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  • tmassxtmassx Member Posts: 834 Arc User
    chipg7 wrote: »

    Seriously... Feds don't get battlecloak. Stop asking for the stuff that's reserved for other factions. It's not going to happen.

    Ok, but than that set bonus is a nonsence, because 1) Normal cloak is useless and cloaking device is waste of console slot 2) reduce the time on normal cloak is nonsence because you can cloak only if you are outside the battle.
  • chipg7chipg7 Member Posts: 1,577 Arc User
    tmassx wrote: »
    chipg7 wrote: »

    Seriously... Feds don't get battlecloak. Stop asking for the stuff that's reserved for other factions. It's not going to happen.

    Ok, but than that set bonus is a nonsence, because 1) Normal cloak is useless and cloaking device is waste of console slot 2) reduce the time on normal cloak is nonsence because you can cloak only if you are outside the battle.

    Then don't use it. But Feds don't get an intergrated cloak at all (save for the Intel ships), so that's the only way it's going to happen.
  • officerbatman81officerbatman81 Member Posts: 2,761 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    I love how some people say 'feds dont get battle cloak' like a broken record player mantra........then like cut to a period of time later a change will be made and lo and behold the first fed ship with battle cloak. For everything there is a first time, even in STO.

    Keep telling yourselves that. How would you like words prepared for you, baked or fried.
  • chipg7chipg7 Member Posts: 1,577 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    I love how some people say 'feds dont get battle cloak' like a broken record player mantra........then like cut to a period of time later a change will be made and lo and behold the first fed ship with battle cloak. For everything there is a first time, even in STO.

    Keep telling yourselves that. How would you like word words prepared for you, baked or fried.

    I certainly hope not. Battlecloak is one of the few things that differentiates factions. Feds get most things as it is, so leaving a few things to the Klingons and Romulans is a nice way to keep some differences between the factions' playstyles.
  • officerbatman81officerbatman81 Member Posts: 2,761 Arc User
    I get ya, but all were asking is one exception to the rule, and only once. Let that be a defiant with a set synergy with battlecloak. Hell, dont even have to call it battle cloak, for feds can call it red alert cloak.

    One would have to collect all three defiant, to earn that privilege.....on one ship.
  • rangerryurangerryu Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    I get ya, but all were asking is one exception to the rule, and only once. Let that be a defiant with a set synergy with battlecloak. Hell, dont even have to call it battle cloak, for feds can call it red alert cloak.

    One would have to collect all three defiant, to earn that privilege.....on one ship.

    Then it wouldn't be canon as the cloak broke in the Defiant everytime they got hit!

    But seriously though it is odd that the phaser cannons don't have a set and yet the set includes something which you don't even need the Defiant for. I got my Cloaking Device from the Galaxy X Dreadnaught

  • revanindustriesrevanindustries Member Posts: 508 Arc User
    I really wouldn't mind for the 2-piece defiant set to upgrade the standard cloak to a Battle cloak instead of reducing the cooldown of the cloak. You still have to give up 2 consoles for it, so it would really be a risk/reward scenario. And this is coming from a KDF player, so take that as you will.
  • officerbatman81officerbatman81 Member Posts: 2,761 Arc User
    Well one more from your mouth to steve riccosa's ears.
  • narthaisnarthais Member Posts: 452 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    huntor2 wrote: »
    but the lance boosts my phaser DHC as well as the lance itself.

    wait....what are you talking about?! The lance doesn't have a phaser damage passive boost

    It's a nice bonus too. +15% in any console slot is nothing to sneeze at.

    To be Fair that bonus was only patched in a month ago or so, all T6 consoles that didn't have a passive effect recieved one in one form or another. The plasma lance on the Feaht gives 15% plasma, the nose cannons on the Mat'ha give 15% disruptor, the defense platform on the command cruisers give torpedo/mine damage etc.
  • amayakitsuneamayakitsune Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    You know... the ability to mount the Phantom's phaser lance would be pretty cool... Id actually probably buy the Valiant if it could mount it...

  • samt1996samt1996 Member Posts: 2,856 Arc User
    I suggested adding a new equipment like comm arrays on cruisers and secondary deflectors on science ships.

    The targeting computer would only be for escorts and raiders with several types, each granting a different maneuver ability similar to pilot maneuvers. Special escorts ships like Lobi ones could come with special targeting computers that give unique maneuvers and could be equipped on other escorts and raiders.
  • samt1996samt1996 Member Posts: 2,856 Arc User
    BTW there is already a trait that improves the uptime of CRF. It comes on the JHSS which, although expensive, is really a pvp ability and ship anyways.

    Pretty outdated ship now.
  • amayakitsuneamayakitsune Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    samt1996 wrote: »
    BTW there is already a trait that improves the uptime of CRF. It comes on the JHSS which, although expensive, is really a pvp ability and ship anyways.

    Pretty outdated ship now.

    I dont know if Id call CRF a PVP ability, I actually prefer it in escorts, as opposed to CSV.

  • craigrodencraigroden Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    Sad. They could have revived the tactical escort with a fifth forward weapon slot and made it fun to use again.
    Oh well, it's their game and they'll do what they want to.
    At least wont be wasting any money on this.
  • craigrodencraigroden Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    libertyu9 wrote: »
    Cryptic, oh the f***ery, let me count the ways:

    -4/3 weapons layout instead of 5/2 facepalm
    -4/3/3 console layout instead of 5/2/3 or 5/3/2 smh
    -neither the engi nor sci boff slots get a t3 slot, and an extra t1 and t2 compensates for this exactly zero.
    -no enhanced quad cannons or enhancement for them to make them relevant again since advancements in other weapons have completely passed them by and made them dinosaurs
    -useless pilot slot instead of intel slot (THIS SHIP NEEDED OSS!!!)
    -no integrated standard cloak or ability to upgrade to battle cloak with cloak console
    -base turn rate stays at 17? useless
    -useless mastery trait. can already get similar result with cooldown reducing doffs. does nothing to counteract the innate superiority of FAW spam in every situation. My idea was a mastery trait that would allow a raise to weapons power cap for each cannon slotted in forward weapons slots and maybe a +2% crit chance for each DHC.
    -a console that is absolutely useless on a cannon build. I'd rather have had an integrated enhanced quad cannon with built-in CRF1 like a front-mounted Tempest Tail Gun
    -and to top it all off, SET BONUS WTF LOL. There is no more useless set bonus in the entire game than Overcloaked. Cloak reset is already almost the same as the leaving combat cooldown. Whoever thought that would get people interested needs to be shot. And fired. In that order.

    (and I feel pretty confident I'm speaking for a supermajority of your paying customers)
    Unless someone buys it for me for Christmas, I'm not wasting my time, money or 8500 dilly a day on this FLYING TRIBBLE. Phantom is superior in every single possible way, and pilot escorts are better in a solid majority of categories. There is no bloat in Cryptic's decision making or bellies that could rival the sheer mass of this Fail Whale. Is there anyone in Cryptic listening? THERE IS A REASON EVERYONE ON THIS THREAD IS COMPLAINING!!! Anyone who says this ship's strengths make up for its weaknesses either don't know how STO works or has the reasoning capacities of a guinea pig, and anyone who has thirty dollars and spends it on this ship instead of a Phantom or pilot escort needs to be banned from video games. FOREVER.

    I'm not sure I would spend 2500 zen on this, much less 3000. At 2500, it's a slightly underpowered ship that is a hair more useful than a t5 after you've spent 500 zen on an upgrade console. At 3000, it is a FLAMING BALL OF SUCK! Buyer beware.

    In other news, why quantums on the Klingon ship? For one, the Klingons never developed quantum torp tech, and there is no lore about them developing, buying or stealing it anywhere in the game. not to mention, they could have balanced out the mechanics with reduced recharge time to compensate the dps for the reduced dmg capacity. maybe trying to make up for the fact that this t6 B'Rel might have passed that useless, double ugly t6 excelsior as the biggest waste of zen in this game. Or the irresolute Resolute might still be more worthless, depending on what you're looking for in a really crappy ship.

    Ahhh, the F***ERY of it all.

    Haaa! Most entertaining. Well said. Totally agree. Bravo!
  • bazilyatbazilyat Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    About all that's got me annoyed is that the quads aren't part of the set. I still use the, and have pretty respectable DPS - to the point where, in the new battleground, I am missed by the team (and pestered to return)... and that's in a Fleet T5u. Once I have the T6 trait and Fleet T6 Valiant, it should be an interesting upgrade.

    I'll be faster, hit harder, and be more agile. Minimal complaints here.
  • bazilyatbazilyat Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    Plus, I think I'd rather fly a TRIBBLE than the Phantom. It's ugly, and it doesn't feel good to fly. I'll stick to being stupid and fly something that I enjoy flying, rather than the thing that, on paper, is "best for the job"
  • tmassxtmassx Member Posts: 834 Arc User
    chipg7 wrote: »
    I love how some people say 'feds dont get battle cloak' like a broken record player mantra........then like cut to a period of time later a change will be made and lo and behold the first fed ship with battle cloak. For everything there is a first time, even in STO.

    Keep telling yourselves that. How would you like word words prepared for you, baked or fried.

    I certainly hope not. Battlecloak is one of the few things that differentiates factions. Feds get most things as it is, so leaving a few things to the Klingons and Romulans is a nice way to keep some differences between the factions' playstyles.

    Still I do not know what are you talking about , nowhere is it written that one Fed ship can not get a battlecloak. Romulan neutral zone treaty is gone. Normal cloaking device is waste of console space , so the T6 Defiant can be easily battlecloak, call it phasecloak or something what the Federation already have. Or the second option , do set with something else and give another ( much more usable ) bonus. As it is now , it's bad. If the devs wants to sell new ships, they must give them useful stuff. Not OP, but worth to use. Anyway, pilot ships have better stats.

    P.S. I am primarily player of the romulans and easily i can exchange battlecloak for reciprocity ;)
  • xablisxablis Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    tmassx wrote: »
    chipg7 wrote: »

    Seriously... Feds don't get battlecloak. Stop asking for the stuff that's reserved for other factions. It's not going to happen.

    Ok, but than that set bonus is a nonsence, because 1) Normal cloak is useless and cloaking device is waste of console slot 2) reduce the time on normal cloak is nonsence because you can cloak only if you are outside the battle.

    While I agree that the faster cloaking for feds doesn't make much sense, isn't it time that the KDF wins out on a set at T6? How many set bonuses have fed ships gotten so far where the KDF got nothing at all? Enough fed whining on this already.
  • bridgernbridgern Member Posts: 711 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    chipg7 wrote: »
    I love how some people say 'feds dont get battle cloak' like a broken record player mantra........then like cut to a period of time later a change will be made and lo and behold the first fed ship with battle cloak. For everything there is a first time, even in STO.

    Keep telling yourselves that. How would you like word words prepared for you, baked or fried.

    I certainly hope not. Battlecloak is one of the few things that differentiates factions. Feds get most things as it is, so leaving a few things to the Klingons and Romulans is a nice way to keep some differences between the factions' playstyles.

    You mean like carriers, they can change the rules whenever they like and how they want it.
  • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    chipg7 wrote: »
    Seriously... Feds don't get battlecloak. Stop asking for the stuff that's reserved for other factions. It's not going to happen.

    Are you a Cryptic dev? As long as this doesn't come from somebody important enough to actually make such a descision I will continue to ask for it despite your protest. Have a nice day, Sir, Ma'am.
  • highlandrisehighlandrise Member Posts: 354 Arc User
    libertyu9 wrote: »
    Cryptic, oh the f***ery, let me count the ways:

    -4/3 weapons layout instead of 5/2 facepalm
    -4/3/3 console layout instead of 5/2/3 or 5/3/2 smh
    -neither the engi nor sci boff slots get a t3 slot, and an extra t1 and t2 compensates for this exactly zero.
    -no enhanced quad cannons or enhancement for them to make them relevant again since advancements in other weapons have completely passed them by and made them dinosaurs
    -useless pilot slot instead of intel slot (THIS SHIP NEEDED OSS!!!)
    -no integrated standard cloak or ability to upgrade to battle cloak with cloak console
    -base turn rate stays at 17? useless
    -useless mastery trait. can already get similar result with cooldown reducing doffs. does nothing to counteract the innate superiority of FAW spam in every situation. My idea was a mastery trait that would allow a raise to weapons power cap for each cannon slotted in forward weapons slots and maybe a +2% crit chance for each DHC.
    -a console that is absolutely useless on a cannon build. I'd rather have had an integrated enhanced quad cannon with built-in CRF1 like a front-mounted Tempest Tail Gun
    -and to top it all off, SET BONUS WTF LOL. There is no more useless set bonus in the entire game than Overcloaked. Cloak reset is already almost the same as the leaving combat cooldown. Whoever thought that would get people interested needs to be shot. And fired. In that order.

    (and I feel pretty confident I'm speaking for a supermajority of your paying customers)
    Unless someone buys it for me for Christmas, I'm not wasting my time, money or 8500 dilly a day on this FLYING TRIBBLE. Phantom is superior in every single possible way, and pilot escorts are better in a solid majority of categories. There is no bloat in Cryptic's decision making or bellies that could rival the sheer mass of this Fail Whale. Is there anyone in Cryptic listening? THERE IS A REASON EVERYONE ON THIS THREAD IS COMPLAINING!!! Anyone who says this ship's strengths make up for its weaknesses either don't know how STO works or has the reasoning capacities of a guinea pig, and anyone who has thirty dollars and spends it on this ship instead of a Phantom or pilot escort needs to be banned from video games. FOREVER.

    I'm not sure I would spend 2500 zen on this, much less 3000. At 2500, it's a slightly underpowered ship that is a hair more useful than a t5 after you've spent 500 zen on an upgrade console. At 3000, it is a FLAMING BALL OF SUCK! Buyer beware.

    In other news, why quantums on the Klingon ship? For one, the Klingons never developed quantum torp tech, and there is no lore about them developing, buying or stealing it anywhere in the game. not to mention, they could have balanced out the mechanics with reduced recharge time to compensate the dps for the reduced dmg capacity. maybe trying to make up for the fact that this t6 B'Rel might have passed that useless, double ugly t6 excelsior as the biggest waste of zen in this game. Or the irresolute Resolute might still be more worthless, depending on what you're looking for in a really crappy ship.

    Ahhh, the F***ERY of it all.

    even so this was allready qoted more than once, i also have to do so and say, that i TOTALY agree.
    From moment the FIRST T6 Ships have been rolled out i was WAITING for a T6 Defiant, since i love this Ship from the show.
    My FIRST ever created Character (out of 42) had it and still has the Fleet T5 Defiant, but not active anymore, the T5 Defiant was fist replaced with the Phantom, and than with the Charal T5U (Kumari) the kumari he still flys.

    Reading the News about the New Defiant got me friggin excited, this ship was supposed to Replace the Kumari and bring my oldest Character back to the Defiant again...but than......

    They released the Stats and i was like why?......WTF is this? A bad joke??? People were like asking for this New Defiant like forever and sharing their Ideas and wishes, now they brought that new Defiant and basically IGNORED ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING that the Playerbase was asking for.......and against all the NAY NAY NAY sayers, against all the White Knights who defend everything no matter how clear it is that its TRIBBLE, NO ONE was asking for a SUPER DUPER ULTIMA Overpowered Deathstar Defiant that Vaporizes everything with one shoot!

    We wanted a TRUE Upgrade, something that can compete with the other Escorts in Game, something that is WORTH our Money and WORTH switching from other Ships to this one, we dont wanted ALL just SOME.....yea understood, Pilot Maneuvers are for Pilot Ships, Intel and Command Abilitys for those Ships roger that, BUT asking for something like a 5 / 2 Weapons Layout is IN NO WAY Unreasonable, by ALL RIGHTS the Defiant SHOULD have at least a Integrated Cloaking Device, both the Defiant and the Galaxy X were the ONLY Federation Ships in the Show who had them Build in PERMANENTLY, SO NO NO NO it was not to much asked.

    The way it is why should i ditch my Kumari (Charal) for this? I have 5 FIVE Front Weapons Vs 4 on the Defiant T6, and i have the Powerfull Kumari Wing Cannons as a WAY better extra than the Defiants Torp Console.
    Why should someone ditch his Pilot Ships that have Dodging Maneuvers, Commander Level Pilot Seat and again FIVE Weapons front for this new Defiant?
    WHY should someone who has the Phantom with the Commander Level Intel Seat, Integrated Cloak and the Intel abilitys ditch it for this New Defiant?? WHAT does the Defiant has over ANY of those? anything? something? other than being able to use the Iconic Defiant Costume? if thats all than NOPE for a Costume thats way to expensive and just dont cutt it anymore.

    But even so, i can live without the Integrated Cloak even so that it sucks, but what Killed the Defiant for me was 1. The TOTALY Outdated 4 / 3 Weapon Layout, its a DEDICITED WARSHIP FOR CRYING OUT LOUDS SAKE! The Kumari Variants have it, the Pilots have it, the Avenger - a BATTLECRUISER - has it, yea iam not mentioning the Lockbox / Lobi ships for allready mentioned Reasons, so this is just SILLY. Deal Breaker number 2. is like also many have said, the Quad Cannons NOT as a Set Part?! Those are as ICONIC as the Ship itself!!!!!!!!!!! I really have the feeling that they had not enough coffee and just Forgot about the Quads, i cant explain why else they could do this nonsense.

    While there are some People who definately ask for too much goodies my Suggestion / Complain would be / is

    1. Change the Weapons Layout from 4 / 3 to 5 / 2 if there is an Escort in the Star Trek Franchise that deserves that layout than ITS THE DEFIANT!

    2.Add the Quad Phaser Cannons as a Set Piece, either Remove the UTTERLY USELES Cloak Console and make it a new 2 Piece Set between the New Torp Console and the Quad Phaser Cannons, for example for More Damage from the Quads (more base damage + crtd and ctrth) OR if you insist that the Garbage erm sorry i mean the Cloaking Console has to stay than make it a 3 Piece with the mentioned Offense Boost AND maybe something like more defense (ablative Armor adds so and so many Percent of all damage boost)

    STOP PUNISHING the People who Love the Iconis Ships from the Show, by turning them into GARBAGE Compared to your own In House Designs!
  • geographusgeographus Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    even so this was allready qoted more than once, i also have to do so and say, that i TOTALY agree.
    From moment the FIRST T6 Ships have been rolled out i was WAITING for a T6 Defiant, since i love this Ship from the show.
    My FIRST ever created Character (out of 42) had it and still has the Fleet T5 Defiant, but not active anymore, the T5 Defiant was fist replaced with the Phantom, and than with the Charal T5U (Kumari) the kumari he still flys.

    Reading the News about the New Defiant got me friggin excited, this ship was supposed to Replace the Kumari and bring my oldest Character back to the Defiant again...but than......

    They released the Stats and i was like why?......WTF is this? A bad joke??? People were like asking for this New Defiant like forever and sharing their Ideas and wishes, now they brought that new Defiant and basically IGNORED ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING that the Playerbase was asking for.......and against all the NAY NAY NAY sayers, against all the White Knights who defend everything no matter how clear it is that its TRIBBLE, NO ONE was asking for a SUPER DUPER ULTIMA Overpowered Deathstar Defiant that Vaporizes everything with one shoot!

    We wanted a TRUE Upgrade, something that can compete with the other Escorts in Game, something that is WORTH our Money and WORTH switching from other Ships to this one, we dont wanted ALL just SOME.....yea understood, Pilot Maneuvers are for Pilot Ships, Intel and Command Abilitys for those Ships roger that, BUT asking for something like a 5 / 2 Weapons Layout is IN NO WAY Unreasonable, by ALL RIGHTS the Defiant SHOULD have at least a Integrated Cloaking Device, both the Defiant and the Galaxy X were the ONLY Federation Ships in the Show who had them Build in PERMANENTLY, SO NO NO NO it was not to much asked.

    The way it is why should i ditch my Kumari (Charal) for this? I have 5 FIVE Front Weapons Vs 4 on the Defiant T6, and i have the Powerfull Kumari Wing Cannons as a WAY better extra than the Defiants Torp Console.
    Why should someone ditch his Pilot Ships that have Dodging Maneuvers, Commander Level Pilot Seat and again FIVE Weapons front for this new Defiant?
    WHY should someone who has the Phantom with the Commander Level Intel Seat, Integrated Cloak and the Intel abilitys ditch it for this New Defiant?? WHAT does the Defiant has over ANY of those? anything? something? other than being able to use the Iconic Defiant Costume? if thats all than NOPE for a Costume thats way to expensive and just dont cutt it anymore.

    But even so, i can live without the Integrated Cloak even so that it sucks, but what Killed the Defiant for me was 1. The TOTALY Outdated 4 / 3 Weapon Layout, its a DEDICITED WARSHIP FOR CRYING OUT LOUDS SAKE! The Kumari Variants have it, the Pilots have it, the Avenger - a BATTLECRUISER - has it, yea iam not mentioning the Lockbox / Lobi ships for allready mentioned Reasons, so this is just SILLY. Deal Breaker number 2. is like also many have said, the Quad Cannons NOT as a Set Part?! Those are as ICONIC as the Ship itself!!!!!!!!!!! I really have the feeling that they had not enough coffee and just Forgot about the Quads, i cant explain why else they could do this nonsense.

    While there are some People who definately ask for too much goodies my Suggestion / Complain would be / is

    1. Change the Weapons Layout from 4 / 3 to 5 / 2 if there is an Escort in the Star Trek Franchise that deserves that layout than ITS THE DEFIANT!

    2.Add the Quad Phaser Cannons as a Set Piece, either Remove the UTTERLY USELES Cloak Console and make it a new 2 Piece Set between the New Torp Console and the Quad Phaser Cannons, for example for More Damage from the Quads (more base damage + crtd and ctrth) OR if you insist that the Garbage erm sorry i mean the Cloaking Console has to stay than make it a 3 Piece with the mentioned Offense Boost AND maybe something like more defense (ablative Armor adds so and so many Percent of all damage boost)

    STOP PUNISHING the People who Love the Iconis Ships from the Show, by turning them into GARBAGE Compared to your own In House Designs!
    This! And also include the Hestia here as well.
  • narthaisnarthais Member Posts: 452 Arc User
    1. Change the Weapons Layout from 4 / 3 to 5 / 2 if there is an Escort in the Star Trek Franchise that deserves that layout than ITS THE DEFIANT!

    Not going to quote the whole thing because reasons ...

    While we're at it how about giving the B'rel/Kor 6 foreward weapons and scrap the rear entirely. Afterall if we're following canon for this the B'rel has no rear facing weapons....
  • farshorefarshore Member Posts: 353 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    geographus wrote: »
    This! And also include the Hestia here as well.

    Hestia has a Sci Lt. Commander slot. It's a versatile and relatively tough escort. That's it's niche. The Alita is slightly slower, tougher, and has a hangar. The Valiant is strikingly similar to the Phantom, slightly inferior in numerous ways with no real advantages to speak of. The niche that the Valiant would try to fill relative to the Hestia and Alita is filled by the Phantom, an objectively superior escort, even discounting the Intelligence skills and integrated cloaking device.

    At least with the iconic ships there were enough differences among them and the Command battlecruisers that there was something each of them had that made them worthwhile in their own right, whether it was cruiser commands, favorable ship masteries, just enough there that it handled and could be built differently.

    There is literally nothing about the Valiant that makes it stand out. Even as a simple straight forward traditional escort it loses.
  • dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    farshore wrote: »
    geographus wrote: »
    This! And also include the Hestia here as well.

    Hestia has a Sci Lt. Commander slot. It's a versatile and relatively tough escort. That's it's niche. The Alita is slightly slower, tougher, and has a hangar. The Valiant is strikingly similar to the Phantom, slightly inferior in numerous ways with no real advantages to speak of. The niche that the Valiant would try to fill relative to the Hestia and Alita is filled by the Phantom, an objectively superior escort, even discounting the Intelligence skills and integrated cloaking device.

    At least with the iconic ships there were enough differences among them and the Command battlecruisers that there was something each of them had that made them worthwhile in their own right, whether it was cruiser commands, favorable ship masteries, just enough there that it handled and could be built differently.

    There is literally nothing about the Valiant that makes it stand out. Even as a simple straight forward traditional escort it loses.

    This is probably what's wrong here. The other ships get minor upgrades because they tend to already have some role - Arbiters are battlecruisers (not sure how they fare against the Eclipse in that regard, though), Resolutes are light, versatile cruisers (mind you, they do seem to have fierce competition in the Guardian, though the Resolute's Command abilities lend themselves to a more buff-oriented approach than the Guardian's Intel), Andromedas are tough, full-on tank cruisers, Yamatos are dreadnought cruisers, Hestias are multi-purpose escorts, Alitas are flight deck escorts...

    The Valiant just is. It can't fill any niche that the Phantom and/or Pilot ships aren't better suited for, nor does it look absolutely 100% perfect when it comes to the canon factor Cryptic seems to be relying on here. (That torpedo module that's presumably supposed to imitate the Defiant's dual torpedo launchers? Looks like it fires one torpedo at a time, like some kind of HY5 with a weird variant of quantum torpedo graphics. Granted, that could be because of the angle and timing of the screenshot, but...)

    The Kor fills the torpedo raider niche quite adequately, like the B'rel before it. For that particular purpose, its set bonus sucks (enemies forcibly decloaking you notwithstanding). So does raider flanking, unless you're facing an opponent that has no aft torpedoes, an unlikely occurrence outside PvP. As for filling the regular raider niche... I can't comment on that, as I have far too little knowledge of what constitutes a good raider. It's definitely no worse off in that regard than the B'rel was, though. (In any case, I strongly dislike the fact that the Valiant's photon-quantum conversion had to pull the Kor's torpedo module with it.)

    As for the Malem... This one, in my opinion, easily supplants the Faeht as a torpedo raider, as it now has two potentially deadly torpedo abilities in addition to its various weapon slots, plus a potent 3-piece set. Whether it's more adequate for any other role than the other T6 ships, I can't say - I don't know enough about the Romulan T6 ship pool, and will confess to only having a moderate understanding of the Klingon one.

    To my understanding, though, torpedo raiders, the only niche I can conclusively decide the Kor and Malem are best for, are generally shunned by the community due to their vulnerability (Klingon ships more so than the Romulan ones) and low damage against shielded targets. However, I will admit that I haven't looked into that for quite a while - it's possible that various science abilities and new torpedoes are being used to offset the latter weakness, and as for the former... well, I rarely got killed on my T'varo, and it wasn't all that well-built in the first place. :tongue:

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    dalolorn wrote: »

    To my understanding, though, torpedo raiders, the only niche I can conclusively decide the Kor and Malem are best for, are generally shunned by the community due to their vulnerability (Klingon ships more so than the Romulan ones) and low damage against shielded targets. However, I will admit that I haven't looked into that for quite a while - it's possible that various science abilities and new torpedoes are being used to offset the latter weakness, and as for the former... well, I rarely got killed on my T'varo, and it wasn't all that well-built in the first place. :tongue:
    I am playing torpedo boats with science vessels basically, and the combiniation of gravity well, various special reputation and crafting torpedoes and several traits seem to make shields a secondary concern. Most enemies I kill die with their shields still on.

    Look into shield penetration abilties and stuff that boosts torpedo damage. Omega Kinetic Shearing is an important trait, as are things that buff your shield penetration. And of course, exotic damage sources like Gravity Well or the Destabilized Resonance Beam.
    I don't have Structural Integrity Collapse or Kemocite Laced Weaponry on any of my torpedo boat characters, but if you happen to have those, too... And a classic like Attack Pattern Beta will also help you.
    Kinetic Magnet, Ionic Turbelence might also prove useful. (I prefer Ionic Turbelence when I can have it, since it has more CC uses. But I don't remember right now how the damage resistance penalties compare)

    I think the torpedo console for the Valiant might also be interesting. It depends on cooldowns and how much it behaves like a (special) torpedo. if it's buffed by torped skills and traits, it could basically turn the ship into a 5/3 Escort. But maybe it's just a gimmick.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • mayito2009mayito2009 Member Posts: 643 Arc User
    What all of them said^^^ It is sad to see the poor configuration of the Defiant ship.
    Seek and ye shall find. Ask and ye shall receive. Rabboni
    Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" (Benjamin Franklin).

    Most unexpectedly, this turned into a flame-fest! Closed it goes!. /sigh What flamefestery is this? pwlaughingtrendy
  • crimsonlenacrimsonlena Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    If you guys really listen to players you'll give the bird of prey its proper Photon Console. Theres no reason they cant each have a unique torpedo console. Defiant Should be Quantums, but a BOP should be Photon.

    Im still adamant about these being Pilot ships, its so wrong they can't be the iconic ships they are suppose to be as they were all extremely maneuverable and did plenty of Pilot Maneuvers in the shows.

    I love the Defiant myself, but the above poster is wrong. The Defiant never had a permenant built in Cloaking Device, in fact it was said in the series the Romulans could remove it any time. Also no other Defiant in the fleet had a cloaking device, they are not standard aboard defiant class ships.

    Sorry guys, Im a huge DS9 nut, but thats the facts. The Defiant had a cloak by special Treaty with the Romulans, but it was never built to be permanent in the series, it was a device that could be removed any time.
  • gradiigradii Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    sinn74 wrote: »
    gradii wrote: »
    It's not a bad ship

    Yeah that's worth $30. "Not a bad ship."

    But we already know $30 is way overpriced for any ship, even T6. That's cryptic's fault, not the ships fault.

    "He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
    Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
    he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
    In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
    He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
    He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
    He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
    He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
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