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    legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,282 Arc User
    reyan01 wrote: »
    I daresay that with T'Ket in charge they'll just go all out and their next target will be Earth.

    good guess​​
    Like special weapons from other Star Trek games? Wondering if they can be replicated in STO even a little bit? Check this out: https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1262277/a-mostly-comprehensive-guide-to-star-trek-videogame-special-weapons-and-their-sto-equivalents


    A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
    An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
    A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
    A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"

    "It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
    "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
    Passion and Serenity are one.
    I gain power by understanding both.
    In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
    I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
    The Force is united within me.
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    jaymclaughlinjaymclaughlin Member Posts: 630 Arc User
    raxicorico wrote: »
    Hmm I wonder if this is going to lead to more Temporal Cold War territory after the Iconian threat is explored to it's conclusion?

    Hopefully... and then an Enterprise based story arc, with a revamped NX-01 :D
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    caltircaltir Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    As I wrote in another post, there are two MAJOR illogical and senseless points at the very end of the mission:

    1. If the flagship had not enough energy to preserve/maintain one Iconian, how come could it support two more??
    2. If the flagship was in the Alliance hands by that time, why didn't they blow it up with explosives? Or, just fired at it with all remaining ships to destroy it??

    The Iconian flagship, I wish to remind you, at that time had NO CREW LEFT, only a portion of its hull integrity left, no shields whatsoever, and no ways of defending itself. That would blow the two remaining Iconains out of the skies.
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    szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    caltir wrote: »
    The Iconian flagship, I wish to remind you, at that time had NO CREW LEFT, only a portion of its hull integrity left, no shields whatsoever, and no ways of defending itself. That would blow the two remaining Iconains out of the skies.

    Correct. This is the second time we flee from a battle we clearly would have won. That's just terrible story writing.
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    gradiigradii Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    arachnaas wrote: »
    Self preservation or not, trying to save her is the "Right" thing to do. Fighting an Iconian is similar to being hit with one of the scrolls from the Library of Alexandria. Sure you can try your best to defend yourself, but if at all possible you should make sure the long lost, priceless, relic is not damaged. I can only think about just how disappointed Picard would be at the loss of so much life, and the loss of so much history, for so little.

    I don't mind killing it but only because I realize THAT is how we defeat the iconians, not some immoral Time Weapon which is more likely to "Kill" us along with the Iconians.

    "He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
    Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
    he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
    In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
    He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
    He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
    He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
    He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
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    foxrockssocksfoxrockssocks Member Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    This "plotline" keeps getting worse and worse. The worst part is the lack of any reasons behind it all. I keep waiting and waiting to find out why but get more and more disappointed.
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    sennahcheribsennahcherib Member Posts: 2,823 Arc User
    again, a ridiculous mission.

    - we shouldn't be able to enter in the sphere; when we are in the sphere, why it is empty?
    - in the M'tara ship, same thing, this is empty. we can move everywhere without problems, where are the heralds?
    - during the fight against M'Tara, why she comes back each time??? she knows that she is weak but she continues to fight!!!
    - disable power sources for disabling M'tara: ridiculous.
    - why we are still able to use the iconian consoles? Heralds are stupid enough and leave their consoles without protection; no password, etc, and of course we speak fluently the iconian language

    these FE are a joke, and not really funny.
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    drakethewhitedrakethewhite Member Posts: 1,240 Arc User
    There seems to be a good deal of agreement that this was poorly written and poorly done. That would be good feedback to cryptic, except I expect them to ignore it. Even if they do take it to heart, I'm sure this whole arc is already plotted out so any change for the better will be months away at best.

    As is, I'm going to have a very difficult time collecting the weekly reward boxes on this one (spec points are gold). It makes me feel like I'm wading into <redacted> to play something this bad.
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    risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    I had more trouble defeating the Harbringer in that mission than when I fought M'Tara. This battle was a bit disappointing indeed.
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    risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    reyan01 wrote: »
    raxicorico wrote: »
    reyan01 wrote: »
    from a self presrrvation point of a view, we're in a WORSE position now than we were when she was alive; T'Ket has more reason to hate us that M'Tara ever did.

    Are we? I mean they wanted to exterminate us before, how has that changed? Only difference now is that it is personal for them. It still leads to the same outcome in the end from them I think. They want us gone and are willing to do anything to do it. Even M'Tara could have asked for mercy. She didn't. As she was dying she told us that we were doomed and to think fondly that we were the only ones in 200000 years to have the audacity to challenge their supremacy.

    So yes I think she wanted us gone and so too do the others now, and it changes little really :(

    I daresay that with T'Ket in charge they'll just go all out and their next target will be Earth.

    That's very likely indeed. T'Ket already argued for that in Time in a Bottle after all. In this episode, L'miren says she now 'sees clearly' and agrees with T'Ket.
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    picard51picard51 Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    The whole thing that really bothers me about all this is that diplomacy, reasoning, the asking questions before shooting thing just doesn't happen. We've got M'Tara backed into a proverbial corner and we kill her? That's the most un-trek thing to do ever. People defending it with the, "Save her and turn your back and that's the ball game" response bother me. It's not about whether she's a duplicitous villain, it matters that we aren't any better by being bloodthirsty TRIBBLE-heads. That's not how the good guys are supposed to act. We're supposed to be better than our enemies. We're supposed to operate from a morally higher position. Where's the evidence of our moral superiority? In the scorch marks we left on her ship when we opened fire? We killed their leader and pissed them off. That was just stupid. It felt very American. "You might be a threat so we're gonna have to kill you ma'am" This isn't the war on terror. Trek is supposed to be about the best that humanity can be. About what we can achieve when we realize peace is always the answer. STO seems to have birdwalked pretty far from that and it's starting to bother me. I seriously question whether the writers are actually trek fans or not. It's starting to seem more and more like all they've seen is the 'splosions left and right, JJ version of trek. Not that those aren't fun to watch, but they aren't true to the peaceful explorer central basis for trek and neither are these episodes they're writing.
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    arachnaasarachnaas Member Posts: 118 Arc User

    I daresay that with T'Ket in charge they'll just go all out and their next target will be Earth.[/quote]

    That's very likely indeed. T'Ket already argued for that in Time in a Bottle after all. In this episode, L'miren says she now 'sees clearly' and agrees with T'Ket.

    When bees kill your sister you stop caring if they make honey. The question is more if they will trash earth spacedock and send ground forces, or just Ender's Game right for the planet.

    If I were in her shoes I would just blow the planet up. Sends a better message about how powerless the federation really is, and makes the ridiculous time BS seem more like "The last resort" that it needs to.
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    mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    I wanted to capture T'Mara. Though maybe that is something that fundamentally can't work, because the other Iconians could gate her away?​​
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
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    sennahcheribsennahcherib Member Posts: 2,823 Arc User
    why earth, qo'nos and romulus are not already destroyed? after all, iconians can travel where they want; earth, qo'nos and new romulus should have been priority targets, or at least the center of the power on these planets. it is illogical.

    in DS9, the breen had attacked earth easily, even if their ships were destroyed. iconians should have done the same thing, an attempt for cutting the head of the snake.
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    legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,282 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    that would be the tactical thing to do...thing is, to the iconians, tactics are a foreign concept; they rely far too much on their technology, their self-proclaimed superiority and their numbers to win their battles, not any actual military tactics​​
    Like special weapons from other Star Trek games? Wondering if they can be replicated in STO even a little bit? Check this out: https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1262277/a-mostly-comprehensive-guide-to-star-trek-videogame-special-weapons-and-their-sto-equivalents


    A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
    An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
    A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
    A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"

    "It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
    "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
    Passion and Serenity are one.
    I gain power by understanding both.
    In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
    I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
    The Force is united within me.
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    angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,001 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    picard51 wrote: »
    (...)Trek is supposed to be about the best that humanity can be. About what we can achieve when we realize peace is always the answer. STO seems to have birdwalked pretty far from that and it's starting to bother me. I seriously question whether the writers are actually trek fans or not. It's starting to seem more and more like all they've seen is the 'splosions left and right, JJ version of trek. Not that those aren't fun to watch, but they aren't true to the peaceful explorer central basis for trek and neither are these episodes they're writing.

    STO has at no point in time been about anything else than shooting mobs (and the few exceptions were removed from the game) and the writing has never been different - in fact it was way worse, it already has improved. If it now "starts" for you to "seem" like there's mostly action and explosions I am wondering where you have been the last five years pig-3.gif

    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
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    arachnaasarachnaas Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    why earth, qo'nos and romulus are not already destroyed? after all, iconians can travel where they want; earth, qo'nos and new romulus should have been priority targets, or at least the center of the power on these planets. it is illogical.

    in DS9, the breen had attacked earth easily, even if their ships were destroyed. iconians should have done the same thing, an attempt for cutting the head of the snake.

    You would think that is exactly what they would have done. The consoles from Sphere of Influence right up say that destroying earth will probably cause the Federation to fall apart. They had their targets, they seemed to have known just how to take any resistance apart. So why are they, and the player, suddenly so stupid?
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    thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,109 Arc User
    My brains dead on this one... something on this said ship was keeping M'Tara alive?

    I'm going to assume the sphere has the same capabilities... why not just bring M'Tara there?
    Typhoon Class please!
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    drakethewhitedrakethewhite Member Posts: 1,240 Arc User
    angrytarg wrote: »
    STO has at no point in time been about anything else than shooting mobs (and the few exceptions were removed from the game) and the writing has never been different - in fact it was way worse, it already has improved. If it now "starts" for you to "seem" like there's mostly action and explosions I am wondering where you have been the last five years

    It's a bit worse this time however because here we watch an alien who actually was in favor of *not* killing us all slowly kill herself because... well I'm not sure why she did. But it was painful to watch in the extreme. The cut scenes make it worse unlike the normal blow things up because we get to linger on the death instead of pulling the trigger and moving on.

    Also the stupidity of the tactics being used by both sides here far exceeds anything we've seen before- again because we spend so much time listening to them being defined.

    STO has always been rather dumb, but now we have to put up with it be highlighted and underscored for us on missions we have to repeat in order to get the very valuable Spec Points.
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    legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,282 Arc User
    thay8472 wrote: »
    My brains dead on this one... something on this said ship was keeping M'Tara alive?

    I'm going to assume the sphere has the same capabilities... why not just bring M'Tara there?
    well, i only played it once so far, and it was last night so i'm fuzzy on the exact details, but i believe the gist of what was happening was the iconians can open gateways with their own energy, which they are made of, and they can absorb energy from the ship to replenish what they use opening the gateways - but because i kept shutting off the power generators, m'tara just kept using up more and more of her own personal energy until she eventually used up so much that she essentially committed suicide

    and i'm sure all the shooting might've depleted some of it as well​​
    Like special weapons from other Star Trek games? Wondering if they can be replicated in STO even a little bit? Check this out: https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1262277/a-mostly-comprehensive-guide-to-star-trek-videogame-special-weapons-and-their-sto-equivalents


    A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
    An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
    A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
    A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"

    "It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
    "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
    Passion and Serenity are one.
    I gain power by understanding both.
    In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
    I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
    The Force is united within me.
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    thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,109 Arc User
    thay8472 wrote: »
    My brains dead on this one... something on this said ship was keeping M'Tara alive?

    I'm going to assume the sphere has the same capabilities... why not just bring M'Tara there?
    well, i only played it once so far, and it was last night so i'm fuzzy on the exact details, but i believe the gist of what was happening was the iconians can open gateways with their own energy, which they are made of, and they can absorb energy from the ship to replenish what they use opening the gateways - but because i kept shutting off the power generators, m'tara just kept using up more and more of her own personal energy until she eventually used up so much that she essentially committed suicide

    and i'm sure all the shooting might've depleted some of it as well​​

    Which raises the question.. why didn't she pop to a different ship or to the sphere itself... charge up... then come back.

    Typhoon Class please!
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    ghostmatterghostmatter Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    Gameplay was fun but the dialogue was poor and the story did not make much sense to me.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    that would be the tactical thing to do...thing is, to the iconians, tactics are a foreign concept; they rely far too much on their technology, their self-proclaimed superiority and their numbers to win their battles, not any actual military tactics​​

    And people wonder why Worffan101 and I wrote the Iconians as hammy morons in Beat the Drums of War...
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    drakethewhitedrakethewhite Member Posts: 1,240 Arc User
    thay8472 wrote: »
    Which raises the question.. why didn't she pop to a different ship or to the sphere itself... charge up... then come back.

    Because it would TRIBBLE up Cryptic's 'carefully crafted' storyline I'm sure.

    This was a being that ported in the High Council chambers on the Klingon Home World- without a ship at all, killed six Klingon Warriors with a wave of her hand.

    Suddenly she's depended upon a ship, can't kill anybody at all, and then kills herself by trying the same thing over and over again (the very definition of insanity that).

    There are no valid questions when faced with such stupidity in writing. Each question just makes things worse.

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    legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,282 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    thay8472 wrote: »
    Which raises the question.. why didn't she pop to a different ship or to the sphere itself... charge up... then come back.

    well, one thing i can think of right off the bat is that the gates formed by the iconians themselves have very limited range - like 'not even able to go from one end of the ship to the other' limited and anything longer distance would've required a gateway​​
    Like special weapons from other Star Trek games? Wondering if they can be replicated in STO even a little bit? Check this out: https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1262277/a-mostly-comprehensive-guide-to-star-trek-videogame-special-weapons-and-their-sto-equivalents


    A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
    An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
    A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
    A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"

    "It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
    "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
    Passion and Serenity are one.
    I gain power by understanding both.
    In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
    I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
    The Force is united within me.
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    drakethewhitedrakethewhite Member Posts: 1,240 Arc User
    thay8472 wrote: »
    Which raises the question.. why didn't she pop to a different ship or to the sphere itself... charge up... then come back.

    well, one thing i can think of right off the bat is that the gates formed by the iconians themselves have very limited range - like 'not even able to go from one end of the ship to the other' limited and anything longer distance would've required a gateway​​

    Except when she popped into and out of the Klingon Home world without any ship in sight.
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    legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,282 Arc User
    Except when she popped into and out of the Klingon Home world without any ship in sight.

    there's absolutely no supporting evidence saying that gateways need to be on ships - for all we know, she used the same gateway in the andromeda sphere that the player did to escape at the end of uneasy allies​​
    Like special weapons from other Star Trek games? Wondering if they can be replicated in STO even a little bit? Check this out: https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1262277/a-mostly-comprehensive-guide-to-star-trek-videogame-special-weapons-and-their-sto-equivalents


    A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
    An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
    A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
    A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"

    "It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
    "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
    Passion and Serenity are one.
    I gain power by understanding both.
    In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
    I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
    The Force is united within me.
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    qziqzaqziqza Member Posts: 1,044 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    think on this.. when we meet M'Tara she says 'with a wave of my hand i could destroy you', not 'i will destroy you' and to be fair she isn't the type to mess her words.. consider the preserver situation.. no hesitation no apology, just simple duty. imagine you are sat at home and you try to reach for your drink or tv remote, as you have done so many times before, so often in fact that you don't even acknowledge the action, but for the 1st time ever your arm just wont move, you can feel it, you can see it, you know it should be moving but it wont.. that would scare me. imagine how an immortal would react. she portals in, talks to us like we are naughty children, raises her hand and threatens to spank us and then.. the arm wont move.. panic, fear, terror.. she didn't act after.. she reacted.​​
    TOS style icons used with the kind permission of irvinis.deviantart.com ©2013-2015
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    drakethewhitedrakethewhite Member Posts: 1,240 Arc User
    Except when she popped into and out of the Klingon Home world without any ship in sight.

    there's absolutely no supporting evidence saying that gateways need to be on ships - for all we know, she used the same gateway in the andromeda sphere that the player did to escape at the end of uneasy allies​​

    And thus she could again, either to escape or draw upon the power needed to kill everyone.
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