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What is your beef with the Galaxy Cryptic?



  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    dnaangel9 wrote: »
    I see countless post and responses about how it needs to be equal to the Regent in terms of Boff Layout. I have to disagree with this. The Galaxy is an old ship, The Regent is a Refit of the newer, more advanced class (Sovereign class). To make an older ship equal to a newer more advanced class, would undermine every ship in that class. There is a point of Evolution and in that, each class needs to be an evolution of the class before it. STO has a way of "Bending the rules" a bit(aka Ambassador Class), but you still have to stay somewhat to canon.

    that must be a joke, "bending the rule a bit"? that a hell of a bit!!

    exelsior: 120 years old, cryptic didn't seem to have a problem with it undermining every ship in it own class.
    ambassador, the predecessor of the galaxy, no problem either, and that just in the federation faction, let not speak about the klingons and the romulan.
    and if you want to stay somewhat with canon you woudn't introduce a nova class that is more powerfull than a galaxy, just saying.
    The Dreadnought is basically a modified Galaxy, modified for a certain role in canon, but still at its core a Galaxy Class.

    the regent is basically a modified sovy, modified for a certain role in this game, but still at its core an assault cruiser, that, however didn't seem to pose any problem for it to be much more efficient.
    We already have I believe 7 different variations of the Galaxy in STO as it is, more then any other ship

    there is only 2 galaxy version at tier 5, galaxy refit and galaxy x, fleet upgrade are not an other version, they are an evolution, skins are not others versions, and tier4 one are not end game ship, you keep it 3 days ( the time needed to go to the other tiers).
    as it stand now there is more odyssey variant than galaxy at tiers 5.
    To "Re-vamp" an old class, such as the Galaxy, would mean they just mind as well make all T5 ships equal. There has to be variation between the classes, whether its a "Modified" version or not.

    there as to be variation between the tiers, yes, but in the same tiers there should not be a ship that is clearly and by a big margin inferior to every others.
    or that would mean that cryptic openly admitt that they have enter a pay to win model and don't care about older player that give them money for these ships in the beguining.
    I think there is a good reason that there hasn't been a "Re-vamp" and never will be. A Fleet version of the Gal-X is more then likely coming, but by no means will it be equal or greater then a newer class

    i don't known what is that good reason, but i can see that it seem forbiden to the galaxy to hope to be as efficient as other ship in this game.... just because.
    You just have to put your feelings for ST, a certain class and the need to want your cake and eat it too, aside and just use a little common sense that hoping for a "re-vamp" of an old class is just that, hopeless hoping.

    that may be, but that will not prevent me to continue trying.
    have our cake and eat it too? that what it look like to you when people ask for galaxy class to be on part with the other? what would it be if people ask for it to be the most powerfull ship in the game then?
    as i said it before, for some people a galaxy that would be as good as every other ship is an anomaly, that can not be, Q forbiden this.
    now i think that people begun to think that sto is cannon, the brainwash have begun!
    Hell, as it stands now, a Fleet Gal-X would have more hull then the Fleet Regent..(though that is somewhat to be expected as the Gal-X IS a dreadnought). The Regent's already have 4 Tac consoles, so I am willing to put money that the extra console of a Fleet Gal-X will be Engineering, or Possibly a Science.

    i don't anderstand the logic as why a tactical ship as the galaxy x should have an engi console slot instead of a tactical slot, so let not speak about the science one for that matter.
    Yes, I understand the prestige and charisma behind the Galaxy Class but you already have the ability to 1 shot, 1 kill people at random(aka no skill kill), whether it's accurate or not.

    no skill? well THAT IS A HELL OF A JOKE, the lance got a terrible accuracy, only 45 degree arc and you must use it on a 6 base turn and, that the most important, 25 inertia ship.
    it take 1 second to charge, and again 2 second to fire it 2 shot, and every shot got a chance to miss.if the target move,even just a tiny bit in these 3 second, the damage dealt by the lance is greatly reduced, when it didn't just completely miss.
    so you are not exactly doing it at random, especially when it is available every 3 minute only, gurumba can afford that, not the galaxy.
    are you aware that there are people that build the galaxy just to make the lance work better? and still with absolutely no garantie whatsover that the lance would not miss.
    gurumba players didn't have all these problems.
    i was in a pvp arena the others day fighting a good escort player, fire the lance, it didn't miss and crit on the first shot leaving the guy with 5% hull. the guy knew what would happen if he stay still, he activated evasive and epte, and the second shot miss it, i wasn't able to pursue to finish him.
    that would not have happened in a gurumba, the guy wouldn't have the oportunity to escape the second shot, since their is none.
    no skill!! no really?
    said that to the romulan vaper, not to the galaxy x players.
    I will be one of the first in line to pick-up the Fleet Gal-X on release day, but I am against any type of "Re-vamp". It was a niche ship in canon and its a niche ship in STO. period.

    galaxy in cannon was the most versatile ship starfleet ever made, it was able to do a vast variety of task, not exactly my definition of a niche ship, mind you.
    the defiant is a niche ship in cannon.
    and galaxy is not a niche ship in sto either, because that would mean that there is something that this ship do better than any other.
    ho wait, no, there is something, it is the least efficient ship in everything, well, that a hell of a niche!!
    The fleet Gal-R is in some ways better then the regent if not almost equal in many cases.

    wow! just wow! please show me where the galaxy is equal to the regent!
    What all those forum posts, rages and complaints is Galaxy lovers wanting it to be on par with newer classes and/or have firepower to match them. No pun intended, but that would be like making a Fiat, match a Ferrari.

    well cryptic didn't seems to have a problem with a nova class that dealing more firepower than a galaxy class, so your point being?
    I cannot justify any re-vamps that would match or undermine the newer classes.

    galaxy x need a lt commander tact to pretend to be a real choice as a tatcical cruiser ( since as you known, he didn't have all the cruiser command )
    and galaxy retrofit need to be more science oriented (it daesn't need to have more firepower since it is not his job in the first place )

    this is where we see these ship going in the future, that is what is being discuss in this thread with an hypothetical revamp of engineering power lately.
    not to make galaxy ships somekind of clone of the regent and alike.
    it is best when you want to enter a thread that you known a little bit about what is being discuss in the last couples of pages ( here 200 aproximatly )
    before assuming what are the request base on 2 comment and the title of the thread.
  • starboardnacellestarboardnacelle Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    acording to gecko on PrimetimeUGC, the galaxy X, galaxy and MVAM gen 2 sep is 'on the scheduled' for release. that will surely mean a fleet galaxy X, which would mean a fleet gurumba too.

    an update to the intrepid for a launching areo shuttle, and admiral janeway's shuttle too being added.

    Does this mean we're getting a new version of the ship?
  • captaindecker12captaindecker12 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    they said pvp is actually getting development time soon, hell might freeze over enough for such a ship to come about

    Cryptic's been promising a PvP overhaul since March 2010. I wouldn't hold my breath on that.
    Actual Join Date: Dec 2009 (Yes, that's pre-launch)
  • captaindecker12captaindecker12 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    capemike4 wrote: »

    Neat, that's my Excelsior right there! I was snapping some screens myself.
    Actual Join Date: Dec 2009 (Yes, that's pre-launch)
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,001 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Does this mean we're getting a new version of the ship?

    As far as I know it only means that the seperation will be possible while we move, nothing else will happen. And I'm still against a seperation ability on the Dreadnaught. It all doesn't make sense! :P
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • yaisuke15yaisuke15 Member Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    The problem lies more with what the Dev believes we need for the Galaxy and what we actually need for the Galaxy. If X+Y does not equal Z, then don't nerf Z or such. You need to rebalance X and Y so that the solution is reached.

    Giving cruisers an extra warp core would do wonders, especially for higher end cruisers. The third warp nacelle should also have an innate ability other than balancing the lance's weight on the dreadnought. Cruisers should also have an innate ability that decreases the weapons power drain when firing multiple weapons at once and another should be that give a five percent increase to shield absorption.

    Another idea would be to have boff abilities, depending on career, work more effiecently on that type of career ship (ie engineering abilities work x% better on cruisers, tactical works x% better on escorts and science abilities work x% better on science ships). A different boff idea would be to make a wider variety of abilities or give a slight stat boost to current engineering abilities.

    There are mutiple ideas to make the Galaxy better, but what we are looking for is ships to be good at what the are supposed to and not unbalanced between them and thus having them try to copy cat.

    (I mean honestly, the Dev team is pushing dual cannon weilding ships down our throats like we can't even chew our own piece of toast.)
    "Look at me I'm a target!"
    "Fire the Lance on my mark... MARK!
    "How many times have we gone into the breach again R'shee?"
    My proposal for a Galaxy bundle
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    edalgo wrote: »
    It was a lot of fun.

    It felt good to dust off the old Gal

    dont have to much fun now, they wont fix something if its already fun :o
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    In the beginning (or maybe Pirkinning?) there was only one canon ship at T5, the Sovy', which was the newest ship in ST canon. People actually complained that the Galaxy wasn't available as top tier ship in the beginning. They then offered the Gal-R and it was less potent than the Sovy', but it wasn't that bad at the time, the game has moved past even most of the first offering T5 "Cstore" ships/ layouts a long time ago, the Odyssey put the final nail in the Galaxy's coffin. About the only cruiser that is relevant from the early offering is the Excelsior, but only barely. The Avenger pretty much outclasses Excel' in every way now.

    I pray for a T6 that has none of the canon ships (but good aesthetic designs, I know I am wishing for a big one there) just so there can't be any "bias" on any side of the coin.

    no, there was 2, the sovy and the star cruiser, in fact the star cruiser is my first t5 ship i aquired before the sovy.
    the stats of the star cruiser didn't change a bit from the launch of the game.
    so, when the galaxy retrofit got out, 6 months later, it was already "outdatted" by a 6 month older ship.
    people didn't known as much on the game as we do now, and some bo power were different back then, tact team didn't balanced shield at that time for example.
    so the vast majority ( me included) didn't known better if it was crappy or not, but it was.
    and since they were only what? 4 or 5 cruiser when the retrofit got out, it didn't feel like it was THAT bad, but the fact is that it was, that bad, technically and objectivly.

    today, with people that known much better on the game mechanism, that use parser to measure dps difference, and all the power creep and new ship that have come lately, it is obvious now that the galaxy is completely, outragously outdated.
    but the true is that it was outdatted from the very beguining, just by the star cruiser, but most people didn't known better back then to realise it.
    Beams are pretty much used by cruisers and sci ships that have limited tactical boff slots, do you really want to reserve a large percentage of your tactical abilities to wait for "the sweet spot" for a coup de gras? I don't. I also think that amongst the skills, the amount of drain(and other costs) compared to the output of BO, puts it in the realm of of less effective.

    you don't wait, you continue firing, but then manage your power level to deliver the final shot.
    pvp is about burst and alpha, you won't kill competent player by releasing a steady and predictable firepower, they will absord it throught regeneration and even if you got them in a difficult situation over time they will run and escape.
    power like bo help you with that, it take the opponent by surprise and more important pierce throught his defense without giving him the time to trigger a defensive power.
    hight yield torpedo is useless in pvp, torp spread is better since it don't miss but not the best choice on a slow turn cruiser, so what left?
    fire at will is good but dangerous against good player and klingons, scramble sensor and aceton assimilator and your firepower is return to you.
    so yeah, using one bo slot for BO is not a waist in my opinion when you do pvp.
    and you are right that it is not efficient ( when we compared the energy it drain and the dps it produced ) but that intended, bielieve me, some vaper use bo3 very effectively to kill some 10k shield and 60k hull in 1 shot.
    the things is, and that what i meant, you must not use BO like you use BFAW, here is your mistake and the feeling that it is not as good as bfaw.
    you just missused it.
    it is just like someone who would want scatter volley to do as much damage to a single target as rapid fire do, these power have different objective, you can not really compared them outsided of there intended used.
    I also won't go too far as to say that there is a whole lot of "balance" in PvP either (but thats another topic and thread altogether).

    yep, true, however what i meant by balanced here is not the one we usually talk about, but the balanced of choices, if you modified bo to be more like BFAW you will reduced the gameplay possibilitie.
    and if you want to just "boost" bo, we are then, here, talking about the original balanced, bo is powerfull enought, there is a reason why cryptic nerfed the double tap exploit, this power when use correctly with a good build is devastating.
    in pvp you really don't want a more efficient version, bielieve me.
  • giannicampanellagiannicampanella Member Posts: 424 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Outage is in response to our Galaxy protest.
  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Hey guys, the Galaxy tribute day based on the anniversary of this thread and suggested by newromulan1 was a great success. We hosted it on our SRS-GALAXY channel which is still open to public access to anyone with an interest in any Galaxy ship.

    SRS put together this short video of just a few of the day's events.

    Thanks newromulan1 for the idea, let's make this an annual event for sure, but we'll be organising Galaxy events throughout the year, look for announcements on the channel and here, also on the SRS Facebook page.



    Nice video!
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Hey guys, the Galaxy tribute day based on the anniversary of this thread and suggested by newromulan1 was a great success. We hosted it on our SRS-GALAXY channel which is still open to public access to anyone with an interest in any Galaxy ship.

    SRS put together this short video of just a few of the day's events.

    Thanks newromulan1 for the idea, let's make this an annual event for sure, but we'll be organising Galaxy events throughout the year, look for announcements on the channel and here, also on the SRS Facebook page.



    FANTASTIC!!!! :)

    so much galaxy! it is wonderfull, it make me cry;)
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    by the chin of the bogdanoff brothers, this server will never come back!
    too much gakaxy awesomness kill it?
  • ehgatoehgato Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    neo1nx wrote: »
    by the chin of the bogdanoff brothers, this server will never come back!
    too much gakaxy awesomness kill it?

    LOL no way was our fault that was 2 days before xD but was nice fly with all of you and be on the events , also was really cool see a masive fleet of galaxy's in orbit of qonos i wish some one has recorder that :D
  • sirokksirokk Member Posts: 990 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Hey guys, the Galaxy tribute day based on the anniversary of this thread and suggested by newromulan1 was a great success. We hosted it on our SRS-GALAXY channel which is still open to public access to anyone with an interest in any Galaxy ship.

    SRS put together this short video of just a few of the day's events.

    Thanks newromulan1 for the idea, let's make this an annual event for sure, but we'll be organising Galaxy events throughout the year, look for announcements on the channel and here, also on the SRS Facebook page.



    I wish I could have been there.

    I dusted off my Galaxy T5 recently and tuned it up but couldn't make it to the get-together.

    The video is awesome! Thanks!
    Star Trek Battles Channel - Play Star Trek like they did in the series!Avatar: pinterest-com/pin/14003448816884219Are you sure it isn't time for a "colorful metaphor"? --Spock in 'The Voyage Home'
    SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
  • mysharon4mysharon4 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Are you kidding me? How many times did you see the Galaxy in TNG get its TRIBBLE handed to it. Plenty and if it wasn't then it was seriously crippled to a point where it takes like 3 months to get it to fire up.

    IMO the Galaxy in STO. Working as intended. A big fat, hunk'a, useless, bloated, watered down, over tonnage, lumbering, BARGE!

    Picard: "Mr La'Forge, reroute all power to the Engines, including life support." "Helm, set course, Starbase 215"

    Riker: "Attention all decks, hold your breath, grab a Snickers, this'll take a while"
  • micadog5micadog5 Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    mysharon42 wrote: »
    Are you kidding me? How many times did you see the Galaxy in TNG get its TRIBBLE handed to it. Plenty and if it wasn't then it was seriously crippled to a point where it takes like 3 months to get it to fire up.

    IMO the Galaxy in STO. Working as intended. A big fat, hunk'a, useless, bloated, watered down, over tonnage, lumbering, BARGE!

    Picard: "Mr La'Forge, reroute all power to the Engines, including life support." "Helm, set course, Starbase 215"

    Riker: "Attention all decks, hold your breath, grab a Snickers, this'll take a while"

    Are you serious?

    The Ent-D got caught unprepared a few times, to be sure, but it never really got its TRIBBLE handed to it that i can think of.

    Sure there was that time when its computer simulated phasers got locked on, and that other time that Picard was a kid. Both times it has totally unprepared for an attack, both of which where an ambush by Ferengi.

    The enterprise stood its ground against the borg at 539, where all those other ships were just thrown by the wayside. It also held off (3?) klingon battle cruisers at once while the Ent-C could escape.

    Galaxy classes were supposed to be the head of fleets, nearly undestructible to enemies, and a force to be feared. They are in the shows, certainly not in-game.

    Even bringing up the Oddessy, if i remember correctly, it did quite well against the Jem'Hadar, despite not having useful sheilding. The part about an Attack ship blowing it up was supposed to be more chance than skill, and the Attack Ship destroyed itself to do so.

    The galaxy took longer to repair because it was a massive ship. Repairs take time, even the original Constitution-class would have taken quite a long time to be repaired, and think about how much smaller it is than the Galaxy-class.

    The Galaxy-class was also one of the faster vessels in the fleet at the time (look at how fast the defiant could go at warp). They kept at slow warp due more to warp regulations rather than ship limitations.

    Picard was never a 'shoot at first sight' captain. He always tried to find a diplomatic solution, which is why we saw more standoffs than fights in TNG. When she did need to fight, the Galaxy gave a serious TRIBBLE-whoopin. She can't quite do that in game.

    As for the Gal-X, it solo'd two negh'vars in about a minute. Don't see that happening in game either.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Eh, when I see all those pictures....it's times like these I hate having a job that has me working miscellaneous shifts. And then I remember it pays for the bills, my vices and STO. :o

    Hope you guys had a great time during the Galaxy event, it was much fun from the looks of it. :) Seeing all those Galaxy class starships in one place was amazing! :)

    Hopefully we can make this happen again, or make it an annual thing as someone suggested.
    Keep on exploring! :)
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    neo1nx wrote: »
    no, there was 2, the sovy and the star cruiser, in fact the star cruiser is my first t5 ship i aquired before the sovy.

    When was the Star Cruiser a canon ship?

    neo1nx wrote: »
    the stats of the star cruiser didn't change a bit from the launch of the game.
    so, when the galaxy retrofit got out, 6 months later, it was already "outdatted" by a 6 month older ship.
    people didn't known as much on the game as we do now, and some bo power were different back then, tact team didn't balanced shield at that time for example.
    so the vast majority ( me included) didn't known better if it was crappy or not, but it was.
    and since they were only what? 4 or 5 cruiser when the retrofit got out, it didn't feel like it was THAT bad, but the fact is that it was, that bad, technically and objectivly.

    While we didn't have the technical means to analyse it, my"seat of the pants meter" (in this case the ability to blow stuff up) wasn't so bad in the Gal-R when it came out in comparison to my Sovy'. Take it for what you will, but honestly , it wasn't that bad back then.
    neo1nx wrote: »
    today, with people that known much better on the game mechanism, that use parser to measure dps difference, and all the power creep and new ship that have come lately, it is obvious now that the galaxy is completely, outragously outdated.
    but the true is that it was outdatted from the very beguining, just by the star cruiser, but most people didn't known better back then to realise it.

    If you feel the difference of an ensign and a bit of turn rate (w/o saucer sep') and a console less in exchange for the saucer sep completely outdated the Explorer back then, thats your opinion and you are welcome to it, but honestly , back then I would say the Gal-R was the better ship between it and the Star Cruiser.

    neo1nx wrote: »
    you don't wait, you continue firing, but then manage your power level to deliver the final shot.
    pvp is about burst and alpha, you won't kill competent player by releasing a steady and predictable firepower, they will absord it throught regeneration and even if you got them in a difficult situation over time they will run and escape.
    power like bo help you with that, it take the opponent by surprise and more important pierce throught his defense without giving him the time to trigger a defensive power.
    hight yield torpedo is useless in pvp, torp spread is better since it don't miss but not the best choice on a slow turn cruiser, so what left?
    fire at will is good but dangerous against good player and klingons, scramble sensor and aceton assimilator and your firepower is return to you.
    so yeah, using one bo slot for BO is not a waist in my opinion when you do pvp.
    and you are right that it is not efficient ( when we compared the energy it drain and the dps it produced ) but that intended, bielieve me, some vaper use bo3 very effectively to kill some 10k shield and 60k hull in 1 shot.
    the things is, and that what i meant, you must not use BO like you use BFAW, here is your mistake and the feeling that it is not as good as bfaw.
    you just missused it.
    it is just like someone who would want scatter volley to do as much damage to a single target as rapid fire do, these power have different objective, you can not really compared them outsided of there intended used.

    You really didn't get what I was saying. I was saying that relegating one of the few tactical abilities that a cruiser gets for a well placed shot primarily because of the downsides to the ability for rare use is a bad thing. I was talking about BO's limitations, I barely ever use FAW, except for crowd control, especially since i have so rarely put it on my BoFFs either. I have pretty much been using crf.

    I have no idea on what you are talking about by "vaper", I am presuming that English is not your primary language and that has some meaning where you are that is doesn't where I am at.

    neo1nx wrote: »
    yep, true, however what i meant by balanced here is not the one we usually talk about, but the balanced of choices, if you modified bo to be more like BFAW you will reduced the gameplay possibilitie.
    and if you want to just "boost" bo, we are then, here, talking about the original balanced, bo is powerfull enought, there is a reason why cryptic nerfed the double tap exploit, this power when use correctly with a good build is devastating.
    in pvp you really don't want a more efficient version, bielieve me.

    Like I said, I barely touch FAW. The double tab exploit would have been rough on many abilities out there.
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Outage is in response to our Galaxy protest.

    What are you talking about?
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    nikephorus wrote: »
    Nice video!

    They left behind loot!!!
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    When was the Star Cruiser a canon ship?

    yes, i miss the term " canon " my mistake, but canon or not the rest is still valid.
    While we didn't have the technical means to analyse it, my"seat of the pants meter" (in this case the ability to blow stuff up) wasn't so bad in the Gal-R when it came out in comparison to my Sovy'. Take it for what you will, but honestly , it wasn't that bad back then.

    mine and many in my fleet feel different about it, i stay with it for 2 week, and that was very long at that time, because i was very happy to have a galaxy at tiers 5 at last, but even if i wasn't able to explain it at the time, it really feel like a downgrade.
    so, in the end i regretfully move to the assault cruiser and never look back.
    and i remember not being the same, after the "euphoria" of the novelty, not much people was flying a galaxy retrofit in sector space, just 2 week after the release.
    so either everyone just hate the galaxy, or it was really bad.
    If you feel the difference of an ensign and a bit of turn rate (w/o saucer sep') and a console less in exchange for the saucer sep completely outdated the Explorer back then, thats your opinion and you are welcome to it, but honestly , back then I would say the Gal-R was the better ship between it and the Star Cruiser.

    better at what? the difference in turn that the saucer give and the +10 to weapons give the retrofit more firepower, but it is negligeable in comparison to the survivabilty difference.
    the galaxy was already less tanky with the saucer, without it you loose -5shield power -5 engine -5 auxiliary power, -5% shield hp and -15% hull hp and crew is set to 100.
    at that time the retrofit got the same hull capacity than an assault cruiser IF you specced it correctly ( you have to spend skill in star cruiser at that time if i remember correctly ).
    the trade that separation console give is not in favor of the galaxy, especially at that time.
    You really didn't get what I was saying. I was saying that relegating one of the few tactical abilities that a cruiser gets for a well placed shot primarily because of the downsides to the ability for rare use is a bad thing.

    it is not just a "well placed shot", it could be used as a finisher or in the beguining of the fight, and continue to be used to pressure the adversary at critical time in a way that even bfaw can't do, so let not speak about just normal beam firing.
    but it is also very dependant of what you want to do with your cruiser.
    you use an engi with your exelsior, so i can see why it seem "useless" to you, this combination is not the best to use BO effectively to beguin with.
    if you play your cruiser like a healer and/or a support ship, bo is indeed not the best choice available because it would not make sense with the role you choose and the captain abilities could not give you the best out of it anyway.
    and an engi in an exelsior is not going to be a dps king in pvp, so it not like choosing beam overload is a smart choice with that combination.
    but that don't mean that bo is bad, it just mean that is not the best choice with you playstyle descision.
    a tactical cruiser that want to do real pressure, and also kill people on it own will need at least 1 bo power to be a real threat ( in my opinion ), the best is having 1 bfaw and 1 bo at least.
    the downside of the abilitie are an intended balanced measure, if you remove of reduced them to make bo more apealing to an engie cruiser it would make all the other tactical ship that use it ( and especially escort ) even more OP.

    so, using bo is not a bad thing on it own, it is choosing ship and captain abilities that are at the opposite in nature of the intended purpose of what bo is supposed to do that is bad.
    so in a way you are right, but it is valid only with you choice of gameplay and is not due to a bad "tune" of BO.
    I have no idea on what you are talking about by "vaper", I am presuming that English is not your primary language and that has some meaning where you are that is doesn't where I am at.

    for once this have nothing to do with the fact that english is not my primary language.
    vaper is not something that i have invented.
    if you really did pvp as you pretend, this is a term that you would known by now.
    so let me explain it to you.
    before they use to be the " alpha striker" people that are able to kill you in one pass in about 3 to 8 second, but if you have experience you were still able to counter them with your reflexes and abilities.
    since LOR came out, there is a new type of " alpha striker" that will kill you in about 0.5 second with full shield and hull denying you the option to counter them.
    vaper : ppl who kill veteran pvp player under a sec without giving the target the time to react
    this is due to the romulan abilitie ( battle cloak and crit bo in addition to crit console )
    it just seem like these people vaporized you, so people in the pvp comunity call them " vaper"
    if you got 60% shield and 80% hull and are engage with an other player, a vaper will kill you ( even with resist power ).
    if you have 100% shield and hull, are alone, a vaper have still a great chance to kill you even if you known that the guy is comming.
    only way to survice is anticipation, when you heard decloaking, use TT, evasive maneuver, epts and brace for impact ( in that order )
    rsp will not save you ( it take a little time for rsp to bring incoming damage into a shield, so the time he do that, you will be dead ).
    mini is a well known vaper, but it is not the best ( no offense mini )
    zenith nader is better and will give you a good idea, if you want to test it out just go to kerrat and remain visible.
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    ehgato wrote: »
    LOL no way was our fault that was 2 days before xD but was nice fly with all of you and be on the events , also was really cool see a masive fleet of galaxy's in orbit of qonos i wish some one has recorder that :D

    man, i am sorry but an event of such a level of awesomeness in the awesometers will alway produce aftershock, and that the server who paid the price:D

    on an other note i am sad i wasn't there with galaxy around qonos.
    this event was really good, i hope there will be more, not just for annyversary thread.
    beside since cryptic will soon make some OP version of all galaxy in the game this tread will die soon anyway:rolleyes:
    starbase defense with only galaxy was epic! a real federation fleet!!!
    even with some miranda it would be awesome.
  • kimmymkimmym Member Posts: 1,317 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Here is an interesting Gal-R



    Doffs are in the notes tab.

    Would be hard to do in another ship, Odyssey or Bort non-withstanding... start to run out of doff space. I need no technicians or damage control engineers.

    And that is just the maiden voyage. I need to spend some time and see what I can do to optimize it.

    Edit: Just had a 9.6k KASE and took the Scimmy out fast because my boarding parties dropped her shields... Not a bad run for the "worst ship in the game." My 18.6k Atrox only does like 11k in KASE due to timing.

    Edit2: Running into problems when I run out of crew... boarding parties won't fire... Switching to Adapted MACO for the 2pc... We'll see if that works out. I have a nurse as well, and I can try 2pc adapted+jem shield... bah I hate that shield... Testing to do hehe..
    I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
    Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
  • sevmragesevmrage Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    They left behind loot!!!

    Everyone leaves behind loot. I'm one of the only people I've ever seen that tries to collect all the loot critters I can.
    Weyland-Yutani Joint Space Venture - Always open to new members!
    My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
    khayuung wrote: »
    Firstly, be proud! You're part of the few, the stubborn, the Federation Dreadnought Captains.
  • kimmymkimmym Member Posts: 1,317 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I'm usually in an Atrox. I'm not turning around unless its green or better.

    Forget all that effort to find out it's my 1000th lockbox...
    I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
    Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    neo1nx wrote: »
    yes, i miss the term " canon " my mistake, but canon or not the rest is still valid.

    As was mine

    neo1nx wrote: »
    mine and many in my fleet feel different about it, i stay with it for 2 week, and that was very long at that time, because i was very happy to have a galaxy at tiers 5 at last, but even if i wasn't able to explain it at the time, it really feel like a downgrade.
    so, in the end i regretfully move to the assault cruiser and never look back.
    and i remember not being the same, after the "euphoria" of the novelty, not much people was flying a galaxy retrofit in sector space, just 2 week after the release.
    so either everyone just hate the galaxy, or it was really bad.

    Well, with every product deserves the caveat... "Your actual performance may vary...", might have been play style and several other factors. Despite your fleets opinions back then, I beg to differ, and all of our opinions are just that... opinions.

    neo1nx wrote: »
    better at what? the difference in turn that the saucer give and the +10 to weapons give the retrofit more firepower, but it is negligeable in comparison to the survivabilty difference.
    the galaxy was already less tanky with the saucer, without it you loose -5shield power -5 engine -5 auxiliary power, -5% shield hp and -15% hull hp and crew is set to 100.
    at that time the retrofit got the same hull capacity than an assault cruiser IF you specced it correctly ( you have to spend skill in star cruiser at that time if i remember correctly ).
    the trade that separation console give is not in favor of the galaxy, especially at that time.

    Well, just as today, crew barely had an effect on the game. The only real loss powerwise was the shield power, a los of 5 engine power was more than made up for by the seperation and you only has a lt sci, so the 5 aux loss was only minimal. Using DBB/ torps and turrets back then more than made up the difference between it and the Star Cruiser.

    neo1nx wrote: »
    it is not just a "well placed shot", it could be used as a finisher or in the beguining of the fight, and continue to be used to pressure the adversary at critical time in a way that even bfaw can't do, so let not speak about just normal beam firing.
    but it is also very dependant of what you want to do with your cruiser.
    you use an engi with your exelsior, so i can see why it seem "useless" to you, this combination is not the best to use BO effectively to beguin with.

    I use an Engi' in an Excel', an Engi' in a Gal-x, A sci' in a Nebula, a Tac in an Avenger and another Engi in a Mogai refit and a Tac in the Klingon Vet' Ship. I have used a Gal-R on both Engi and Tac toons and my opinion holds for all of those beam using vessels, not just the Excel' or the Gal-R/X.

    neo1nx wrote: »
    if you play your cruiser like a healer and/or a support ship, bo is indeed not the best choice available because it would not make sense with the role you choose and the captain abilities could not give you the best out of it anyway.
    and an engi in an exelsior is not going to be a dps king in pvp, so it not like choosing beam overload is a smart choice with that combination.

    Never said my Excel was a DPS king

    neo1nx wrote: »
    but that don't mean that bo is bad, it just mean that is not the best choice with you playstyle descision.
    a tactical cruiser that want to do real pressure, and also kill people on it own will need at least 1 bo power to be a real threat ( in my opinion ), the best is having 1 bfaw and 1 bo at least.
    the downside of the abilitie are an intended balanced measure, if you remove of reduced them to make bo more apealing to an engie cruiser it would make all the other tactical ship that use it ( and especially escort ) even more OP.

    I also look at BO in terms of the "Tac" cruisers and Sci-ships that I use too. Its especially a PITA for my Nebula.
    neo1nx wrote: »
    so, using bo is not a bad thing on it own, it is choosing ship and captain abilities that are at the opposite in nature of the intended purpose of what bo is supposed to do that is bad.
    so in a way you are right, but it is valid only with you choice of gameplay and is not due to a bad "tune" of BO.

    Thats your opinion.

    neo1nx wrote: »
    for once this have nothing to do with the fact that english is not my primary language.
    vaper is not something that i have invented.
    if you really did pvp as you pretend, this is a term that you would known by now.
    so let me explain it to you.

    So because I don't know some quasi-LOL/MMO speak term means that I don't PvP? On what planet does that even remotely make sense on? Also, calling me a liar isn't really going to earn you any points in the discussion. Did you ever think that maybe the people I chat with don't use that term?

    I guess I'm just not as cool because I don't have around the PvP chat channel, smoking ECigs and trying to look up the RP'ing female Catarians skill at DS9... my loss.

    neo1nx wrote: »
    before they use to be the " alpha striker" people that are able to kill you in one pass in about 3 to 8 second, but if you have experience you were still able to counter them with your reflexes and abilities.
    since LOR came out, there is a new type of " alpha striker" that will kill you in about 0.5 second with full shield and hull denying you the option to counter them.
    vaper : ppl who kill veteran pvp player under a sec without giving the target the time to react
    this is due to the romulan abilitie ( battle cloak and crit bo in addition to crit console )
    it just seem like these people vaporized you, so people in the pvp comunity call them " vaper"
    if you got 60% shield and 80% hull and are engage with an other player, a vaper will kill you ( even with resist power ).
    if you have 100% shield and hull, are alone, a vaper have still a great chance to kill you even if you known that the guy is comming.
    only way to survice is anticipation, when you heard decloaking, use TT, evasive maneuver, epts and brace for impact ( in that order )
    rsp will not save you ( it take a little time for rsp to bring incoming damage into a shield, so the time he do that, you will be dead ).
    mini is a well known vaper, but it is not the best ( no offense mini )
    zenith nader is better and will give you a good idea, if you want to test it out just go to kerrat and remain visible.

    Thank you for finally breaking it down.
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    kimmym wrote: »
    I'm usually in an Atrox. I'm not turning around unless its green or better.

    Forget all that effort to find out it's my 1000th lockbox...

    I need those cred's when I sell them to the vendors, I'd pick up a penny in orbit if I could.
  • darthconnor1701darthconnor1701 Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I'd just like to say that while it is true however limited there are builds that are viable. You can do pve and even run STF's (though you may get ppl complaining). But the reason I support this thread and the reason alot of ppl are behind wanting a galaxy revamp isn't cause we can't find a build, it is because any build you can make work for the Galaxy will ultimately be better on another ship.

    Whether people want to argue about what it can do, what the devs should do, or what possibilities there are, the fact remains that given the Bo and console layout, the poor turn rate and the inertia you better off flying any other cruiser. When compared against any other Federation cruisers it comes in last. Not even gonna get into how it compares to the Klingons or new Romaulan ships.

    Honestly I think they need to upgrade the turn to match the Science cruiser and the Assault cruiser atleast though I'd have to agree in this game the turnrate and durability of ships really needs looked into as I have seen other posters point out. Dunno how to really rework the system although I've seen many a poster here that would probably make this game alot better then the current design with their ideas.

    I don't want the stupid trinity in this game where we have to have a Tank and healer and dps. Though I think if the Devs listened and took suggestions from a few posters on these forums many of them posting in this thread the game could be designed in such a fashion that ships didn't serve a purpose or fill a role so much as they came with different advantages that could play to different players strengths and make for unique builds for all classes of the different ships in this game.

    Dunno how many agree or disagree, honestly I don't care where you stand on this issue. I do however care about making and improving this game. Not just in game play or design but in interest and player's choices, and letting this ship sit at the bottom of the pile of worth while ships to command isn't helping me or others in keeping up with player satisfaction or interest.

    In short just improve the dang ship already and release my Dreadnaught Fleet version so I can command my favorite ships and not feel stuck choosing between what I want to fly and what ship fills the role and playstyle I've chosen. You don't have to give me exactly what I want but something alittle closer would be great.
  • kimmymkimmym Member Posts: 1,317 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Hehe, The Gal-Carrier has earned what I will consider her highest marks.

    She scored kills in PvP!

    I'm not just talking nub kills. I actually popped the fleetie I find hardest to kill.

    I did switch some doffs, but other then that my loadout was the same.

    So yeah, with no tac team and my main offense being boarding parties, I beat a Mobius straight up, among others.

    The defense rests. Gal-R is fine. Better ships? Certainly, but the same can be said for any ship.

    Now back to my Mobius... I got the taste for real PVP again...

    Edit: And if it wasn't for Temporal Backstep I'd have scored a ton more kills, he kept backing out of them hehe...
    I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
    Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Is the carrier build strictly for PvP? Or is it viable for PvE as well?
This discussion has been closed.