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POLL: Death Penalty



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines ~Q
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    again this turns into a flame war. *sigh* I swear if I was a Dev and looking at this "Poll" I would just laugh and walk off since like 50+ pages of it are just people bantering back and forth like school children.

    The question is:

    Do you want a DP?


    Why or why not?

    Quit debating finer points of biblical refrences, personal attacks, of WHY someones views are differing from yours. answer the question and Move on.

    Do you want a Death Penalty?

    Yes I do, I feel it will keep players from zerging into encounters, it will instead help people work as a team (as in more incentive NOT to keep being a lemming) While I support a DP, it should be noted I do not support a crippling one and if it comes to pass the playership should be able to vote on what one to put in.

    See how easy that was? Now you all do it without personal attacks, rarking on peoples spelling, what they quote ect. We can be civil cant we? I sure hope so.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    im not trying to force mine on people like you, i am defending my opinion from an ignorant person who thinks they know everything there is to know about others.

    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines ~Q
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Paneth wrote:

    Do you want a Death Penalty?

    Yes I do, I feel it will keep players from zerging into encounters, it will instead help people work as a team (as in more incentive NOT to keep being a lemming) While I support a DP, it should be noted I do not support a crippling one and if it comes to pass the playership should be able to vote on what one to put in.

    I wanna see what they come up with before i decide although the game does need improving in many ways.

    Im sorry if you cannot see the wisdom of making a educated decision.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines ~Q
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Paneth wrote:
    again this turns into a flame war. *sigh* I swear if I was a Dev and looking at this "Poll" I would just laugh and walk off since like 50+ pages of it are just people bantering back and forth like school children.

    unfortunately. and yes im just as guilty. but i refuse to have some lying troll call me a coward for having a thought entirely on my own that wasnt part of his superior ideal of how this world should be. and your right, the poll is the issue, however he is attacking anyone who disagrees with his opinion on the poll based on his lies about a profession he cannot claim and his attitude that we all need to be mini-Kors.

    The question is:

    Do you want a DP?


    no i do not

    Why or why not?

    because i feel the current system, in this style of game, is just fine.

    Quit debating finer points of biblical refrences, personal attacks, of WHY someones views are differing from yours. answer the question and Move on.

    Do you want a Death Penalty?

    Yes I do, I feel it will keep players from zerging into encounters, it will instead help people work as a team (as in more incentive NOT to keep being a lemming) While I support a DP, it should be noted I do not support a crippling one and if it comes to pass the playership should be able to vote on what one to put in.

    See how easy that was? Now you all do it without personal attacks, rarking on peoples spelling, what they quote ect. We can be civil cant we? I sure hope so.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    no, i want cryptic to poll the playerbase. my opinion is valid, i like the current system and dont see the need to change it. others agree with me. others do not. cryptic need to poll the players properly to ascertain which is the majority, and if there is a change to be made, what would people like?

    You wanted cryptic to poll the players base before the details are released because you know that ignorace of them would support your stance, ppl would vote no just incase of a eve style DP.

    Your stance manipulates ppls fears and keeps them ignorant just to satify your wishes.............nice position dude.;)

    PS: I have no idea where you are from so how can i be making racial attacks?.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    You wanted cryptic to poll the players base before the details are released because you know that ignorace of them would support your stance, ppl would vote no just incase of a eve style DP.

    Your stance manipulates ppls fears and keeps them ignorant just to satify your wishes.............nice position dude.;)

    again, fail.

    did you read the part about options for a DP? no thought not. you are the one who keeps bringing up fear Kor, afraid of your lies now are we? crawl under your rock again somewhere soon please, let people express their opinions without being called cowards and idiots because they dont think what you think. superior attitudes like yours get very boring, my 6 year old has already grown out of that stage. perhaps she could teach you to grow up?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    again, fail.

    did you read the part about options for a DP?.............+ low brow insults and lies about being old enough to have a family.

    /Ignoring the deliuded ranting.

    So you are saying that you are ok with the improvement cryptic have designed going onto tribble and ppl making a informed choice about it?.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I wanna see what they come up with before i decide although the game does need improving in many ways.

    Im sorry if you cannot see the wisdom of making a educated decision.

    Sitting on a fence does nothing. The question is simple, rather its two questions, but still.

    Do you want a DP?

    (anyone can answer this without HAVING to make a educated guess, everyone has an an idea of what they want or dont want)

    What are the reasons you want/dont want one?

    Simply saying you wont comment because you dont want make an decision without knowing all the facts will not get this mmo anywhere. Once it is in its in and chances of it getting changed are slim at best, and even if it does get changed it could take months to do so. And educated decison by that time wont help. You can argue your points for several forum pages, I'm sure you can answer this. =)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    /Ignoring the deliuded ranting.

    So you are saying that you are ok with the improvement cryptic have designed going onto tribble and ppl making a informed choice about it?.

    why as a matter of fact i am. you were too busy insulting me beforehand to ask :)

    i replied to your post in this thread after you returned from a ban. do you remember it? it was rather polite and meaningful. but you attacked me again. do you so quickly forget the last time you tried? you failed big time. you fell to personal attacks yet again, and nerd raged till you got yourself a ban.

    im hoping the same happens again.

    all you have done since i stated "i like the current system" and you replied "you are a coward" is attack my opinion and support that attack with lies. as usual you throw away most of what i post, and just return to insulting me. unlike you i have no need to lie.

    you cant support your own opinion without attacking others, which isnt debate. its superiority and trolling. if i didnt think something bad would happen i would get my 6 year old to teach you about life, but my kids dont get anywhere near the internet so they dont mix with racist ignorant folk like yourself, who think the only way to win an arguement is ignore most of it and throw personal attacks around like drinks.

    maybe when you hit your late teens and the hormones calm down a bit you might be a bit more level headed. hopefully
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Paneth wrote:
    Sitting on a fence does nothing. The question is simple, rather its two questions, but still.

    Do you want a DP?

    (anyone can answer this without HAVING to make a educated guess, everyone has an an idea of what they want or dont want)

    What are the reasons you want/dont want one?

    Simply saying you wont comment because you dont want make an decision without knowing all the facts will not get this mmo anywhere. Once it is in its in and chances of it getting changed are slim at best, and even if it does get changed it could take months to do so. And educated decison by that time wont help. You can argue your points for several forum pages, I'm sure you can answer this. =)

    1. I think the mechanic can be improved to benifit the game..

    2. DP is a limited term aparantly and the antiDP crown use to to promote fear mongering so unless the term is broadened to include positive effects ect i will remain on the fence.

    3. TRIBBLE is perfect for allowing ppl to make a educated decision if a mechanic is implemented on the main srver or not, i know other mmos use test servers to gain feedback from the player base on changes as well.

    So im still a maybe until i know the details.:p

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    more ranting and lies about having children.

    So you are saying that you are ok with the improvement cryptic have designed going onto tribble and ppl making a informed choice about it?.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    So you are saying that you are ok with the improvement cryptic have designed going onto tribble and ppl making a informed choice about it?.

    How many times does he have to answer that question?

    Just wondering because I'd like to see less attacks and more opinions..
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    So you are saying that you are ok with the improvement cryptic have designed going onto tribble and ppl making a informed choice about it?.

    good stuff, throw it all away again. ignorance is bliss i suppose.

    and i wouldnt call it an improvement. the system in place is fine in my opinion, so anything they do in my view wont be an improvement. but the changes themselves i am fine with seeing them on tribble so people can test it out for themselves. assuming most of the players have noticed tribble exists.

    i still want to see a poll, or any change made as optional if there is no poll. unless they poll the players they will not have an informed decision of their own. isnt this what you are asking for as well? if the players need facts to make a choice, shouldnt cryptic also? (bet that gets ignored lol)

    so far your ignorance has blinded you, your hate has deafened you, and your superior attitude has muted you. go away the adults are talking now
    sibbwolf wrote:
    How many times does he have to answer that question?

    Just wondering because I'd like to see less attacks and more opinions..

    cut him some slack, hes having difficulty trying to follow the conversation
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    sibbwolf wrote:
    How many times does he have to answer that question?

    Just wondering because I'd like to see less attacks and more opinions..

    Just once will do, so far all ive seen are insults ect.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    sibbwolf wrote:
    How many times does he have to answer that question?

    Just wondering because I'd like to see less attacks and more opinions..

    ^This from both sides.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Just once will do, so far all ive seen are insults ect.

    ahahahahah. well done again, i like how you try and take that fake moral high ground yet again :P do the words "coward" "TRIBBLE" "dictator" "idiot" mean meaningful debate then? sorry my bad, ill try to follow your excellent example then
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    good stuff, throw it all away again. ignorance is bliss i suppose.

    and i wouldnt call it an improvement. the system in place is fine in my opinion, so anything they do in my view wont be an improvement. but the changes themselves i am fine with seeing them on tribble so people can test it out for themselves. assuming most of the players have noticed tribble exists.

    i still want to see a poll, or any change made as optional if there is no poll. unless they poll the players they will not have an informed decision of their own. isnt this what you are asking for as well? if the players need facts to make a choice, shouldnt cryptic also? (bet that gets ignored lol)

    so far your ignorance has blinded you, your hate has deafened you, and your superior attitude has muted you. go away the adults are talking now

    cut him some slack, hes having difficulty trying to follow the conversation

    aha found it.:D:D:D

    Can you highlight the single point that is normally hidden in your ravings, rantings, insults and lies in future its easier to locate that way.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Can you highlight the single point that is normally hidden in your ravings, rantings, insults and lies in future its easier to locate that way.

    He made two:
    but the changes themselves i am fine with seeing them on tribble so people can test it out for themselves

    Which you found, and;
    i still want to see a poll, or any change made as optional if there is no poll. unless they poll the players they will not have an informed decision of their own. isnt this what you are asking for as well? if the players need facts to make a choice, shouldnt cryptic also? (bet that gets ignored lol)

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    sibbwolf wrote:
    He made 2:

    Which you found, and;

    They were hidden in this wave of ravings and insults so forgive me if i missed a single line or two while skipping the ranting of this individual.

    good stuff, throw it all away again. ignorance is bliss i suppose.

    and i wouldnt call it an improvement. the system in place is fine in my opinion, so anything they do in my view wont be an improvement. but the changes themselves i am fine with seeing them on tribble so people can test it out for themselves. assuming most of the players have noticed tribble exists.

    i still want to see a poll, or any change made as optional if there is no poll. unless they poll the players they will not have an informed decision of their own. isnt this what you are asking for as well? if the players need facts to make a choice, shouldnt cryptic also? (bet that gets ignored lol)

    so far your ignorance has blinded you, your hate has deafened you, and your superior attitude has muted you. go away the adults are talking now

    cut him some slack, hes having difficulty trying to follow the conversation

    why as a matter of fact i am. you were too busy insulting me beforehand to ask :)

    i replied to your post in this thread after you returned from a ban. do you remember it? it was rather polite and meaningful. but you attacked me again. do you so quickly forget the last time you tried? you failed big time. you fell to personal attacks yet again, and nerd raged till you got yourself a ban.

    im hoping the same happens again.

    all you have done since i stated "i like the current system" and you replied "you are a coward" is attack my opinion and support that attack with lies. as usual you throw away most of what i post, and just return to insulting me. unlike you i have no need to lie.

    you cant support your own opinion without attacking others, which isnt debate. its superiority and trolling. if i didnt think something bad would happen i would get my 6 year old to teach you about life, but my kids dont get anywhere near the internet so they dont mix with racist ignorant folk like yourself, who think the only way to win an arguement is ignore most of it and throw personal attacks around like drinks.

    maybe when you hit your late teens and the hormones calm down a bit you might be a bit more level headed. hopefully

    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines ~Dionaea
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    YES for Death Penalty, if it is done right.

    No to BO permadeath, equipment destruction or other harsh penalties.

    The "just press respawn and zerg" that we have now is not a good thing. You don't have to use tactics, it doesn't promote teaming.
    Removing the Respawn button completely and replace it with respawn batteries and rez skills for science ships that you could use out of combat. With long cooldowns. (They should make sense lore-wise of course. Nanobot emergency repair thingies etc).
    If you don't have those handy, you could press "emergency warp" that would pop you to the nearest friendly starbase/system.

    It would promote teaming with support classes, and it would annoy the player enough so death would matter. But it wouldn't be just a timesink or steal your hard-earned BO's or skills.

    Similar functions could work for ground combat too. Of course with differences, but the idea behind would be the same.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    They were hidden in this wave of ravings and insults so forgive me if i missed a single line or two while skipping the ranting of this individual.

    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines ~Dionaea[/COLOR]

    i notice you again ignored that you attacked my rather polite post which refuted your arguement way back :P

    as usual you only focus on one sentence or point to attack, because focusing on the rest shows your own flaws. calling me insulting and a liar yet again proves you have nothing of value to post here.

    as usual, you have lost the plot. as usual you are trying to paint me as insulting and raving, when so far that is all you have done. but thats cool, i know you have a long way to go yet. dont worry mate, i wont hold it against you :)

    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines ~Dionaea
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    i notice you again ignored that you attacked my rather polite post which refuted your arguement way back :P

    These are 2 entire unedited posts......

    good stuff, throw it all away again. ignorance is bliss i suppose.

    and i wouldnt call it an improvement. the system in place is fine in my opinion, so anything they do in my view wont be an improvement. but the changes themselves i am fine with seeing them on tribble so people can test it out for themselves. assuming most of the players have noticed tribble exists.

    i still want to see a poll, or any change made as optional if there is no poll. unless they poll the players they will not have an informed decision of their own. isnt this what you are asking for as well? if the players need facts to make a choice, shouldnt cryptic also? (bet that gets ignored lol)

    so far your ignorance has blinded you, your hate has deafened you, and your superior attitude has muted you. go away the adults are talking now

    cut him some slack, hes having difficulty trying to follow the conversation

    why as a matter of fact i am. you were too busy insulting me beforehand to ask

    i replied to your post in this thread after you returned from a ban. do you remember it? it was rather polite and meaningful. but you attacked me again. do you so quickly forget the last time you tried? you failed big time. you fell to personal attacks yet again, and nerd raged till you got yourself a ban.

    im hoping the same happens again.

    all you have done since i stated "i like the current system" and you replied "you are a coward" is attack my opinion and support that attack with lies. as usual you throw away most of what i post, and just return to insulting me. unlike you i have no need to lie.

    you cant support your own opinion without attacking others, which isnt debate. its superiority and trolling. if i didnt think something bad would happen i would get my 6 year old to teach you about life, but my kids dont get anywhere near the internet so they dont mix with racist ignorant folk like yourself, who think the only way to win an arguement is ignore most of it and throw personal attacks around like drinks.

    maybe when you hit your late teens and the hormones calm down a bit you might be a bit more level headed. hopefully

    A few lines of coherance in amoungst a vast array or ranting, lies and insults i put in red.:eek:

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    These are 2 entire unedited posts......

    A few lines of coherance in amoungst a vast array or ranting, lies and insults i put in red.:eek:


    just like the lies and ranting you yourself are fond of? good move trying to swing it all my way, but unfortunately you yet again fail :) unlike my posts however yours contain many a superior statement, and racist remarks, and personal attacks. yes i have insults, yes i am making my opinion felt, but nothing compared to the drivel that you are spouting mate.

    again, ignorance is bliss, and you are taking full advantage of your own ignorance :)

    and as i said, you attacked my original post way back, as in not that post you quoted after you have called me a TRIBBLE and a dictator and a deluded raving lunatic :P
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    just like the lies and ranting you yourself are fond of? good move trying to swing it all my way, but unfortunately you yet again fail :)unlike my posts however yours contain many a superior statement, and racist remarks, and personal attacks. yes i have insults, yes i am making my opinion felt, but nothing compared to the drivel that you are spouting mate.

    again, ignorance is bliss, and you are taking full advantage of your own ignorance :)

    and as i said, you attacked my original post way back, as in not that post you quoted after you have called me a TRIBBLE and a dictator and a deluded raving lunatic

    From now on i will highlight all your lies, ravings and insults in red.

    Im glad i do not need to print them or id need a new colour toner...:eek:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Could we please stop the personal attacks? They seem to flare up now and then like an infection.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines ~Dionaea
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    I would not mind a death penalty.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Yes I feel the game needs it.
This discussion has been closed.