Using disco balls and such tools to troll an homage to Nimoy is bad. But your fleet, just like Goons in others games, is built around being the "bad guys". You use symbols and action which are seen as morally wrong by most people. From TRIBBLE symbolism to ISIS.
It's childish, but you enjoy pissing off others. It's kind of sad, actually.
I had always suspected Dental were Goons, a few comments which have suddenly cropped up make pretty clear that they are indeed Goons... A sad bunch of misfits, who enjoy the anonymity of the internet, purely to grief others - it's actually rather pathetic...
I had always associated them with those kids who giggle with glee as they pull the legs off a bug, before watching it walk in circles... It's either pure schadenfreude, or I suspect in many cases, them lashing out as they're the ones picked on in real life...
Worst part is, while their pranks were limited to hassling ERPers on Drozana (let's face it, ERP should NOT be held in public areas) I actually found their behaviour in STO harmless, even amusing when watching the ERPers complain (sorry, but if you want to indulge in cyber-sexual acts, it's something that really should be taken private)...
Intentionally disrupting others who wish to remember Mr Nimoy in a solemn way, is appaling however and the fact they are trying to actually defend jumping instances and dropping disco balls and party poppers on other groups, demonstrates their behaviour was indeed not mere trolling in this case, but outright griefing...
There is actually absolutely nothing resembling ISIS in any.of our imagery. ISIS has a black flag with the shahada (testament of faith) in Arabic scrawled across it. Our symbol contains nothing remotely similar to it. There is a picture of a finger, a computer or something, and Starfleet Dental across the top. That you associate anything that even looks middle eastern with ISIS is offensive in itself. Speaking as someone " from the region," I'm used to seeing that kind of ignorance displayed in the West.
The eagle is a picture of an eagle. There is no TRIBBLE symbolism. There is an eagle, something the TRIBBLE themselves lifted from ancient rome. You can find Eagles dipicted on many Slavic flags, as well as coat of arms and official seals dating back millennia.
Keep your own hate mongering to yourself.
And this is exactly the sort of rot I'd expect from a Goon... What next? Using a Swastika but then arguing that it's not a TRIBBLE symbol, but a Hindu icon that the TRIBBLE's 'lifted' to use as their emblem?
Try as you might to justify using such images, the intent is clear... The 'picture of the finger' you're speaking about is exactly the same image used in virtually every image coming out of ISIS and you don't think people will make that connection, especially when surrounded by Islamic text - or at least a font that mimics Islamic writings....
The Eagle you refer to, despite being co-opted from the Roman Empire, is far more widely recognised as being representative of TRIBBLE Germany, yet again, you try and defend it...
Since you felt you had to even try and explain the validity of such images, regardless of whether or not you're correct, only demonstrates that you're well aware of the potential offence people will take at them and the fact that they are going to be viewed in a certain way...
Please... Spare those of us, with even the slightest modicum of intelligence, such absolute rot as this...
Speaking as someone " from the region," I'm used to seeing that kind of ignorance displayed in the West.
And this is a typical straw man diversion... Don't like you've been called out on your TRIBBLE, so now you're going to try and play the victim card once again - this time falling as far back as cultural persecution...
This is all pure speculation and opinion (aside from our affiliation with SA), and I have no problems casually tossing it aside and disregarding everything said much like has been done with my posts.
How is any of what I said speculation? Opinion, yes, speculation, no... In any case, it doesn't make it less of an accurate assessment of your average Goon...
Show me a picture of a finger associated with Isis. There isn't.
Human figures and graphic depictions of animals and people are frowned upon in strict interpretations of Islam. Wrong again. There is a four finger symbol of protest against the current Egyptian president Al-Sisi, but that's not religious in nature. I'll give you all the time in the world to prove me wrong on this.
The reason I brought up the eagle is because this argument has been done to death. Sorry of an eagle bothers you. Fact is: we did not use a swastika. That's a false comparison to make, as it was a blatant symbol of naziism.
Wrong and wrong and wrong.
That argument may have been done to death, probably because using that specific image of an eagle, specifically the Reichsadler, makes a very clear association and intent...
But, given that stance, why would you not use a Swastika? It's a symbol which has existed since ancient times and is completely harmless, just like the Riechsadler, by your arguments anyway...
Show me a picture of a finger associated with Isis. There isn't. Human figures and graphic depictions of animals and people are frowned upon in strict interpretations of Islam. Wrong again. There is a four finger symbol of protest against the current Egyptian president Al-Sisi, but that's not religious in nature. I'll give you all the time in the world to prove me wrong on this.
And by the way, nice job throwing a red herring to get people off the topic of Starfleet Dental's misdeeds. Let's get back to the topic, shall we? Because under a strict interpretation of the more relevant book of law, the Arc Games Terms of Service...
15. User Conduct
15.1 You must observe these Terms, all Rules of Conduct, all applicable laws and all basic rules of etiquette and common courtesy when using the Service. Any conduct that violates the law in an offline, real world community is also a violation of these terms. We will not tolerate any illegal or offensive conduct.
15.2 Without limiting the foregoing, in addition to the User Content rules set forth in Section 16, you agree not to take any of the following actions:
f. “stalk,” threaten or otherwise harass or cause discomfort to another;
h. impede or disrupt the Service or the normal flow of game play or dialogue in the Game or in Interactive Areas (defined below) in the Service or use vulgar language, abusiveness, use of excessive shouting (ALL CAPS), “spamming” or any other disruptive or detrimental methods in an attempt to disturb other users or our employees;
i. engage in, encourage, or promote any illegal activity, or any activity that violates these Terms or the Rules of Conduct;
n. take any action that disrupts the Service or that negatively affects or may prohibit other users from enjoying the Website, the Games or any other aspect of the Service.
... you are all guilty as sin and the only reason you weren't permabanned long ago is that PWE's GM staff are either incompetent or were never actually hired.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Since you know absolutely nothing about Islam aside from a quick Google search, how about you leave that where it is before you demonstrate your ignorance even more.
Never claimed to know the first thing about Islam, so this is another straw man argument to divert attention... You're becoming quite transparent in these I must say...
I merely responded to your request to show an association between a finger raised to the sky and ISIS... I also infered that a finger pointed at the sky, surrounded by Islamic writings (or a font which mimicked Islamic writing) would be associated with ISIS, and that this was undoubtedly the intent of the image used by the Dental in question...
Just like using the Reichsadler eagle is intended to make an association with TRIBBLE Germany, without being so blatant as to use a Swastika anyway...
Isis is brutal and barbaric and completely against the tenants.of Islam,
I actually agree with you here, I have a number of work colleagues who are Muslim, so I've had alot of opportunity to discuss what's going on and an albeit basic understanding of Islam... One spits every time he hears the term ISIS he hates them so vehemently, for everything they are doing 'in the name of Islam'...
Again, I never made the association between ISIS and Islam, outside of challenging your remarks as to suggest that the imagery certain Dental members have chosen to use would not be associated with ISIS...
If you guys really want Islam 101 then let's have it, or we can go back to taking about Nimoy. You would have much more success with the latter
If you want to continue to try your diversionary attempts, and inane justifications for the griefing of others, then so be it... Return to your typical Goon behaviour...
So far, all of this exactly what I'd expect from Goons...
As for a Islam 101, I have a number of friends I could turn to for that, but thanks for the offer...
You didn't directly associate a finger and Isis, but you tried to connect our logo and Isis. I was pointing out that elements in our logo are representative more or less of elements of mainstream Islamic concepts, not any radicalized ideology, thus the comparison falls flat.
Ummm.. So German heraldry is now an 'Islamic concept'? Wow... You learn something new every day...
The point is this: yes I used party poppers, no I'm not sorry, if you were offended that's your problem, otherwise take it up with PWE. Thanks.
Translated : you made valid points which I cannot counter, so I'm now just going to deflect you entirely by telling you to lodge a complaint if you feel offended...
Thank you for acknowledging your behaviour was inappropriate...
gotta love these erpers....they moved from disco balls to trolls then to isis....i bet in 2 posts we are back to hitler.
you people should seek help are a danger for yourself and for others.Socially awkward is not enough to describe how deranged you people act .Naming and shaming a entire fleet because you people can't erp in silence.
oh noes someone does something I dont like...ban him.
Oh noes, someone does something I don't like....must stalk him with disco balls, party poppers and balloon makers.
Idk, doesn't quite have the same ring to it.
oh noes bash his entire fleet.
you are the definition of socially awkward and really really antisocial if you bash a entire fleet because someone in that fleet hates your bs perverted chat spam.
Nabreeki, look...there have been times when I have been willing to engage you in discussion on certain topics, but this isn't a play I can back in any way whatsoever. Assigning a group with the stated purpose of ensuring that people are doing things your way and your way only at all times...that undermines any claims to principle that you might have made before and shows what this is really about. If such rhetoric had any substance, then it would have been followed through with respect towards others. And remember, bad behavior is never justified by pointing to any other bad behavior that may or may not have occurred. I've proposed alternatives ranging from use of private instances and maps to selection of public venues where celebrations would be par for the course, but the actions--choosing deliberately disruptive behavior and refusing more reasonable options--speak louder than the words.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
Seriously, someone please tell me what ERP is! This is the second thread today it's come up in. I get Role Play.. What's the E? Enhanced? Extreme? Like people who are wearing their Star Fleet uniforms in RL while in game and you aren't allowed to do anything that's not in character?
Seriously, someone please tell me what ERP is! This is the second thread today it's come up in. I get Role Play.. What's the E? Enhanced? Extreme? Like people who are wearing their Star Fleet uniforms in RL while in game and you aren't allowed to do anything that's not in character?
I must have missed this before, sorry. ERP is "erotic roleplay," which doesn't belong in public chats.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
Backtracking on Isis comments, check. Mistranslating what I said with speculation on your part..Check. Everything I did was entirely appropriate thus no apologies. You are using all these sock rhetorical argument terms on me but you lack the ethos -- authority and credibility -- to make your case appealing to anyone who's not already in agreement with you.
You didn't directly associate a finger and Isis, but you tried to connect our logo and Isis. I was pointing out that elements in our logo are representative more or less of elements of mainstream Islamic concepts, not any radicalized ideology, thus the comparison falls flat. .
You suggested that elements in your logos are representative, more or less, of Islam... Yet there are individuals within Dental who choose to use German heraldry, primarily the TRIBBLE interpretation of the Reichsadler, as part of Dental's imagery - specifically their forum Avatar...
You can revise your statements as much as you like, I've not twisted a thing... Quite the opposite as I've already caught you out once in this...
I'll also point out I was not the first to associate a certain Dental's signature with ISIS...
I was merely responding to remarks you made trying to justify, and deny that some of your Goons had taken it upon themselves to provide a signature, that was clearly going to be interpreted as such by many users on these forums...
No matter how you try and spin this, the imagery chosen has been chosen for the sole purpose to cause offense and agitation amongst other users on these forums... The decision to use these images was a calculated act on behalf of those in question...
I am proud of Starfleet Dental's life celebration, a pinnacle of the day over the cry hard echobox which was the "memorial" (again, not coined until well after people came en masse), where many people seed more.intent to mourn the loss of a character than the man, where people climbed.over each other to prove how much more affected they were than others (a bizarre way of establishing proximity to Nimoy, I might add). We might have to assign a permanent honor guard to Vulcan to ensure that life is being celebrated at all times.
If that's how they wish to mark Mr Nimoy's passing, who are you to judge? Is that not the argument you've been using for your memorial disco since the earliest stages of this thread?
My point from the very beginning, in typically Goon Griefer style, certain individuals went out of their way to disrupt the activities of others...
You want to throw a party... You want to throw a Louisiana Jazz Funeral in memorial (as one of your confederates tried to argue to justify their behaviour) then knock yourself out...
Just don't intentionally interefere with the activities of others, like many did...
Since you like to be the guy with the last word, which you use to twist whatever it was I previously said, I'll let you have it out of generosity -- nay, charity.
Glad to see this has been a constructive debate over disco balls and not rampant (false) derail over the motives of a single fleet.
This is just too funny... You do realise your above comments mean you had to have the last word right? And you then go on to make this jibe at me?
you are the definition of socially awkward and really really antisocial if you bash a entire fleet because someone in that fleet hates your bs perverted chat spam.
Nobody in here even mentioned ERP until you brought it up. This discussion has absolutely nothing to do with it and everything to do with you and your collection of sh*theads deliberately disrupting a completely inoffensive public gathering for cheap laughs.
So what if you don't like how other people choose to remember Leonard Nimoy? What gives you the right to impose your version on everyone else?
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Nobody in here even mentioned ERP until you brought it up. This discussion has absolutely nothing to do with it and everything to do with you and your collection of sh*theads deliberately disrupting a completely inoffensive public gathering for cheap laughs.
So what if you don't like how other people choose to remember Leonard Nimoy? What gives you the right to impose your version on everyone else?
what gives you the right to impose your version on everyone else?
what gives you the right to impose your version on everyone else?
The non-party popper version was the one people were observing before Trollfleet decided to start trolling. You were the ones interfering, ergo it is your question to answer.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
The non-party popper version was the one people were observing before Trollfleet decided to start trolling. You were the ones interfering, ergo it is your question to answer.
i was not interfiring ,Im not in their fleet.See you make generalisations again....i thought you were busy talking about isis and Hitler.
You know what Nabreeki, I have to say ^this sums up my feelings on it as well. There's nothing wrong with choosing to celebrate Nimoy's life rather than somberly mourning it. To each their own. However, trying to deliberately impose your point of view on others, many of whom politely asked to be left alone really is crossing a line.
crossing what line? Last time i checked its not against tos to use your party popper .Only people crossing the line are those who keep "threat" others with bans.
They didn't.
Instead they ran from instance to instance dropping disco balls and other similar things. That's trolling, can't get much simpler than that.
Best solution is just to ignore them like I did.
I had always suspected Dental were Goons, a few comments which have suddenly cropped up make pretty clear that they are indeed Goons... A sad bunch of misfits, who enjoy the anonymity of the internet, purely to grief others - it's actually rather pathetic...
I had always associated them with those kids who giggle with glee as they pull the legs off a bug, before watching it walk in circles... It's either pure schadenfreude, or I suspect in many cases, them lashing out as they're the ones picked on in real life...
Worst part is, while their pranks were limited to hassling ERPers on Drozana (let's face it, ERP should NOT be held in public areas) I actually found their behaviour in STO harmless, even amusing when watching the ERPers complain (sorry, but if you want to indulge in cyber-sexual acts, it's something that really should be taken private)...
Intentionally disrupting others who wish to remember Mr Nimoy in a solemn way, is appaling however and the fact they are trying to actually defend jumping instances and dropping disco balls and party poppers on other groups, demonstrates their behaviour was indeed not mere trolling in this case, but outright griefing...
And this is exactly the sort of rot I'd expect from a Goon... What next? Using a Swastika but then arguing that it's not a TRIBBLE symbol, but a Hindu icon that the TRIBBLE's 'lifted' to use as their emblem?
Try as you might to justify using such images, the intent is clear... The 'picture of the finger' you're speaking about is exactly the same image used in virtually every image coming out of ISIS and you don't think people will make that connection, especially when surrounded by Islamic text - or at least a font that mimics Islamic writings....
The Eagle you refer to, despite being co-opted from the Roman Empire, is far more widely recognised as being representative of TRIBBLE Germany, yet again, you try and defend it...
Since you felt you had to even try and explain the validity of such images, regardless of whether or not you're correct, only demonstrates that you're well aware of the potential offence people will take at them and the fact that they are going to be viewed in a certain way...
Please... Spare those of us, with even the slightest modicum of intelligence, such absolute rot as this... And this is a typical straw man diversion... Don't like you've been called out on your TRIBBLE, so now you're going to try and play the victim card once again - this time falling as far back as cultural persecution...
How is any of what I said speculation? Opinion, yes, speculation, no... In any case, it doesn't make it less of an accurate assessment of your average Goon...
Oh really...
How about this...
These were two of the first images that appeared when searching for 'ISIS Propaganda'...
Pointing at the sky in this manner, though it may not be reflected on ISIS flags as some have suggested, is a key part of their media propaganda...
What the raised finger has come to signifiy within ISIS...
So, wanna try that argument again?
That argument may have been done to death, probably because using that specific image of an eagle, specifically the Reichsadler, makes a very clear association and intent...
But, given that stance, why would you not use a Swastika? It's a symbol which has existed since ancient times and is completely harmless, just like the Riechsadler, by your arguments anyway...
And by the way, nice job throwing a red herring to get people off the topic of Starfleet Dental's misdeeds. Let's get back to the topic, shall we? Because under a strict interpretation of the more relevant book of law, the Arc Games Terms of Service... ... you are all guilty as sin and the only reason you weren't permabanned long ago is that PWE's GM staff are either incompetent or were never actually hired.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out
"You better call it Coulson, cause I'm starting to root for this guy." -Clint Barton
I didn't think there was any association between ISIS and a raised finger?
Never claimed to know the first thing about Islam, so this is another straw man argument to divert attention... You're becoming quite transparent in these I must say...
I merely responded to your request to show an association between a finger raised to the sky and ISIS... I also infered that a finger pointed at the sky, surrounded by Islamic writings (or a font which mimicked Islamic writing) would be associated with ISIS, and that this was undoubtedly the intent of the image used by the Dental in question...
Just like using the Reichsadler eagle is intended to make an association with TRIBBLE Germany, without being so blatant as to use a Swastika anyway...
I actually agree with you here, I have a number of work colleagues who are Muslim, so I've had alot of opportunity to discuss what's going on and an albeit basic understanding of Islam... One spits every time he hears the term ISIS he hates them so vehemently, for everything they are doing 'in the name of Islam'...
Again, I never made the association between ISIS and Islam, outside of challenging your remarks as to suggest that the imagery certain Dental members have chosen to use would not be associated with ISIS...
If you want to continue to try your diversionary attempts, and inane justifications for the griefing of others, then so be it... Return to your typical Goon behaviour...
So far, all of this exactly what I'd expect from Goons...
As for a Islam 101, I have a number of friends I could turn to for that, but thanks for the offer...
Ummm.. So German heraldry is now an 'Islamic concept'? Wow... You learn something new every day...
Translated : you made valid points which I cannot counter, so I'm now just going to deflect you entirely by telling you to lodge a complaint if you feel offended...
Thank you for acknowledging your behaviour was inappropriate...
you people should seek help are a danger for yourself and for others.Socially awkward is not enough to describe how deranged you people act .Naming and shaming a entire fleet because you people can't erp in silence.
oh noes someone does something I dont like...ban him.
Idk, doesn't quite have the same ring to it.
oh noes bash his entire fleet.
you are the definition of socially awkward and really really antisocial if you bash a entire fleet because someone in that fleet hates your bs perverted chat spam.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
Seriously, someone please tell me what ERP is! This is the second thread today it's come up in. I get Role Play.. What's the E? Enhanced? Extreme? Like people who are wearing their Star Fleet uniforms in RL while in game and you aren't allowed to do anything that's not in character?
I must have missed this before, sorry. ERP is "erotic roleplay," which doesn't belong in public chats.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
What did I mistranslate?
You suggested that elements in your logos are representative, more or less, of Islam... Yet there are individuals within Dental who choose to use German heraldry, primarily the TRIBBLE interpretation of the Reichsadler, as part of Dental's imagery - specifically their forum Avatar...
You can revise your statements as much as you like, I've not twisted a thing... Quite the opposite as I've already caught you out once in this...
I'll also point out I was not the first to associate a certain Dental's signature with ISIS...
I was merely responding to remarks you made trying to justify, and deny that some of your Goons had taken it upon themselves to provide a signature, that was clearly going to be interpreted as such by many users on these forums...
No matter how you try and spin this, the imagery chosen has been chosen for the sole purpose to cause offense and agitation amongst other users on these forums... The decision to use these images was a calculated act on behalf of those in question...
If that's how they wish to mark Mr Nimoy's passing, who are you to judge? Is that not the argument you've been using for your memorial disco since the earliest stages of this thread?
My point from the very beginning, in typically Goon Griefer style, certain individuals went out of their way to disrupt the activities of others...
You want to throw a party... You want to throw a Louisiana Jazz Funeral in memorial (as one of your confederates tried to argue to justify their behaviour) then knock yourself out...
Just don't intentionally interefere with the activities of others, like many did...
This is just too funny... You do realise your above comments mean you had to have the last word right? And you then go on to make this jibe at me?
Would this not be the definition of hypocrisy?
Now I wish I hadn't asked.
Nobody in here even mentioned ERP until you brought it up. This discussion has absolutely nothing to do with it and everything to do with you and your collection of sh*theads deliberately disrupting a completely inoffensive public gathering for cheap laughs.
So what if you don't like how other people choose to remember Leonard Nimoy? What gives you the right to impose your version on everyone else?
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out
what gives you the right to impose your version on everyone else?
I'm not sure when it turned from a helpful tip about Party Amp nullifiers to some sort of pathetic "Bore-Off" but here we are.
I sometimes wonder how you people function in the real, non-STO world.
Free Tibet!
The non-party popper version was the one people were observing before Trollfleet decided to start trolling. You were the ones interfering, ergo it is your question to answer.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out
i was not interfiring ,Im not in their fleet.See you make generalisations again....i thought you were busy talking about isis and Hitler.
Which suggests just how little grasp of this thread you truly have and are merely trolling, for the sake of trolling...
crossing what line? Last time i checked its not against tos to use your party popper .Only people crossing the line are those who keep "threat" others with bans.