So, we're supposed to appreciate alternative expressions of mourning, but it's okay for you jokers to ruin other people's more typical expressions of mourning?
This is the part that irks me, asking for appreciation while actively disrupting others.
A private instance, use of a fleet holding, the Foundry, or even the selection of a public venue like Quark's or Club 47 where one would expect a boisterous wake to take place would have been quite sufficient (heck, you could even argue it's canon to have a wake at Quark's given the one Quark threw for Morn). A solution like that would avoid any problems with anyone getting in each other's way, instead of doing the equivalent of just grabbing people and forcing them to participate and be in the middle of it when they do not want to and actively chasing them from instance to instance and filling zone chat with obscenities and slurs.
The general concept of celebrating a life is one thing, and if genuine, is carried out with respect. What I have seen does NOT exemplify respect at all.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
This is the part that irks me, asking for appreciation while actively disrupting others.
A private instance, use of a fleet holding, the Foundry, or even the selection of a public venue like Quark's or Club 47 where one would expect a boisterous wake to take place would have been quite sufficient (heck, you could even argue it's canon to have a wake at Quark's given the one Quark threw for Morn). A solution like that would avoid any problems with anyone getting in each other's way, instead of doing the equivalent of just grabbing people and forcing them to participate and be in the middle of it when they do not want to and actively chasing them from instance to instance and filling zone chat with obscenities and slurs.
The general concept of celebrating a life is one thing, and if genuine, is carried out with respect. What I have seen does NOT exemplify respect at all.
We all know its not as if Nabreeki is actually this dense. Its not lost on him/her of the hypocrisy in what it is theyre saying. Every time someone responds admitting to being irked, angered or appalled by his/her reactions. He/she gets off on it.
I am completely unsurprised that the unfortunate circumstance has once again brought out the absolute worst in this community. Congratulations, guys on reaching a new low. Using a man's passing as a springboard to trot out your old grievances is repulsive.
Star Trek was supposed to be about diversity and tolerance. But we all see how that goes. :rolleyes:
For those who are unable to see, I am NOT referring to the party amplifier people.
You want to pay your respects? Try this. Be civil and tolerant of others.
The name calling and vitriol is hugely disrespectful of the man you are purportedly mourning.
Sorry, but it's a stupid question. There were many disco balls popped over many instances, and a lot of them not by Dentals. There were only six or seven of us at the memorial at any given time, and 1000 players present. If you think ALL of that was us, then you are free to dwell in your own delusion.
I want to add that our response to the memorial is purely within the realms of canon, as noted with this clip from episode 5, episode 24 of TNG, "The Next Phase."
We were attempting to give Spock a life celebration, something found within the Trek universe itself, but I guess some people don't appreciate alternative expressions of mourning.
I don't remember them spraying each other with bug spray in "The Next Phase" or trash talking about the dead.
So, we're supposed to appreciate alternative expressions of mourning, but it's okay for you jokers to ruin other people's more typical expressions of mourning?
you need to seek help fast...that if you can stand the doctor ...pretty sure you can't stand even the doctor who tries to help you.
That looks like a picture of people having a celebration, a party, raising a joyful noise.
Its like a Second Line in New Orleans.
When someone dies in Louisiana, there is some times a great raucous parade with bright colors, horns, music, dancing.
But hey, its easier to come on here and complain about "those people like something I don't like" and "they aren't doing what I want them to."
As far as I'm concerned, the disco ball should be renamed the Spock Memorial Sphere.
As long as there is one in the sky, shining bright, like Leonard Nimoy shined bright for us all, brightening out lives and enriching them, his memory cannot fade.
Frankly it is somewhat insulting to others to claim you have the only legitimate beliefs about grieving or mourning or dealing with loss.
Dressing in black and standing silently may work for you, but I can think of a certain figure in star trek who believed in "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combination."
The notion that anyone should be banned from the game just for disagreeing with your opinions, but that you shouldn't be banned for disagreeing with theirs, is frankly obscene.
Well you nail it, accidently. It's not because those people in Louisiana are celebrating and mourn a different way when someone passes away, that I am entitled to force my believes upon them, just like you aren't entitled to force your opininion on group who wished to express their gratitude to L. Nimoy in all serenity.
Knowing that wouldn't have turn this whole discussion into one of "a bunch of miserable bullies on the playground run to the teacher, after they didn't got the reaction they wanted, accusing their victim of being the bully."
OK, if I have to stay here for a while, your cieling ... looks idious.:D
You probably still wouldn't have seen one even if you had.
Besides, the people encountered along the route of one of these things aren't themselves mourning the deceased.
I suspect they have not given that the 'tradition' is not as common as they seem to think, nor do they apparently have an understanding of the manner in which it is held :
Louisiana 'Jazz' Funeral...
That looks like a picture of people having a celebration, a party, raising a joyful noise.
Its like a Second Line in New Orleans.
When someone dies in Louisiana, there is some times a great raucous parade with bright colors, horns, music, dancing.
But hey, its easier to come on here and complain about "those people like something I don't like" and "they aren't doing what I want them to."
As far as I'm concerned, the disco ball should be renamed the Spock Memorial Sphere.
As long as there is one in the sky, shining bright, like Leonard Nimoy shined bright for us all, brightening out lives and enriching them, his memory cannot fade.
Frankly it is somewhat insulting to others to claim you have the only legitimate beliefs about grieving or mourning or dealing with loss.
Dressing in black and standing silently may work for you, but I can think of a certain figure in star trek who believed in "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combination."
The notion that anyone should be banned from the game just for disagreeing with your opinions, but that you shouldn't be banned for disagreeing with theirs, is frankly obscene.
People in Louisiana don't spray each other with bug spray at funerals and trash talk the dead.
I see nothing wrong with disco bombs and I see nothing wrong with nullifiers, my only gripe would be is that once purchased the only way to nullify a nullifier is to discard it and that is shame, you should be able to turn its effect off and on through your hotbar.
one thing I will say to all the wingers out there is if you got 500 dilithium every time you was effected by a disco bomb I will bet you would be clamering to be caught by their effects.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
I see nothing wrong with disco bombs and I see nothing wrong with nullifiers, my only gripe would be is that once purchased the only way to nullify a nullifier is to discard it and that is shame, you should be able to turn its effect off and on through your hotbar.
one thing I will say to all the wingers out there is if you got 500 dilithium every time you was effected by a disco bomb I will bet you would be clamering to be caught by their effects.
Usually, I would agree with you, but this is a case where players came to a place with the intention of solemnenity and were intentionally disrupted by the disco ball people. People complained to the disco ball people in the forums and the disco ball people refused to respect the requests and wishes of the other people, for several hours. That is definately disrespectful. They should have the common decency to leave people alone on e they have heard that they were offending people, but they actually increased the activity, that is definatey greifing, not greiving.
Well you nail it, accidently. It's not because those people in Louisiana are celebrating and mourn a different way when someone passes away, that I am entitled to force my believes upon them, just like you aren't entitled to force your opininion on group who wished to express their gratitude to L. Nimoy in all serenity.
Knowing that wouldn't have turn this whole discussion into one of "a bunch of miserable bullies on the playground run to the teacher, after they didn't got the reaction they wanted, accusing their victim of being the bully."
So your assertion is people wanting to celebrate his life should have done it somewhere else. How insulting. There is no way to ensure 100 people wishing to celebrate his life would get into 1 or even 2 or 3 zones. Perhaps you guys should have just taken your somber affair somewhere else. We had/have just as much right to assemble on Vulcan as anyone else.
You probably still wouldn't have seen one even if you had.
Besides, the people encountered along the route of one of these things aren't themselves mourning the deceased.
Because they don't in fact know the deceased. Sounds just like our situation to me. No one assembling on Vulcan knew Mr. Niomy. We are all people that have heard of the man, know his work... and celebrate his life.
In one of those parades your right people join in that live in the area. Cause these types of send offs are almost always reserved for people that have had important often public lives. People may not for instance know a mayor of a town but they will have been effected by them. They are welcomed to join in the parade. Same deal here... we where all touched by My. Niomys works... and we should all be joining the parade thanking the universe for gifting us such a talented individual who was able to touch so many of us with out ever truly knowing any of us. That is a special life and one worth remembering with joy.
I blame Dental, they need to have a little more compassion for the very reason they are in STO. They may be trekkies, but also nuisances amongst many that are silent here, but mostly nuisances we are ALL aware of as Fleet Admirals. For that very reason, let's hope they can keep their kronies out of pvp or any pve. Quite a few people have said already, they have warped out if any Dental players are in their team out of the lack of respect after yesterday and today.
Enjoy, must be nice running with uncontrollable monkies.
As a ranking member of the shadowy Council for Dental Affairs, let me address your appeal/request directly: No.
Troll it elsewhere sunshine, as one of possibly many here that have called it out: Drop dead, it wasn't an appeal OR request. Enjoy, Karma and it's already been proven by the many. LLAP
I blame Dental, they need to have a little more compassion for the very reason they are in STO. They may be trekkies, but also nuisances amongst many that are silent here, but mostly nuisances we are ALL aware of as Fleet Admirals. For that very reason, let's hope they can keep their kronies out of pvp or any pve. Quite a few people have said already, they have warped out if any Dental players are in their team out of the lack of respect after yesterday and today.
Enjoy, must be nice running with uncontrollable monkies.
So here you are intentionally disrupting the normal flow of game play over one fleet? That is a major violation of the TOS.
I got 500+ people on my ignore list, no one in Dental is on that list. I only ignore people who gold sell, threaten other players with RL harm, threaten Mods, and Devs with RL harm and my personal favorite, scammers.
I bet if I check my ignore list you will be on it, but then again, most forum users don't use their ingame names as their forum names.
Go and purchase a Subspace Party Nullifier, available from Greelan on Drozana Station, or Woadie in Quark's Bar on DS9, for the affordable price of only 100 GPL.
Not really bothered by disco balls most of the time...
However, I would pay 100 Zen for a "Fleet Map Invite" Nullifier.
Wishing death and pain on others is, in my humble opinion, an entirely healthy and well-adjusted way of complaining about a party popper in a video game. As said earlier, Smirk recognized the need for varying displays of grief and support for Mr. Nimoy and disabled all social devices in an instance for those who needed somber reflection.
This whole thread harks back to players' obsessive need to control everything around them at all times. Sometimes I wonder of any of you realize that Vulcans don't exist -- they are imaginary, and you are not them. As I said before: get over yourselves. Your constant whining and raging has done more to disrupt the vigil than any amount of disco balls ever could.
Problem? Buy a nullifier. They are cheap and very accessible. Plenty of players had them.
Plainly, as a Dental myself, I choose to rather celebrate Mr. Nimoy's life and the things he left us with, not only Star Trek, but happy little moments like his (hillariously silly) music career, or his role in other memorable movies of my childhood such as "The Pagemaster", which inspired me to read the Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde novel and get into classic literature.
Sadly, most people I have seen do not even mourn for Mr. Nimoy, but for Mr. Spock, an entirely fictional character, with absolutely no regard to the man behind that character or the life he lived and the legacy he left behind, not as a fictional alien, but as a human being.
Go and purchase a Subspace Party Nullifier, available from Greelan on Drozana Station, or Woadie in Quark's Bar on DS9, for the affordable price of only 100 GPL.
Yes, this information should be stickied somewhere or included with an already existing sticky. Yes, the functionality of this should be standard. Yes, it will eat up an inventory slot. However, that is the price Cryptic demands you pay to make yourself immune to the disco balls.
Ah, douchcockery is a time-honored tradition in all online dealings, especially mmo's. Now having said that, you have to give crytic some credit, they now include an item that can help reduce the effects of the dirty disco deed...although it took a lifetime for them to code it.
False. If that were even the least bit true, if we REALLY ramped up "trolling" when ignored, and inevitably "crossed the line," more of us would have been banned long ago. Five years in the game and two members banned, the last of which was two years ago.
Reality does not reflect what you say, because what you say is, in fact, not the real situation.
We both know that it's really difficult to be banned from STO. You really have to try hard, and probably directly attack Cryptic's devs. Otherwise it's mostly ignored.
Even goldsellers are fine. They have a huge website with tons of infos about DOFF (more than the wiki or anything the official website have), and they have bots everywhere in Qo'nos. Not to mention the various exploits we can't speak about.
The only time I've seen anything happen is when devs takes direct actions. And even then, it takes weeks, at least.
You're basically in the international water, and say "If what I'm doing was wrong, then the police would arrest me".
Using disco balls and such tools to troll an homage to Nimoy is bad. But your fleet, just like Goons in others games, is built around being the "bad guys". You use symbols and action which are seen as morally wrong by most people. From TRIBBLE symbolism to ISIS.
It's childish, but you enjoy pissing off others. It's kind of sad, actually.
This is the part that irks me, asking for appreciation while actively disrupting others.
A private instance, use of a fleet holding, the Foundry, or even the selection of a public venue like Quark's or Club 47 where one would expect a boisterous wake to take place would have been quite sufficient (heck, you could even argue it's canon to have a wake at Quark's given the one Quark threw for Morn). A solution like that would avoid any problems with anyone getting in each other's way, instead of doing the equivalent of just grabbing people and forcing them to participate and be in the middle of it when they do not want to and actively chasing them from instance to instance and filling zone chat with obscenities and slurs.
The general concept of celebrating a life is one thing, and if genuine, is carried out with respect. What I have seen does NOT exemplify respect at all.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
We all know its not as if Nabreeki is actually this dense. Its not lost on him/her of the hypocrisy in what it is theyre saying. Every time someone responds admitting to being irked, angered or appalled by his/her reactions. He/she gets off on it.
Star Trek was supposed to be about diversity and tolerance. But we all see how that goes. :rolleyes:
For those who are unable to see, I am NOT referring to the party amplifier people.
You want to pay your respects? Try this. Be civil and tolerant of others.
The name calling and vitriol is hugely disrespectful of the man you are purportedly mourning.
I don't remember them spraying each other with bug spray in "The Next Phase" or trash talking about the dead.
you need to seek help fast...that if you can stand the doctor ...pretty sure you can't stand even the doctor who tries to help you.
Thanks for posting this Link. A picture says more than 1000 words.
Well you nail it, accidently. It's not because those people in Louisiana are celebrating and mourn a different way when someone passes away, that I am entitled to force my believes upon them, just like you aren't entitled to force your opininion on group who wished to express their gratitude to L. Nimoy in all serenity.
Knowing that wouldn't have turn this whole discussion into one of "a bunch of miserable bullies on the playground run to the teacher, after they didn't got the reaction they wanted, accusing their victim of being the bully."
You probably still wouldn't have seen one even if you had.
Besides, the people encountered along the route of one of these things aren't themselves mourning the deceased.
I suspect they have not given that the 'tradition' is not as common as they seem to think, nor do they apparently have an understanding of the manner in which it is held :
Louisiana 'Jazz' Funeral...
People in Louisiana don't spray each other with bug spray at funerals and trash talk the dead.
one thing I will say to all the wingers out there is if you got 500 dilithium every time you was effected by a disco bomb I will bet you would be clamering to be caught by their effects.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
Usually, I would agree with you, but this is a case where players came to a place with the intention of solemnenity and were intentionally disrupted by the disco ball people. People complained to the disco ball people in the forums and the disco ball people refused to respect the requests and wishes of the other people, for several hours. That is definately disrespectful. They should have the common decency to leave people alone on e they have heard that they were offending people, but they actually increased the activity, that is definatey greifing, not greiving.
So your assertion is people wanting to celebrate his life should have done it somewhere else. How insulting. There is no way to ensure 100 people wishing to celebrate his life would get into 1 or even 2 or 3 zones. Perhaps you guys should have just taken your somber affair somewhere else. We had/have just as much right to assemble on Vulcan as anyone else.
Because they don't in fact know the deceased. Sounds just like our situation to me. No one assembling on Vulcan knew Mr. Niomy. We are all people that have heard of the man, know his work... and celebrate his life.
In one of those parades your right people join in that live in the area. Cause these types of send offs are almost always reserved for people that have had important often public lives. People may not for instance know a mayor of a town but they will have been effected by them. They are welcomed to join in the parade. Same deal here... we where all touched by My. Niomys works... and we should all be joining the parade thanking the universe for gifting us such a talented individual who was able to touch so many of us with out ever truly knowing any of us. That is a special life and one worth remembering with joy.
Enjoy, must be nice running with uncontrollable monkies.
Troll it elsewhere sunshine, as one of possibly many here that have called it out: Drop dead, it wasn't an appeal OR request. Enjoy, Karma and it's already been proven by the many. LLAP
So here you are intentionally disrupting the normal flow of game play over one fleet? That is a major violation of the TOS.
I got 500+ people on my ignore list, no one in Dental is on that list. I only ignore people who gold sell, threaten other players with RL harm, threaten Mods, and Devs with RL harm and my personal favorite, scammers.
I bet if I check my ignore list you will be on it, but then again, most forum users don't use their ingame names as their forum names.
Not really bothered by disco balls most of the time...
However, I would pay 100 Zen for a "Fleet Map Invite" Nullifier.
Plainly, as a Dental myself, I choose to rather celebrate Mr. Nimoy's life and the things he left us with, not only Star Trek, but happy little moments like his (hillariously silly) music career, or his role in other memorable movies of my childhood such as "The Pagemaster", which inspired me to read the Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde novel and get into classic literature.
Sadly, most people I have seen do not even mourn for Mr. Nimoy, but for Mr. Spock, an entirely fictional character, with absolutely no regard to the man behind that character or the life he lived and the legacy he left behind, not as a fictional alien, but as a human being.
Ah, douchcockery is a time-honored tradition in all online dealings, especially mmo's. Now having said that, you have to give crytic some credit, they now include an item that can help reduce the effects of the dirty disco deed...although it took a lifetime for them to code it.
Even goldsellers are fine. They have a huge website with tons of infos about DOFF (more than the wiki or anything the official website have), and they have bots everywhere in Qo'nos. Not to mention the various exploits we can't speak about.
The only time I've seen anything happen is when devs takes direct actions. And even then, it takes weeks, at least.
You're basically in the international water, and say "If what I'm doing was wrong, then the police would arrest me".
Using disco balls and such tools to troll an homage to Nimoy is bad. But your fleet, just like Goons in others games, is built around being the "bad guys". You use symbols and action which are seen as morally wrong by most people. From TRIBBLE symbolism to ISIS.
It's childish, but you enjoy pissing off others. It's kind of sad, actually.