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Tier 5 Starship Upgrades



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    goodscotchgoodscotch Member Posts: 1,680 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    puttenham wrote: »
    part of the problem for me, is this new style boff is a huge thing for the game, weather it is one of the 5 slots, or a 6th slot, excluding it from all the other ships basically makes cryptic look like they don't care about people who want a canon experience, or an experience with the ship they love.. they are gateing a major new thing.. personally, id rather have the boff seat over the extra console, as it will add a new dimension to how my space combat works.. a new console will just be another stat that I could probably live without..

    cryptic made a new thing, and gated it from all those who are playing a ship because they like the ship. which is not fair in any way shape or form... this is the reason stahl said no to a t6 ship.. he was smart enough to stay away from this hornets nest.. he also understood what it was to be a customer who has and is spending money in the game.. he would have never devalued the t5 ships this way. he also understood the importance of the canon ships that make star trek, star trek..

    One thing would solve this issue. The ability for a player to put any skin they wanted on their vessel. Restrictions to this might include cruiser skins for cruiser, etc. But being able to do that would solve the issue above. And it is an issue.

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    kozar2kozar2 Member Posts: 602 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    The mirrors are technically LV 40 ships so no upgrades. And you forgot the best mirror ship. The mirror Vo'quv. My Orion is has been flying it for a year and a half. One of my all time favorite ships.
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    roubiniroubini Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    That's honestly rather disappointing. I enjoy the MU ships specifically because of their unique configurations (in addition to their unique I.S.S. tag and skin), most of which works with my personal playstyle more than their standard universe counterparts. At the very least, they should be upgradable to T5-U, even if it costs Zen due to being faction-specific.

    In fact, the MU ships being faction-specific seems to be the major difference between the rest of the lockbox ships getting an upgrade and the MU versions, despite being lockbox as well, not getting one. Cryptic can easily solve this just by permitting a Zen upgrade for all Mirror Universe ships like the C-Store ships.

    And while they're at it, I'd also pay for T6 MU versions of the Vice Admiral ships that don't already have an MU variant, complete with alternate console loadout. They don't even need to throw in an extra console or special weapon.

    As to the topic itself, there's three methods as to what what Cryptic should do regarding ship Tier upgrades.

    - The first is to offer a cheap T5-U upgrade for 250 Zen for individual C-Store and Fleet upgrades; keeping it account-wide for all C-Store and Fleet upgrades to T5-U. Later, once the shininess of their flagship T6s wears out, replace the T5-U upgrade with a FULL T6 upgrade for 500 Zen; which would work on both T5s that were not upgraded for personal reasons or T-5Us that were upgraded for essential use. This 500 Zen cost would also be the only means for old Lockbox ships to go full T6, since they effectively upgrade to T5-U free.

    Result: The first method generates smaller but constant income; especially since it favors laziness on Cryptic's part by just having it "there" as a quick and straightforward upgrade. However, this will definitely push away the players needing to upgrade the ships of more than 3 characters, and would be detrimental in the long-run.

    - The second is to just offer a straight 2500 Zen for instant T5-U account upgrades for C-Store and Fleet Ships, then once their flagship T6s outlives their newness after 3-6 months, replace it with a FULL T6 account upgrade of most C-Store and Fleet ships, and ALL Lockbox ships, for 5000 Zen, regardless of whether they're T5 or T5-U. I say MOST because of this next part. Cryptic should then move some of the newest and in-game, most advanced, Tier 5 ships to Tier 6 by default such as the Dyson ships, Odyssey, Avenger, and the KDF equivalents. No further charging of the players who've already paid quite a bit for those, though individual ship price of the C-Store ships might cost an additional 500 Zen even if they are still level 50 ships. Bundle costs would remain as-is.

    Result: The second generates one-time lump sum incomes, but is more likely to be accepted by players since it shows a bit more activeness on Cryptic's part by actually working to not gouge the players that already did pay for C-Store and certain Fleet variants, as well as allowing the rest of the playerbase a valid means of upgrading their favorite non-C-Store and not-as-advanced in-game-timeline-wise ships to Tier 6.

    - The third takes both and ideas and makes it both available; with Cryptic offering both individual ship/account upgrades and bundled upgrades, as well as actively upgrading certain ship classes to Tier 6 by default without charging them again.

    Result: This would be the best choice for both Cryptic and players, but is also the least likely as Cryptic hasn't shown more aggressiveness when it comes to really working hard to balance profits and player consensus. However, it's the one most likely to make money consistently as it takes into account that all players will upgrade differently. Some will just want to upgrade one ship; others, their entire personal collection. And it would also guarantee spending on Tier 6 ships regardless of whether they're the new Tron ships, the Dyson ships, or the currently iconic Odyssey and Avenger ships.

    I still insist though that they add the Mirror Universe ships to the list, either as Zen upgrades or just as a set of three T6 Mirror Universe Super Collection Faction packs (MU Versions of all Tier 5 and 6; complete with alternate layout, I.S.S. nametag, and skin).

    I'd love Cryptic to offer FULL upgrades. But they just wont be intellectually hone t with us about their reasons for not offering such a fair deal. and for that they will pay, eventually.

    It's just "Dr Doom" Roubini
    Refugee from those other games!
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    roubiniroubini Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    ......and yes, like any fleet owner, I would shell out real money for true T-6 upgrades of the existing vessels. Why wont Cryptic give us the option? :confused:

    It's just "Dr Doom" Roubini
    Refugee from those other games!
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    edlemmingedlemming Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    noshuffle wrote: »
    "Directive 93/13/EEC on unfair terms provides that a contract term which has not been individually negotiated is to be regarded as unfair, and therefore not binding on the consumer, if, contrary to the requirement of good faith, it causes a significant imbalance in the parties' rights and obligations to the detriment of the consumer. This provision, used by national courts in situations concerning different goods and services, allows eliminating contractual provisions which are clearly exploiting the inferior position of the consumer vis-
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    roubiniroubini Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    iusasset wrote: »

    My issue is that T6 was supposed to offer bells and whistles over T5-U, not a massive bloody gong. Because that's what the Lt. Cmdr. seat is: a gong that suppresses the competitiveness of T5 and T5-U ships. Sure, a skillful player can compensate for that, but...we're spending to get to T5/Fleet T5 and, subsequently, T5-U/Fleet T5-U as it is! I'm not asking for freebies here; just let me spend money or grind for a true upgrade path to T6 (Hell, release re-retrofits of old ships w/out new skins at T6 w/out discounts, just like we basically have to do to bring T1 through T4 ships up to T5 and Fleet T5, if you really want to).

    Well put. Cryptic lied. True upgrades are worth having and will be purchased if offered.

    It's just "Dr Doom" Roubini
    Refugee from those other games!
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    robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    roubini wrote: »
    Well put. Cryptic lied. True upgrades are worth having and will be purchased if offered.

    I agree when they said they were going to make Tier 5 competitve I thought it would be to Tier 6 not to Tier 5U. Yeah a truly skilled player can comepnsate for the higher bridgeslot but wirh that scannner that gets te weakness in intel ships could cause issues
    Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
    Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
    Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
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    marielangmarielang Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    roubini wrote: »
    ......and yes, like any fleet owner, I would shell out real money for true T-6 upgrades of the existing vessels. Why wont Cryptic give us the option? :confused:

    its what I've been saying all along. I don't want freebie. Just want to have the option to make my existing ships t6 that's all. yea I bought t5 ships I know that. I will gladly pay for upgrade to t6. buy why this stupid half step upgrade ???? don't want to pay for that. I might buy a t6 ship or 2 but have toons in ships I love would like to keep flying those why cant we buy a full upgrade instead of half step one ???????
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    marielangmarielang Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    roubini wrote: »
    Well put. Cryptic lied. True upgrades are worth having and will be purchased if offered.

    tired of this dips--t argument yea I bought t5 ships so what??? what I'm asking is not that they upgrade for free. just let us pay to upgrade to full t6. I bought these cause I like them. I fly them for same reason. would pay for full upgrade for same reason. cryptic makes money same as if I bought one of the new fugly ships. I'm happy they happy why is this such a problem it makes total sence to anyone with a brain. offer product people want and they buy it simple

    oops my bad hit the wrong quote button this was in response to:
    Your T5 ship isnt worse in any kind. The product you purchased is exactly as advertised and you purchased. At no point Cryptic ever stated that your Zen Store ships will be state of the art till the end of time. Actualy you should look into the EULA properly. After reading you will realise that you dont have any grounds for a st***d idea like that
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    roubiniroubini Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    marielang wrote: »
    tired of this dips--t argument yea I bought t5 ships so what??? what I'm asking is not that they upgrade for free. just let us pay to upgrade to full t6. I bought these cause I like them. I fly them for same reason. would pay for full upgrade for same reason. cryptic makes money same as if I bought one of the new fugly ships. I'm happy they happy why is this such a problem it makes total sence to anyone with a brain. offer product people want and they buy it simple

    Will they ever give an inch on this issue? Just sell us 2 upgrade components, one for T5U, and a bridge layout upgrade which includes the Boffs and scale-ability... I really don't want to have to organize or join anti-T6 campaigns...but they are slamming us too hard take lying down.

    It's just "Dr Doom" Roubini
    Refugee from those other games!
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    dragnridrdragnridr Member Posts: 671 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Wouldn't things be much simpler if they just got rid of the money sucking T-5 upgrade to T-5U altogether. Hell we have a FULL new tier of ships. And with the Dilithium sink hole of the gear upgrade system, why not just fully commit to the new Tier altogether.

    Don't tell me Cryptic is planning a .5 U for every tier as well. It'll cost 500 zen to go from T1 to 1.5, PER SHIP PER CATPAIN, then another 500 zen to go from T2 to T2.5, and so on.

    Hell, Just tell us how much it will cost upfront so people can just stay away and save their money for a NON-Money sink MMO.
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    staq16staq16 Member Posts: 1,181 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I believe there should be T6 versions of our ships but we should at least get a massive discount given that we have already purchased the 9, and possibly, the 10 console ones. I know for a fact that I will be getting at least 1 of these intel ships for 1 of my 11 characters. But I don't like that my other 7 characters (3 excluded because they fly lobi/lockbox ships) are left to be stuck in a .5 mule of an upgrade.

    What is worth more - a console or a Lt Cdr BOff ability? Because that's the key difference between T5U and T6. The answer is of course situational, but in many cases the T5Us have better BOff / Console setups than the first batch of T6s. Some - notably the JHAS and Temporal Science Vessel - are still clearly superior in their fields. Others - the Vo'Quv, Tempest and Fleet Norgh - already have 2 x Lt Cdr slots.

    Starship traits are something everyone quotes but no-one knows the mechanics for. For no good reason I've got the impression that you will only be able to slot 1 or 2 of these, and it's been stated they will be available from sources other than ships. So you can still run a T5U with traits, you just need to get them from somewhere else. I think the major reason for this is that Cryptic didn't want to rush out a bunch of traits for the dozens of extant T5 designs.

    The PVP community is not jumping to say "T6 uber alles". That's a pretty good indicator that, at least initially, T5U has plenty of life in it.
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    dareaudareau Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    marielang wrote: »
    tired of this dips--t argument yea I bought t5 ships so what??? what I'm asking is not that they upgrade for free. just let us pay to upgrade to full t6. I bought these cause I like them. I fly them for same reason. would pay for full upgrade for same reason. cryptic makes money same as if I bought one of the new fugly ships. I'm happy they happy why is this such a problem it makes total sence to anyone with a brain. offer product people want and they buy it simple

    oops my bad hit the wrong quote button this was in response to:
    Your T5 ship isnt worse in any kind. The product you purchased is exactly as advertised and you purchased. At no point Cryptic ever stated that your Zen Store ships will be state of the art till the end of time. Actualy you should look into the EULA properly. After reading you will realise that you dont have any grounds for a st***d idea like that

    Cryptic said, from day one, that "T5U" ships "would be competitive" with T6, and that T6 would have additional bells, whistles, abilities, whatnot over the T5Us because, well, not many people would pay $30 to get an all new T6 if they could pay $5 to upgrade their T5 to a T6... (disclaimer: prices are my best guesstimates as they have not been knowingly released yet...)

    On that note:
    staq16 wrote: »
    What is worth more - a console or a Lt Cdr BOff ability? Because that's the key difference between T5U and T6. The answer is of course situational, but in many cases the T5Us have better BOff / Console setups than the first batch of T6s. Some - notably the JHAS and Temporal Science Vessel - are still clearly superior in their fields. Others - the Vo'Quv, Tempest and Fleet Norgh - already have 2 x Lt Cdr slots.

    Starship traits are something everyone quotes but no-one knows the mechanics for. For no good reason I've got the impression that you will only be able to slot 1 or 2 of these, and it's been stated they will be available from sources other than ships. So you can still run a T5U with traits, you just need to get them from somewhere else. I think the major reason for this is that Cryptic didn't want to rush out a bunch of traits for the dozens of extant T5 designs.

    The PVP community is not jumping to say "T6 uber alles". That's a pretty good indicator that, at least initially, T5U has plenty of life in it.

    As this discussion is slightly more relevant here than the PvP forum, so I'll start here: I've been wondering and slightly of the belief that Cryptic somehow believes that the 11th console - especially "active" ones on a 3 minute cooldown, are "equivalent" to a LtCmdr power on a 30 second cooldown, or even a one minute Commander-level power. Especially some of their more "OP" offerings like Subspace Integration Circuit, etc. that have drawn PvP "bans"... And without knowing anything about their maths, beliefs, balance systems, etc., are they maybe considering an always active Mk XIV passive as "equal" as well (Mk XIV armor console blocks the equivalent expected GW I damage, or the extra damage from another weapon-type Mk XIV = what an AP-B tags onto an "stock" single escort?

    Now, I, myself, believe that the "hyper OP" consoles are being counted - and Cryptic's sort of expecting to drive lockbox openings, etc., to get at these OP consoles - including future offers in the new DR lockbox-du-jour... And if push comes to eventual shove, this will be made clear and "official" - grinding up the appropriate "abilities" is the critical key to T5U / T6 "equivalence"...

    Unless, like usual, the combination(s) of Intel abilities and that intel passives proves to be "OP" and as immune to the nerf bat as escorts online was or A2B currently seems...
    Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...

    To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
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    coolheadalcoolheadal Member Posts: 1,253 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Upgrade: Free
    Cost: Free

    Long Range Science Vessel Retrofit C-Store
    Upgrade: Yes
    Cost: Yes

    Long Range Science Vessel Refined DILITHIUM
    Upgrade: N/A
    Cost: N/A

    Mirror Universe Starships
    Upgrade: N/A
    Cost: N/A

    Free Starships
    Upgrade: N/A
    Cost: N/A

    The above sums up what I am facing. My grinding over the SUMMER EVENT 2014 gets the free upgrade!. Can't say the same for my 72K refined DILITHIUM to upgrade refined DILITHIUM purchased vessel n/a upgrade. Even though Delta Rising is centered around Long Range Science Vessel called Voyager. 'Still going fly U.S.S. Octavius my refined Dilithium Longe Range Science Vessel right into Delta Rising!

    Time will only tell!
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    colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    edlemming wrote: »
    Your T5 ship isnt worse in any kind. The product you purchased is exactly as advertised and you purchased. At no point Cryptic ever stated that your Zen Store ships will be state of the art till the end of time. Actualy you should look into the EULA properly. After reading you will realise that you dont have any grounds for a st***d idea like that :D

    Talking about the EULA is the Goodwin's Law of Gaming.

    If you have to bring up a EULA you more or less have already lost the argument and have nothing valid to say
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    colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    authurious wrote: »
    Well, Cryptic does have a history of pushing bad design choices to live then performing spectacular backflips when it blows up in their faces on the servers. So it's entirely possible they'll fix the barn door after the horse has escaped. Of course by this point you'd think they would have figured it all out.

    I think a better analogy from the last couple of years is they don't even build the barn until after the fact
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    rickskynightrickskynight Member Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Besides adding an extra console slot, they should have really given us an upgraded boff lay out bump as well. Even if it was just 1 or 2 boff slots that were bumped up, people wouldn't be fighting this upgrade so much.
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    robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The reason we are fightng the upgrade is not because of the upgrade but it is not a upgrade to full Tier 6 so some people who are attached to there ship for different reasons are left with some thing not at all competitive and the new ships apart from the Raptor are Fugly or not appealing in the stat department
    Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
    Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
    Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
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    capnmanxcapnmanx Member Posts: 1,452 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    It occurs to me that once T6 goes live, there will be room for retrofit versions of the native T5s (Sovereign, Prometheus, etc). If that were the plan, then allowing ships to be upgraded to full T6 would ultimately cost them ship sales; as people would only need to buy such retrofits if they really wanted whatever fancy console they came with.

    Not saying that's what will happen, but it would make a degree of sense; since retrofit ships have been such a big thing in the past.
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    robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Something tells me that these ships will not be released again as retrofits as anyquestion regarding this when DR was announced has been left with Silence and Cryptic are pushing there non canon ships forward which look very untreklike imo.

    However since we have to pay zen to make our ships a useless Tier 5 U or fleet Tier 5 U I believe Cryptic are gaining money anyway as the amount of people who don't want a Tier 6 ship will have to upgrade.

    All Cryptic had to do was say we will allow you to level the ships to Tier 6 but the ship specialisation ability is only for Tier VI ships and I would have been happy and many others on this forum may have been as well.

    But as gor Galaxy B'rels and Mogai retrofits I very much doubt these ships will ever be realeased again in a Tier 6 format.
    Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
    Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
    Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
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    eightseven87eightseven87 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Maybe this was mentioned already, I tried reading all the threads but too many. I just got an advanced Obelisk carrier and I read that it's one of the ships you can upgrade for free. I checked ship inventory and ship selector and cant find the upgrade option.

    Anyone else having this issue? And if so what did you do?
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    sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Maybe this was mentioned already, I tried reading all the threads but too many. I just got an advanced Obelisk carrier and I read that it's one of the ships you can upgrade for free. I checked ship inventory and ship selector and cant find the upgrade option.

    Anyone else having this issue? And if so what did you do?

    Wait until October 14th.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

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    eightseven87eightseven87 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Makes sense. Thank you
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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    robeasom wrote: »
    Something tells me that these ships will not be released again as retrofits as anyquestion regarding this when DR was announced has been left with Silence and Cryptic are pushing there non canon ships forward which look very untreklike imo.

    However since we have to pay zen to make our ships a useless Tier 5 U or fleet Tier 5 U I believe Cryptic are gaining money anyway as the amount of people who don't want a Tier 6 ship will have to upgrade.

    All Cryptic had to do was say we will allow you to level the ships to Tier 6 but the ship specialisation ability is only for Tier VI ships and I would have been happy and many others on this forum may have been as well.

    But as gor Galaxy B'rels and Mogai retrofits I very much doubt these ships will ever be realeased again in a Tier 6 format.
    Um, what's the functional difference between a T5U and a T6, aside from the ship trait? One BOff seat?

    Oh and the Guardian is pretty much a Galaxy variant....
    My character Tsin'xing
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    coolheadalcoolheadal Member Posts: 1,253 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    robeasom wrote: »
    The reason we are fightng the upgrade is not because of the upgrade but it is not a upgrade to full Tier 6 so some people who are attached to there ship for different reasons are left with some thing not at all competitive and the new ships apart from the Raptor are Fugly or not appealing in the stat department

    I am so very much attached to Risan Luxury Cruiser Tier 5 is can support 6/6 but is currently has 4/4 weapons but who knows if such add-on will able happen in this game. I am making do with the 4/4 weapons slots. It does have 5 engineering console slots I can use all the universal consoles I want on that ship because of that. I do need an additional console slot though so the Tier 5-U will come in with the adding tac console slot giving it 4 instead of the 3 it has now.

    If they really want us to buy a Tier 6 or 7 or 8 an etc ship it best have more than 5/4, 5/3, 5/2. I want to go the extreme 5/5 weapons, engineering, science, and tactical consoles. And two Shield Slots along with 40, 50, 60K hull as min. Decent turn rate 10 min. Inertia 40

    But anyway the new Tier 6 ships have octagon design look to them. But the best one I like is the SCI Intel Ship. But it lacks the features I would need to think about such a craft to get.

    Time will only tell!
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    robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Um, what's the functional difference between a T5U and a T6, aside from the ship trait? One BOff seat?

    Oh and the Guardian is pretty much a Galaxy variant....

    But it isn't a Galaxy class I play STO for star Trek ships not for Variants of star trek ships theres already enough games that do that.
    Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
    Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
    Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
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    carlosbflycarlosbfly Member Posts: 682 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Does anyone find it odd that a massive part of the expansion for many players - the T5-U ship costs - still haven't been revealed with just over a week to go? Makes you wonder if the price is so high they know we'll all flip so are waiting until the very last minute to reveal the Zen costings.
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    authuriousauthurious Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    carlosbfly wrote: »
    Does anyone find it odd that a massive part of the expansion for many players - the T5-U ship costs - still haven't been revealed with just over a week to go? Makes you wonder if the price is so high they know we'll all flip so are waiting until the very last minute to reveal the Zen costings.

    That would be consistent with Cryptic's PR strategy of throwing a live grenade into a crowded room and holding the door close while blocking their ears.
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    sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    carlosbfly wrote: »
    Does anyone find it odd that a massive part of the expansion for many players - the T5-U ship costs - still haven't been revealed with just over a week to go? Makes you wonder if the price is so high they know we'll all flip so are waiting until the very last minute to reveal the Zen costings.

    I'm betting on $10 for upgrade and $50 for T6
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

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