The joke in question... is based on someones COMMENTS. Not the colour of there skin or there religion or there place of birth... or there gender or some other thing about them that simply IS.
This is a joke based on an ACTION.
Equating such a joke to something racist is sickening.
By this logic political jokes are by there nature of poking fun at someones actions... the same as a racist joke.
As for the Geko quotes in forum sigs not being a direct joke about something specific. Are you trying to make your own joke right now ???
It is clear if you follow the history of this game what is meant by them. Clearly its a reference to the most recent expansion... clearly people have quoted Geko because the quote is exactly OPPOSITE of how they feel about the expansion. What are you expecting a small tag line at the bottom of each meme joke that says "I liked the art... hated the mechancis" haha
As far as my own... Its another Geko quote... and the joke is also specific. I quoted it because its clearly a lie. Which like a good political joke.. when you point them out in a satirical way happens to be you know funny, and NOT RACIST.
Now please stop giving us ammo... cause a few of your lines are getting close to geko territory. Somehow it wouldn't be funny though because like jokes about politicians there only really funny if the politician in question isn't all that popular. lol
Get off your high horse there have been some really stupid sigs comparing them to TRIBBLE.
Just by reading said signatures the points they are making are blatantly clear.
A quick summary on some of the main points:
1) The ridiculous grind added.
Plainly, the path to level 60 is soul grating, ques do not reward enough XP, and missions do not provide enough either. This forces players to turn to grinding the same repetitive patrols over and over. The community loved the Romulan expansion due to all the content added.
Busywork is not content.
Gear grinds are also annoyingly dil expensive to even the super rich, as well as irritating due refine limit caps and that the odds on modifiers are plainly turned to fully useless and very situational ones such as PvPDmg.
This is a blatant and quite insulting cash sink, as well as tedious and horrifically time consuming.
Brings us right to the next point.
2) Cash sinks everywhere.
I'll get right to it, the added dil costs on near everything are simply unpopular.
The reason why is plainly, dilithium is what is traded for zen, and the dil needed for maximum upgrades is plainly beyond the average publican player's capacity to earn without either large time investment or wallet opening.
Previous methods of earning the neccessary dil by in-game means have been nerfed, such as removing the "exploits" in the Dyson ground battlezone, and mark/implant grinding for dil weekend turn-ins are plainly repetitive and irritating. More on that later.
Plainly, both of the above are taking away that casual, low time investment feeling that STO had and turning this into a Eastern style grinder MMO.
You should be well aware how few people within the Western world actually enjoy such games, and why.
Your average player is not one with a wallet brimming with money to be spent casually, especially in the current state of economics in the Western world.
Nor are they all unemployed, without responsibility, or family, but rather living actual lives on the side with jobs, families, friends, so on, that simply mean investing the required grind time isn't possible/remotely desirable.
Those two types seem to be who these sinks or grinds are aimed at long term.
3) The new content is just plain boring.
Frankly, this again relates to dil and EC reward as well as XP gain.
Doing an elite que is now just tedious due to ridiculous HP buffers on the same old boring enemies. There is no additional challenge, just a horrid slog through HP walls. Again, the average player, being unskilled at the game as they are, cannot do this in any worthwhile amount of time for a worthwhile reward.
Those more skilled at the game also plainly find this boring. While manageable for us, it's still simply a lame and tedious way of making things more "difficult".
Also given that the hard failures in several ques render them simply broken and unplayable it's no real wonder several are empty. Example given: Getting Benthans in Battle of Korfez is a failure sentence as all the troop transports get instapopped before you even finish warping in.
Now, the worst sin out of this: They just aren't worth it. The XP gain off ques is simply bad. Mindlessly grinding the same patrol over and over gives more in that field. Raw loot to sell you also gain more in basic patrols. Dilithium battlezones pay out far more even with changes.
The deathblow to it all: They're all still way more fun than chewing through annoyingly high HP buffers on enemies that are as non-threatening as ever to fight for a reward that might as well be a pat on the head.
A bit more thought should be put into the challenge, time investment, and reward here.
4) The plot.
I am not even going to debate writing quality here. Trek writing is a special beast that is best left be.
That aside, sidestepping from the above main offenses, have you stopped to consider how choppy the plot arc is in the Delta missions?
You do a mission, gain half a level the first time around, need another level to get to the next, so you grind repetitive patrols, just to find out the next mission is a load of patrols with subplots that have no proper impact on the main arc, just to have to rinse and repeat it.
It feels utterly lazy and by the time you do hit the next relevent story mission you either don't know what was going on anymore or just plain don't care.
5) The dev and CM reactions.
Again, being blunt and brutally honest, if you played your own game, the above would be painfully obvious.
Some of us have read your company reviews and yes, we saw the ones saying how decisions are made and dictated by people who maybe played to level 20 once for some sort of work bonus.
Being someone who has taken the time to actually play the game casually on the side, the message in each of these signatures was instantaniously obvious and clear to myself.
No further words needed here.
In the end, I can understand the dev and CM side of things as well. Your job isn't easy, and the general public is simply a load of insufferable, endlessly entitled whiners. However, everyone has simply come to expect a better standard of quality in the game than what was delivered.
It's sad to see so many people claim to be Star Trek fans but revel so deeply in being mean-spirited.
You seem to be under the mistaken impression that we like being mean-spirited. Well, I don't. The simple fact is, we feel like the game could be a hell of a lot better in many ways, and we wish that would happen, and simply asking nicely has had absolutely no effect whatsoever.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
edited January 2015
Its their version of a protest. Nothing we can do about the Delta Rising or Boycot Tovan sigs short of punishing everyone, which would cause more outrage, even from those with non issue related sigs.
Although Taco is right that some sigs are in bad taste.
neoakiraii's sigs are just creative, mostly because he's always changing them to fit what's happening in game.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Unless CBS/Paramount creates something more substantial and rewarding, I would rather have "Star Trek: Online" come to an end. I just don't see how the obsessive implementation of 'the grind' and 'micro-micro-transaction' equates to the "Star Trek" experience and philosophy.
Trekkies and Trekkers deserve so much more in storytelling, substance, and roleplaying.
Unless CBS/Paramount creates something more substantial and rewarding, I would rather have "Star Trek: Online" come to an end. I just don't see how the obsessive implementation of 'the grind' and 'micro-micro-transaction' equates to the "Star Trek" experience and philosophy.
Trekkies and Trekkers deserve so much more in storytelling, substance, and roleplaying.
I love Star Trek and I'm pretty okay with Star Trek Online. It's a game they've gotten mostly right, and I'd rather have STO than no Star Trek MMO at all.
the heart of the REAL issue: A cocky, low quality group of people claiming "Delta rising is the best blah blah blah" and the players (that is YOU and I) "love it" with no proof of this, no one actually believes it.. Similar to me taking something you like and destroying it, charging you for my service and stating you gave me a 5 star review....
Also I must admit to the OP you are a first: an "apolotroll" (apologist/troll hybrid) you try to defend and apologize for a company that is making all the wrong decisions and alienating the majority of its player base (cash cow) and then you troll people while you do so.. AMAZING...
however I must remind you- Your opinion is just as VALUED as the rest of us = NOT AT ALL.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I love Star Trek and I'm pretty okay with Star Trek Online. It's a game they've gotten mostly right, and I'd rather have STO than no Star Trek MMO at all.
I completely disagree.
If you really want Cryptic to change, you would protest with your wallet and installs.
I have.
"Star Trek: Online" has turned into a game in which contradicts my tastes.
I would rather have no "Star Trek" game. Why? Cryptic is not going to change anything.
If you really want Cryptic to change, you would protest with your wallet and installs.
I have.
"Star Trek: Online" has turned into a game in which contradicts my tastes.
I would rather have no "Star Trek" game. Why? Cryptic is not going to change anything.
Why does it have to be one extreme solution or the other?
"Either stop giving them money or wish death upon it, anything else means you're a Cryptic apolofanboywhiteknightist."
People wished death on Enterprise for a while. And we didn't have any Star Trek media until JJ Abrams Star Trek.
Careful what you wish for, because you just might get it.
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Things can always be worse than they are. I don't love Delta Rising, but it can always be worse.
Why does it have to be one extreme solution or the other?
"Either stop giving them money or wish death upon it, anything else means you're a Cryptic apolofanboywhiteknightist."
People wished death on Enterprise for a while. And we didn't have any Star Trek media until JJ Abrams Star Trek.
Careful what you wish for, because you just might get it.
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Things can always be worse than they are. I don't love Delta Rising, but it can always be worse.
This also confuses me as well. Its like people forget there's a middle ground at all. People need to lighten up and... frankly... stop taking lessons from the US Congress (Specified even though I live in the US, not every one does) on how to approach things: Polarize to the point nothing happens because no one is willing to compromise even an inch.
We have a game. Its not perfect, but nothing ever is. Completely cutting them off does not solve the problem. Saying "Vote with your wallets" does not make sense because some of the things they're releasing has been in the works for a while BEFORE we even see them on Tribble. The Players don't have a direct say in the direction any game goes. Its not like that in WoW, the still reigning king of MMOs, and it sure as hell isn't like that here in STO.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
What I said, was that, IMHO, the "Best Expansion Ever" signatures were grating, and a deterrent for more Dev interaction. As a protest, they don't specify what the protest is about, and at the end of the day, I don't believe they are accomplishing anything (if, indeed, they are meant to accomplish anything in the first place).
dozens (if not hundreds) of post about everything that is wrong with DR flooded the forums for months. And the were ignored, and the new feautres comming out on tribble are the living proff, because they have the same flaws. And now you complain because the signatures "dont specify the protest", really?
One last thought. It's interesting to me how many different views have been expressed on the "purpose" of these signatures. I've heard that they are a protest. I've heard that they're just a joke. I've heard that they are intended to be hurtful. I've heard that they are not intended to be hurtful.
There's one other thing that these signatures are that isn't mentioned: They worked.
Like I've said before, these sigs are in some ways, like a strike or even some other civil protest. It's a unified message that was put out to show how so many felt about things. If they were good enough to make some of the devs, not want to come to the forums, then that means that at least the signatures put the forums into their thoughts. In a sense we made enough 'noise' with the sigs to get their attention.
You said we need to be giving precise feedback on why we feel about certain things now, and maybe even put down the figurative 'picket signs' that are the sigs, and just let me say this:
It is time that we move on now that we have some kind of communication open due to these. The only real issue I feel there still is, is simple: There's no guarantee that saying the feedback you are saying we should talk about will make a difference and actually matter. Obviously you guys aren't gods, you can't do all that we ask, but having you add 1-99% of what we ask would be way better than 0%.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
And I'm talking about you trying to twist Tacos words around which is what a good politician would do lol
He was using it as an example, and you're just trying to bad mouth him, but good luck because I love Tacofangs and I will defend him like a fanboy
I didn't bad mouth anyone. lol
I pointed out how something he said was insulting.
Equating jokes I have told as being racist... was insulting with cause.
If he came back and found something I said funny and made a joke of it... well if it was funny I guess I would have to suck it up. Might even laugh myself.
He choose to defend his co worker against jokes NOT based on some thing unfounded that he had no way to change. The jokes where based on his WORDS / Actions / or in some cases lack of both.
All I did was try and give Taco some perspective. Using a leaders words against them in humour is the basis of pretty much every political joke ever made. People don't make taco jokes for a few reasons... one he is viewed as more competent I think my most people. Secondly he isn't really in a leadership role at Cryptic. Geko is which means statements he makes in public are FAIR game for jokes.
Guess what... most people making Geko jokes don't hate him. Isn't that shocking. I make jokes about politicians often as well... I may hate there politics and use humour to ridicule there views and or actions. That however doesn't make me a racist. His post didn't even make sense.
This also confuses me as well. Its like people forget there's a middle ground at all. People need to lighten up and... frankly... stop taking lessons from the US Congress (Specified even though I live in the US, not every one does) on how to approach things: Polarize to the point nothing happens because no one is willing to compromise even an inch.
We have a game. Its not perfect, but nothing ever is. Completely cutting them off does not solve the problem. Saying "Vote with your wallets" does not make sense because some of the things they're releasing has been in the works for a while BEFORE we even see them on Tribble. The Players don't have a direct say in the direction any game goes. Its not like that in WoW, the still reigning king of MMOs, and it sure as hell isn't like that here in STO.
It's really the same mentality as the same analogy you make. We have to play Forumball. Where there are two teams who have to compete against each other. "Us" and "Them". And we all wear jerseys that say we either love Delta Rising and absolutely nothing needs to change, and the ones who say everything needs to die in a fire.
It's not like that at all. It's possible to exist in a middle ground and behave like rational adults and treat each other as adults.
STO is never going to be perfect. I will never at any point expect the game to be tailored precisely to how I would like it. And to be perfectly honest, I don't think I would enjoy STO very much if it was tailored specifically to my likes and nobody else's. Because I fully expect other people who play the game to get a little bit of what they want too, even if I have no interest it.
But hey, being willing to take a middle ground just means you're a Cryptic apologist around these parts.
I know Craptic WTF we gave you 10000 different threads with a 100 million different ways to fixing stuff and you did not listen to mine so clearly you ignored everyone
I know you have a stuck you wave to make the game do exactly what I say
The sigs are a direct result of devs ignoring blatantly obvious issues, for example, the sudden spike in monetised grind TRIBBLE.
This was an MMO to recommend to a casual player. This was an MMO to recommend as an example of a f2p model which actually works.. It is now neither of those things.
The audience of this game is not an audience in which the typical eastern mmo grindfests works as a model for the reason stated above. Repetitive patrol content is fine for the robotic mindset of an eastern gold farmer, but not us. Yet we're having to do it anyway, just to get a level so we can do the next story mission, or a spec point.
Then there is the deeply flawed crafting system. I'll give an example of how terrible it is, as someone with lvl 15 in science, able to craft the Exotic Particle Field Exciter.
1: I upgrade the console to mk xiv using superior science upgrades and dil.
2: I then attempt to upgrade it to ultra rare using experimental superior science upgrades and dil.
3: I then craft more experimental to make another attempt to get it to ultra rare.
4: I waste more dil on a 3rd attempt. 4th attempt. 5th attempt. It goes ultra rare on the 5th attempt!
5: It's got [dis] applied to it. Console is now vendor trash, I toss it on the exchange along with the rest of the failures.
The above actually happened and the end result does not equal the time and resources spent on it. Crafting is at a complete and utter loss, to the point I am now ignoring it, because the crafting lottery is too random and too costly and so is not worth my time.
The negativity over the game has got to the point that it doesn't feel like a game, because games are fun and this isn't fun.
Except now we're being forced into using the terrible crafting system more, with boffs now being turned into a monetised dil sink. That is not a welcome change, that's an insult to a previously supportive player base.
This does not encourage me to farm dil like an eastern mmo playing bot. This encourages me to seek out a different game. Except I've had a good time on sto prior to Delta Grinding and want to hope that things will change.
Which brings me back to my first paragraph. I want to hope someone is listening. Except it's came to this, a dev feeling butthurt and expressing it while blatantly ignoring what the players have previously expressed. You know, in the multitude of threads BEFORE the 'Delta Rising is the Best Expansion Ever and the Players Love It!' sigs started appearing.
I strongly suggest that devs start playing their own game without cheating with their dev magic codes. It might be the only way to understand why we dislike Delta Grinding. In it's current state, it's a terrible waste of the writing, voice acting, maps and graphics updates. The content is there. The ability to enjoy it is being sapped away along with the average player's patience.
I know Craptic WTF we gave you 10000 different threads with a 100 million different ways to fixing stuff and you did not listen to mine so clearly you ignored everyone
I know you have a stuck you wave to make the game do exactly what I say
We all know Al Rivera has a switch on his desk that says, "Fix STO" and "Break STO". Why doesn't he just move the switch? WTF is his problem!?
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
edited January 2015
Yea... well iconians... those who call me that can take a flying leap at a rolling donut. Back when we had the Season 7 Accolade bug, I was one of the vocal ones trying to help keep awareness up so we didn't have 50 threads about the same thing. Bort even made an offical thread about it, and I tried to keep it from slipping off page one because people were still making threads about it. Took a year for them to fix it, but they did.
I may not like some of the decisions made by Cryptic, but I'm not going to condemn anyone without good reason just because its the "cool thing to do" when they "make a mistake". Cryptic made a change in the game? Its not the end of the world. Learn to adapt. Things are always messy with major updates. But things get better over time. Something broke? Be objective about it and give as much detail to help find the solution. Don't badmouth the Devs and threaten a riot.
Anyone wants to call me out on not taking up the "Cryptic Hate" battle cry... go ahead. I'll just be over here on the sidelines of this ball game iconians described munchin' popcorn and sipping my soda while waiting patiently to see how things go.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
It's really the same mentality as the same analogy you make. We have to play Forumball. Where there are two teams who have to compete against each other. "Us" and "Them". And we all wear jerseys that say we either love Delta Rising and absolutely nothing needs to change, and the ones who say everything needs to die in a fire.
It's not like that at all. It's possible to exist in a middle ground and behave like rational adults and treat each other as adults.
STO is never going to be perfect. I will never at any point expect the game to be tailored precisely to how I would like it. And to be perfectly honest, I don't think I would enjoy STO very much if it was tailored specifically to my likes and nobody else's. Because I fully expect other people who play the game to get a little bit of what they want too, even if I have no interest it.
But hey, being willing to take a middle ground just means you're a Cryptic apologist around these parts.
dude, stop being a apolofanboywhiteknightist and only agree with me 100%.
"Star Trek: Online" lacks a soul.
Get off your high horse there have been some really stupid sigs comparing them to TRIBBLE.
A quick summary on some of the main points:
1) The ridiculous grind added.
Plainly, the path to level 60 is soul grating, ques do not reward enough XP, and missions do not provide enough either. This forces players to turn to grinding the same repetitive patrols over and over. The community loved the Romulan expansion due to all the content added.
Busywork is not content.
Gear grinds are also annoyingly dil expensive to even the super rich, as well as irritating due refine limit caps and that the odds on modifiers are plainly turned to fully useless and very situational ones such as PvPDmg.
This is a blatant and quite insulting cash sink, as well as tedious and horrifically time consuming.
Brings us right to the next point.
2) Cash sinks everywhere.
I'll get right to it, the added dil costs on near everything are simply unpopular.
The reason why is plainly, dilithium is what is traded for zen, and the dil needed for maximum upgrades is plainly beyond the average publican player's capacity to earn without either large time investment or wallet opening.
Previous methods of earning the neccessary dil by in-game means have been nerfed, such as removing the "exploits" in the Dyson ground battlezone, and mark/implant grinding for dil weekend turn-ins are plainly repetitive and irritating. More on that later.
Plainly, both of the above are taking away that casual, low time investment feeling that STO had and turning this into a Eastern style grinder MMO.
You should be well aware how few people within the Western world actually enjoy such games, and why.
Your average player is not one with a wallet brimming with money to be spent casually, especially in the current state of economics in the Western world.
Nor are they all unemployed, without responsibility, or family, but rather living actual lives on the side with jobs, families, friends, so on, that simply mean investing the required grind time isn't possible/remotely desirable.
Those two types seem to be who these sinks or grinds are aimed at long term.
3) The new content is just plain boring.
Frankly, this again relates to dil and EC reward as well as XP gain.
Doing an elite que is now just tedious due to ridiculous HP buffers on the same old boring enemies. There is no additional challenge, just a horrid slog through HP walls. Again, the average player, being unskilled at the game as they are, cannot do this in any worthwhile amount of time for a worthwhile reward.
Those more skilled at the game also plainly find this boring. While manageable for us, it's still simply a lame and tedious way of making things more "difficult".
Also given that the hard failures in several ques render them simply broken and unplayable it's no real wonder several are empty. Example given: Getting Benthans in Battle of Korfez is a failure sentence as all the troop transports get instapopped before you even finish warping in.
Now, the worst sin out of this: They just aren't worth it. The XP gain off ques is simply bad. Mindlessly grinding the same patrol over and over gives more in that field. Raw loot to sell you also gain more in basic patrols. Dilithium battlezones pay out far more even with changes.
The deathblow to it all: They're all still way more fun than chewing through annoyingly high HP buffers on enemies that are as non-threatening as ever to fight for a reward that might as well be a pat on the head.
A bit more thought should be put into the challenge, time investment, and reward here.
4) The plot.
I am not even going to debate writing quality here. Trek writing is a special beast that is best left be.
That aside, sidestepping from the above main offenses, have you stopped to consider how choppy the plot arc is in the Delta missions?
You do a mission, gain half a level the first time around, need another level to get to the next, so you grind repetitive patrols, just to find out the next mission is a load of patrols with subplots that have no proper impact on the main arc, just to have to rinse and repeat it.
It feels utterly lazy and by the time you do hit the next relevent story mission you either don't know what was going on anymore or just plain don't care.
5) The dev and CM reactions.
Again, being blunt and brutally honest, if you played your own game, the above would be painfully obvious.
Some of us have read your company reviews and yes, we saw the ones saying how decisions are made and dictated by people who maybe played to level 20 once for some sort of work bonus.
Being someone who has taken the time to actually play the game casually on the side, the message in each of these signatures was instantaniously obvious and clear to myself.
No further words needed here.
In the end, I can understand the dev and CM side of things as well. Your job isn't easy, and the general public is simply a load of insufferable, endlessly entitled whiners. However, everyone has simply come to expect a better standard of quality in the game than what was delivered.
You seem to be under the mistaken impression that we like being mean-spirited. Well, I don't. The simple fact is, we feel like the game could be a hell of a lot better in many ways, and we wish that would happen, and simply asking nicely has had absolutely no effect whatsoever.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out
Although Taco is right that some sigs are in bad taste.
neoakiraii's sigs are just creative, mostly because he's always changing them to fit what's happening in game.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
So you think his comment was about 1-2 people that made some stupid jokes... which got them in trouble with moderation ?
Get off your own horse.
He was being specific and talking about the use of the geko quotes.
Just like a politician or his friends can't stand up and call out a cartoonist for using something they said... neither can they.
Trekkies and Trekkers deserve so much more in storytelling, substance, and roleplaying.
I love Star Trek and I'm pretty okay with Star Trek Online. It's a game they've gotten mostly right, and I'd rather have STO than no Star Trek MMO at all.
Also I must admit to the OP you are a first: an "apolotroll" (apologist/troll hybrid) you try to defend and apologize for a company that is making all the wrong decisions and alienating the majority of its player base (cash cow) and then you troll people while you do so.. AMAZING...
however I must remind you- Your opinion is just as VALUED as the rest of us = NOT AT ALL.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I completely disagree.
If you really want Cryptic to change, you would protest with your wallet and installs.
I have.
"Star Trek: Online" has turned into a game in which contradicts my tastes.
I would rather have no "Star Trek" game. Why? Cryptic is not going to change anything.
And I'm talking about you trying to twist Tacos words around which is what a good politician would do lol
He was using it as an example, and you're just trying to bad mouth him, but good luck because I love Tacofangs and I will defend him like a fanboy
Ooo then you already got your wish, why ruin it for everyone else
Why does it have to be one extreme solution or the other?
"Either stop giving them money or wish death upon it, anything else means you're a Cryptic apolofanboywhiteknightist."
People wished death on Enterprise for a while. And we didn't have any Star Trek media until JJ Abrams Star Trek.
Careful what you wish for, because you just might get it.
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Things can always be worse than they are. I don't love Delta Rising, but it can always be worse.
Damnit!!! why did I click on that, now it's stuck in my head, Toot,Toot, Tootsie, Goodbye DAMNIT!!:mad:
This also confuses me as well. Its like people forget there's a middle ground at all. People need to lighten up and... frankly... stop taking lessons from the US Congress (Specified even though I live in the US, not every one does) on how to approach things: Polarize to the point nothing happens because no one is willing to compromise even an inch.
We have a game. Its not perfect, but nothing ever is. Completely cutting them off does not solve the problem. Saying "Vote with your wallets" does not make sense because some of the things they're releasing has been in the works for a while BEFORE we even see them on Tribble. The Players don't have a direct say in the direction any game goes. Its not like that in WoW, the still reigning king of MMOs, and it sure as hell isn't like that here in STO.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
dozens (if not hundreds) of post about everything that is wrong with DR flooded the forums for months. And the were ignored, and the new feautres comming out on tribble are the living proff, because they have the same flaws. And now you complain because the signatures "dont specify the protest", really?
Vin Naftero@playhard88 - FED Sciencie
K'tan@playhard88 - KDF Tactical
Argento@playhard88 - RRF Tactical (FED)
There's one other thing that these signatures are that isn't mentioned: They worked.
Like I've said before, these sigs are in some ways, like a strike or even some other civil protest. It's a unified message that was put out to show how so many felt about things. If they were good enough to make some of the devs, not want to come to the forums, then that means that at least the signatures put the forums into their thoughts. In a sense we made enough 'noise' with the sigs to get their attention.
You said we need to be giving precise feedback on why we feel about certain things now, and maybe even put down the figurative 'picket signs' that are the sigs, and just let me say this:
It is time that we move on now that we have some kind of communication open due to these. The only real issue I feel there still is, is simple: There's no guarantee that saying the feedback you are saying we should talk about will make a difference and actually matter. Obviously you guys aren't gods, you can't do all that we ask, but having you add 1-99% of what we ask would be way better than 0%.
I didn't bad mouth anyone. lol
I pointed out how something he said was insulting.
Equating jokes I have told as being racist... was insulting with cause.
If he came back and found something I said funny and made a joke of it... well if it was funny I guess I would have to suck it up. Might even laugh myself.
He choose to defend his co worker against jokes NOT based on some thing unfounded that he had no way to change. The jokes where based on his WORDS / Actions / or in some cases lack of both.
All I did was try and give Taco some perspective. Using a leaders words against them in humour is the basis of pretty much every political joke ever made. People don't make taco jokes for a few reasons... one he is viewed as more competent I think my most people. Secondly he isn't really in a leadership role at Cryptic. Geko is which means statements he makes in public are FAIR game for jokes.
Guess what... most people making Geko jokes don't hate him. Isn't that shocking. I make jokes about politicians often as well... I may hate there politics and use humour to ridicule there views and or actions. That however doesn't make me a racist. His post didn't even make sense.
It's really the same mentality as the same analogy you make. We have to play Forumball. Where there are two teams who have to compete against each other. "Us" and "Them". And we all wear jerseys that say we either love Delta Rising and absolutely nothing needs to change, and the ones who say everything needs to die in a fire.
It's not like that at all. It's possible to exist in a middle ground and behave like rational adults and treat each other as adults.
STO is never going to be perfect. I will never at any point expect the game to be tailored precisely to how I would like it. And to be perfectly honest, I don't think I would enjoy STO very much if it was tailored specifically to my likes and nobody else's. Because I fully expect other people who play the game to get a little bit of what they want too, even if I have no interest it.
But hey, being willing to take a middle ground just means you're a Cryptic apologist around these parts.
I know you have a stuck you wave to make the game do exactly what I say
This was an MMO to recommend to a casual player. This was an MMO to recommend as an example of a f2p model which actually works.. It is now neither of those things.
The audience of this game is not an audience in which the typical eastern mmo grindfests works as a model for the reason stated above. Repetitive patrol content is fine for the robotic mindset of an eastern gold farmer, but not us. Yet we're having to do it anyway, just to get a level so we can do the next story mission, or a spec point.
Then there is the deeply flawed crafting system. I'll give an example of how terrible it is, as someone with lvl 15 in science, able to craft the Exotic Particle Field Exciter.
1: I upgrade the console to mk xiv using superior science upgrades and dil.
2: I then attempt to upgrade it to ultra rare using experimental superior science upgrades and dil.
3: I then craft more experimental to make another attempt to get it to ultra rare.
4: I waste more dil on a 3rd attempt. 4th attempt. 5th attempt. It goes ultra rare on the 5th attempt!
5: It's got [dis] applied to it. Console is now vendor trash, I toss it on the exchange along with the rest of the failures.
The above actually happened and the end result does not equal the time and resources spent on it. Crafting is at a complete and utter loss, to the point I am now ignoring it, because the crafting lottery is too random and too costly and so is not worth my time.
The negativity over the game has got to the point that it doesn't feel like a game, because games are fun and this isn't fun.
Except now we're being forced into using the terrible crafting system more, with boffs now being turned into a monetised dil sink. That is not a welcome change, that's an insult to a previously supportive player base.
This does not encourage me to farm dil like an eastern mmo playing bot. This encourages me to seek out a different game. Except I've had a good time on sto prior to Delta Grinding and want to hope that things will change.
Which brings me back to my first paragraph. I want to hope someone is listening. Except it's came to this, a dev feeling butthurt and expressing it while blatantly ignoring what the players have previously expressed. You know, in the multitude of threads BEFORE the 'Delta Rising is the Best Expansion Ever and the Players Love It!' sigs started appearing.
I strongly suggest that devs start playing their own game without cheating with their dev magic codes. It might be the only way to understand why we dislike Delta Grinding. In it's current state, it's a terrible waste of the writing, voice acting, maps and graphics updates. The content is there. The ability to enjoy it is being sapped away along with the average player's patience.
We all know Al Rivera has a switch on his desk that says, "Fix STO" and "Break STO". Why doesn't he just move the switch? WTF is his problem!?
I may not like some of the decisions made by Cryptic, but I'm not going to condemn anyone without good reason just because its the "cool thing to do" when they "make a mistake". Cryptic made a change in the game? Its not the end of the world. Learn to adapt. Things are always messy with major updates. But things get better over time. Something broke? Be objective about it and give as much detail to help find the solution. Don't badmouth the Devs and threaten a riot.
Anyone wants to call me out on not taking up the "Cryptic Hate" battle cry... go ahead. I'll just be over here on the sidelines of this ball game iconians described munchin' popcorn and sipping my soda while waiting patiently to see how things go.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
dude, stop being a apolofanboywhiteknightist and only agree with me 100%.