Dont assume that just because they use the term Federation on those T6 ships that they cannot be cross faction. In the 25th century the Federation and KDF are all one big happy family as part of the Federation. *crosses fingers and toes this is the case*
We only have a loose alliance of the three factions in 2410 @ best (and by "loose" I mean they are not even nearly as integrated as the Federation's member worlds for example, but the cooperation is definitely there). We don't know when the Galactic Union formed, but it's firmly in place by the 29th century, when the Temporal Accords are signed. So "family" is still a bit far off, but we're getting there.
"Ad astra audacter eamus in alis fidelium."
"To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
The Klingons in the video have TOS era pants and boots. I'm expecting that they'll be adding in more stuff to the packs, like they always do, but if you already have the TOS klingon uniform you'll probably get those items for free anyhow.
Whether they'll be any additional stuff for the Klingons or Romulans remains to be seen. I did notice that the only ships for those factions in the videos were the ones that already exist, but there is a chance - albeit a slim one - that they could still be working on additional ships for those factions that aren't ready yet.
Time will tell.
The TOS unis for Klinks and Roms are already in the store, they don't count. Given Cryptic's longstanding preference to pretend the other two factions don't exist, I'm not holding out any hope.
If you read the announcement it's pretty clear:
"In addition to the ability to create a brand new Star Trek: The Original Series Starfleet captain, we will be introducing a new episode arc for players of every faction,"
There is new cross-faction 2499 story content, but the TOS stuff is Fed only most likely.
I use TOS stuff on all my toons everyday, but without a T5U or T6 connie I will skip buying this. There might have been issues with CBS in the past, but this whole new faction would not be happening without CBS's express consent and an eye towards the new series. Get it together, it would be the best selling ship of all time.
Hopefully they'll stay true to TOS. No female Captains. Sorry, that was the way it was until Capt Rachel Garrity, Enterprise C.
And NO BORG. In fact most of the other races would not be there. Cant wait to see this.
Hopefully they'll stay true to TOS. No female Captains. Sorry, that was the way it was until Capt Rachel Garrity, Enterprise C.
And NO BORG. In fact most of the other races would not be there. Cant wait to see this.
Heh. I highly doubt you will get your wish on the female Captains thing. I'll be surprised if they limit the races, even though it would make sense to do that (No liberated Borg or Talaxians, etc).
Holy smokes, I briefly forgot this existed. You do your TOS expansion no justice if this ship is excluded. Copyright issues? Resolve them NOW. Put this bad boy in the freagin' game.
I'd love to see that too (as well as single Nacelle Saladin class Destroyers); but they'd have to make a deal with the estate of Franz Joseph (who did the (TOS) Star Trek Technical Manual (circa 1975) and the original Enterprise Blueprints.) The fact is - Gene Roddenberry wanted to use some of ship designs from the Tech Manual in TMP; but found Mr. Joseph wanted some Royalties (the Tech Manual was a work licensed by Paramount, but the deal let Mr. Joseph keep the rights to the new designs he included.) GR was so angered by this, not only did he vow he'd never pay a thing to Mr. Joseph - that's where the 'two nacelle' rule GR had (going forward) came from - mostly because a lot of fans liked the single nacelle ship designs; as well as the Three-Nacelle Dreadnaught Federation Dreadnaught.
It's thought the TNG AGT Three-Nacelle design is a homage to the original Franz Joseph Federation Dreadnaught design; but I don't know if anyone involved in the production of the AGT episode has officially admitted it.
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Well, I owe you guys an apology. Here I was thinking you'd be turning STO into 29th century time cop. And you just use the temporal front to reach out of left field and bring in the classic trek that started it all. Well played. I take back everything I said about you folks. *Goes back to mulling over the price for the new ship pack* Thank Thor that work has overtime available, I'll need it.
Sorry if this has already been answered, but there are 10 pages of comments....
Can I buy the AofY Starter Pack on Steam with Zen?
Also I see a "Temporal Multi-Mission Science vessel" in the larger pack. Is this our Tier 6 Vesta?
Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
-Captain James T. Kirk
Oh, look, nothing for Romulan and KDF players. Why am I not surprised?
Dont assume that just because they use the term Federation on those T6 ships that they cannot be cross faction. In the 25th century the Federation and KDF are all one big happy family as part of the Federation. *crosses fingers and toes this is the case*
Not interested in more cross-faction TRIBBLE either. The cross-faction content is all written for a Federation mindset and those are blatantly Starfleet ships. Cryptic's not even bothering to pretend this is a multi-faction game anymore.
Hopefully they'll stay true to TOS. No female Captains. Sorry, that was the way it was until Capt Rachel Garrity, Enterprise C.
Oh, I see. So you're in the group that thinks Number One in the original TOS pilot was "too bossy"?
Bite me.
This is exactly why I hate TOS: the casual '60s sexism. Thank TRIBBLE God they were able to fix that partway in the movies and give female officers some actual play.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
I'm pretty sure female Captains were a thing during the TOS area.
And yes, I know the whole thing about Rodenberry saying "no, they'd blow their ship" and stuff but TRIBBLE that, the theory that Janice Lester was simply insane is the best.
Sorry if this has already been answered, but there are 10 pages of comments....
Can I buy the AofY Starter Pack on Steam with Zen?
Also I see a "Temporal Multi-Mission Science vessel" in the larger pack. Is this our Tier 6 Vesta?
From what others have commented in the forum (and other places like reddit), the packs will become available on steam shortly before the release; give it time
"Ad astra audacter eamus in alis fidelium."
"To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
Agreed, and I think there's a PVP angle here to exploit. In that era it was very much a shoot'em up show, you didn't have as many if any cheesy tactics that we have now. I say this is an opportunity here to bring back PVP, all these factions were at war back then too.
I agree PVP would be much more interesting without all the current "space magic."
Whilst the inner child (who grew up on a diet of TOS reruns on the BBC back in the late seventies and early eighties) is salivating over the possibility of playing new content in the TOS era, the outer adult is going to reserve committing to and passing judgement on an expansion based on just a single post and a video teaser of just over one minute.
So while I will congratulate Cryptic on successfully playing this middle aged player's emotions ( An expansion based on TOS in the 50th Anniversary year of TOS..), I sincerely hope that we won't be slowly drip fed details in the run up to "Agents of Yesterday" before I am able to make an informed choice on play time / grinding for dilithium / opening my wallet.
Glad to see the Enterprise "J" Made an appearance.
"T6 Temporal Cruiser Sagittarius Class"
Heh, nowhere near. These ships will be tiny compared to the J - they are reskins of the TOS ships, so will be tha same size. That's likely pretty small even by STO standards for the most part. The J was so large it had transporters instead of turbolifts, and carried generations of families onboard.
My guess is this is how they get around the size problem by putting a normal sized yet similar looking ship in game.
I'm pretty sure female Captains were a thing during the TOS area.
And yes, I know the whole thing about Rodenberry saying "no, they'd blow their ship" and stuff but TRIBBLE that, the theory that Janice Lester was simply insane is the best.
Anaxar They were a thing, just slightly retconned. Granted this isn't offically canon but there is also NX-02.
Who was the captain. Oh wait this was the captain:
Captain Hernandez USS Columbia So anyone who says, no female captains, um the show Enterprise says "TRIBBLE THAT!" And that happened almost 100 years before TOS. Just because we never saw it on screen never meant there wasn't any.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
I'm pretty sure female Captains were a thing during the TOS area.
And yes, I know the whole thing about Rodenberry saying "no, they'd blow their ship" and stuff but TRIBBLE that, the theory that Janice Lester was simply insane is the best.
Anaxar They were a thing, just slightly retconned. Granted this isn't offically canon but there is also NX-02.
Who was the captain. Oh wait this was the captain:
Captain Hernandez USS Columbia So anyone who says, no female captains, um the show Enterprise says "TRIBBLE THAT!" And that happened almost 100 years before TOS. Just because we never saw it on screen never meant there wasn't any.
Like I said, artifact of '60s sexism (and Paramount not wanting Roddenberry to cast his girlfriend, regardless of Majel Barrett's very real acting chops). People forget how big a step it was to have a black female commissioned officer serving on the bridge of a combatant ship, and even Uhura pretty much only got to answer the phone. The US Navy didn't even allow female surface warfare officers until the '90s, by which point TNG had already had a female security chief (albeit badly wasted as a character). One of my mother's NROTC classmates even made admiral as an SWO.
What a wonderful thing we're not constrained by the sixties anymore.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
I'm pretty sure female Captains were a thing during the TOS area.
And yes, I know the whole thing about Rodenberry saying "no, they'd blow their ship" and stuff but TRIBBLE that, the theory that Janice Lester was simply insane is the best.
Anaxar They were a thing, just slightly retconned. Granted this isn't offically canon but there is also NX-02.
Who was the captain. Oh wait this was the captain:
Captain Hernandez USS Columbia So anyone who says, no female captains, um the show Enterprise says "TRIBBLE THAT!" And that happened almost 100 years before TOS. Just because we never saw it on screen never meant there wasn't any.
Like I said, artifact of '60s sexism (and Paramount not wanting Roddenberry to cast his girlfriend, regardless of Majel Barrett's very real acting chops). People forget how big a step it was to have a black female commissioned officer serving on the bridge of a combatant ship, and even Uhura pretty much only got to answer the phone. The US Navy didn't even allow female surface warfare officers until the '90s, by which point TNG had already had a female security chief (albeit badly wasted as a character). One of my mother's NROTC classmates even made admiral as an SWO.
What a wonderful thing we're not constrained by the sixties anymore.
True and saw something else when I re-read the original announcement. 3rd paragraph first sentence, there's going to be a story arc for each faction.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
so I need to start a new fed tac toon for this expansion... play thru the new oldie missions you guys made for this and then probably the capstone mission ports ya to 2410...
Oh, look, nothing for Romulan and KDF players. Why am I not surprised?
Dont assume that just because they use the term Federation on those T6 ships that they cannot be cross faction. In the 25th century the Federation and KDF are all one big happy family as part of the Federation. *crosses fingers and toes this is the case*
Not interested in more cross-faction TRIBBLE either. The cross-faction content is all written for a Federation mindset and those are blatantly Starfleet ships. Cryptic's not even bothering to pretend this is a multi-faction game anymore.
Honestly, I'd at least tolerate the Packs if they were cross-faction. It would keep the Temporal Operative Specialization from being as faction-restricted as the Intelligence Specialization, keep things at least reasonable as far as Admiralty, and... the T6 Temporal Science Vessel Nautilus Class would look amazing with an Orion skin, even better if the sides of its disc had Orion-style turrets . Actually, for the Roms the Nautilus could swap the disc out for a D'Deridex-style command section and it would work pretty well, maybe with more T'varo-esque nacelle pylons... of the offerings, that one could pretty readily be made cross-faction with a bit of kitbashing.
Anyway, sure, I'd absolutely prefer to get two faction-specific Temporal Operative Specialization Ships each as opposed to six "well, we're all one big happy family" designs... but I could tolerate it if my KDF/Rom characters weren't left out in terms of gameplay as well as immersion.
I suspect we're looking at another Delta Ops Pack, though, with means an automatic no-go as far as my picking it up. Back when metrics about faction populations were used to justify under serving those factions, I decided to respond to those metrics as well: I do not purchase any Fed-only or Fed-heavy offerings anymore. I figure it applies my own tiny bit of weight to their sales metrics, and it has kept me from dropping quite a bit of money on the game; thinking of how much I spent on DDO while I was there... well, let's just say that the combination of that personal rule and Cryptic's usual release paradigm has made STO rather economical for me.
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
I cant wait, Pavel Chekov and the son of Scotty? Heck yes! Plus I can fly TOS inspired ships? even more yes! Did I say that I cant wait? Cause really I cant.
With a name like Agents Of Yesterday, would that mean new characters we create in the TOS era, would be from 2410 and "moved" back in time to the TOS era as a captain in that era as temporal agents in the field working to protect the time line from incursions or attacks from enemy temporal agents?
Also the ships in the pack also announced, would the new story arc or arcs be moving our new TOS era captains to different periods of time to protect the time line from enemy temporal agents from the past, present and future?
just a couple questions I have, which may all be answered one way or the other in upcoming Dev Blogs. I am excited to see this news for the expansion. Sounds good already.
Decided to cash in on all that potential nostalgia money with this expansion, eh Cryptic?
As for me, I do not have any sort of special affection for the old series, having grown up with TNG onward, so I'm actually less enthused for this expansion than I was for Delta Rising, especially since it seems like it's yet another Federation only kind of thing. Which is sad, because I'm sure there are KDF and Republic captains who wouldn't mind playing as their respective factions back in ye olden days. But of course, we're not where the money is at....
If it ends up being that making a TOS-era Fed captain earns one bonuses for their actual main, just like with the previous Delta Recruit system, I'll admit that I'll probably end up making an alt just for those, but after obtaining said bonuses, they'll probably end up getting drydocked just like my Delta Recruit Fed alt. I started playing this game back when Legacy of Romulus came out because I wanted to play as a Romulan. The Federation, no matter the era, holds absolutely no interest for me in this game. And while there will apparently be a new multi-faction storyline as well, I have no doubt that will continue to act like my Romulan is part of the Federation anyway....
At this point, I suppose I'm still playing this game because shooting stuff with glowing green death is still entertaining. Until that stops being the case, I guess I'll keep playing, but the storyline has long since lost it's luster for me, and with the announcement of this coming expansion, it doesn't seem like that's going to change anytime soon.
"There will never be enough blood to wash away my need for vengeance! A single world...I could destroy a million worlds and it would not be enough! Your existence is an insult to the memory of my people! I will continue my fight, even if I must fight alone!"
We only have a loose alliance of the three factions in 2410 @ best (and by "loose" I mean they are not even nearly as integrated as the Federation's member worlds for example, but the cooperation is definitely there). We don't know when the Galactic Union formed, but it's firmly in place by the 29th century, when the Temporal Accords are signed. So "family" is still a bit far off, but we're getting there.
"To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
If you read the announcement it's pretty clear:
"In addition to the ability to create a brand new Star Trek: The Original Series Starfleet captain, we will be introducing a new episode arc for players of every faction,"
There is new cross-faction 2499 story content, but the TOS stuff is Fed only most likely.
And NO BORG. In fact most of the other races would not be there. Cant wait to see this.
Heh. I highly doubt you will get your wish on the female Captains thing. I'll be surprised if they limit the races, even though it would make sense to do that (No liberated Borg or Talaxians, etc).
I'd love to see that too (as well as single Nacelle Saladin class Destroyers); but they'd have to make a deal with the estate of Franz Joseph (who did the (TOS) Star Trek Technical Manual (circa 1975) and the original Enterprise Blueprints.) The fact is - Gene Roddenberry wanted to use some of ship designs from the Tech Manual in TMP; but found Mr. Joseph wanted some Royalties (the Tech Manual was a work licensed by Paramount, but the deal let Mr. Joseph keep the rights to the new designs he included.) GR was so angered by this, not only did he vow he'd never pay a thing to Mr. Joseph - that's where the 'two nacelle' rule GR had (going forward) came from - mostly because a lot of fans liked the single nacelle ship designs; as well as the Three-Nacelle Dreadnaught Federation Dreadnaught.
It's thought the TNG AGT Three-Nacelle design is a homage to the original Franz Joseph Federation Dreadnaught design; but I don't know if anyone involved in the production of the AGT episode has officially admitted it.
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Can I buy the AofY Starter Pack on Steam with Zen?
Also I see a "Temporal Multi-Mission Science vessel" in the larger pack. Is this our Tier 6 Vesta?
Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
-Captain James T. Kirk
Not interested in more cross-faction TRIBBLE either. The cross-faction content is all written for a Federation mindset and those are blatantly Starfleet ships. Cryptic's not even bothering to pretend this is a multi-faction game anymore.
Oh, I see. So you're in the group that thinks Number One in the original TOS pilot was "too bossy"?
Bite me.
This is exactly why I hate TOS: the casual '60s sexism. Thank TRIBBLE God they were able to fix that partway in the movies and give female officers some actual play.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out
And yes, I know the whole thing about Rodenberry saying "no, they'd blow their ship" and stuff but TRIBBLE that, the theory that Janice Lester was simply insane is the best.
From what others have commented in the forum (and other places like reddit), the packs will become available on steam shortly before the release; give it time
"To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
I agree PVP would be much more interesting without all the current "space magic."
Whilst the inner child (who grew up on a diet of TOS reruns on the BBC back in the late seventies and early eighties) is salivating over the possibility of playing new content in the TOS era, the outer adult is going to reserve committing to and passing judgement on an expansion based on just a single post and a video teaser of just over one minute.
So while I will congratulate Cryptic on successfully playing this middle aged player's emotions ( An expansion based on TOS in the 50th Anniversary year of TOS..), I sincerely hope that we won't be slowly drip fed details in the run up to "Agents of Yesterday" before I am able to make an informed choice on play time / grinding for dilithium / opening my wallet.
#1 Announcement
#2 Blogs
#3 Confirming Release Date
#4 More Blogs
#5 Launch Day (either on a Tuesday or Thursday)
Shuffle points 2-4 as you like, spice it up with additional announcements maybe.
We're at #1
You just pre-purchased the pack, and you'll be able to use it when this new content is released.
When? Dunno.
"To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
My guess is this is how they get around the size problem by putting a normal sized yet similar looking ship in game.
Anaxar They were a thing, just slightly retconned. Granted this isn't offically canon but there is also NX-02.
Who was the captain. Oh wait this was the captain:
Captain Hernandez USS Columbia So anyone who says, no female captains, um the show Enterprise says "TRIBBLE THAT!" And that happened almost 100 years before TOS. Just because we never saw it on screen never meant there wasn't any.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Like I said, artifact of '60s sexism (and Paramount not wanting Roddenberry to cast his girlfriend, regardless of Majel Barrett's very real acting chops). People forget how big a step it was to have a black female commissioned officer serving on the bridge of a combatant ship, and even Uhura pretty much only got to answer the phone. The US Navy didn't even allow female surface warfare officers until the '90s, by which point TNG had already had a female security chief (albeit badly wasted as a character). One of my mother's NROTC classmates even made admiral as an SWO.
What a wonderful thing we're not constrained by the sixties anymore.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out
True and saw something else when I re-read the original announcement. 3rd paragraph first sentence, there's going to be a story arc for each faction.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Honestly, I'd at least tolerate the Packs if they were cross-faction. It would keep the Temporal Operative Specialization from being as faction-restricted as the Intelligence Specialization, keep things at least reasonable as far as Admiralty, and... the T6 Temporal Science Vessel Nautilus Class would look amazing with an Orion skin, even better if the sides of its disc had Orion-style turrets
Anyway, sure, I'd absolutely prefer to get two faction-specific Temporal Operative Specialization Ships each as opposed to six "well, we're all one big happy family" designs... but I could tolerate it if my KDF/Rom characters weren't left out in terms of gameplay as well as immersion.
I suspect we're looking at another Delta Ops Pack, though, with means an automatic no-go as far as my picking it up. Back when metrics about faction populations were used to justify under serving those factions, I decided to respond to those metrics as well: I do not purchase any Fed-only or Fed-heavy offerings anymore. I figure it applies my own tiny bit of weight to their sales metrics, and it has kept me from dropping quite a bit of money on the game; thinking of how much I spent on DDO while I was there... well, let's just say that the combination of that personal rule and Cryptic's usual release paradigm has made STO rather economical for me.
Also the ships in the pack also announced, would the new story arc or arcs be moving our new TOS era captains to different periods of time to protect the time line from enemy temporal agents from the past, present and future?
just a couple questions I have, which may all be answered one way or the other in upcoming Dev Blogs. I am excited to see this news for the expansion. Sounds good already.
As for me, I do not have any sort of special affection for the old series, having grown up with TNG onward, so I'm actually less enthused for this expansion than I was for Delta Rising, especially since it seems like it's yet another Federation only kind of thing. Which is sad, because I'm sure there are KDF and Republic captains who wouldn't mind playing as their respective factions back in ye olden days. But of course, we're not where the money is at....
If it ends up being that making a TOS-era Fed captain earns one bonuses for their actual main, just like with the previous Delta Recruit system, I'll admit that I'll probably end up making an alt just for those, but after obtaining said bonuses, they'll probably end up getting drydocked just like my Delta Recruit Fed alt. I started playing this game back when Legacy of Romulus came out because I wanted to play as a Romulan. The Federation, no matter the era, holds absolutely no interest for me in this game. And while there will apparently be a new multi-faction storyline as well, I have no doubt that will continue to act like my Romulan is part of the Federation anyway....
At this point, I suppose I'm still playing this game because shooting stuff with glowing green death is still entertaining. Until that stops being the case, I guess I'll keep playing, but the storyline has long since lost it's luster for me, and with the announcement of this coming expansion, it doesn't seem like that's going to change anytime soon.