it an order of magnitude better. if there was a single thing the galaxy R was actually good at, or above average at that would be different, this thread wouldn't be warranted, but theres not. its always worse then something else in every possible use for it.
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    neo1nx wrote: »
    the disappearance of the ship in sector space in this day, is NOT, an opinion.
    especially when we did not have much ship choices as we do now.
    like i said, either everyone hate the galaxy or they were something else.

    there is not just 1 real loss,or just 1 valuable lost while the other are not important.
    it is a hole.
    at the exeption of the crew capacitie who is the only stats that can be ignored even if it is still an other lost.
    these "loss" are stacking, you have -5 shield power "+" -5% shield hp, you have -5% auxiliary power "+" -15% hull capacity.
    combined with the fact tat the galaxy not separated is already not as tanky as the star cruiser, when you add all this tohether you realize that the little firepower you gain is ridicule in comparison.
    a double fire at will star cruiser would beat a 1 fire at will + torp power ( remember that torp spread was really crappy at thet time, this power have been reworked with season 3, before it did in most of the case crappy damage ) and UNBUFFED turret.

    if you want to buff turret you lose a lt tact power for your beam or torp ( all that just to have the incredible firepower of 4 buff turret -_- ).
    if you want to use a torp power and a beam power that mean that you are using unbuffed turret, buff turret are already not a huge dps machine, so unbuffed turret?

    in evey combination you can come with, considering the power available at that time, you will end up with less firepower at the second you want to use turret in your build.

    the only combination that allow you to outdps the star cruiser are BO and BFAW, or a double BFAW,and here the difference would really be not worth the lost in survivability in pvp.
    but i can see that the boost in maneuvrability in pve can make you life easier, but that do not make the ship a better overhaul alternative technically speaking, meaning certainly not in pvp.

    and i never said that you said it either, my point was that this kind of combination didn't have as function to kill people, so using a power like BO with that is uncoherent to said the least.

    neo1nx wrote: »
    a lt tact BO and 2 tact console ship, and you have absolutly no idea why it is a PITA in this case?

    Its a PITA because of the weapons drain, not that its a LT slot or because it has two Tactical consoles. Even with six weapons the drain on it is rough, especially considering that its more important to have high aux on it than weapon power. Its okay, understand,you didn't read the part about the drain.

    neo1nx wrote: »
    yes, it is, the real question is: is this opinion is share amoung the pvp community?
    to the point where this opinion is more an empirical fact than a way of seeing things.
    i don't known, all i known is that i never see some double bo build with a galaxy retrofit piloted by engineer in pvp premades, you can switch this ship with a star cruiser or even an exelsior if you want that is still the same.
    i will quote myself again

    it don't mean that you don't pvp, heck someone can do a pvp matche once every 2 month and said he do pvp! how can someone could proove the countrary?

    however a player that want to do pvp seriously must informed himself on evey new power, gear, traits, reputation system and all other exploits, "hax" that are discover in the game to be prepared when he will face them ( or used them, pick your choice ).
    vaper would be a term that you would known by now if you were just reading the opvpchannel, the pvp forum of cryptic or the zone chat in kerrat ( you rarely see that term in arena since people don't talk much there in pug exept the "GG" at the end of the match ).
    people there speak about it for weeks now.
    so this just show that your involvement in this part of the game is extremely limited to said the least and also undermined your abilitie to evaluate BO in it entirety, properly.

    Well, I am glad we have experts in "who-is-what" like you here, to do determine who has the ability to discuss anything, "in its entirety properly". STO is now safe from those who are inferior and shouldn't be allowed to say that they are "X". I am so glad that you can route charlatans out with your infinite wisdom. All hail the expert/purist!!!

    At the risk of sounding personal (since I feel that it has been personal for quite some time upon me), I really believe that as much as you think that you think that you have the ability to call my PvP status into question, you bring up your own sense of elitism. Because someone doesn't act as you doesn't make them less relevant. Just a week ago you were somewhat agitated that I didn't memorize every fact of your gaming life, like that people normally do something like that in regards to MMO playership, when in actuality I would argue that such a thing is abnormal. Really, is this so important that primary aspects of life take a back seat and those that aren't as whatever-you-want-to-call-it are lesser?

    If not following the PvP forums like a rabbi memorizes the Torah and not spending time on the PvP chat (whichever one you are on) makes me lesser than you, then as we say in my area..... whatever.
  • kimmymkimmym Member Posts: 1,317 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Honestly, I don't care what the "PvP Community" as a whole thinks is true, I care what is in fact true.

    I've seen the PvP community up in arms over TRIBBLE I beat when I was a nub at PvP. Population numbers don't indicate correctness of information. "Oh my! the Cheese group! They are nothing but OP using every broken power in the game and are unbeatable!!!!eleven!!! Yeah... beat them my second time against them in a pug, as a PvP nub. The people in the PvP community were just as certain beams sucked, too. And AtB. Just because you PvP doesn't mean you get mystic knowledge handed to you, it just means you have learned a different skill set.

    Again, players do not have access to enough information to be as sure of themselves as they are, and none of us know the system well enough that we can't be surprised by it.

    And another thing, hyperbole does not make your arguments any stronger. "Order of Magnitude" obviously doesn't mean what you say it does. A DPS cruiser is most certainly not an order of magnitude better then a Gal-R. It's slightly better at doing damage. Slightly.

    An order of magnitude would be putting a FACR at around 150k DPS in my hands...

    And I am not an order of magnitude better a healer in my Ambassador, either. I'm slightly better. Yes, in a game of combat, slightly can be all it takes, but lets be real here. This game is not balanced on the razor's edge. A couple k DPS is not that important when it is possible to make even the lowest DPS ships in the game do double the DPS that the system expects out of you.

    PvP? Sure. She might be the worst pick, I'm not even really trying to debate that. My point is that inevitably there will always be a worst ship. My point is it isn't as bleak as it seems, it certainly isn't as bad as this thread would have you believe. And my last point is if the ship really turns out to be that bad, it isn't the boff layout that is to blame, it is the skills contained within the boff layout that need addressed.

    I'd prefer to live in a world where a heavy engineering cruiser was a choice to fly, not ban them from existence because engineering skills lack diversity. It's the wrong fix, and anybody who is being honest and not just trying to turn the Gal-R into her own personal fantasy toy should want the same thing for the game.

    Edit: She doesn't need to be the best at anything to be viable. The Defiant is not the best at anything. The Intrepid is not the best at anything. The Galaxy just needs to be as competetive in her arena as those ships are in theirs. I admit whole heartedly that she is not currently. I just also know that the difference is not anywhere near as severe as people claim, and that any number of simple, natural fixes would change this debate right around, no changes to the ship herself needed.

    Edit2: The only other argument that even approaches logic is the "No ship should be built like a Defiant/Intrepid/Galaxy, and that is inherantly the problem." I can actually see things from that viewpoint. Is it true? Maybe. If all 3 ship types were deemed broken, then yes, change all 3. If the other 2 are not broken, then by default the logic shows the Galaxy is not broken, and the skills are and need to be addressed. Then you are helping other ships and the game as a whole.
    I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
    Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Its a PITA because of the weapons drain, not that its a LT slot or because it has two Tactical consoles. Even with six weapons the drain on it is rough, especially considering that its more important to have high aux on it than weapon power. Its okay, understand,you didn't read the part about the drain.

    i am well aware of the power drain of BO, but once again it seem to me that you don't.
    why? your weapons number have nothing to do with the drain that impose you the BO power, meaning BO will not drain more because you got more weapons on the ship.
    BO drain 50 weapons power, regardless of your overcapping and numbers of weapons.
    when you fire BO there is only 1 weapon that fire and it is the one that is overloaded.
    of course if you use it incorectly, like fire bo right after firing you others weapons, here the number of weapons you have will have an effect on the damage dealt by bo.

    example you were at 125 weapons power, you fire some of your beam, let said 5, so that make aproximately on the "nosemeter" -50 weapons power, so you found yourself at 75.
    if you fire a BO at that time, no only the damage dealt by BO will be very crappy du to you power level in weapons power but you will then end up at 25 weapons power in the end, wich will be very to long to recover and ruin your dps afterward.

    if you don't use it incorrectly like in the example above, bo will deal more damage and will be less of a burden on weapons drain.
    however, unlike what you think, drain is not the problem of bo.
    why? well if it were, cruiser pilot with an engie captain would be the king of BO, woudn't you said?
    cruiser abilitie: weapons system efficiency
    engi captain abilitie: nadion inversion
    BO use without abilitie: 125 -50 = 75 weapons power left
    BO use with cruiser command weapons efficiency: 125 - ( 50 -25% ) = 85 weapons power left
    BO use with nadion inversion: 105 weapons power left
    BO use with cruiser command and nadion: 115 weapons power left

    and i am even not speaking about auxtobat and leech console, batteries ect that will reduced that even further

    however all this will not make a engie captain in a cruiser deal huge amounth of dps with it, even with extremely limited power drain.
    the answers is easy to anderstand, the number of tactical bridge officer that allow you to slot some attack pattern with a hight version of BO ( at least version 2 ), your number of tactical console and finally your captain abilitie, like APA, FOMM, tactical fleet ARE the abilitie that will make BO worht the shot if you allow me the expression.
    you will not be able to have that damage potential with ship that only got a lt tact slot, 2 tact console and in wich you put an engie captain EVEN with an hypothetical ZERO power drain.
    and of course this is better used in pvp, bo is a pvp power, that goes without saying, killing a mob in 1 shot have absolutely no interest and is a waste of your abilitie in the long term.

    if the power drain would remain the same, but cryptic suddently decided to give this abilitie 3 time it current dps, would you still said it is not worth it because of the power drain?
    i don't think so, and i proove to you above that having limited power drain wil not render that power more valid.

    so it not a PITA because of the power drain, but because of the bad combination of ship and captain career and use in pve content.
    Well, I am glad we have experts in "who-is-what" like you here, to do determine who has the ability to discuss anything, "in its entirety properly". STO is now safe from those who are inferior and shouldn't be allowed to say that they are "X". I am so glad that you can route charlatans out with your infinite wisdom. All hail the expert/purist!!!

    and i am glad that you finally open your eyes to what i really am, a talented genious with infinite wisdom who is never wrong!
    it took you some time tho!
    but since i am a forgiven person, it is with great pleasure that i am giving you the privilege to adress to me as "master" from now on.
    sht shtttt! don't thank me! i am well aware of how hard it is to inferior people like you to get there in the first place, so it is well deserved.

    ok, on a more serious note now, calling me a expert/purist elitist isn't really going to earn you any points in the discussion, you known that don't you?
    At the risk of sounding personal (since I feel that it has been personal for quite some time upon me), I really believe that as much as you think that you think that you have the ability to call my PvP status into question, you bring up your own sense of elitism. Because someone doesn't act as you doesn't make them less relevant.

    if you want to criticize a power in this game, you must do it with the full perspective of it potentiality given every combination possible, wich you do not.
    all what you said about it is, it is a pita when i use it with my cruiser, never i have seen you give me a comment of how it fare when someone using it on you for example.
    it just look like a pve centric view to me, and the fact that you didn't meet or known what a vaper is, is just a confirmation.
    you don't informed yourself about new things that are introduced into the game and don't pratice pvp exept with some selected friend of your.
    how did you came to the conclusion that you have the full perspective to known how bo should be with that?
    it is not about acting like me, it is about your personal involvment and knownledge on the question that make your opinion less relevant because it miss some critical part of the game experience.
    Just a week ago you were somewhat agitated that I didn't memorize every fact of your gaming life, like that people normally do something like that in regards to MMO playership, when in actuality I would argue that such a thing is abnormal.

    we are arguing for what 200, 300 pages? i stop counting after a while.
    with that in mind i would have thaught that you might at least remember who i am and the ship and weapons i got since we have some long discussion about it.
    just like i known for a long time that you fly an exelsior with en engi and a single cannon build, nothing spectacular or very detailled and maybe not accurate anymore.
    but i do remember.
    i found it abnormal or a specific troll manner to completely forget a person with wich you speak and argue with for about 300 pages in a blink of a eyes.
    but you might have the Alzheimer desease, who known?
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited February 2014
    Galaxy needs

    More Tac BO options
    More science options

    More tac console slots

    special powers added to the sships hull....what ever many to choose from .. From Canon

    and come to think of it we dont have a 45% arc Heavy beam bank either to match up to the dual heavy cannon

    We dont have a Beam rapid fire to equal cannons crit chance either

    Beam overload is so weak its a PvP only skill useless in PvE...we need a new skill to replace it
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • kestrelliuskestrellius Member Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Uuuuuugh. This thread still exists?

    The Galaxy, in all its forms, needs only one thing: a nerf.

    Granted, the Miranda and Excelsior and Constitution need a MASSIVE nerf. But face it, the Galaxy's like seventy years old. It has no business being used. At least not by NPCs. Sure, let it be flown by players, maybe even be viable. But it shouldn't be the most awesomeness DPS invinciboat ever. Although I do agree that we need heavy beam arrays.
  • altechachanaltechachan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    :: raises hand from the back of the room ::

    Guys? What if they gave a tactical mode ability/gimmick to the Hull Separation console, much like the new mechanic in the Solanae/Dyson ships in the anniversary FE?

    It kinda makes sense for your Boff seating to change when you Hull Separate because you are essentially moving to a different bridge (the battle bridge) to command. This will mainly affect the Odyssey, Galaxy, Fleet Galaxy-X (when it comes out), and the Prometheus-class ships.
    Member since November 2009... I think.
    (UFP) Ragnar
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Uuuuuugh. This thread still exists?

    The Galaxy, in all its forms, needs only one thing: a nerf.

    Granted, the Miranda and Excelsior and Constitution need a MASSIVE nerf. But face it, the Galaxy's like seventy years old. It has no business being used. At least not by NPCs. Sure, let it be flown by players, maybe even be viable. But it shouldn't be the most awesomeness DPS invinciboat ever. Although I do agree that we need heavy beam arrays.

    *45 years old. and if it doesn't have a right to be in the game, not a single canon ship, thats are all at least 45 to 40 years old, have a right too. all those classes were built to last 100 years and majorly overhauled every 20. some structural limitation that would prevent the incorporation of new technology would be needed to truly obsolete any of those designs. such a limitation is present on ships like the excelsior though, they cant even be equipped with phaser arrays with out half its saucer being rebuilt. they have no excuse for lasting this long
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Uuuuuugh. This thread still exists?

    The Galaxy, in all its forms, needs only one thing: a nerf.

    Granted, the Miranda and Excelsior and Constitution need a MASSIVE nerf. But face it, the Galaxy's like seventy years old. It has no business being used. At least not by NPCs. Sure, let it be flown by players, maybe even be viable. But it shouldn't be the most awesomeness DPS invinciboat ever. Although I do agree that we need heavy beam arrays.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32UGD0fV45g :rolleyes:
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    kimmym wrote: »
    Honestly, I don't care what the "PvP Community" as a whole thinks is true, I care what is in fact true.

    I've seen the PvP community up in arms over TRIBBLE I beat when I was a nub at PvP. Population numbers don't indicate correctness of information. "Oh my! the Cheese group! They are nothing but OP using every broken power in the game and are unbeatable!!!!eleven!!! Yeah... beat them my second time against them in a pug, as a PvP nub. The people in the PvP community were just as certain beams sucked, too. And AtB. Just because you PvP doesn't mean you get mystic knowledge handed to you, it just means you have learned a different skill set.

    Again, players do not have access to enough information to be as sure of themselves as they are, and none of us know the system well enough that we can't be surprised by it.

    And another thing, hyperbole does not make your arguments any stronger. "Order of Magnitude" obviously doesn't mean what you say it does. A DPS cruiser is most certainly not an order of magnitude better then a Gal-R. It's slightly better at doing damage. Slightly.

    An order of magnitude would be putting a FACR at around 150k DPS in my hands...

    And I am not an order of magnitude better a healer in my Ambassador, either. I'm slightly better. Yes, in a game of combat, slightly can be all it takes, but lets be real here. This game is not balanced on the razor's edge. A couple k DPS is not that important when it is possible to make even the lowest DPS ships in the game do double the DPS that the system expects out of you.

    PvP? Sure. She might be the worst pick, I'm not even really trying to debate that. My point is that inevitably there will always be a worst ship. My point is it isn't as bleak as it seems, it certainly isn't as bad as this thread would have you believe. And my last point is if the ship really turns out to be that bad, it isn't the boff layout that is to blame, it is the skills contained within the boff layout that need addressed.

    I'd prefer to live in a world where a heavy engineering cruiser was a choice to fly, not ban them from existence because engineering skills lack diversity. It's the wrong fix, and anybody who is being honest and not just trying to turn the Gal-R into her own personal fantasy toy should want the same thing for the game.

    Edit: She doesn't need to be the best at anything to be viable. The Defiant is not the best at anything. The Intrepid is not the best at anything. The Galaxy just needs to be as competetive in her arena as those ships are in theirs. I admit whole heartedly that she is not currently. I just also know that the difference is not anywhere near as severe as people claim, and that any number of simple, natural fixes would change this debate right around, no changes to the ship herself needed.

    Edit2: The only other argument that even approaches logic is the "No ship should be built like a Defiant/Intrepid/Galaxy, and that is inherantly the problem." I can actually see things from that viewpoint. Is it true? Maybe. If all 3 ship types were deemed broken, then yes, change all 3. If the other 2 are not broken, then by default the logic shows the Galaxy is not broken, and the skills are and need to be addressed. Then you are helping other ships and the game as a whole.

    pvp community doesn't agree on much, and theres a wide variety of ability between its players. the big differences between player tends to be how well they can counter 'cheese', its not possible to paint the entire community as united on its opinion on anything being cheese.

    beams did suck, in the last 6 to 12 months a lot of power creep has benefited beams, and changed things considerably. cruisers with 4 tac consoles, AtB change, leach and how easy it is to overcap, buff to EPtW's damage its whole duration, nukara console + beam acc, cruiser drain res commands, spire consoles that reduce drain, and extremely powerful versions of FAW latterly. they all add up, and right now rule pvp like they do pve.

    im not a DPS parseing jock, but i do know the best numbers the galaxy can generate arent even half of what an avenger can produce, and a fraction of what a scimitar can. if at least double isn't an order of magnitude, i dont know what is. the problem is, at least in pvp were there is constant heals and regeneration, you need a certain level of DPS, or your not going to even break even with your target's healing

    there doesn't need to be a worst ship, theres not a worst escort or sci ship. the aquarius may be down on hitpoints, but its not down on damage dealing compared to any common escort. theres nothing wrong with the defient and intrepid, they dont suffer from crippling system cooldown issues. i have set out in great detail how far behind the ship is, ive yet to see an actual rebutle or an error pointed out in my analysis. other then no, i dont think its that bad.
  • andihraveyandihravey Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    The problem is this game is biased. Through out all of any star trek series you look at the ships are flexible. The Connie was was an exploration ship with a decent amount of fire power. The intrepid was a light CRUISER. not a sci ship as this game makes out. the galaxy was a big project and was a combination of a science and tactical ship combined with the added ability of been able to provide planet wide relief during disasters. It is the perfect icon of the flexibilty of star fleets ships and its ability to easily adapt. This game quite wrongly characterizes the ships.

    What should be happening is that when we buy a ship the weapons slots and everything are all laid out, but we are given a number of device slots which WE (the player) can choose where we want them to go. For example, you buy a galaxy and get given 10 console slots and i choose to put 4 in engineering, 2 sci and 4 tac. someone else might choose 3 tac, 3 sci, 4 tac etc. we the gamer, should be allowed to build the ship to our own needs as we all have different play styles and needs. the ships are far too rigged and unflexible.

    Thats just my thought anyways
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    one issue with the galaxy design i have always wanted to ask? why such a massive saucer shape? :rolleyes:
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    pvp community doesn't agree on much,

    yup! but there is one thing were you could be sure they agreed: galaxy family suck!
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    :: raises hand from the back of the room ::

    Guys? What if they gave a tactical mode ability/gimmick to the Hull Separation console, much like the new mechanic in the Solanae/Dyson ships in the anniversary FE?

    It kinda makes sense for your Boff seating to change when you Hull Separate because you are essentially moving to a different bridge (the battle bridge) to command. This will mainly affect the Odyssey, Galaxy, Fleet Galaxy-X (when it comes out), and the Prometheus-class ships.

    nice idea, really.
    i really didn't known how to implement it exactly, but this could be one of the solution and could make the one that want this ship to be more tacticaly oriented happy.
    it could make the saucer separation really worth the shot in my opinion ( even tho i don't really like the idea to separated the ship to fight ).
    maybe drunk got an idea on the subject.
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    one issue with the galaxy design i have always wanted to ask? why such a massive saucer shape? :rolleyes:

    well, that a matter of taste, i personally love it.
    anyway, nice avatar sorpy;)
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    kimmym wrote: »
    Honestly, I don't care what the "PvP Community" as a whole thinks is true, I care what is in fact true.

    I've seen the PvP community up in arms over TRIBBLE I beat when I was a nub at PvP. Population numbers don't indicate correctness of information. "Oh my! the Cheese group! They are nothing but OP using every broken power in the game and are unbeatable!!!!eleven!!! Yeah... beat them my second time against them in a pug, as a PvP nub. The people in the PvP community were just as certain beams sucked, too. And AtB. Just because you PvP doesn't mean you get mystic knowledge handed to you, it just means you have learned a different skill set.

    Again, players do not have access to enough information to be as sure of themselves as they are, and none of us know the system well enough that we can't be surprised by it.

    And another thing, hyperbole does not make your arguments any stronger. "Order of Magnitude" obviously doesn't mean what you say it does. A DPS cruiser is most certainly not an order of magnitude better then a Gal-R. It's slightly better at doing damage. Slightly.

    An order of magnitude would be putting a FACR at around 150k DPS in my hands...

    And I am not an order of magnitude better a healer in my Ambassador, either. I'm slightly better. Yes, in a game of combat, slightly can be all it takes, but lets be real here. This game is not balanced on the razor's edge. A couple k DPS is not that important when it is possible to make even the lowest DPS ships in the game do double the DPS that the system expects out of you.

    PvP? Sure. She might be the worst pick, I'm not even really trying to debate that. My point is that inevitably there will always be a worst ship. My point is it isn't as bleak as it seems, it certainly isn't as bad as this thread would have you believe. And my last point is if the ship really turns out to be that bad, it isn't the boff layout that is to blame, it is the skills contained within the boff layout that need addressed.

    I'd prefer to live in a world where a heavy engineering cruiser was a choice to fly, not ban them from existence because engineering skills lack diversity. It's the wrong fix, and anybody who is being honest and not just trying to turn the Gal-R into her own personal fantasy toy should want the same thing for the game.

    Edit: She doesn't need to be the best at anything to be viable. The Defiant is not the best at anything. The Intrepid is not the best at anything. The Galaxy just needs to be as competetive in her arena as those ships are in theirs. I admit whole heartedly that she is not currently. I just also know that the difference is not anywhere near as severe as people claim, and that any number of simple, natural fixes would change this debate right around, no changes to the ship herself needed.

    Edit2: The only other argument that even approaches logic is the "No ship should be built like a Defiant/Intrepid/Galaxy, and that is inherantly the problem." I can actually see things from that viewpoint. Is it true? Maybe. If all 3 ship types were deemed broken, then yes, change all 3. If the other 2 are not broken, then by default the logic shows the Galaxy is not broken, and the skills are and need to be addressed. Then you are helping other ships and the game as a whole.

    ^^ This wholeheartedly
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    neo1nx wrote: »
    i am well aware of the power drain of BO, but once again it seem to me that you don't.
    why? your weapons number have nothing to do with the drain that impose you the BO power, meaning BO will not drain more because you got more weapons on the ship.
    BO drain 50 weapons power, regardless of your overcapping and numbers of weapons.
    when you fire BO there is only 1 weapon that fire and it is the one that is overloaded.
    of course if you use it incorectly, like fire bo right after firing you others weapons, here the number of weapons you have will have an effect on the damage dealt by bo.

    It has a lot to do with the number of weapons you have when the power level drops and each of the six weapons (less than eight) are each doing significantly less damage after the BO fires, six is less than eight, so the ship is doing even less damage with six, especially considering less opportunity for crits/procs. Stop grabbing at straws to try to say I don't know what I am talking about.
    neo1nx wrote: »
    example you were at 125 weapons power, you fire some of your beam, let said 5, so that make aproximately on the "nosemeter" -50 weapons power, so you found yourself at 75.
    if you fire a BO at that time, no only the damage dealt by BO will be very crappy du to you power level in weapons power but you will then end up at 25 weapons power in the end, wich will be very to long to recover and ruin your dps afterward.

    if you don't use it incorrectly like in the example above, bo will deal more damage and will be less of a burden on weapons drain.
    however, unlike what you think, drain is not the problem of bo.
    why? well if it were, cruiser pilot with an engie captain would be the king of BO, woudn't you said?
    cruiser abilitie: weapons system efficiency
    engi captain abilitie: nadion inversion
    BO use without abilitie: 125 -50 = 75 weapons power left
    BO use with cruiser command weapons efficiency: 125 - ( 50 -25% ) = 85 weapons power left
    BO use with nadion inversion: 105 weapons power left
    BO use with cruiser command and nadion: 115 weapons power left

    and i am even not speaking about auxtobat and leech console, batteries ect that will reduced that even further

    however all this will not make a engie captain in a cruiser deal huge amounth of dps with it, even with extremely limited power drain.
    the answers is easy to anderstand, the number of tactical bridge officer that allow you to slot some attack pattern with a hight version of BO ( at least version 2 ), your number of tactical console and finally your captain abilitie, like APA, FOMM, tactical fleet ARE the abilitie that will make BO worht the shot if you allow me the expression.
    you will not be able to have that damage potential with ship that only got a lt tact slot, 2 tact console and in wich you put an engie captain EVEN with an hypothetical ZERO power drain.
    and of course this is better used in pvp, bo is a pvp power, that goes without saying, killing a mob in 1 shot have absolutely no interest and is a waste of your abilitie in the long term.

    if the power drain would remain the same, but cryptic suddently decided to give this abilitie 3 time it current dps, would you still said it is not worth it because of the power drain?
    i don't think so, and i proove to you above that having limited power drain wil not render that power more valid.

    so it not a PITA because of the power drain, but because of the bad combination of ship and captain career and use in pve content.

    Ahhhh so I should never have a science character in a science ship use BO in PvP, pure genius. Let me go ahead and just take all of the Tac Boffs from my ships while I am at it. And I guess you have never seen a science ship in PvP.

    neo1nx wrote: »
    and i am glad that you finally open your eyes to what i really am, a talented genious with infinite wisdom who is never wrong!
    it took you some time tho!
    but since i am a forgiven person, it is with great pleasure that i am giving you the privilege to adress to me as "master" from now on.
    sht shtttt! don't thank me! i am well aware of how hard it is to inferior people like you to get there in the first place, so it is well deserved.

    ok, on a more serious note now, calling me a expert/purist elitist isn't really going to earn you any points in the discussion, you known that don't you?

    Shoe... fit... wear it. I'm not gauging your knowledge based purely off of my personal heuristics of what I consider credulous. An "elitist" (in my book) is someone who is so convince of their righteousness that people with opinions not in alignment with theirs are considered to do so because they are inferior (knowledge, experience, upbringing) or that they have an agenda that is opposite of their own, and obviously bad for the cause. Sadly, this is what I have been seeing from you lately, maybe that will change. We shall see.
    neo1nx wrote: »
    if you want to criticize a power in this game, you must do it with the full perspective of it potentiality given every combination possible, wich you do not.
    all what you said about it is, it is a pita when i use it with my cruiser, never i have seen you give me a comment of how it fare when someone using it on you for example.
    it just look like a pve centric view to me, and the fact that you didn't meet or known what a vaper is, is just a confirmation.
    you don't informed yourself about new things that are introduced into the game and don't pratice pvp exept with some selected friend of your.
    how did you came to the conclusion that you have the full perspective to known how bo should be with that?
    it is not about acting like me, it is about your personal involvment and knownledge on the question that make your opinion less relevant because it miss some critical part of the game experience.

    You know, there is a saying about assuming. Maybe you should just ask if you want to know what effect I am talking about/experienced if you don't know or aren't sure. Just because something "looks like" something to you, doesn't make it so. Your own assumptions make you less relevant, so how can you even hope to be credulous when you jump to conclusions based off of barely knowing a person?

    As far as having a "full perspective", I agree with Kymmie, there is no player who has that knowledge, and those that claim to are kidding themselves.
    neo1nx wrote: »
    we are arguing for what 200, 300 pages? i stop counting after a while.
    with that in mind i would have thaught that you might at least remember who i am and the ship and weapons i got since we have some long discussion about it.

    I know the name, I know your basic point of view, there are far more important things in life than to prioritizing remembrance of your ship and build from 300 page-ish ago, especially since those things do change, especially considering that life has taken a high priority for me this winter. Maybe you don't have pressures and responsibilites that demand increased focus on, diminishing from your "STO gaming experience". Have you ever had a wife that was deathly ill and taking care of your infant at the same time, while juggling the final semester of college and earning TRIBBLE Laude? I honestly hope for you that you haven't and will not (the medical emergency part). So if your ego can excuse me prioritizing life over remember a blurb about your ship, we all can move on.
    neo1nx wrote: »
    just like i known for a long time that you fly an exelsior with en engi and a single cannon build, nothing spectacular or very detailled and maybe not accurate anymore.
    but i do remember.

    You know that one of my ships is an Excelsior captained by an engineer, when I have talked about some of the other ships that I have used as well in this thread, does that mean I should be upset with you?
    neo1nx wrote: »
    i found it abnormal or a specific troll manner to completely forget a person with wich you speak and argue with for about 300 pages in a blink of a eyes.
    but you might have the Alzheimer desease, who known?

    1) 300 pages is far more than a "blink-of-an eye" and If I do remember, your discussion was more of a blurb than an actual, ongoing conversation.

    2) When life calls, I answer, and if that means that I should not commit somethings that you said to my longer term memory, that means that I have obviously put my life's priority in its rightful place. I am not going to feel bad about it, nor apologize for it, no matter how much you think its abnormal or trollish.

    3) By the way, if you have ever seen someone die from the effects of Alzheimers (I have, my grandmother and its was one of the most drawn-out and painful things that I have ever experienced), you'd be a little more cautious in making comments like that.

  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    *45 years old. and if it doesn't have a right to be in the game, not a single canon ship, thats are all at least 45 to 40 years old, have a right too. all those classes were built to last 100 years and majorly overhauled every 20. some structural limitation that would prevent the incorporation of new technology would be needed to truly obsolete any of those designs. such a limitation is present on ships like the excelsior though, they cant even be equipped with phaser arrays with out half its saucer being rebuilt. they have no excuse for lasting this long

    Lets hope that should they ever do a T6 ( I know, I know, they've said they wont) that they can come up with some "Star Trekkie" looking ships that can carry the torch for more "typical" Star Trek ship design and quality game-play features so we can move past the "canon" ships, so we don't have so much emotionally charged feelings when a ship doesn't meet a persons perception/desires of what that ship was like in canon in comparison to the game. I think that both sides of the Crusades were less emotionally drawn than it is here.:D
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    pvp community doesn't agree on much, and theres a wide variety of ability between its players. the big differences between player tends to be how well they can counter 'cheese', its not possible to paint the entire community as united on its opinion on anything being cheese.

    I think alot of this is due to the fact that the PvP content is still lacking in game. My favorite example of my preferred PvP content was SWG's Restus , where it wasn't only one objective and covered a wide diversity of terrain in a large area for mass quantities of players to partake. PvP in STO is still very limited in scope and fairly one dimensional, even with the capture the flag queues. There is no versatility in STO PvP.
    beams did suck, in the last 6 to 12 months a lot of power creep has benefited beams, and changed things considerably. cruisers with 4 tac consoles, AtB change, leach and how easy it is to overcap, buff to EPtW's damage its whole duration, nukara console + beam acc, cruiser drain res commands, spire consoles that reduce drain, and extremely powerful versions of FAW latterly. they all add up, and right now rule pvp like they do pve.

    im not a DPS parseing jock, but i do know the best numbers the galaxy can generate arent even half of what an avenger can produce, and a fraction of what a scimitar can. if at least double isn't an order of magnitude, i dont know what is.

    Not to be a weisenheimer , FYI on Orders of Magnitude:


    he problem is, at least in pvp were there is constant heals and regeneration, you need a certain level of DPS, or your not going to even break even with your target's healing

    there doesn't need to be a worst ship, theres not a worst escort or sci ship. the aquarius may be down on hitpoints, but its not down on damage dealing compared to any common escort. theres nothing wrong with the defient and intrepid, they dont suffer from crippling system cooldown issues. i have set out in great detail how far behind the ship is, ive yet to see an actual rebutle or an error pointed out in my analysis. other then no, i dont think its that bad.

    In peoples minds, theres always going to be a "worst" ship, its an emotional choice according to personal heuristics.

    So, if they were to work on cool-down issues for Engi skills and not skew balance, would that be, in your opinion, a help to the ship?

    As far as rebuttals to your analysis, my disagreement isn't with (to the most part) your analysis, but your solution. We are both aware to the basics of each others concepts on what a "fix" would look like, so I am going to spare us at this moment.
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    one issue with the galaxy design i have always wanted to ask? why such a massive saucer shape? :rolleyes:

    Federation ships house the crew in the saucer. The Galaxy houses 1,000 plus people plus families and the majority of what those people need for everyday living, the secondary hull is the main engineering and other operational facilities. The equipment in the secondary hull theoretically shouldn't require as much area, per person, as housing them would. Thats why the saucer is so big on the Galaxy.
This discussion has been closed.