Real nice to see these out as I've been hoping on a T6 BoP for a long time! Also excited about the T'Varo, but I just hope the stats are sufficiently different to the mighty Faeht to make it seem like a completely new ship and not just a nice new skin.
Having access to the old skins is real good bonus, and the lack of a Ning'Tao / Ki'tang / Norg skin option means there'll be another T6 BoP down the line.
Cannons trait is also quite exciting, and if it was CRF instead it would be epic but someone seems to like AoE or perhaps chose it early on in their rightful attempts to preserve some sense of balance by the aggro it draws.
I have to say I'm really liking this season with attention to Torps and now Cannons, and a B'Rel BoP to top it all off not to mention that temporal dreadnought and its space science and mirror costumes, and truly incredible giveaways.
P.S. I sincerely hope the I.R.W. prefix option is available for those of us who want it.
Thanks again, in advance!
I.R.W. please on this and all our other Warbirds. A small textual change goes a long way to please the Romulan Star Empire, which comparably should be able to capture and adapt Republican ships much easier than reverse engineering Undine, Herald, or technology from the future, nevermind create our own ships from dangerous fringe research.
eta: Quantums is a much welcome change and makes the pack over the B'rel much more enticing.
P.S. I sincerely hope the I.R.W. prefix option is available for those of us who want it.
Thanks again, in advance!
I.R.W. please on this and all our other Warbirds. A small textual change goes a long way to please the Romulan Star Empire, which comparably should be able to capture and adapt Republican ships much easier than reverse engineering Undine, Herald, or technology from the future, nevermind create our own ships from dangerous fringe research.
Pretty sure the ship has sailed on that one. IRW hasn't been a thing since the very first T6 ships, and the game is very much going onwards with the Republic. Besides, all these new ships are being built by the Republic, while the RSE is off doing... something... somewhere else.
Probably, as with a Romulan Independent faction, though I try to show support and role play it nonetheless. KDF has finally gotten some attention and in part it has been from buying the ships and stuff, playing the faction (metrics), and otherwise showing a presence.
With the Admiralty and cross-faction releases, there's actually hope for Rom & KDF science after all this time. With the way the Iconian war turned out, there might be more involving the RSE and rallying support for Romulans for a turn, even if it takes another lockbox or promo event.
im very pleased to hear the console becomes quantum! good one cryptic! (another way would be to let the console switch, whatever basic- launcher type is used* - if none is used, its standard quantum, photon, plasma faction tubes)
*so if a grav torp is used its photon, if neutronic is used its quantum.
<Insert Klingon and Romulan complaints about not having access to quantum torpedoes in 3...2...1... >
I've never seen Klingons or Romulans using quantum torpedoes in the show, Klingons always used photons, though sometimes they were green photons for some reason. Romulans generally used plasma, but on occasion used photons as well. I play Klingons and Romulans far more than anything else, and I'm pretty well satisfied how things are.
All these quantum vs. photon rants will pale in comparison with the rage of people seeing the stats of the Valiant (with what I've seen people expecting of a T6 Defiant, not even Scimitar or pilot escort stats would do).
TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class. Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider. Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
<Insert Klingon and Romulan complaints about not having access to quantum torpedoes in 3...2...1... >
.....0 (crickets chriping) Nope, no complaints here, at least not from me. Though it's not beyond the possibility that Klingons and Romulans could have quantum torpedoes, and 3 other basic types for that matter, I now see a distinct type of torpedo for all these 3 and I am glad. This just makes it more not less likely that I'm getting one. Add to the fact that they are starting to listen to us, and not just blow us off with none more than a middle finger for our trouble. First the Hestias ensign universal, now the Q-torps for the Valiant! This may be a better day to play.
Well done Cryptic, we appreciate the change. Maintaining proper flavor is critical around here.
"Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many they are few"
All these quantum vs. photon rants will pale in comparison with the rage of people seeing the stats of the Valiant (with what I've seen people expecting of a T6 Defiant, not even Scimitar or pilot escort stats would do).
Oh yeah - there is going to be some rage, regardless - those players who have posted things like (and I quote):
"The Defiant is a WARSHIP"
"It should have a 5/3 weapons layout and integrated cloak
and of course
"it NEEDS pilot maneouvers"
were never going to happy with this ship.
Rubbish, you can replicate the canon loadout with 1 quad cannon, 2 forward quantum torpedo tubes, 1 360 arc phaser array, and 2 aft torpedo tubes. If I can do that and have decent boff seating, I'll be happy.
The Scimitar though is severely undergunned compared to its onscreen counterpart. :P Although, it would probably break the game if it had 52 disruptor banks and 27 torpedo tubes.
All these quantum vs. photon rants will pale in comparison with the rage of people seeing the stats of the Valiant (with what I've seen people expecting of a T6 Defiant, not even Scimitar or pilot escort stats would do).
Oh yeah - there is going to be some rage, regardless - those players who have posted things like (and I quote):
"The Defiant is a WARSHIP"
"It should have a 5/3 weapons layout and integrated cloak
and of course
"it NEEDS pilot maneouvers"
were never going to happy with this ship.
Rubbish, you can replicate the canon loadout with 1 quad cannon, 2 forward quantum torpedo tubes, 1 360 arc phaser array, and 2 aft torpedo tubes. If I can do that and have decent boff seating, I'll be happy.
The Scimitar though is severely undergunned compared to its onscreen counterpart. :P Although, it would probably break the game if it had 52 disruptor banks and 27 torpedo tubes.
In the game, it wouldn't have 52 disruptor banks and 27 torp launchers. They'd be BFAWing around with 79 disruptor beam arrays!
You will definitely have to pay zen. No official announcement on that yet, but the neighborhood of 3000 zen for one ship, 6000 for the bundle, would be a safe bet.
All these quantum vs. photon rants will pale in comparison with the rage of people seeing the stats of the Valiant (with what I've seen people expecting of a T6 Defiant, not even Scimitar or pilot escort stats would do).
Oh yeah - there is going to be some rage, regardless - those players who have posted things like (and I quote):
"The Defiant is a WARSHIP"
"It should have a 5/3 weapons layout and integrated cloak
and of course
"it NEEDS pilot maneouvers"
were never going to happy with this ship.
You have to admit, though, Pilot Maneuvers would be an excellent touch for such a maneuverable craft.
Shame it won't have one, but...
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
Ok - next idea that will make most readers rage - why not make the console shot torpedos the same type the ship has installed (or random choice of multiple type instaled/ completly random when no torp launchers installed) ?
About that overarmed Scimitar - what type of reactor would power all the weapons?
I haven't read through the entire thread but I hope others have pointed out the obscene amount of humor in the first ship being remodeled in the post-war era of exploration and peace being a warship...
Not like, the Luna class or something but the cannon with nacelles regardless glad it's getting a remodel!
Ok - next idea that will make most readers rage - why not make the console shot torpedos the same type the ship has installed (or random choice of multiple type instaled/ completly random when no torp launchers installed) ?
About that overarmed Scimitar - what type of reactor would power all the weapons?
Probably a singularity core that was powerful enough to power a total of 79 weapons.
I haven't read through the entire thread but I hope others have pointed out the obscene amount of humor in the first ship being remodeled in the post-war era of exploration and peace being a warship...
Not like, the Luna class or something but the cannon with nacelles regardless glad it's getting a remodel!
Not as far as I remember, but... yeah, it is an interesting thing.
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
"can be equipped on any Tactical Escort."
"can only be equipped on Tier 5 or greater Birds-of-Prey."
"can only be equipped on Tier 5 or greater T’varo Warbird variants."
I am guessing they feel the console is too powerful to let us equip it on T1 ships? (poor T'Iiss and B'Rotlh)
I am guessing by "Birds-of-Prey" we are talking about the B'rel BoP family (B'rel, B'Rotlh, Koloth).
Will the Norgh, QulDun or Ki'tang BoP families ever get any love? If not, any chance the consoles could be "merged" into set? Set bonuses have been kinda lacking KDF side.
Well to start with, those kind of restriction doesn't make sense because you have to be of a rank high enough to unlock the T5-6 store ships and therefore get the special consoles from them.
Holy Flying COW, they have Listened to us and are Changing from Photon to Quantums?! Iam IMPRESSED and have to say THANKS! Thanks Cryptic for not Closing your Eyes and not Ignoring us this Time! I have faith in Humanity again (well a little bit ) this change brought me much closer to buy the whole Bundle, now only the Stats / Layout is left......
1. My personal Wish List would be 5/2 Weapons Layout (for a Dedicited Warhip not to much to ask for?)
2. Getting RID of the Cloak Console and having it Integrated like on the Intel Ships, and NO not asking for Battle Cloak just Non Battle Cloak but PLEASE without that Useless Console.
3. Not making the initial Mistake with the Hestia by giving it THREE Tactical Stations PLEASE DONT, a Commander Tac, Lt Commander Tac or LtCom Tac Hybrid something, and maybe a LtCom Eng / Sci or better Universal.
NO also not asking for the Pilot Ships Dodging Maneuvers, cause i know that those have to have something Special for them, Dodging Maneuvers for Pilot Ships, Intel Abilitys for Intel Ships, and the Command Abilitys for the Command Ships, so they can keep those, other than that those few things that i have suggested are DEFINATELY not to much to ask for, and i am absolutely sure that the Majority of People would agree AND Love that, THIS would be a TRUE Succesor to the underpowered T5 Defiant that we have right now, and THIS would Reflect the ICONIC *Tough Little* HERO Ship that most of us know and Love from the Show.
So again THANK YOU SO MUCH for Listening about the Photon / Quantum Issue. Now make the rest RIGHT, to make us "unworthy" Players Happy Please, Regards and THANKS.
I agree 100% that it's high time a Defiant received an integrated cloak. You could sell it with the same number of console slots as the T5-FU Defiant, and it would still amount to the gain of one slot.
I agree 100% that it's high time a Defiant received an integrated cloak. You could sell it with the same number of console slots as the T5-FU Defiant, and it would still amount to the gain of one slot.
Someone from Germany here, so English is not my Native Language but thx for showing me my Mistake Fixed it, better now?
I'm interested, heavily, in this grouping. I hope that these ships get an Intel seat, because it would really fit with the whole natural concept of the B'Rel Retro and the T'Varo Retro. I'm also looking forward to the trait on these ships, as I have a very high tendency to lean to ships that feature a cannon loadout. 4/3 isn't as bad to me as it seems to others, though with many of the weapon sets taking up two forward slots I can understand the grievances of escort operators. I tend to run big guns forward, turrets and an omni aft, so I can stack up my offensive firepower. However, I doubt they will change the weapon loadout to 5/2 from 4/3, because it breaks with the history of the designs.
The one thing I would really like to see for the T'Varo, is not a change to the stats, but an upgrade of the model. I want to be able to customize my T'Varo more than just which costume I use and which paint pattern I opt for. I would love to put the T'Varo nacelles on the T'Liss straight-wing hull, for example. The B'Rel and Defiant have customization improvements, but the T'Varo was short-sticked on that one. Please, fix this error, I truly dislike being unable to customize my ships.
Granted, I'm also an old-schooler who would love to see a T6 D-7 Battlecruiser.. the iconic image of the Klingon Battlecruiser from the original series and many of the original movies.
Having access to the old skins is real good bonus, and the lack of a Ning'Tao / Ki'tang / Norg skin option means there'll be another T6 BoP down the line.
Cannons trait is also quite exciting, and if it was CRF instead it would be epic but someone seems to like AoE or perhaps chose it early on in their rightful attempts to preserve some sense of balance by the aggro it draws.
I have to say I'm really liking this season with attention to Torps and now Cannons, and a B'Rel BoP to top it all off not to mention that temporal dreadnought and its space science and mirror costumes, and truly incredible giveaways.
I.R.W. please on this and all our other Warbirds. A small textual change goes a long way to please the Romulan Star Empire, which comparably should be able to capture and adapt Republican ships much easier than reverse engineering Undine, Herald, or technology from the future, nevermind create our own ships from dangerous fringe research.
eta: Quantums is a much welcome change and makes the pack over the B'rel much more enticing.
Pretty sure the ship has sailed on that one. IRW hasn't been a thing since the very first T6 ships, and the game is very much going onwards with the Republic. Besides, all these new ships are being built by the Republic, while the RSE is off doing... something... somewhere else.
With the Admiralty and cross-faction releases, there's actually hope for Rom & KDF science after all this time. With the way the Iconian war turned out, there might be more involving the RSE and rallying support for Romulans for a turn, even if it takes another lockbox or promo event.
*so if a grav torp is used its photon, if neutronic is used its quantum.
Sweet, not sure why they didn't do that in the first place, but as long as they fix it in the end that's what counts. I'm glad they listened.
I've never seen Klingons or Romulans using quantum torpedoes in the show, Klingons always used photons, though sometimes they were green photons for some reason. Romulans generally used plasma, but on occasion used photons as well. I play Klingons and Romulans far more than anything else, and I'm pretty well satisfied how things are.
I have zen in hand right now.
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
.....0 (crickets chriping) Nope, no complaints here, at least not from me. Though it's not beyond the possibility that Klingons and Romulans could have quantum torpedoes, and 3 other basic types for that matter, I now see a distinct type of torpedo for all these 3 and I am glad. This just makes it more not less likely that I'm getting one. Add to the fact that they are starting to listen to us, and not just blow us off with none more than a middle finger for our trouble. First the Hestias ensign universal, now the Q-torps for the Valiant! This may be a better day to play.
Rubbish, you can replicate the canon loadout with 1 quad cannon, 2 forward quantum torpedo tubes, 1 360 arc phaser array, and 2 aft torpedo tubes. If I can do that and have decent boff seating, I'll be happy.
The Scimitar though is severely undergunned compared to its onscreen counterpart. :P Although, it would probably break the game if it had 52 disruptor banks and 27 torpedo tubes.
In the game, it wouldn't have 52 disruptor banks and 27 torp launchers. They'd be BFAWing around with 79 disruptor beam arrays!
What lag? The game would come to a crashing halt, emphasis on crash, even worse than what happens on kemo-torp spreads!
Speaking of kemo-torp spreads, any word on a fix?
You have to admit, though, Pilot Maneuvers would be an excellent touch for such a maneuverable craft.
Shame it won't have one, but...
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
Unlike battle cloak.....
my fleet leader is very deadly in a pilot ship,plus you can boost your way out of warp core breaches and other AOE attacks.
About that overarmed Scimitar - what type of reactor would power all the weapons?
Not like, the Luna class or something but the cannon with nacelles
Probably a singularity core that was powerful enough to power a total of 79 weapons.
Not as far as I remember, but... yeah, it is an interesting thing.
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
1. My personal Wish List would be 5/2 Weapons Layout (for a Dedicited Warhip not to much to ask for?)
2. Getting RID of the Cloak Console and having it Integrated like on the Intel Ships, and NO not asking for Battle Cloak just Non Battle Cloak but PLEASE without that Useless Console.
3. Not making the initial Mistake with the Hestia by giving it THREE Tactical Stations PLEASE DONT, a Commander Tac, Lt Commander Tac or LtCom Tac Hybrid something, and maybe a LtCom Eng / Sci or better Universal.
NO also not asking for the Pilot Ships Dodging Maneuvers, cause i know that those have to have something Special for them, Dodging Maneuvers for Pilot Ships, Intel Abilitys for Intel Ships, and the Command Abilitys for the Command Ships, so they can keep those, other than that those few things that i have suggested are DEFINATELY not to much to ask for, and i am absolutely sure that the Majority of People would agree AND Love that, THIS would be a TRUE Succesor to the underpowered T5 Defiant that we have right now, and THIS would Reflect the ICONIC *Tough Little* HERO Ship that most of us know and Love from the Show.
So again THANK YOU SO MUCH for Listening about the Photon / Quantum Issue. Now make the rest RIGHT, to make us "unworthy" Players Happy Please, Regards and THANKS.
I agree 100% that it's high time a Defiant received an integrated cloak. You could sell it with the same number of console slots as the T5-FU Defiant, and it would still amount to the gain of one slot.
Someone from Germany here, so English is not my Native Language but thx for showing me my Mistake Fixed it, better now?
The one thing I would really like to see for the T'Varo, is not a change to the stats, but an upgrade of the model. I want to be able to customize my T'Varo more than just which costume I use and which paint pattern I opt for. I would love to put the T'Varo nacelles on the T'Liss straight-wing hull, for example. The B'Rel and Defiant have customization improvements, but the T'Varo was short-sticked on that one. Please, fix this error, I truly dislike being unable to customize my ships.
Granted, I'm also an old-schooler who would love to see a T6 D-7 Battlecruiser.. the iconic image of the Klingon Battlecruiser from the original series and many of the original movies.