im sick and tired of being insulted because i cant pump out 30k dps or higher when i go into stf's. i play the game to have fun not to have a megaship that id have to wallet up anyhow. if u have a mega damage ship, enjoy it but DONT INSULT ME. quickest way to my ignore list. i think cryptic needs to disable whatever dps readers exist just so the players running em cant insult other players.
im sick and tired of being insulted because i cant pump out 30k dps or higher when i go into stf's. i play the game to have fun not to have a megaship that id have to wallet up anyhow. if u have a mega damage ship, enjoy it but DONT INSULT ME. quickest way to my ignore list. i think cryptic needs to disable whatever dps readers exist just so the players running em cant insult other players.
Those elitists at it again? People should be able to play however they want, even if it does suck, everyone has the right to fail if they want to. Don't listen to them 30k isn't so impressive anyway.
SCM - Infected(S) - DMG Out: 11,776,567 DPS: 114,224.70 (28.7% of Team) - Pinky@ukcaptain420 I reserve the right to have a completely different standpoint depending on my mood.
im sick and tired of being insulted because i cant pump out 30k dps or higher when i go into stf's. i play the game to have fun not to have a megaship that id have to wallet up anyhow. if u have a mega damage ship, enjoy it but DONT INSULT ME. quickest way to my ignore list. i think cryptic needs to disable whatever dps readers exist just so the players running em cant insult other players.
I couldn't agree more. If you are that concerned about DPS then ONLY join STFs via the elite or dps channels and leave everyone else alone.
My Tac scim does great DPS. My Eng Breen Carrier does meh DPS. I love them both equally so get off my back!
OK, we just had an emergency meeting of the Higher Council of Arcane DPS and all the Wizards have agreed:
We're now going to disband the all the DPS channels so no one will be able to insult you.
I hope this makes you feel better. :cool:
Look, you and the other high DPSers are great at what you do - no one's denying that. All we're saying is that if DPS is that much of an issue to you that you would resort to throwing insults and ruining other players' gaming experience then don't pug in non-DPS orientated groups. If you DO choose to go with a non DPS focused group, don't complain or berate others who don't match your level. I don't tihnk that's really asking too much... do you?
By "you" I do mean the collective... nothing personal.
You will forever be missed and never forgotten.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
edited December 2014
Some people just don't realize that not everyone is in it to see how fast they can nuke things. My main is a tac that flies Cruisers, and I can push... maybe around 7-8k DPS with her with my balanced beam/torpedo build of 6 beams and 2 tops. I may not have stopping power, but I've got some decent STAYING power. And that's with 6 Phaser mk XII [Acc]x3, two Fleet Phaser consoles, and a couple other things that augment Phaser damage. Had switched from my Phased Tetryon build that had fleet Tet consoles, Nukara set, and 2 piece Nukara console/weapon set bonus.
I may not do epic spike dps, but I do consistant dps.
Play how you want to play. Don't let someone else tell you how to play. If you feel there is room for improvement in your build, ask your fleet mates for suggestions or something, or even ask some friends. Don't let the DPS crowd bully you. You are flying your own ship. Build her how you want to fit your style, not some cookie cutter uber DPS build.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I dunno man, when these epeen overlords mouth off, it's quite entertaining. Fortunately not all of them regress into 5 year olds when you can't reach their level of epicly awesome numbers. Just the bad ones.
Try not to take it seriously. Just kick back, have a beer, and quietly laugh at how they treat STO like super serious business.
I've had people talk trash to me while I'm in my Vesta doing 6k DPS while healing the entire team, debuffing our targets, and buffing my teammates. These people don't seem to understand that there are different ships with different roles.
Also, any DPS number is NOT impressive when you can purchase the ship and the Dilithium to equip it. If you've spent $100 on outfitting your ship, the joke is on you.
I dunno man, when these epeen overlords mouth off, it's quite entertaining. Fortunately not all of them regress into 5 year olds when you can't reach their level of epicly awesome numbers. Just the bad ones.
Try not to take it seriously. Just kick back, have a beer, and quietly laugh at how they treat STO like super serious business.
Ironically these guys are also the ones who will do nothing when a Nanite sphere is approaching a transformer, or when a probe is about to sail through a gate. Only DPS matters to them. The rest of the stuff is for the "scrubs" to handle.
The DPS channels are about improving your DPS period. Right now those channels are the best way to put together pugs. If you need help - ask, and they will overwhelmingly try to help you.
Publically calling them out because they made you feel bad is like screaming into the vacuum - no one cares. Not the DPS channels and certainly not cryptic.
im sick and tired of being insulted because i cant pump out 30k dps or higher when i go into stf's. i play the game to have fun not to have a megaship that id have to wallet up anyhow. if u have a mega damage ship, enjoy it but DONT INSULT ME. quickest way to my ignore list. i think cryptic needs to disable whatever dps readers exist just so the players running em cant insult other players.
Do you happen to know your dps? Were you in advance or elite when it happened? If you were in normal ignore him for sure.
The combatlog reader is not a bad thing it helps to see where you stand in dps. I use it and never put someone down because of low dps. I would ask that person if he/she wanted help.You don't need to spend real money to get decent dps. I didn't spend real money and have around 12k dps which is fine to me. If interested I be glade to help look for the fleet The Immortal Ones. The fleet is happy to help other players.:)
I've had people talk trash to me while I'm in my Vesta doing 6k DPS while healing the entire team, debuffing our targets, and buffing my teammates. These people don't seem to understand that there are different ships with different roles.
Also, any DPS number is NOT impressive when you can purchase the ship and the Dilithium to equip it. If you've spent $100 on outfitting your ship, the joke is on you.
I guess the point lost on you and your ProHealz Vesta is that, in this game, Star Trek Online, all your healing, buffing, and debuffing (while undoubtedly impressive) is actually worth less to the team than if you were doing 25k instead of 5k.
Is it a game? Yes. Can you play how you want? Sure.
But please, please, don't pretend that doing anything other than DPS is just as good as doing DPS. It's not.
In space Qs, blowing things up good is all that matters. And really, doing even 10-12k isn't hard, it's not elite, it's really just lurn2fly at this point with all the powercreep in the game after DR.
There is a tremendous difference between trying to help by giving helpful advice and berating someone in chat because they cant match their level.
I have no doubts whatsoever that there are some, possibly the majority, in the DPS channels that do try to be helpful and provide constructive criticism, but to deny there are others who give no feedback whatsoever and only yell in ALL CAP PROFANITIES is inane.
Not that I would suggest telling the DPS group what to do, but if it were, say, my fleet and we had a member or members that were causing trouble of this sort and a warning didnt end it, Id boot them lest they tarnish the rep of my entire fleet.
On a serious note, I'm gonna go ahead and assume it's middle ground DPSers throwing these insults about, I know alot of the high DPSers and they're all ok people and will only complain about someone's lack of DPS if they have joined a high DPS group, e.g. you respond to a call in DPS-30k and only pull 10k DPS, but this is much more internal politics of the DPS channels.
I said it earlier that 30k isn't that impressive and I was being semi-serious, no insult intended to anyone who doesn't pull 30k. What I intend by this statement is, anyone who's doing 30k and insults someone for doing less than them can basically shut up, 30k isn't amazing. Only a handful of people I know have broken the 100k DPS barrier, and i doubt any of them would insult a pug player, they know what they are getting them self into when they queue.
SCM - Infected(S) - DMG Out: 11,776,567 DPS: 114,224.70 (28.7% of Team) - Pinky@ukcaptain420 I reserve the right to have a completely different standpoint depending on my mood.
Some people just don't realize that not everyone is in it to see how fast they can nuke things. My main is a tac that flies Cruisers, and I can push... maybe around 7-8k DPS with her with my balanced beam/torpedo build of 6 beams and 2 tops. I may not have stopping power, but I've got some decent STAYING power. And that's with 6 Phaser mk XII [Acc]x3, two Fleet Phaser consoles, and a couple other things that augment Phaser damage. Had switched from my Phased Tetryon build that had fleet Tet consoles, Nukara set, and 2 piece Nukara console/weapon set bonus.
I may not do epic spike dps, but I do consistant dps.
Play how you want to play. Don't let someone else tell you how to play. If you feel there is room for improvement in your build, ask your fleet mates for suggestions or something, or even ask some friends. Don't let the DPS crowd bully you. You are flying your own ship. Build her how you want to fit your style, not some cookie cutter uber DPS build.
Sure, play how you want to play, that's fine - a given, really. That said, it is incumbent upon you to make sure that "how you want to play" is useful for the team you are on, in the mission you are playing.
For example, if you want to tank like a boss, that's great - but make sure you think about how to use your tanking skill in a way that benefits the team. Think about what you are grabbing aggro from, and why, and if necessary, communicate to the team. If you want to pull the cubes away in KA and tank them while I focus on probes/nodes, that's fine! I'm happy to let you do that - but if you don't tell me that's what you're doing, I'm probably going to assume that you are in over your head and rush over to spike down the cubes before going back to probes etc.
Also, make sure you actually can do the thing you want to do - if you are going to use CC to keep Nanite spheres away from the generators, you had better be specced into Graviton Generators, and know how to get the most out of Grav Well, Tractor repulsors, etc. Don't take on a job and then demonstrably not be able to do it.
Finally, recognize that chat is an inexact communication - if I say "I've got this node solo, you should help <other player>", that is not me saying "You are useless compared to me", it's me trying to suggest that there might be a better arrangement of resources, for the whole team. Likewise, if I swoop in and kill something you are "tanking", I'm not passive-aggressively showing off, I'm just trying to get the mission done.
At the end of the day, I think, it just comes down to communication - a quick note in chat about what you are doing can get people on the same page. Of course, this assumes that other people are actually looking at team chat and paying attention to what's going on around them, but that's a whole 'nother kettle of fish.
- u play for fun? use queues, when u pug it, just ignore teamchat.
- u want faster runs? join public channels for little more co-op, support etc.
- u want more dps? join dps channels, ask for help, fly with ship which passed channel barrier (10/20/30/50) or write info about proffesion/dps.
- u want play alone? do fabular or foundry missions, u can replay it.
just have fun, u have choice - like one of devs say: u can also stop play sto...
Don't get insulted by someone you likely will never meet.
And also pretty much the only one. You can't avoid assh*ts on the web, but you can ignore them.
And I am pretty sure there are plenty of Elite DPSer that are not big meanies that insult or berate others. Most likely the majority of them are good people that just have chosen a particular interest in the game (or has the interest chosen them?). Unfortunately, they can't mind control the bad apples.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
I've had people talk trash to me while I'm in my Vesta doing 6k DPS while healing the entire team, debuffing our targets, and buffing my teammates. These people don't seem to understand that there are different ships with different roles.
Also, any DPS number is NOT impressive when you can purchase the ship and the Dilithium to equip it. If you've spent $100 on outfitting your ship, the joke is on you.
In Combatlog Reader, you are able to see Healing, how much Dmg you take in, and a few other things. If someone on a team is contributing in a way other than DPS, you can still see it by looking at all of the info in CLR.
You don't need to spend any money on the game to achieve high numbers. For the last few months, the only thing I've actually purchased with real money for this game is the 60 day time cards off of Amazon, and that is only so I can use Pidgin to access chat outside of the game, and I'm doing quite well in PvE/ PvP.
Ironically these guys are also the ones who will do nothing when a Nanite sphere is approaching a transformer, or when a probe is about to sail through a gate. Only DPS matters to them. The rest of the stuff is for the "scrubs" to handle.
When I pug, I like to take in builds that can also CC if needed. Tractor Beam Repulsors is typically on my build at all times and Grav Well if I'm using my Solo build.
Do you happen to know your dps? Were you in advance or elite when it happened? If you were in normal ignore him for sure.
Advanced requires ~7-10k DPS per player. Elite requires 20-30k+ per player. If you bring a build not doing what is needed into something like an Elite, you're gonna have some angry teammates.
The DPS channels are about improving your DPS period. Right now those channels are the best way to put together pugs. If you need help - ask, and they will overwhelmingly try to help you.
Publically calling them out because they made you feel bad is like screaming into the vacuum - no one cares. Not the DPS channels and certainly not cryptic.
I dont see where he was in any of those channels I think he just got berated in an STF.
You need to learn not to take things so seriously.
You play the game how you want. If someone else don't like it? Their problem, not yours. I mean c'mon, what can they do? Type in colourful language in a chat channel and...? Nothing. It's only an insult if you let it be in insult.
In fact the entire Internet would be such a better place if people would stop getting so worked up every time another opinion comes along that challenges their own.
Put them on ignore and move on. That being said there are some players who i wonder how they can complete anything because their dps is so low.
I dont see where he was in any of those channels I think he just got berated in an STF.
correct. the other 2 (not probe guards) took a gate down too fast. i was working solo on the other side and mentioned it. said "this is being done wrong the other gate shouldve been left alive (but low health) until gate 2 was caught up. one of the others said "yea ur running it wrong ur damage sucks". we were already down to 4 i left em with 3 and did things in real life. i hope they failed due to that one.
I try not to confuse a random person with a parser with a DPS channel person. I know there's some people in the DPS channels that need to get a life but most (I would say 90% or more) are good people.
In a pug, I once had a guy get angry at the people on the opposite side in KASA because of their "low" DPS in his parser. For those who don't know, one has to be close to the person parsing for the parser to pick up their damage numbers. I tired to explain what was going on, but he would have none of it.
Don't take a random raging person seriously in a pug. People that actually want to help you will help, but just ignore the raging idiots.
correct. the other 2 (not probe guards) took a gate down too fast. i was working solo on the other side and mentioned it. said "this is being done wrong the other gate shouldve been left alive (but low health) until gate 2 was caught up. one of the others said "yea ur running it wrong ur damage sucks". we were already down to 4 i left em with 3 and did things in real life. i hope they failed due to that one.
I guess the point lost on you and your ProHealz Vesta is that, in this game, Star Trek Online, all your healing, buffing, and debuffing (while undoubtedly impressive) is actually worth less to the team than if you were doing 25k instead of 5k.
Is it a game? Yes. Can you play how you want? Sure.
But please, please, don't pretend that doing anything other than DPS is just as good as doing DPS. It's not.
In space Qs, blowing things up good is all that matters. And really, doing even 10-12k isn't hard, it's not elite, it's really just lurn2fly at this point with all the powercreep in the game after DR.
I'm pretty sure this is Cryptic's take on the situation.
I would never join that channel just from reading what was posted on forums and referring to people as scrubs etc I want nothing to do with this sort of mindset. Give me a polite player who joins stf's just for fun over people who refer to others as "scrubs" and are endlessly criticizing.
I've had to retype my reply here a few times, because I did not want to draw the ire of the mods with my reply. Suffice to say, imho, this thread is ridiculous...somebody crying on the forums because somebody "insulted" their DPS in a Star Trek MMO. I'd hate to think what would happen if the OP ever stubbed a toe or got a papercut.
Don't get insulted by someone you likely will never meet.
^--- pretty much ---^
I mean, sure - if they're being sexist, racist, nationalist, bashing religion, sexual persuasion, all sorts of things - one could see even with it being a random person on the internet, taking issue with it.
We're talking DPS in a Star Trek WTF?
If you don't ruin the stf for everyone (ISA with doing nanites before everyone is even near the transformer) you shouldn't be in a bad place with a 6k ship.
You had a bad group, hopefully you won't get another one.
"Use Temporal Skills to NERF EVERYTHING before it happened!" -Unknown source.
im sick and tired of being insulted because i cant pump out 30k dps or higher when i go into stf's. i play the game to have fun not to have a megaship that id have to wallet up anyhow. if u have a mega damage ship, enjoy it but DONT INSULT ME. quickest way to my ignore list. i think cryptic needs to disable whatever dps readers exist just so the players running em cant insult other players.
sorry that someone insulted you but generalizing all ppl who can do 30k ore more is a bit harsh
dont you think?
toxic ppl will always be in every game and insult ppl for all kind of stuff
even if they cant measure it a DD can see who is not doing dmg and can still insult you....
so rather put any toxic person to your ignore and /solved
Those elitists at it again? People should be able to play however they want, even if it does suck, everyone has the right to fail if they want to. Don't listen to them 30k isn't so impressive anyway.
I reserve the right to have a completely different standpoint depending on my mood.
We're now going to disband the all the DPS channels so no one will be able to insult you.
I hope this makes you feel better. :cool:
I couldn't agree more. If you are that concerned about DPS then ONLY join STFs via the elite or dps channels and leave everyone else alone.
My Tac scim does great DPS. My Eng Breen Carrier does meh DPS. I love them both equally so get off my back!
Look, you and the other high DPSers are great at what you do - no one's denying that. All we're saying is that if DPS is that much of an issue to you that you would resort to throwing insults and ruining other players' gaming experience then don't pug in non-DPS orientated groups. If you DO choose to go with a non DPS focused group, don't complain or berate others who don't match your level. I don't tihnk that's really asking too much... do you?
By "you" I do mean the collective... nothing personal.
I may not do epic spike dps, but I do consistant dps.
Play how you want to play. Don't let someone else tell you how to play. If you feel there is room for improvement in your build, ask your fleet mates for suggestions or something, or even ask some friends. Don't let the DPS crowd bully you. You are flying your own ship. Build her how you want to fit your style, not some cookie cutter uber DPS build.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Fill your mind before you empty your mouth.
Try not to take it seriously. Just kick back, have a beer, and quietly laugh at how they treat STO like super serious business.
Don't get insulted by someone you likely will never meet.
Also, any DPS number is NOT impressive when you can purchase the ship and the Dilithium to equip it. If you've spent $100 on outfitting your ship, the joke is on you.
Ironically these guys are also the ones who will do nothing when a Nanite sphere is approaching a transformer, or when a probe is about to sail through a gate. Only DPS matters to them. The rest of the stuff is for the "scrubs" to handle.
Publically calling them out because they made you feel bad is like screaming into the vacuum - no one cares. Not the DPS channels and certainly not cryptic.
Do you happen to know your dps? Were you in advance or elite when it happened? If you were in normal ignore him for sure.
The combatlog reader is not a bad thing it helps to see where you stand in dps. I use it and never put someone down because of low dps. I would ask that person if he/she wanted help.You don't need to spend real money to get decent dps. I didn't spend real money and have around 12k dps which is fine to me. If interested I be glade to help look for the fleet The Immortal Ones. The fleet is happy to help other players.:)
I guess the point lost on you and your ProHealz Vesta is that, in this game, Star Trek Online, all your healing, buffing, and debuffing (while undoubtedly impressive) is actually worth less to the team than if you were doing 25k instead of 5k.
Is it a game? Yes. Can you play how you want? Sure.
But please, please, don't pretend that doing anything other than DPS is just as good as doing DPS. It's not.
In space Qs, blowing things up good is all that matters. And really, doing even 10-12k isn't hard, it's not elite, it's really just lurn2fly at this point with all the powercreep in the game after DR.
I have no doubts whatsoever that there are some, possibly the majority, in the DPS channels that do try to be helpful and provide constructive criticism, but to deny there are others who give no feedback whatsoever and only yell in ALL CAP PROFANITIES is inane.
Not that I would suggest telling the DPS group what to do, but if it were, say, my fleet and we had a member or members that were causing trouble of this sort and a warning didnt end it, Id boot them lest they tarnish the rep of my entire fleet.
I said it earlier that 30k isn't that impressive and I was being semi-serious, no insult intended to anyone who doesn't pull 30k. What I intend by this statement is, anyone who's doing 30k and insults someone for doing less than them can basically shut up, 30k isn't amazing. Only a handful of people I know have broken the 100k DPS barrier, and i doubt any of them would insult a pug player, they know what they are getting them self into when they queue.
I reserve the right to have a completely different standpoint depending on my mood.
Sure, play how you want to play, that's fine - a given, really. That said, it is incumbent upon you to make sure that "how you want to play" is useful for the team you are on, in the mission you are playing.
For example, if you want to tank like a boss, that's great - but make sure you think about how to use your tanking skill in a way that benefits the team. Think about what you are grabbing aggro from, and why, and if necessary, communicate to the team. If you want to pull the cubes away in KA and tank them while I focus on probes/nodes, that's fine! I'm happy to let you do that - but if you don't tell me that's what you're doing, I'm probably going to assume that you are in over your head and rush over to spike down the cubes before going back to probes etc.
Also, make sure you actually can do the thing you want to do - if you are going to use CC to keep Nanite spheres away from the generators, you had better be specced into Graviton Generators, and know how to get the most out of Grav Well, Tractor repulsors, etc. Don't take on a job and then demonstrably not be able to do it.
Finally, recognize that chat is an inexact communication - if I say "I've got this node solo, you should help <other player>", that is not me saying "You are useless compared to me", it's me trying to suggest that there might be a better arrangement of resources, for the whole team. Likewise, if I swoop in and kill something you are "tanking", I'm not passive-aggressively showing off, I'm just trying to get the mission done.
At the end of the day, I think, it just comes down to communication - a quick note in chat about what you are doing can get people on the same page. Of course, this assumes that other people are actually looking at team chat and paying attention to what's going on around them, but that's a whole 'nother kettle of fish.
- u want faster runs? join public channels for little more co-op, support etc.
- u want more dps? join dps channels, ask for help, fly with ship which passed channel barrier (10/20/30/50) or write info about proffesion/dps.
- u want play alone? do fabular or foundry missions, u can replay it.
just have fun, u have choice - like one of devs say: u can also stop play sto...
And also pretty much the only one. You can't avoid assh*ts on the web, but you can ignore them.
And I am pretty sure there are plenty of Elite DPSer that are not big meanies that insult or berate others. Most likely the majority of them are good people that just have chosen a particular interest in the game (or has the interest chosen them?). Unfortunately, they can't mind control the bad apples.
In Combatlog Reader, you are able to see Healing, how much Dmg you take in, and a few other things. If someone on a team is contributing in a way other than DPS, you can still see it by looking at all of the info in CLR.
You don't need to spend any money on the game to achieve high numbers. For the last few months, the only thing I've actually purchased with real money for this game is the 60 day time cards off of Amazon, and that is only so I can use Pidgin to access chat outside of the game, and I'm doing quite well in PvE/ PvP.
When I pug, I like to take in builds that can also CC if needed. Tractor Beam Repulsors is typically on my build at all times and Grav Well if I'm using my Solo build.
Advanced requires ~7-10k DPS per player. Elite requires 20-30k+ per player. If you bring a build not doing what is needed into something like an Elite, you're gonna have some angry teammates.
I dont see where he was in any of those channels I think he just got berated in an STF.
You play the game how you want. If someone else don't like it? Their problem, not yours. I mean c'mon, what can they do? Type in colourful language in a chat channel and...? Nothing. It's only an insult if you let it be in insult.
In fact the entire Internet would be such a better place if people would stop getting so worked up every time another opinion comes along that challenges their own.
i dont care about the channels. just keep ur fracking opinion to urself in PUG's
correct. the other 2 (not probe guards) took a gate down too fast. i was working solo on the other side and mentioned it. said "this is being done wrong the other gate shouldve been left alive (but low health) until gate 2 was caught up. one of the others said "yea ur running it wrong ur damage sucks". we were already down to 4 i left em with 3 and did things in real life. i hope they failed due to that one.
In a pug, I once had a guy get angry at the people on the opposite side in KASA because of their "low" DPS in his parser. For those who don't know, one has to be close to the person parsing for the parser to pick up their damage numbers. I tired to explain what was going on, but he would have none of it.
Don't take a random raging person seriously in a pug. People that actually want to help you will help, but just ignore the raging idiots.
My bad, if I misunderstood.
Apparently, others feel the same way you do on Twitter: The Two faces of the dps league
I'm pretty sure this is Cryptic's take on the situation.
Same reason this game is in the toilet.
I would never join that channel just from reading what was posted on forums and referring to people as scrubs etc I want nothing to do with this sort of mindset. Give me a polite player who joins stf's just for fun over people who refer to others as "scrubs" and are endlessly criticizing.
^--- pretty much ---^
I mean, sure - if they're being sexist, racist, nationalist, bashing religion, sexual persuasion, all sorts of things - one could see even with it being a random person on the internet, taking issue with it.
We're talking DPS in a Star Trek WTF?
You had a bad group, hopefully you won't get another one.
"Use Temporal Skills to NERF EVERYTHING before it happened!" -Unknown source.
sorry that someone insulted you but generalizing all ppl who can do 30k ore more is a bit harsh
dont you think?
toxic ppl will always be in every game and insult ppl for all kind of stuff
even if they cant measure it a DD can see who is not doing dmg and can still insult you....
so rather put any toxic person to your ignore and /solved
thats what I do