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What is your beef with the Galaxy Cryptic?



  • ehgatoehgato Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    nikephorus wrote: »
    Your missing out on all the fun! We just did a Galaxy only PvP match 10 vs 10. It was fun as hell!

    :( yea i know , hope to find the ppl of sudamerica time zone when get home , but i have to be slave of the office a few more hs :mad:

    trait stubborn : still flyng the galaxy ship in a lost attemp to feel the ship fit in this "Star Trek vs frikin dynos with laser in the heads" xD ( a small joke , a small smile can change your day )
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    we done two 20man starbase defense and 1 10vs10 pvp galaxy, i think some took esd and fleet picture to post in an other thread, i ll hope they post them here too.
    ok i going for more, that was a hell of a fun
  • smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Album of images from the various events.


  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Matter-Antimatter Specialist (Space)
    FED = Tanakarr // KDF = Tudanak
    Ability: Aceton Beam has a chance with each tick to knock the target's Weapons Offline for 1 second.
    Tooltip: Every 1 sec while Aceton Beam is active, 20% chance: set Weapons Offline for 1 second.
    * The chance to activate is checked every tick while Aceton Beam is active. In an extremely rare edge-case this could mean knocking the enemy's weapons offline for up to 30 seconds, by getting exceedingly lucky with every single tick.
    * The duration of the Offline cannot be increased by the user.
    * In PvP, the "Subsytem Repair" space skill will decrease the Offline duration. However, since the duration is only 1 second, this won't be very noticeable even with very high skill.
    * Also in PvP, the debuff can be cleansed using Hazard Emitters (also clears Aceton Beam debuff).

    for the ship that has to many eng skills, 1 got made just ever so slightly more useful, thats been written off. this might be the best news for the galaxy R ever, boy is that sad.
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Happy What is your beef with the Galaxy, Cryptic? Day everyone!
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    voporak wrote: »
    Happy What is your beef with the Galaxy, Cryptic? Day everyone!

    You know, giving this some thought ...

    You know how everyone always boils the T5 Connie discussion down to "CBS said no. Get over it."

    Can we basically paraphrase Geko and cite this thread and turn any and all Galaxy discussion into "Cryptic said no. Get over it." ?

    Just for funsies?

    Think about taking that one liner out for a spin in some new unsuspecting thread? The release it would give, the catharsis?
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    well, NHAPPY " what is your beef " day, everyone, haha!.
    so it is " only" 1 years that this thread appears? it seem to me like it was 2.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    even the mirror Cheyenne is better then the galaxy! its an ambassador on the cheep. you know, with the Cheyenne and negvar this time, being sci LTC ships, maybe next box we will get a tac LTC... ktinga? and... perhaps galaxy?! those are the counterparts to this box's ships. certainly next time the roms will get a mogai with dhlean setup. maybe it would be a non sep teir 4 retrofit galaxy though, and have the tier 4 ship costumes available. beggars cant be choosers

    if thats what happens, even if its cruddy free/mirror level, i think we will finally have been thrown a bone. a tac LTC, you can actually do something with that. it will be a galaxy you can actually do something with. good enough for me.
  • sevmragesevmrage Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Weyland-Yutani Joint Space Venture - Always open to new members!
    My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
    khayuung wrote: »
    Firstly, be proud! You're part of the few, the stubborn, the Federation Dreadnought Captains.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    even the mirror Cheyenne

    I'm not even sure why the mirror cheyenne exists. It's like, wha? A TNG ship that shows up basically in one shot of the wolf 359 carnage is now a rocking top tier Mirror Universe Lockbox variant?

    It's just weird!
  • dnaangel9dnaangel9 Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    The most that will happen to the Gal-X, is it will get a fleet variant. Like all other fleet variants, it will have the following;

    +10% Hull (44,000)
    +10% shields (1.1 Shield Modifier)
    +1 Additional Console (More then likely an Engineering one)

    I also believe it will be able to equip the Saucer Separation Console as well. That is about all you are gonna get and hope for.

    I see countless post and responses about how it needs to be equal to the Regent in terms of Boff Layout. I have to disagree with this. The Galaxy is an old ship, The Regent is a Refit of the newer, more advanced class (Sovereign class). To make an older ship equal to a newer more advanced class, would undermine every ship in that class. There is a point of Evolution and in that, each class needs to be an evolution of the class before it. STO has a way of "Bending the rules" a bit(aka Ambassador Class), but you still have to stay somewhat to canon. The Dreadnought is basically a modified Galaxy, modified for a certain role in canon, but still at its core a Galaxy Class. We already have I believe 7 different variations of the Galaxy in STO as it is, more then any other ship. To "Re-vamp" an old class, such as the Galaxy, would mean they just mind as well make all T5 ships equal. There has to be variation between the classes, whether its a "Modified" version or not.

    I think there is a good reason that there hasn't been a "Re-vamp" and never will be. A Fleet version of the Gal-X is more then likely coming, but by no means will it be equal or greater then a newer class. You just have to put your feelings for ST, a certain class and the need to want your cake and eat it too, aside and just use a little common sense that hoping for a "re-vamp" of an old class is just that, hopeless hoping.

    Hell, as it stands now, a Fleet Gal-X would have more hull then the Fleet Regent..(though that is somewhat to be expected as the Gal-X IS a dreadnought). The Regent's already have 4 Tac consoles, so I am willing to put money that the extra console of a Fleet Gal-X will be Engineering, or Possibly a Science.

    Don't get me wrong, I respect the Gal-X and like the ship. I am just a little more realistic about it. So many people complaining that it needs more firepower...Again, it's an older class...I say if you want more firepower etc, then fly a better class. Sovereign, Regent, Odyssey pick your poison. I don't understand the gripe honestly, it's like everyone forgets what class they are talking about. Yes, I understand the prestige and charisma behind the Galaxy Class but you already have the ability to 1 shot, 1 kill people at random(aka no skill kill), whether it's accurate or not.

    I will be one of the first in line to pick-up the Fleet Gal-X on release day, but I am against any type of "Re-vamp". It was a niche ship in canon and its a niche ship in STO. period.

    In what indication does anyone have that Cryptic doesn't have love for the Galaxy? There is what 5-7 variants of it? More then any other ship/class. It will soon have what 2-3 Fleet Variants (once F-GalX is released)? Again, more then any other class. The fleet Gal-R is in some ways better then the regent if not almost equal in many cases. "What's your beef with the Galaxy Cryptic?" They have no beef, it's an older ship and class. I would like to say it's about as good as it can be, without undermining the newer classes. The Regent already has a Ltc Cmdr Tac and 4 Tac consoles, if they "Re-vamped" either Galaxy to match this, then whats the point of class evolution? Remember, the Galaxy is an EXPLORATION cruiser first and foremost. Look back in canon, it was made for long exploration missions not an assault tactical vessel. The Gal-X was made more or less as an ambush/intimidation ship, not an all out assault cruiser. That is what the Sovereign was designed for.

    I am almost willing to put money on the fact the F-Gal X will not get an Ltc Cmdr Tac station. it MIGHT see an additional tac console at best as far as firepower goes, but I am heavily leaning to that extra console being a Engineering one, or even Science really.

    What all those forum posts, rages and complaints is Galaxy lovers wanting it to be on par with newer classes and/or have firepower to match them. No pun intended, but that would be like making a Fiat, match a Ferrari. It is an older, lower classed ship. I cannot justify any re-vamps that would match or undermine the newer classes.

    I DO however, agree that the lance needs an update. Increase its accuracy and CD, as its current state is a huge letdown.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I'm not even sure why the mirror cheyenne exists. It's like, wha? A TNG ship that shows up basically in one shot of the wolf 359 carnage is now a rocking top tier Mirror Universe Lockbox variant?

    It's just weird!

    it STILL beats most cryptic designs, its canon! even though its one of the most kit bashed, and one of the lower quality modes found in the game. whats exciting is the possibilities their precedent sets for the next lockbox mirror ships, i hope they keep the fomula and dont TRIBBLE it up
  • sevmragesevmrage Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    dnaangel9 wrote: »
    What all those forum posts, rages and complaints is Galaxy lovers wanting it to be on par with newer classes and/or have firepower to match them. No pun intended, but that would be like making a Fiat, match a Ferrari. It is an older, lower classed ship. I cannot justify any re-vamps that would match or undermine the newer classes.

    I DO however, agree that the lance needs an update. Increase its accuracy and CD, as its current state is a huge letdown.

    If that's the case, then why is both the Ambassador AND the Excelsior superior ships at fleet level?
    Weyland-Yutani Joint Space Venture - Always open to new members!
    My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
    khayuung wrote: »
    Firstly, be proud! You're part of the few, the stubborn, the Federation Dreadnought Captains.
  • dnaangel9dnaangel9 Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    sevmrage wrote: »
    If that's the case, then why is both the Ambassador AND the Excelsior superior ships at fleet level?

    Yep and I am the first to admit they flubbed on both of those ships. I also noted in my post that they "bent the rules" with the Ambassador.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    dnaangel9 wrote: »
    The most that will happen to the Gal-X, is it will get a fleet variant. Like all other fleet variants, it will have the following;

    +10% Hull (44,000)
    +10% shields (1.1 Shield Modifier)
    +1 Additional Console (More then likely an Engineering one)

    I also believe it will be able to equip the Saucer Separation Console as well. That is about all you are gonna get and hope for.

    I see countless post and responses about how it needs to be equal to the Regent in terms of Boff Layout. I have to disagree with this. The Galaxy is an old ship, The Regent is a Refit of the newer, more advanced class (Sovereign class). To make an older ship equal to a newer more advanced class, would undermine every ship in that class. There is a point of Evolution and in that, each class needs to be an evolution of the class before it. STO has a way of "Bending the rules" a bit(aka Ambassador Class), but you still have to stay somewhat to canon. The Dreadnought is basically a modified Galaxy, modified for a certain role in canon, but still at its core a Galaxy Class. We already have I believe 7 different variations of the Galaxy in STO as it is, more then any other ship. To "Re-vamp" an old class, such as the Galaxy, would mean they just mind as well make all T5 ships equal. There has to be variation between the classes, whether its a "Modified" version or not.

    I think there is a good reason that there hasn't been a "Re-vamp" and never will be. A Fleet version of the Gal-X is more then likely coming, but by no means will it be equal or greater then a newer class. You just have to put your feelings for ST, a certain class and the need to want your cake and eat it too, aside and just use a little common sense that hoping for a "re-vamp" of an old class is just that, hopeless hoping.

    Hell, as it stands now, a Fleet Gal-X would have more hull then the Fleet Regent..(though that is somewhat to be expected as the Gal-X IS a dreadnought). The Regent's already have 4 Tac consoles, so I am willing to put money that the extra console of a Fleet Gal-X will be Engineering, or Possibly a Science.

    Don't get me wrong, I respect the Gal-X and like the ship. I am just a little more realistic about it. So many people complaining that it needs more firepower...Again, it's an older class...I say if you want more firepower etc, then fly a better class. Sovereign, Regent, Odyssey pick your poison. I don't understand the gripe honestly, it's like everyone forgets what class they are talking about. Yes, I understand the prestige and charisma behind the Galaxy Class but you already have the ability to 1 shot, 1 kill people at random(aka no skill kill), whether it's accurate or not.

    I will be one of the first in line to pick-up the Fleet Gal-X on release day, but I am against any type of "Re-vamp". It was a niche ship in canon and its a niche ship in STO. period.

    In what indication does anyone have that Cryptic doesn't have love for the Galaxy? There is what 5-7 variants of it? More then any other ship/class. It will soon have what 2-3 Fleet Variants (once F-GalX is released)? Again, more then any other class. The fleet Gal-R is in some ways better then the regent if not almost equal in many cases. "What's your beef with the Galaxy Cryptic?" They have no beef, it's an older ship and class. I would like to say it's about as good as it can be, without undermining the newer classes. The Regent already has a Ltc Cmdr Tac and 4 Tac consoles, if they "Re-vamped" either Galaxy to match this, then whats the point of class evolution? Remember, the Galaxy is an EXPLORATION cruiser first and foremost. Look back in canon, it was made for long exploration missions not an assault tactical vessel. The Gal-X was made more or less as an ambush/intimidation ship, not an all out assault cruiser. That is what the Sovereign was designed for.

    I am almost willing to put money on the fact the F-Gal X will not get an Ltc Cmdr Tac station. it MIGHT see an additional tac console at best as far as firepower goes, but I am heavily leaning to that extra console being a Engineering one, or even Science really.

    What all those forum posts, rages and complaints is Galaxy lovers wanting it to be on par with newer classes and/or have firepower to match them. No pun intended, but that would be like making a Fiat, match a Ferrari. It is an older, lower classed ship. I cannot justify any re-vamps that would match or undermine the newer classes.

    I DO however, agree that the lance needs an update. Increase its accuracy and CD, as its current state is a huge letdown.

    your starting from a perspective thats way off the reservation. the galaxy is only about a 10 years older of a design, by 2409 theres basically no relevant age difference. everything the sovereign class launched with could easily be retrofitted to older classes as they reached their refit points. for the galaxy thats every 20 years. each ship was built to last 100 years at least, the class isn't even middle aged by STO

    at the end of cannon, a properly updated galaxy was still the largest and most powerful class by far. even by sto's time nothing is around with longer phaser arrays. they could make it a tactical monster and there would be justification for it. we'll all settle for just about anything thats more useable then what we've got now though.

    any argument about it being too old, cant stand up to the very existence of older, far inferior ships also being available at end game, and all better then the playable galaxy.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    your starting from a perspective thats way off the reservation. the galaxy is only about a 10 years older of a design, by 2409 theres basically no relevant age difference. everything the sovereign class launched with could easily be retrofitted to older classes as they reached their refit points. for the galaxy thats every 20 years. each ship was built to last 100 years at least, the class isn't even middle aged by STO

    at the end of cannon, a properly updated galaxy was still the largest and most powerful class by far. even by sto's time nothing is around with longer phaser arrays. they could make it a tactical monster and there would be justification for it. we'll all settle for just about anything thats more useable then what we've got now though.

    any argument about it being too old, cant stand up to the very existence of older, far inferior ships also being available at end game, and all better then the playable galaxy.

    Not to mention those older, smaller vessels being superior.
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,001 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Hey there, sorry I wasn't around for the Galaxy event. I wanted to make it, but I'm stuck up to my tusks in work.

    I just wanted to put the Mirror Negh'Var's stats here.

    Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Ensign Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Engineering, 1 Commander Engineering, 1 Lieutenant Commander Science
    Console Modifications: 3 Tactical, 3 Engineering, 3 Science

    WHAT !? :P
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    angrytarg wrote: »
    Hey there, sorry I wasn't around for the Galaxy event. I wanted to make it, but I'm stuck up to my tusks in work.

    I just wanted to put the Mirror Negh'Var's stats here.

    Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Ensign Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Engineering, 1 Commander Engineering, 1 Lieutenant Commander Science
    Console Modifications: 3 Tactical, 3 Engineering, 3 Science

    WHAT !? :P

    isnt it obvious? the galaxy's counterparts have to gradually grow even better as time goes on. the cheyenne is real nice too like that.

    but, now try to follow my logic here, whats in store for the next lockbox is what will be real interesting. this is the cheyenne and neg, both heavy sci, well maybe next box it will be the counterpart to both of these, heavily tac. so a ktinga and a galaxy with a LTC tac and ENS sci! 3/3/3 console across the board and everything. i wouldn't even be mad if it could use the tier 4 gal costumes and could not sep. the mirror galaxy is a bit of a thing already, its actually a mix of galaxy and venture parts.
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,001 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I personally would like to see the Negh'Var's layout on a Galaxy Variant, mirror or otherwise. It's pretty much what I would consider very close to perfect within STOs limitations, but that's my opinion :) The MU Cheyenne is basically a better Ambassador. It's a very nice layout, though why the Cheyenne? I don't hate that design, I actually would use it if my toons wouldn't have their vessel already :D But another old ship (recently I came up with a "evolution" sheet and came to the conclusion that the Cheyenne must have it's origin within the Ambassador's era and design scheme) outperforming the Gal?
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • genadagenada Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I think the Galaxy event, as awesome as it was is Cryptic's real fear of the Galaxy.

    They know if they provide a good decent Galaxy, it's going to be VERY hard to sell other ships. I think that's why it is the way it is and why it's not been changed. It really kinda of sucks if that is the reason....but really I think that's the only logical one left when you look at just how much the ship is beloved and the refusal to do anything for it.

    Cryptic here's a solution you SHOULD like: Instead of things like the Bulwork and Bug ship, put a new good Galaxy in those packs. You would be selling them like crazy.
  • capemike4capemike4 Member Posts: 394 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Had quite a time at the meets yesterday! :D

    I showed up for the 8pm one again in my Fleet Nebula Retrofit, as my Fed alt wasn't at lv 50 yet...hey, they share components!





    We had a Miranda crash the party a few times...was fun trying to keep it alive for the Fleet base Defense.... :D
    When in doubt...Gravity Well TO THE FACE!! :D
  • kublahkankublahkan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014

    That was me in the D'D.
    Tried to reproduce that famous Enterprise-Warbird faceoff in TNG.
    In this case, that poor Romulan wouldn't stand a chance!
    "Starship captains are like children. They want everything right now and they want it their way. The secret is to give them what they need, not what they want."
    - Scotty, to La Forge
  • sudonamisudonami Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Here is a link to am album of the images i took

  • capemike4capemike4 Member Posts: 394 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    kublahkan wrote: »

    That was me in the D'D.
    Tried to reproduce that famous Enterprise-Warbird faceoff in TNG.
    In this case, that poor Romulan wouldn't stand a chance!

    We were -wondering- who that was! :D
    When in doubt...Gravity Well TO THE FACE!! :D
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    whats exciting is the possibilities their precedent sets for the next lockbox mirror ships, i hope they keep the fomula and dont TRIBBLE it up

    There is that. My problem is, I don't trust them to make ships I myself like. Everytime I get my hopes up, the make some weird ship. Maybe it's just me. Maybe I like the weird ships. I didn't think that was the case, but ... like I don't know, nothing's really knocked my socks off in the past few years other than the Odyssey and the Kumari. And I didn't get the Odyssey because I have long standing cruiser issues (as seen by some of my posts in this very thread, hahahahahahah).
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    neo1nx wrote: »
    it would be futile indeed if what they bielieve is true.
    and they don't bielieve in a conspiracy but the undoing of 1 person, namely gecko.
    who in their mind were suppose to be an anti tng fan and hater of the galaxy class.

    Even one person, in a position of power can conspire and execute a conspiracy. As far as their desired "undoing" of Gecko, thats all for those who do so, they can reside in that world. It speaks more of hate than the hate they say Gecko has for TNG. But, I guess if a person doesn't hate someone, how can they love? (some people really think that way too) I have bigger fish to fry in my life than wishing the demise of a developers employment.

    neo1nx wrote: »
    the galaxy class with the connie are the pinnacle of the pressure that the dogma " they must not be equal in any way to newer ship" impose in this game.
    this is an mmo, these ships in the same tiers are supposed to be as efficient as all the others but in a different way, it is not fair to set up their stats in a way that would make them directly inferior to any others combinations.
    if you don't want it to be that way, don't bring it to the same tier as the other ship ( tier 5 ). that the only way, and that is the way used to not make the connie an end ship game, and that fine.
    but at the second were you allow a ship to the tier 5 status, you can't use the excuse of the perceive canon to delibaratly made it inferior, in every way, to the others.

    In the beginning (or maybe Pirkinning?) there was only one canon ship at T5, the Sovy', which was the newest ship in ST canon. People actually complained that the Galaxy wasn't available as top tier ship in the beginning. They then offered the Gal-R and it was less potent than the Sovy', but it wasn't that bad at the time, the game has moved past even most of the first offering T5 "Cstore" ships/ layouts a long time ago, the Odyssey put the final nail in the Galaxy's coffin. About the only cruiser that is relevant from the early offering is the Excelsior, but only barely. The Avenger pretty much outclasses Excel' in every way now.

    I pray for a T6 that has none of the canon ships (but good aesthetic designs, I know I am wishing for a big one there) just so there can't be any "bias" on any side of the coin.

    neo1nx wrote: »
    BO is a pvp power, it is best use as a finisher were you don't have to care about power drain that ensue because the target is gone, and they are other similar situation and combination were it is good in pvp.
    you can not ask it to be as effective for pve or you would ruin the base balanced of pvp.
    like it or not, this game have been designed with pvp in mind by the devs.
    you can not redirect the purpose of power to better fit pve content at the expanse of pvp, even if 95% of people are playing pve content.

    First off, I play both PvP and PvE. Just because I don't worship at the altar of all that is Drunk doesn't mean that I don't have similar interests (with a different way to get there). Do you think that DDIS is the only one that wants people to be able to reasonably use an Exploration Cruiser in PvP?

    Beams are pretty much used by cruisers and sci ships that have limited tactical boff slots, do you really want to reserve a large percentage of your tactical abilities to wait for "the sweet spot" for a coup de gras? I don't. I also think that amongst the skills, the amount of drain(and other costs) compared to the output of BO, puts it in the realm of of less effective.

    I also won't go too far as to say that there is a whole lot of "balance" in PvP either (but thats another topic and thread altogether).
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    There is that. My problem is, I don't trust them to make ships I myself like. Everytime I get my hopes up, the make some weird ship. Maybe it's just me. Maybe I like the weird ships. I didn't think that was the case, but ... like I don't know, nothing's really knocked my socks off in the past few years other than the Odyssey and the Kumari. And I didn't get the Odyssey because I have long standing cruiser issues (as seen by some of my posts in this very thread, hahahahahahah).

    they said pvp is actually getting development time soon, hell might freeze over enough for such a ship to come about
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    dnaangel9 wrote: »
    The most that will happen to the Gal-X, is it will get a fleet variant. Like all other fleet variants, it will have the following;

    +10% Hull (44,000)
    +10% shields (1.1 Shield Modifier)
    +1 Additional Console (More then likely an Engineering one)

    I also believe it will be able to equip the Saucer Separation Console as well. That is about all you are gonna get and hope for.

    I see countless post and responses about how it needs to be equal to the Regent in terms of Boff Layout. I have to disagree with this. The Galaxy is an old ship, The Regent is a Refit of the newer, more advanced class (Sovereign class). To make an older ship equal to a newer more advanced class, would undermine every ship in that class. There is a point of Evolution and in that, each class needs to be an evolution of the class before it. STO has a way of "Bending the rules" a bit(aka Ambassador Class), but you still have to stay somewhat to canon. The Dreadnought is basically a modified Galaxy, modified for a certain role in canon, but still at its core a Galaxy Class. We already have I believe 7 different variations of the Galaxy in STO as it is, more then any other ship. To "Re-vamp" an old class, such as the Galaxy, would mean they just mind as well make all T5 ships equal. There has to be variation between the classes, whether its a "Modified" version or not.

    I think there is a good reason that there hasn't been a "Re-vamp" and never will be. A Fleet version of the Gal-X is more then likely coming, but by no means will it be equal or greater then a newer class. You just have to put your feelings for ST, a certain class and the need to want your cake and eat it too, aside and just use a little common sense that hoping for a "re-vamp" of an old class is just that, hopeless hoping.

    Hell, as it stands now, a Fleet Gal-X would have more hull then the Fleet Regent..(though that is somewhat to be expected as the Gal-X IS a dreadnought). The Regent's already have 4 Tac consoles, so I am willing to put money that the extra console of a Fleet Gal-X will be Engineering, or Possibly a Science.

    Don't get me wrong, I respect the Gal-X and like the ship. I am just a little more realistic about it. So many people complaining that it needs more firepower...Again, it's an older class...I say if you want more firepower etc, then fly a better class. Sovereign, Regent, Odyssey pick your poison. I don't understand the gripe honestly, it's like everyone forgets what class they are talking about. Yes, I understand the prestige and charisma behind the Galaxy Class but you already have the ability to 1 shot, 1 kill people at random(aka no skill kill), whether it's accurate or not.

    I will be one of the first in line to pick-up the Fleet Gal-X on release day, but I am against any type of "Re-vamp". It was a niche ship in canon and its a niche ship in STO. period.

    In what indication does anyone have that Cryptic doesn't have love for the Galaxy? There is what 5-7 variants of it? More then any other ship/class. It will soon have what 2-3 Fleet Variants (once F-GalX is released)? Again, more then any other class. The fleet Gal-R is in some ways better then the regent if not almost equal in many cases. "What's your beef with the Galaxy Cryptic?" They have no beef, it's an older ship and class. I would like to say it's about as good as it can be, without undermining the newer classes. The Regent already has a Ltc Cmdr Tac and 4 Tac consoles, if they "Re-vamped" either Galaxy to match this, then whats the point of class evolution? Remember, the Galaxy is an EXPLORATION cruiser first and foremost. Look back in canon, it was made for long exploration missions not an assault tactical vessel. The Gal-X was made more or less as an ambush/intimidation ship, not an all out assault cruiser. That is what the Sovereign was designed for.

    I am almost willing to put money on the fact the F-Gal X will not get an Ltc Cmdr Tac station. it MIGHT see an additional tac console at best as far as firepower goes, but I am heavily leaning to that extra console being a Engineering one, or even Science really.

    What all those forum posts, rages and complaints is Galaxy lovers wanting it to be on par with newer classes and/or have firepower to match them. No pun intended, but that would be like making a Fiat, match a Ferrari. It is an older, lower classed ship. I cannot justify any re-vamps that would match or undermine the newer classes.

    I DO however, agree that the lance needs an update. Increase its accuracy and CD, as its current state is a huge letdown.

    Just a heads up, you must understand that the doctrine comes first and foremost. What is opinion is fact and what is fact is opinion. It really boils down to a person's own perception, it all depends on which side of the chalk line to what the truth is. People argue ST canon like it is a consistent "real" thing, when in reality its pretty inconsistent compared to other sci-fi franchises. What is said in one piece of canon ends up being refuted in another and any refutes get brushed off with excuses of bad scripts, poor characters or some other convenience. They can't be wrong because they saw "X" and that has to be canon. It doesn't matter that ST canon is a mess, a person perceives canon and that has to be the way it is and its an offense to all that is good and holy that the Galaxy isn't good in they way that they want it. Other opinions be cursed. I mean, heck, people have been calling for Gecko's head for quite some time because of his obvious "hatred for TNG".

    When it comes to it, I think it would make more sense arguing which ship would win in a dogfight: Colonial Viper or an X-Wing.
  • sevmragesevmrage Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Like Star Trek: First Contact, for example. At one point, they say the Sovvie has 26 decks. Ten minutes later at best, Picard says it has 24 decks.

    Weyland-Yutani Joint Space Venture - Always open to new members!
    My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
    khayuung wrote: »
    Firstly, be proud! You're part of the few, the stubborn, the Federation Dreadnought Captains.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    acording to gecko on PrimetimeUGC, the galaxy X, galaxy and MVAM gen 2 sep is 'on the scheduled' for release. that will surely mean a fleet galaxy X, which would mean a fleet gurumba too.

    an update to the intrepid for a launching areo shuttle, and admiral janeway's shuttle too being added.
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