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admiraldc Arc User



  • They've extended events for reasons related to technical difficulties before, so it wouldn't be a surprise.
  • Don't let the conspiracy theorists and rage addicts get you down with them. It's undoubtedly a bug, going by what they said about only a few breaking any rules. I'm not sure why everyone seems to have forgotten how big releases tend to be. I couldn't log in for weeks after Season 8 went live in all its Voth-y glory, for…
  • We do know they control much of Tau Dewa, including at least one location that was originally a Federation holding (Jouret), though given Jouret's status and the treaties they've been willing to make before (see Cardassians for example) I wouldn't put it past them to hand it over. Yet both Starbase 234 and Khitomer are…
  • I think that ultimately the problem with the TNG Romulans, and a major cause of why the Romulans cause division like we see here, is that they never really had a recurring character we could get a more sympathetic picture of them with. Like I said waaaaaaaaay back in this thread, we wouldn't exactly see the TNG Klingons in…
  • Wow. See, things like this are why I don't worry about griefing and such overmuch and just go about my business. The response to it always seems to be flooded with (often downright offensively) disproportionate and inaccurate comparisons... EDIT: I'm pretty sure they do it because people compared them to the TRIBBLE first…
  • Yeaaaah, the DOFF stuff gets kind of silly, on that note. I keep turning up Romulan Ale on contraband missions, on a Romulan ship! :P That's a big part of why I haven't really been looking at it very much, they're, uh, a little off like that. Should that even be contraband on Fed or KDF ships anymore? I mean, it was legal…
  • You're not going to find disagreement from me on The Return/Where Angels Fear To Tread, as surprising as that might be. Like I said, I have absolutely no idea what they hope to get out of that considering they can clearly already make Borg implants safe for use. Again, Hakeev's eye implant shows that well enough, doesn't…
  • I will have to agree with some missions relating to the mainline Imperial Navy-while they do use the Romulan Tal Shiar label if you mouse over their faction icon or something, so do some Republic-aligned ships in certain cases. Besides that, Swarmers in the Sphere also have the Elachi label, so those aren't necessarily…
  • It's really weird in some cases. For example, the Republic-specific Ar'kif doesn't have it, and I remember people saying it was because it was never an Imperial ship, but the equally Republic-specific Dyson destroyers do get it, if I remember correctly. It is rather nonsensical.
  • Okay, poking my head back in here again...again, this is just relating to what I've said and the responses to it: One, I never argued for the extermination of anyone in the Empire/Tal Shiar. I said that anyone who served the Tal Shiar knowing what they had done, of their own free will, was untrustworthy, and proceeded to…
  • I wouldn't add D'Vex-lower-level characters can access Risa, I believe, so his presence would be a confusing spoiler to newbie Romulan faction players.
  • These would also be pretty nice.
  • This I support. I have no interest in resetting every Romulan player to have to grind all those fleet holdings all over again, which is why I don't really rant about the alliance system as it is; it, like the use of plasma weapons, is ultimately a gameplay thing in motive rather than a lore one, and I can excuse it for…
  • You lost me at trying to argue that 23 years (from 2387, as of 2410) constitutes enough time to forget about the deliberate slaughter of 4,200,000,000+ people. This conversation is officially too disturbing for me to continue.
  • Mistakes in leadership and administration leading to the Praxis event are not remotely equivalent to the deliberate destruction of Romulus at the behest of a foreign power. That said, you seem to not have noticed how I phrased part of what I said. Given the heavy level of intel classification that goes on in intelligence…
  • There's a reason or several for that. It involves the deaths of over 4.2 billion people and the destruction of the homeworld, a crime that eclipses anything in real history, and pretty much everything in the Empire's aside from perhaps the attempt to exterminate the Changelings before the Dominion War made by the Tal Shiar…
  • Hm. Well, one thing I'd point out is that Sela's rivalry with the Tal Shiar isn't gone, particularly with the machinations she pulls, such as deliberately pointing the RR player to the Hobus system and Taris's base therein after said player turns on the Tal Shiar during the invasion of Delta Corvi, and says she values the…
  • D'Tan being willing to talk to them is remarkable considering what they've been implicated in, ie the Hobus Supernova. That's one of the things he's done that I would actually disagree with, considering the Hobus Supernova and the general Iconian puppetry. Though I suppose he might think he can save some of them...
  • While people are on the topic of KDF players on Risa, I'm curious about something. I've noticed that KDF players seem to have two unique options in the form of the spiky fort lookin' thing and the tower-monument-thing with the red emblem on it that a bunch of Romulans (including Fed aligned ones) are making for some buggy…
  • Mentioning those two was meant as an indication of Spock taking an interest, not really lasting association, so that's not really relevant. But not going to go too much into that one since it was an off-topic tangent anyway. I do like D'Tan's more recent portrayals, myself, so there is something we can agree on there. I…
  • You know, I can't say I remember D'Tan trying to convert anyone to Reunificationist views anyway, really. The one who went on the most about that was Sugihara, at Khitomer. On that note I found it really funny how the Romulan PC reacts to him at the Jenolan conference, mentioning how he was 'surprisingly brief.' So I'm not…
  • You know...in those rare instances I've popped into Ker'rat, generally to TRIBBLE around and thus not really taking it too seriously (not really trying very hard at all really) and the KDF cloakswarm starts going on the rampage, I've always seen it get stopped when the Fed players stopped running around like chickens with…
  • Remodulation already works far better than it did in canon and you want more to get around adaptation? Give the poor Borg a break. :P
  • I tend to lean more Republic on account of the fact that I believe the two-dimensional typical portrayal of the Romulans in TNG and on kind of screwed them over. I don't think using an entire species like that is a great idea, plus, there were exceptions, even in that. What I think causes the break we see on these forums…
  • The boards I agree with you guys about, but I suspect the monument bit is a bug, considering it's not even getting alignment choices right and the text says it's supposed to be a Romulan monument. Plus I heard of someone getting a fed one, too, so I'm calling bug on that one.
  • ...As much as I like laughing at Imperial die-harding, can we please keep it to player customization options in here? Please let some thread in here not devolve into this dead...(protogoth, what's a Romulan word for something akin to a horse)-beating. I can get behind the Nemesis and DS9/VOY uniforms. Customization is…
  • If you remember who did it, then you should probably report them to the guys running the channel. That's not actually allowed in there.
  • I sent Mirror Hakeev...I think one of the Voth doffs...and maybe a Reman? on the Authorize Shipboard Concert mission. They critsuccessed.
  • Where'd you hear this? I got my Fleet Ar'kif from a guy in NoP Public Service and I didn't have to pay the fleet anything. Obviously I needed my credits/module for the actual ship but that was it. If someone charged you, you should probably report it to the channel mods.
  • Engineering has it somewhat better with the D'deridex, Ha'apax/Haakona, and perhaps the Falchion Dreadnought. Though of those, the Falchion still has that Commander Tactical focus, the D'deridex has LtCom Sci and Tac slots, and the Haakona has its multivector console. One might count the other dreadnought variants, since…