People trying to have some fun in a game they pay for with hard earned money they make working...we all sign that thing called a TOS.. It is shown under many different articles of the document, many of the TOS this person is breaking and has been breaking for some time now..Yeah we can ignore, yeah we can just stand there and do nothing...BUT we shouldn't have to, we pay money to play, some of us are lifers some of us aren't. Still no excuse to say oh I pay this so and so company money so I should be able to do whatever I wish whenever I want. If that happened MMO's in general would have been dead a long time ago.
On another note, I go to these parties, that she has, are they fun? Yes very much so, met alot of very nice people and friends at these parties..good tunes and great company, for something I pay for is better than no company, miserable, and have to suck the fun out of an event or a gathering because it is "fun"...Well it gets old and have many of times stood there for 30+ minutes letting them do whatever they want, and yet they still go on with the staying in one place and ignoring them is kinda hard to do when your trying to have a good time.
Funny, ain't it?! Whenever I open threads about trolling and griefing other players, I'm seeing the usual Dental folks justifying said trolling and griefing. Coincidence?!
Amazingly, the OP actually solved his own problem by moving to a private zone to have a private event. Without any kind of disruption. Shocking I know.
So you have not read what I have written, obviously.
1] the event was meant to be at Risa incorporating the dance event mission for rewards.
2] A ship can only hold approx 20, so as usually 50 plus come to my radio parties, so many could not get in.
Funny, ain't it?! Whenever I open threads about trolling and griefing other players, I'm seeing the usual Dental folks justifying said trolling and griefing. Coincidence?!
So if I understand you correctly Taylor, you're saying the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate?
I question whether "we are having a dance party in a public risa zone during the event and YOU CANT COME BECAUSE WE DONT LIKE YOU SO LEAVE" is a valid thing to be considered a "player event" for the purpose of the terms of service.
If she didn't want people there she would be posting in zone and in local, hey go to so and so what you are saying isn't even justifiable..that is an assumption you are having. I have never seen anyone asked to leave such an event or player event what you are saying isn't even right...
The person is following her, as he has been doing many of times, he is trying to have "fun"...and none of the event she has had have ever been private..and if they were they were for a celebration of an annivesary...Obviously you don't understand the OP because what you are saying has been justified by said OP or other posters..
Oh, our fleet RP'd in Risa once but not during the high season. Lol Risa should have been dead as a doornail so I'm not quite sure how those Dental folks found us.
But seriously we just switched from local chat to a our private channel and collectively ignored them. I'm rather proud of my fleet actually because not one of us gave any outward recognition of the Dentals.
Needless to say it was less than ten minutes before they beamed out and left us alone. Take from that what you will.
The OP was about how somone she didn't like kept coming to her public dance parties and refusing to leave. And, since she disliked this person a huge amount, she made her dance party private just to exclude him or her.
Like Arthur Miller wrote in Death of a Salesman, "Spite, spite is the word of your undoing!"
You keep (conveniently) leaving out that she kept leaving and he kept following, finally having to resort to a private bridge instance to keep him from pursuing.
This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
If we are going to suspend disbelief for a moment and actually consider "personal space" for the toon in the video game to be a legitimate actual thing, then there are only a few solutions.
Full time GMs dedicated to measuring the space between toons and separating them if they are too close and somone reports it.
-this breaks any bounds of suspended disbelief and goes into bankruptcy/laughingstock territory.
A collision bubble around a toon that repels other toons from getting close to it.
-this would be problematic in tight spaces and when people wanted to pose for screenshots
A force push type power that can be used to forcibly repel toons that get too close.
-relatively reasonable, given the absurd context.
Typical Dental being typical.
And you couldn't be more wrong. This is not about people claiming personal space; in fact, ironically, quite the oppsite: it's about shared space, and how to comport yourself therein. No 'collision bubble around a toon' is required: respecting other people's boundaries comes natural to most of us, is the point.
No one has even tried to explain how "we are moving our dance party, leave we don't like you you aren't welcome." Gives any person who wants to dance any reason to obey the supposed king of risa' commandments.
We had a party on risa today and hopped instances, didn't try to tell anyone they weren't welcome and had to leave. That kind of thing just isn't on.
Star Trek is about INcluding people not EXcluding people.
If this OP is upset that her own spiteful behavior, done solely to exclude a person she didn't like, forced her to leave risa, well, Arthur Miller wrote a play about that didn't he...
At that point are the poor oppressed stalkers there to dance or are they there to harass?
If they are there to dance and someone leaves, they can continue to dance.
If they are there to harass and their target leaves, they can't continue to harass unless they follow their target.
This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
At some point, you have to look the tiger in the eye and start to really think about it. If a whole dance party is moving just to exclude one person that they hate, or that refuses to follow the orders of the King of Risa to obey and leave, where is the anti social behavior really being displayed.
Once again, Star Trek is about INclusion, not EXclusion.
The stalker chooses to pursue by changing instances.
When the party left, he didn't have to do anything. He chose to pursue to continue the harassment. He took the action to continue it. The ball of wrongness is squarely in his court.
This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
And when you go rubbing your privates against women that don't want that kind of attention and following them around at a public party you end up getting tossed out on your butt if you're lucky. More likely beaten up and arrested.
Hand to God, were I a Douwd, I'd ban Dental. No, no, you don't understand the scope of my intent. I wouldn't ban just one Dental, or a hundred, or a thousand. I would ban them all. All Dentals, everywhere.
The parallels you drew says a lot about how you view yourself and your actions.
How do you not understand the issue?...
People trying to have some fun in a game they pay for with hard earned money they make working...we all sign that thing called a TOS.. It is shown under many different articles of the document, many of the TOS this person is breaking and has been breaking for some time now..Yeah we can ignore, yeah we can just stand there and do nothing...BUT we shouldn't have to, we pay money to play, some of us are lifers some of us aren't. Still no excuse to say oh I pay this so and so company money so I should be able to do whatever I wish whenever I want. If that happened MMO's in general would have been dead a long time ago.
On another note, I go to these parties, that she has, are they fun? Yes very much so, met alot of very nice people and friends at these parties..good tunes and great company, for something I pay for is better than no company, miserable, and have to suck the fun out of an event or a gathering because it is "fun"...Well it gets old and have many of times stood there for 30+ minutes letting them do whatever they want, and yet they still go on with the staying in one place and ignoring them is kinda hard to do when your trying to have a good time.
So you have not read what I have written, obviously.
1] the event was meant to be at Risa incorporating the dance event mission for rewards.
2] A ship can only hold approx 20, so as usually 50 plus come to my radio parties, so many could not get in.
Oh no disruption at all really?!!!haha
You people are so easy to provoke it's child's play.
So if I understand you correctly Taylor, you're saying the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate?
If she didn't want people there she would be posting in zone and in local, hey go to so and so what you are saying isn't even justifiable..that is an assumption you are having. I have never seen anyone asked to leave such an event or player event what you are saying isn't even right...
The person is following her, as he has been doing many of times, he is trying to have "fun"...and none of the event she has had have ever been private..and if they were they were for a celebration of an annivesary...Obviously you don't understand the OP because what you are saying has been justified by said OP or other posters..
I see what you did there. :P
But seriously we just switched from local chat to a our private channel and collectively ignored them. I'm rather proud of my fleet actually because not one of us gave any outward recognition of the Dentals.
Needless to say it was less than ten minutes before they beamed out and left us alone.
You keep (conveniently) leaving out that she kept leaving and he kept following, finally having to resort to a private bridge instance to keep him from pursuing.
Typical Dental being typical.
And you couldn't be more wrong. This is not about people claiming personal space; in fact, ironically, quite the oppsite: it's about shared space, and how to comport yourself therein. No 'collision bubble around a toon' is required: respecting other people's boundaries comes natural to most of us, is the point.
At that point are the poor oppressed stalkers there to dance or are they there to harass?
If they are there to dance and someone leaves, they can continue to dance.
If they are there to harass and their target leaves, they can't continue to harass unless they follow their target.
Then you act the fool, get asked to leave, don't, then the party leaves you, and then you cry foul when they keep running from you.
The stalker chooses to pursue by changing instances.
When the party left, he didn't have to do anything. He chose to pursue to continue the harassment. He took the action to continue it. The ball of wrongness is squarely in his court.
Hand to God, were I a Douwd, I'd ban Dental. No, no, you don't understand the scope of my intent. I wouldn't ban just one Dental, or a hundred, or a thousand. I would ban them all. All Dentals, everywhere.
Dance, yes.
Stalk, no.