Since our captains are enjoying some R&R, it would be nice to see some of the crew while we are wandering around the island. Here is my suggestion for how to do it WITHOUT having them tail each and every player captain around.
Start with a cutsceen on first beam down much like at New Romulus.
"Shore Leave"
The scene starts with the captain and crew beaming down. The BOFFS currently assigned to the away team are behind the captain standing at attention. The Event Coordinator welcomes them to Risa and gives a quick rundown of activities, and then encourages them to come meet her for more information. The captain then turns to the crew and gives them a short speech on the importance of shore leave and behaving oneself. Then says something to the effect "Have fun, that's an order! CARRY ON!"
Adding K'Gan, M'Rel, Laska, Talash, Elisa Flores, Tarah, Tolek, Toven Khev, Veril, Satra, Hiven, and D'Vex as NPCs scattered all about the Island. When interacting with them, they can give more specific tips on the various activites and encourage the player to participate.
Suggestions on where to put them:
Pearl Diving in the Tide Pools- Veril, Satra, Elisa Flores, Laska
Dance Party- Satra, Talash
Surf Board/ "Making Waves"- Toven Khev, K'Gan
Sand Castles-M'Rel, Hiven, Tarah
Tropical Birds- D'Vex, Tolek
An accolade could be earned by talking to all of them and asking how they are doing. Helping Veril, Laska, and Elisa Flores hunt for pearls could earn some extra favors or perhapse once a day an additional 5 pearls.
Talking to D'Vex or Tolek about the birds could possibly net the player one egg per day.
Assisting M'Rel, Hiven, or Tarah in constructing a sand castle could earn some extra favors in addtion to the ones earned by the player building one.
If anyone lese has some ideas to build on this, I certainly want to hear them.
Oh, and if you don't recognize some of the names, most of them are the reward BOFFs from before the tutorial revamps.
M'Rel is a Male Klingon Engineer
Laska is a Female Klingon Scientist
Talash is a Gorn Tactical
Tarah is an Female Andorian Tactical
Tolek is a Male Vulcan Scientist
If anyone remembers the name of the Male Bolian Engineer, I will incorproate him into the suggestions above.
I think it would be interesting if a few NPCs we know from here and there take some time off
Maybe Sulu is on Risa for a bit? or other such characters
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I wouldn't add D'Vex-lower-level characters can access Risa, I believe, so his presence would be a confusing spoiler to newbie Romulan faction players.
Not everyone has those characters. Most of my captains were created before the recent tutorial revamps.
These are public instances, so there would only be one "Satra", for instance. Bridge officers can be customized. I'm not sure it's really helping my immersion if I'm seeing "your" Satra.
It might be easier to create the illusion that your officers are also on vacation if you got messages from them occasionally, e.g. your First Officer is off powerboarding somewhere. On the other hand, I can see that getting old and annoying quickly.
But the basic idea of including familiar characters has a lot of merit.
Why wouldn't we see other (non-player) characters we're familiar with on Risa? They don't take vacations?
Yes, yes, it does spoil immersion a little bit if you're talking to Admiral Quinn at ESD and then he turns up on Risa the same day. So maybe don't use any major contacts.
The minor immersion issue with Risa is that for the most part all of the NPC's are unfamiliar and have no real personality to speak of. There's no real sense of "Welcome back to Risa!"
The Event Coordinator should have a name, for example. And she ought to have some optional "flavor" dialogue and maybe even a VO... She's a key NPC on Risa, but she doesn't seem like it. If you took her away from her post and put her somewhere else on Risa, you wouldn't give her a second glance.
That's just one example. There are plenty of minor NPC's from missions who could turn up on Risa, too.
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These are public instances, so there would only be one "Satra", for instance. Bridge officers can be customized. I'm not sure it's really helping my immersion if I'm seeing "your" Satra.
It might be easier to create the illusion that your officers are also on vacation if you got messages from them occasionally, e.g. your First Officer is off powerboarding somewhere. On the other hand, I can see that getting old and annoying quickly.
I didn't say that the BOFF would be beaming down with you, nor did I say that they would be following you around. I was thinking they would be semi-permanent NPCs that you interact with much like the vendors, event coordinator, contacts, etc. You are likely thinking of the Nimbus zone situation or the New Romulus social zone, while I am thinking more along the lines of the "Temporal Ambassador" mission.
Edit: I did say they would "beam down" in the cutscene, but they wouldn't actually be in the instance. It would merely be a video sequence.
I really like the original idea, but since everyone can replace all of their BOffs besides their first permanent Purple (Elisa Flores/K'Gan/Tovan Khev), it would make more sense to include only the permanent Purple Tacs and maybe the unique ones that were received as quest rewards like Nelen Exil. The game does have the capability to detect and display your actual BOffs as seen during the mission Temporal Ambassador, but I am sure that is not practical for 50-person instances.
Though actually, combining the OP's idea with bberge1701's idea above seems to be the best solution in my opinion: your BOffs could randomly hail you to ask a favor or guidance related to the Lohlunat Festival while they are out on shore leave themselves. If you decide to assist them (at your leisure, of course! :rolleyes:), you would zone to a private instance to do a quick mission (random selection from a set of pre-determined missions) that would reward Lohlunat Favors upon successful completion. This would also resolve the complaint that only the Horga'hn Hunt and Dance Party are the most practical ways to earn more than a couple Favors at a time.
I also do think it would be nice to see important storyline NPCs such as the Captains and crews of the U.S.S. Enterprise-F/I.K.S. Bortasqu'/R.R.W. Lleiset make a brief occasional cameo appearance on Risa among the other background Vacationers, even if you can't interact with them since they are busy dancing, surfing, flying, flirting with the locals :P, etc, during their very short time away from their regular duties.
I keep seeing a Female Reman in a pink bikini around the Resort. I quite often see her out on the dance floor. It could be a very easy modification to change her scroll-over name "Veril". Maybe give her a few words to say should a player try to talk with her.
Yes, yes, it does spoil immersion a little bit if you're talking to Admiral Quinn at ESD and then he turns up on Risa the same day. So maybe don't use any major contacts.
How so? WE turned up on Risa the same day, why wouldn't Quinn be able to do the same?
It might be amusing if, instead of random vacationers, we had people's Boffs wandering around the zone. They aren't in your party, they're just randomly selected from the Boff roster of players in the instance and skinned onto generic NPCs. Not sure how you'd handle costumes. We wouldn't want them going about in their uniforms, but some people may object to the randomly chosen swimwear their Boff receives. As for multiple Verils or Satras or whatever, it's no more immersion breaking than seeing five Verils all shooting at a V-Rex.
I really like the original idea, but since everyone can replace all of their BOffs besides their first permanent Purple (Elisa Flores/K'Gan/Tovan Khev).
Um, only Tovan is permanent.
On the subject of Boffs on Risa I what about doing like New Romulus and letting us take one down with us.
Maybe Sulu is on Risa for a bit? or other such characters
Not everyone has those characters. Most of my captains were created before the recent tutorial revamps.
These are public instances, so there would only be one "Satra", for instance. Bridge officers can be customized. I'm not sure it's really helping my immersion if I'm seeing "your" Satra.
It might be easier to create the illusion that your officers are also on vacation if you got messages from them occasionally, e.g. your First Officer is off powerboarding somewhere. On the other hand, I can see that getting old and annoying quickly.
But the basic idea of including familiar characters has a lot of merit.
Why wouldn't we see other (non-player) characters we're familiar with on Risa? They don't take vacations?
Yes, yes, it does spoil immersion a little bit if you're talking to Admiral Quinn at ESD and then he turns up on Risa the same day. So maybe don't use any major contacts.
The minor immersion issue with Risa is that for the most part all of the NPC's are unfamiliar and have no real personality to speak of. There's no real sense of "Welcome back to Risa!"
The Event Coordinator should have a name, for example. And she ought to have some optional "flavor" dialogue and maybe even a VO... She's a key NPC on Risa, but she doesn't seem like it. If you took her away from her post and put her somewhere else on Risa, you wouldn't give her a second glance.
That's just one example. There are plenty of minor NPC's from missions who could turn up on Risa, too.
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
It can't be THAT hard for the devs to implement, right?
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I didn't say that the BOFF would be beaming down with you, nor did I say that they would be following you around. I was thinking they would be semi-permanent NPCs that you interact with much like the vendors, event coordinator, contacts, etc. You are likely thinking of the Nimbus zone situation or the New Romulus social zone, while I am thinking more along the lines of the "Temporal Ambassador" mission.
Edit: I did say they would "beam down" in the cutscene, but they wouldn't actually be in the instance. It would merely be a video sequence.
Though actually, combining the OP's idea with bberge1701's idea above seems to be the best solution in my opinion: your BOffs could randomly hail you to ask a favor or guidance related to the Lohlunat Festival while they are out on shore leave themselves. If you decide to assist them (at your leisure, of course! :rolleyes:), you would zone to a private instance to do a quick mission (random selection from a set of pre-determined missions) that would reward Lohlunat Favors upon successful completion. This would also resolve the complaint that only the Horga'hn Hunt and Dance Party are the most practical ways to earn more than a couple Favors at a time.
I also do think it would be nice to see important storyline NPCs such as the Captains and crews of the U.S.S. Enterprise-F/I.K.S. Bortasqu'/R.R.W. Lleiset make a brief occasional cameo appearance on Risa among the other background Vacationers, even if you can't interact with them since they are busy dancing, surfing, flying, flirting with the locals :P, etc, during their very short time away from their regular duties.
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Um, only Tovan is permanent.
On the subject of Boffs on Risa I what about doing like New Romulus and letting us take one down with us.