I think it's too soon to jump on the "let's hate cryptic" train.
If I understood correctly, it might be the revamp for bridge skill that we have been waiting forever. As for traits, well that work to. Find a BOFF with the proper trait, and get everything you want on it, switch his abilities as you want. Meaning, you can have only 1 tac, for example, and he can be an intel, a beam or a cannon boff as you see fit, when you see fit.
If that's true, and there is no absurd grind involved (even a small one would be fine), then that's the single best update for STO I've ever seen. Except perhaps for LoR, but I love Romulan.
Still doesn't fix the grindy mess DR is, but it's extremely appreciated, if I think it is what I think it is. Seriously. Love it. Credit where it's due.
I think most people have been aboard for quite a few stops now. HAHA
Looking for more info on Dilithium Rising? Click on the link below:
Mancom, that's a big part of it. The other is the knee-jerk forceful need to defend everything Cryptic, and denounce as vile and evil anybody that doesn't march in lock-step the Gecko's beat. About a good 50/50 mix of the two will explain why nobody takes what he says with any grain of rational thought or truth.
Well, the dil aside its a nice revamp. Now you can train bound BOs with abilities not from your class. That is indeed something that should have happened a long time ago.
you know, you can do that now. it's awkward, but it promotes player interaction, WHICH IS GOOD
if this turns out to be yet another dil sink
it will be just one more paywall
people are dil-exhausted atm and it will only serve to drive existing people away and keep new people from staying in the game
Criticising someone for ad hominem attacks and yet peppering your own statement with phrases like "childish", "blinded by entitlement", "your own greed" and "you're pathetic" will probably not garner you a lot of goodwill. In fact it might be seen as hypocritical and downright insulting, and certainly not a kind of conduct that is consistent with the Golden Rule. But as I said, this is just a guess.
So I get insulted, tormented, and ridiculed for weeks, and when I explode on someone because I can't take it any more, I'm still to blame?
Mancom, that's a big part of it. The other is the knee-jerk forceful need to defend everything Cryptic, and denounce as vile and evil anybody that doesn't march in lock-step the Gecko's beat. About a good 50/50 mix of the two will explain why nobody takes what he says with any grain of rational thought or truth.
What did I ever do to you to deserve this TRIBBLE you spew at me every time I post? Huh?
Is it just because it seems like I disagree with you?
Its also answerable here too: yes but only the first time [if I'm reading it correctly]. If you decide to swap the ability later EPtW3 will still be available as an option for that officer. I imagine this working out somewhat similar to kid mods, though instead of pulling stuff from your general inventory using training manuals builds a pool of abilities for each officer.
It doesn't require Dil to train. It requires Dil to craft. You don't have to craft. You can buy the books off the Exchange that somebody already crafted.
"The primary method for obtaining Training Manuals is to purchase them from any of the current bridge officer training officers, who now will sell the manuals. Any ability that was previously trainable will have a Training Manual available for purchase. The other method in which players can obtain Training Manuals for the higher ranked abilities is to craft them in the new Officer Training crafting school.
Once a Training Manual is purchased or crafted it may be traded with other players and posted on the Exchange. This will be very helpful for players who wish to obtain manuals which they are unable to craft due to Class restrictions."
That's why folks should just read the blog...it's not like it's a 1200 page novel on somebody walking from their front door to the mailbox...otherwise all sorts of misinformation spreads, then somebody doesn't even read the misinformation right and it becomes even more misinformed - like a game of forum telephone operator, by the time all is said and done, it will be as if the blog was about them charging people Dil to use the STO launcher without using ARC. Cause that's how the forums are...much easier, imho, just to read the blog.
The initial BOFF revamp page gives me encouragement regarding it's future use & ease towards STO. I do worry that PWE/Cryptic is going to use it as another tool to revamp just for the sake of more grinding & resource draining though. Then again, not enough information has been released yet to know which path it will lean towards. PWE/Cryptic needs to do more streamlining with the DOFFs & BOFFs from acquiring, filtering, & usage anyways.
I like the idea of the manuals as training resources. To me it makes more sense than using a BOFF to only have that BOFF poof because of it. I'm already worried that PWE/Cryptic will make the cost, maybe dilithium, too steep to encourage grinding &/or spending. What's ironic in that situation is I doubt PWE/Cryptic will be generous with any form of allowing us to turn-in BOFFs for a resource. I'd choose dilithium since the BOFFs already have an arbitrary dilithium value assigned to them.
I wont agree, yet, that PWE/Cryptic is revamping just for the sake of creating cash-pits. I want to think they are attempting to improve upon aspects of the game where they see fit. I also will state I haven't spent another dime on buying Zen since they exiled the dilithium store about 1/2 a year ago & altered a few of my items from it after the fact hindering my toons that I had used some forethought preparing for during that transition.
I wonder if this is fallout from the mass exodus? There aren't any players on anymore that will offer to cross-train, because most of the altruistic ones have packed up and quit.
No this type of systems overhaul has to be planned out months in advance. There's no way it was something they didn't think up until after DR went live. Besides, this type of training overhaul is something we have been asking for literally for years now.
I had this thought as well, and it is concerning. Look at intel skills for example, can you train them for a fleet mate or in-game friend? Nope.
True, at first, but if I understand this system correctly, there will be no such thing as Bound manuals, so now you'll be able to do just that by crafting them for the mate/friend.
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
I think it's too soon to jump on the "let's hate cryptic" train.
If I understood correctly, it might be the revamp for bridge skill that we have been waiting forever. As for traits, well that work to. Find a BOFF with the proper trait, and get everything you want on it, switch his abilities as you want. Meaning, you can have only 1 tac, for example, and he can be an intel, a beam or a cannon boff as you see fit, when you see fit.
If that's true, and there is no absurd grind involved (even a small one would be fine), then that's the single best update for STO I've ever seen. Except perhaps for LoR, but I love Romulan.
Still doesn't fix the grindy mess DR is, but it's extremely appreciated, if I think it is what I think it is. Seriously. Love it. Credit where it's due.
Hopefully if it works like that. Let's hope the loadout system is adjusted accordingly (and also will allow for ground loadouts too, since this affects ground as well). If so, I agree, best update since DR was released.
Question becomes, what about special skills that aren't trainable by captains currently (such as Torp spread 3)? How will those be upgraded?
stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9 My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
Puhleeze... Your persecution complex is even bigger than your hard-on for Cryptic devs. Get over yourself. You are an anti-social and nasty poster who dismisses and ignores any acknowledgement that this game isn't directly created in heaven and handed down from a messiah. You are abrasive and just plain close-minded in most commentary and insult people that don't agree with you, and you have for as long as I can remember.
You're the epitome of a yes-man fanboi, and you slam anybody that doesn't follow suit. THAT may explain why you aren't loved.
IF this system were to be put alongside the existing system, where you can use boffs to train other boffs--it wouldn't be that bad. But instead, I have a feeling that it's going to destroy the entire system. Recruit BOFF missions are going to disappear altogether. Existing BOFFS on the exchange are going to go into the waste-bin...since they're entirely useless.
IF Cryptic wanted to bring this system to the game--and have players like it--they need to make it about training TRAITS, not SKILLS or ABILITIES. I, for one, would be willing to grind a little bit to get "Superior Federation Operative" on my BOFF's....
Except that's not what's happening here, and space-specific traits are still a rarity. Cryptic could actually make a little bit of $$$ selling more BOFF slots...if they'd allow trainable traits. People would outfit an entire space-only set of BOFFS & another set of ground-only BOFFS.
Instead, now I need to craft or buy a token to train skills that I could either do on my own..or train with a boff that usually cost <100 ec.
I'm not at all pleased about that.
the part about traits is a really good point here
I'm sick and tired of naussicans and romulan potato-heads
I see just one problem for this revamp: Currently there are abilities that you can only obtain from a few BOFF-Candidates. If there is no way to butcher those Candidates for the new Training-Manuals, then it won't be possible to get the BOFFs you like with Transfer Shield Strength 3 or Cannon Scatter Volley 3.
They could just as easily add those to the assortment of standard boff abilities from the old skill trainers, or tie them into some skill or another for players to unlock. Its an oversight in the system right now but here's a good chance to rectify it.
As for the general whining about this feature, I'll just point a few things out.
-Previously profession locked abilities will be trainable without having to "work something out" with another player. I know this may remove "a social aspect" but it replaces it with another and more useful one (crafting manuals for your fleet to use as they will.)
-New specializations will be available to all officers. No longer do you have to settle on white intel officers from a select few species, or odd-ball variety officers from the exchange or missions. Just train up once you get the relevant item. You don't even have to kill and reincarnate a boff to make them the right type, and this will make the question of fitting in the next specializations a whole lot easier to deal with (ie. by making it a matter of training, not crew replacement.)
-Trained abilities will always be available to boffs. Want to try EPtW3 versus EPtS3? Once you train both swap it out, you don't have to bother with more elaborated skill replacements (if you're an eng with relevant skills), your fleet mates and new boffs (if you're not), or redundant officers with only minor skill variations.
This is just a better way of handling bridge officer abilities (and its getting rather shameful to blame the developer for making this kind of improvement to the game. There's plenty of other things to complain about. You don't need to re-purpose what positive developments there are for your Ahab'ing.)
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
IF this system were to be put alongside the existing system, where you can use boffs to train other boffs--it wouldn't be that bad. But instead, I have a feeling that it's going to destroy the entire system. Recruit BOFF missions are going to disappear altogether. Existing BOFFS on the exchange are going to go into the waste-bin...since they're entirely useless.
Like boffs aren't completely worthless now except for Reman/Romulan boffs? I went looking for a boff to experiment with and I literally saw boffs listed for credits...as in single digits.
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
just wait to see what this does to the Loadout system . *grabs popcorn*
It'd be funny if this change magically get's this and the power tray working properly again.
All these fiddly systems. The game code must be a nightmare to work with by now, it probably looks like that tangled heap of power cables and wires you squeeze into a drawer.
one thing i would like to know, i mean thats all window dressing. will one our bridge officers become a captain instead of just a commander? and will there be some expansion on this new captain rank if such a thing exists. this new bit of info tells me nothing about anything on the bridge officer skills other then in short hand, the simple boff training is now paywalled for suckers (nothing new there).
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
You're utterly missing the main point that some here are trying to make.
And you're utterly failing to convey one that's cogent.
True or false - you can participate in every mission, every UGC piece of content in this game without spending a penny and with minimal investment in gear or ships?
...To train a bridge officer with the new system, you simply need to obtain the Training Manual for the desired ability and have the needed Expertise Points required for training. Training a bridge officer in the new ability will consume the Training Manual in the process. Once trained, the bridge officer will now permanently have the new ability....
Now i'm asking you guys if i got it or not. This "permanent" means i will not able to train in that specific position another ability instead of the one i trained before or simply the boff will have a "portfolio" of abilities that i can re-claim and re-train each time i want out of the combat (i.e. in social zones)?
This is an important clarification, ty in advance
ps: i dont know if this was asked before my post, so my apologies
And you're utterly failing to convey one that's cogent.
True or false - you can participate in every mission, every UGC piece of content in this game without spending a penny and with minimal investment in gear or ships?
I can buy a $70 million Super-Yacht by finding & recycling drink cans.
Whoa...this just ensured that I am going to get my BOFF skills straightened out now *before* this goes into effect and not touch them again. I am not interested in another dilithium sink. This is exactly the wrong direction to go unless somehow Cryptic plans to reduce the cost burden significantly in other areas of the game (and even then an across-the-board reduction is a must).
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
It doesn't require Dil to train. It requires Dil to craft. You don't have to craft. You can buy the books off the Exchange that somebody already crafted.
"The primary method for obtaining Training Manuals is to purchase them from any of the current bridge officer training officers, who now will sell the manuals. Any ability that was previously trainable will have a Training Manual available for purchase. The other method in which players can obtain Training Manuals for the higher ranked abilities is to craft them in the new Officer Training crafting school.
Once a Training Manual is purchased or crafted it may be traded with other players and posted on the Exchange. This will be very helpful for players who wish to obtain manuals which they are unable to craft due to Class restrictions."
That's why folks should just read the blog...it's not like it's a 1200 page novel on somebody walking from their front door to the mailbox...otherwise all sorts of misinformation spreads, then somebody doesn't even read the misinformation right and it becomes even more misinformed - like a game of forum telephone operator, by the time all is said and done, it will be as if the blog was about them charging people Dil to use the STO launcher without using ARC. Cause that's how the forums are...much easier, imho, just to read the blog.
Its almost as if Cryptic needs a Communication Manager - someone skilled with communicating effectively. Given that their posts are often Cryptic (could not resist that), it should have almost come with the following summary:
Skills training still costs EC and experience points.
Manuals can be purchased at the skills vendor for ec, or
Crafted manuals for speciality skills can be resold on the forum for EC, and;
Just as with other crafting processes, dilithium is a small requirement.
Puhleeze... Your persecution complex is even bigger than your hard-on for Cryptic devs. Get over yourself. You are an anti-social and nasty poster who dismisses and ignores any acknowledgement that this game isn't directly created in heaven and handed down from a messiah. You are abrasive and just plain close-minded in most commentary and insult people that don't agree with you, and you have for as long as I can remember.
You're the epitome of a yes-man fanboi, and you slam anybody that doesn't follow suit. THAT may explain why you aren't loved.
Assuming that one is closed-minded is just as blind as being closed-minded yourself. Have you even tried to engage me rationally? Can you give examples of anything I have dismissed in the past?
I'm not asking to be loved. Not at all. But I am asking for fellow posters to engage me with the same respect as I give them. If you actually give me a chance yourself, you might find that I'm more reasonable than you think. And if I'm not, please tell me so I can better myself. But as long as you just insult me from a distance, nothing will be accomplished but negativity.
If I said anything that implied negativity towards anyone or a particular group, did you ever ask me if I was referring to you or any particular person? Did you ask me to clarify at all?
Also, for the record, if I insulted anyone who didn't attack me first, I apologize to them right now.
Why do I feel like this is gonna backfire? What will happen to the current boff trainer? does the new update means that if I want to make a boff learn a new ability I'll have to create/purchase a manual (likely to cost a lot) instead of going to the trainer and pay an insignificant amount of ec?
What will happen to special duty officers who have commander abilities in lt. commander slot? for example, I have a human with Aceton beam III in the lt. commander slot, will it lose that special ability? will I be able to train other boff with aceton beam III in the lt. commander slot?
"Class specific (Tactical, Engineering, Science) recipes for manuals are unlocked by spending the necessary Skill Points within the player Skill Tree. This works identically to how the system currently functions, but players now will unlock the crafting recipe instead of the ability to directly train a bridge officer. Once the recipe is unlocked, players may begin crafting those Training Manuals."
and then
"All crafted manuals will require a PADD (Personal Access Display Device) which is a new crafting component. The cost of creating this component is several uncommon crafting materials and a small amount of Diltihium and Energy Credits."
So, instead of, say, a tactical captain being able to train, say, Attack Pattern Omega 3, they now have the ability to buy the ability to train Attack Pattern Omega 3...unless I'm reading it wrong.
After reading the article and looking at the screen shot my main thought other than it costs dilithium to train is that now we have a lot less use for BoFF slots. If a Boff can train its abilities on the fly we dont need as many and hence need less slots so the vet/gold awards of boff slots basically becomes another useless cosmetic.
The dilithium costs doesnt bother me so much though as up to now I can count the number of times I have trained a boff on the fingers of one hand, and that is over a three year period.
Now i'm asking you guys if i got it or not. This "permanent" means i will not able to train in that specific position another ability instead of the one i trained before or simply the boff will have a "portfolio" of abilities that i can re-claim and re-train each time i want out of the combat (i.e. in social zones)?
It looks like it will be the latter, similar to captains with traits.
I think most people have been aboard for quite a few stops now. HAHA
[SIGPIC]Click here to visit my STO YouTube channel[/SIGPIC]
you know, you can do that now. it's awkward, but it promotes player interaction, WHICH IS GOOD
if this turns out to be yet another dil sink
it will be just one more paywall
people are dil-exhausted atm and it will only serve to drive existing people away and keep new people from staying in the game
No. It's not gonna work that way.
What did I ever do to you to deserve this TRIBBLE you spew at me every time I post? Huh?
Is it just because it seems like I disagree with you?
Helpful Tools: Dictionary.com - Logical fallacies - Random generator - Word generator - Color tool - Extra Credits - List of common English language errors - New T6 Big booty tutorial
It doesn't require Dil to train. It requires Dil to craft. You don't have to craft. You can buy the books off the Exchange that somebody already crafted.
"The primary method for obtaining Training Manuals is to purchase them from any of the current bridge officer training officers, who now will sell the manuals. Any ability that was previously trainable will have a Training Manual available for purchase. The other method in which players can obtain Training Manuals for the higher ranked abilities is to craft them in the new Officer Training crafting school.
Once a Training Manual is purchased or crafted it may be traded with other players and posted on the Exchange. This will be very helpful for players who wish to obtain manuals which they are unable to craft due to Class restrictions."
That's why folks should just read the blog...it's not like it's a 1200 page novel on somebody walking from their front door to the mailbox...otherwise all sorts of misinformation spreads, then somebody doesn't even read the misinformation right and it becomes even more misinformed - like a game of forum telephone operator, by the time all is said and done, it will be as if the blog was about them charging people Dil to use the STO launcher without using ARC. Cause that's how the forums are...much easier, imho, just to read the blog.
I like the idea of the manuals as training resources. To me it makes more sense than using a BOFF to only have that BOFF poof because of it. I'm already worried that PWE/Cryptic will make the cost, maybe dilithium, too steep to encourage grinding &/or spending. What's ironic in that situation is I doubt PWE/Cryptic will be generous with any form of allowing us to turn-in BOFFs for a resource. I'd choose dilithium since the BOFFs already have an arbitrary dilithium value assigned to them.
I wont agree, yet, that PWE/Cryptic is revamping just for the sake of creating cash-pits. I want to think they are attempting to improve upon aspects of the game where they see fit. I also will state I haven't spent another dime on buying Zen since they exiled the dilithium store about 1/2 a year ago & altered a few of my items from it after the fact hindering my toons that I had used some forethought preparing for during that transition.
Don't bring your personal stuff here.
Free Tibet!
No this type of systems overhaul has to be planned out months in advance. There's no way it was something they didn't think up until after DR went live. Besides, this type of training overhaul is something we have been asking for literally for years now.
True, at first, but if I understand this system correctly, there will be no such thing as Bound manuals, so now you'll be able to do just that by crafting them for the mate/friend.
That's not a very Zen attitude of you. :P
Joined January 2009
Hopefully if it works like that. Let's hope the loadout system is adjusted accordingly (and also will allow for ground loadouts too, since this affects ground as well). If so, I agree, best update since DR was released.
Question becomes, what about special skills that aren't trainable by captains currently (such as Torp spread 3)? How will those be upgraded?
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
You're the epitome of a yes-man fanboi, and you slam anybody that doesn't follow suit. THAT may explain why you aren't loved.
the part about traits is a really good point here
I'm sick and tired of naussicans and romulan potato-heads
They could just as easily add those to the assortment of standard boff abilities from the old skill trainers, or tie them into some skill or another for players to unlock. Its an oversight in the system right now but here's a good chance to rectify it.
As for the general whining about this feature, I'll just point a few things out.
-Previously profession locked abilities will be trainable without having to "work something out" with another player. I know this may remove "a social aspect" but it replaces it with another and more useful one (crafting manuals for your fleet to use as they will.)
-New specializations will be available to all officers. No longer do you have to settle on white intel officers from a select few species, or odd-ball variety officers from the exchange or missions. Just train up once you get the relevant item. You don't even have to kill and reincarnate a boff to make them the right type, and this will make the question of fitting in the next specializations a whole lot easier to deal with (ie. by making it a matter of training, not crew replacement.)
-Trained abilities will always be available to boffs. Want to try EPtW3 versus EPtS3? Once you train both swap it out, you don't have to bother with more elaborated skill replacements (if you're an eng with relevant skills), your fleet mates and new boffs (if you're not), or redundant officers with only minor skill variations.
This is just a better way of handling bridge officer abilities (and its getting rather shameful to blame the developer for making this kind of improvement to the game. There's plenty of other things to complain about. You don't need to re-purpose what positive developments there are for your Ahab'ing.)
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Like boffs aren't completely worthless now except for Reman/Romulan boffs? I went looking for a boff to experiment with and I literally saw boffs listed for credits...as in single digits.
It'd be funny if this change magically get's this and the power tray working properly again.
All these fiddly systems. The game code must be a nightmare to work with by now, it probably looks like that tangled heap of power cables and wires you squeeze into a drawer.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
And you're utterly failing to convey one that's cogent.
True or false - you can participate in every mission, every UGC piece of content in this game without spending a penny and with minimal investment in gear or ships?
This is an important clarification, ty in advance
ps: i dont know if this was asked before my post, so my apologies
*Eagerly awaits the definition of "a small amount"...
I can buy a $70 million Super-Yacht by finding & recycling drink cans.
What's your point?
Free Tibet!
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
Its almost as if Cryptic needs a Communication Manager - someone skilled with communicating effectively. Given that their posts are often Cryptic (could not resist that), it should have almost come with the following summary:
I'm not asking to be loved. Not at all. But I am asking for fellow posters to engage me with the same respect as I give them. If you actually give me a chance yourself, you might find that I'm more reasonable than you think. And if I'm not, please tell me so I can better myself. But as long as you just insult me from a distance, nothing will be accomplished but negativity.
If I said anything that implied negativity towards anyone or a particular group, did you ever ask me if I was referring to you or any particular person? Did you ask me to clarify at all?
Also, for the record, if I insulted anyone who didn't attack me first, I apologize to them right now.
No, it's not. ;_;
Helpful Tools: Dictionary.com - Logical fallacies - Random generator - Word generator - Color tool - Extra Credits - List of common English language errors - New T6 Big booty tutorial
What will happen to special duty officers who have commander abilities in lt. commander slot? for example, I have a human with Aceton beam III in the lt. commander slot, will it lose that special ability? will I be able to train other boff with aceton beam III in the lt. commander slot?
"Class specific (Tactical, Engineering, Science) recipes for manuals are unlocked by spending the necessary Skill Points within the player Skill Tree. This works identically to how the system currently functions, but players now will unlock the crafting recipe instead of the ability to directly train a bridge officer. Once the recipe is unlocked, players may begin crafting those Training Manuals."
and then
"All crafted manuals will require a PADD (Personal Access Display Device) which is a new crafting component. The cost of creating this component is several uncommon crafting materials and a small amount of Diltihium and Energy Credits."
So, instead of, say, a tactical captain being able to train, say, Attack Pattern Omega 3, they now have the ability to buy the ability to train Attack Pattern Omega 3...unless I'm reading it wrong.
The dilithium costs doesnt bother me so much though as up to now I can count the number of times I have trained a boff on the fingers of one hand, and that is over a three year period.
Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
It looks like it will be the latter, similar to captains with traits.