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Risa cave secret? (Team Investigating) We have our eyes on you cave people ;)



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    daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    tecbull wrote: »
    They're names are not searchable, and the ones in fleets have unsearchable fleet names. This just gets stranger and stranger

    their are setting to hide your self and if you are the fleet master or have the permission can also hide a fleet from being searchable
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
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    doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    tecbull wrote: »
    The folks beaming in and out of SFA make no beaming sound. They're nearly all lvl 50's, fly a light cruiser, have 410-430 accolade points, attach
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    rock3tmanrock3tman Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    What's strange about that? The default privacy setting is Friends Only, the default ship is the Light Cruiser, and a combatless Foundry mission awards 10 Diplo CXP. Rank of Attache or Consul indicates thus indicates that the character involved has ground somewhere between 250 and 5000 of these missions, and thus has earned something on the order of 240K to 4.8M minerals doing it. They make no beaming sounds because they are not beaming, they are actually logging in and out. Accolade points indicate that they've earned accolades only from basic level-ups, no other content, and an unsearchable fleet is, well, normal, because frankly, if you make your fleet, or yourself, searchable, you get spammed by creepers and beggars, so everyone does that. And 100 shield points is the standard strength of a Standard Issue Noob Shield, which, being farm toons, they would never have upgraded.

    There's nothing STRANGE about this. It's a perfectly comprehensible farming operation. What is being farmed may possibly be regarded as exploitative, but there's nothing strange or unusual going on. This is a game about doing things to acquire resources, and that's precisely what they're doing.

    ^^ Give this man a Bells!
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    erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    What's strange about that? The default privacy setting is Friends Only, the default ship is the Light Cruiser, and a combatless Foundry mission awards 10 Diplo CXP. Rank of Attache or Consul indicates thus indicates that the character involved has ground somewhere between 250 and 5000 of these missions, and thus has earned something on the order of 240K to 4.8M minerals doing it. They make no beaming sounds because they are not beaming, they are actually logging in and out. Accolade points indicate that they've earned accolades only from basic level-ups, no other content, and an unsearchable fleet is, well, normal, because frankly, if you make your fleet, or yourself, searchable, you get spammed by creepers and beggars, so everyone does that. And 100 shield points is the standard strength of a Standard Issue Noob Shield, which, being farm toons, they would never have upgraded.

    It's very cute people discovering what a bot farmer is.
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    doyouwdoyouw Member Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    wow, you guys realy sound creepy as hell , here are the fact :

    - you just saw a bunch of people in riza cave : you dont know why
    - beaming in & out : you dont know where
    - they are all from same fleet : you still dont know why or know this fleet I guess
    - you obviously have no clue or no proof of anykind on what they are doing.

    and then you come up with a bunch of assumptions more creepy on each posts !

    during WW II we had "that kind of people" reporting neighbor for similar unsignificant things, most of the time for just being jalous of anything.
    Do I have to remind you how we dealt with people like you after war ?

    I will now give you some assumptions too but with proof based on game mechanic and completely 'legal' use of game :

    - Yes for a foundry mission you do have to test a lot and who else than your fleetmates are gentle enough to help you ? for example before loosing nearly all my foundry missions because of bugs and crashes I was building funny foundry missions with NPC having names, looking like and talking specific expressions of my own fleetmates.
    to help the mission being more accurate and NPC being more of a chalange, since it's scaling on how many teamates you take with you and you can only be 5 teamate same time we had to team up and beam in & out with different people many times.
    I was mixing enemy groups across the map becasue of that : if you place 1 NPC of a team in the middle of another NPC team, once player(s) attack him its own team move over there to defend.
    But we had to test each group of them to make it work so the mission would be a real hard chalenge or simply do what you realy want it to do.

    - another one : you may not know that but some people realy like to do PVP again & again (ground or space). Some of our fleetmate realy like that and I know a few friendly fleets that do too so,
    using the 'challenge player" right clic option normaly open a challenge window. The trouble is on ESD (for ex) and a lot of map there's that nasty bug when the 1st player get the challenge invite but the one that initiate the challenge does not, there's workaround but still anoying.
    On that, there's also loadout & boffs most anoying bugs that will happend randomly if you start a space pvp from a ground map or from space, and it apears that from some location you apparently getting those bugs less often.

    - another realy simple example of why you could see me and my fleetmates hanging around on ground and beaming in & out at least a few times : We DO like to have meeting with other fleets for PVP or PVE events so we ask all our members to meet same place to have fun before we go into joined missions or pvp.
    - we also using a special foundry mission (not eligible for reward of anykind) to make our review boards, promotions and some special fleet meeting when high ranked officer need to talk either of recruit promotions, fleet policies, etc...

    the last one reason I can see too but there's probably countless other, is this one :
    Have you ever heard of SSR channel ( Subspace Radio Channel) or other community chans like those ? those community channels are making a lot of Events everywhere and I remember being in riza caves with them having realy funny parties.
    From time to time there are people at those events that chalenge others for tournament or simply doing STFs for DPS or else.

    So obviously there's countless reasons you can see a lot of people of the same fleet at same time same place, does that make them cheaters or exploiters ? If you still think so then you probably have a serious probleme and you 'd better hurry talking to some special doctors.

    Just to let you know, my own fleets have realy strict policies on exploit or cheating where our members are asked to report to command officer if they think that someone is doing so within fleets... We do investigate realy seriously that kind of behavior and if cheating or using exploit it's our command staff that will report to Criptic member doing that and same times will kick them out of fleet.
    We also make a point of not playing or having events with some well known fleets that DO for sure use PVP cheats or exploits.
    like having Sensor analysis on anykind of ships or Rapid fire 3, Scatered volley 3, Fire at will 3, beam overload 3 running all the time at same time.
    Or for those who remember them : the so called "511" foundry missions

    WE DID SAW THAT and reported them for using those cheats & exploits.

    One last thing :
    seeing how you all react and prompt to report for anything,
    I realy hope one day Criptic will use same kind of policies that we have in real life for "abusive reports"
    you know, in most countries you can be prosecute for that kind of behavior. Why not doing it in games too, like a temporary ban for"abusive reports".
    Same time abusive reports would probably help a lot by having to investigate lot less case and resolve them a lot faster.

    ON that, have fun with eachothers and stop beeing haters plz.
    Dark Side (KDF)
    "I am FLATULUS of Borg, Resistance if Futile! Prepare to pull my finger!"

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    ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    We know they are exploiting the foundry because the exact sounds from the foundry are being heard. This is not the first time they have used these devices either.
    King of Lions rawr! Protect the wildlife of the world. Check out my foundry series Perfection and Scars of the Pride. arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1138650/ashkrik23s-foundry-missions
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    doyouwdoyouw Member Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Man, I should start petting tribbles with all my alts in odd places just make people waste some GM's time.

    (I'm not actually going to do that)

    If Criptic had "abusive report" policies ending in temporary bans... I'd do that all day and would encourage you to do so too ;)
    Dark Side (KDF)
    "I am FLATULUS of Borg, Resistance if Futile! Prepare to pull my finger!"

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    doyouwdoyouw Member Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    lan451 wrote: »
    Decided to see what all the hubbub is about and went to check out Risa.

    Didn't find anyone doing anything suspicious in the cave. I did find two other people crouched down in the corners looking for exploiters though lol.

    Went to SFA and holy TRIBBLE it's creepy. Just as described, level 50 no fleet characters log in for a few seconds and then log out in the bushes. It's kind of like SFA is haunted. Apparitions suddenly appear out of thin air and then vanish a few seconds later. I watched for about 10 mins, and whoever is doing this has a whole lot of characters. I didn't see any repeats logging in. Very creepy.

    Yeah, beaming in and out from SFA is what I do from time to time with 18 chars :
    what am I doing ?
    Just inviting to bridge from another fleetmate or else to transfer resources like comodidites, doffs, etc to contribute in fleet holdings projects or reputation on a specific chars...

    Damn, that's so creepy isnt it !!! ;)
    Dark Side (KDF)
    "I am FLATULUS of Borg, Resistance if Futile! Prepare to pull my finger!"

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    doyouwdoyouw Member Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    If you ask me, I think that the Foundry should not be granting rewards that can be used anywhere other than on foundry-related stuff. If that happened the only people using the foundry would be those who want to create and share their own stories, and those who want to experience those stories. Yes that means that far fewer people would be using it, but would that really be a bad thing? The ones using it for anything other than telling or experiencing stories don't even care that there is a story. It's blow up/kill everything, collect the reward, rinse and repeat.

    We can already level our character to max in relatively short order from DOffing alone. and we don't even have to leave sector space once to do it, or even be logged in once we've queued up our DOff assignments.

    So long as the foundry yields rewards that apply to anything other than the Foundry, then there will always be exploits. But then, even if it only rewarded stuff pertaining to itself, people would exploit to get that as well.

    How many people would play foundry missions if the awarded nothing at all beyond the potential experience of a well-told story? I would. So would a lot of Star Trek fans. But there are so many things about this game that drive away Trek fans. My sister, who is a big Star Trek fan, took one look at the bridge of my ship and didn't want to see any more of the game when she saw how stupid the bridge looked because it was so big. This game alienates the very ones who would have gotten the most out of it and attracts the ones who couldn't care less about it really.

    Anyway... Like I said... as long as there's something to gain from the foundry, people will find a way to exploit it to get it.

    I would agree with you on foundry missions but there's one tiny point I'm not sure you are aware of, I dont remember exact numbers since I gave up foundry since last time it went down for few weeks and by the way did lost most of them but read this, Foundry is made like that
    - you have a limted foundry slots like 4 I think or maybe 8
    - to buy more slots you need like 32k or 40k dilithium
    - foundry reward your foundry chars with dili for that purpose but I think (never tried) you cannot share it with your holodec chars when you can use your holodec chars own dilithium to buy extra foundry slots

    So yes there's definitly tempting ways to find exploit in that.

    - maybe rewarding only specific foundry tokens or something like that on foundry chars to buy extra slots might help avoid it
    - being able to buy from holodec chars those specific token or else with zen or dilithium to add more slots would be realy welcome too
    that second part is essentialy to avoid having to use our own foundry chars to farm dili or foundry token like a millions time just to add a few extra slots.

    maybe not the best solution but at least taking out dilithium reward in foundry and find another way to be able to add extra foundry slots is definitly a way to search.

    On the investigate officer reports here is what I think :

    giving it up last year for a repeatable dilithium reward from any kind of missions that qualify (+20mn missions) was in my opinion a big misstake that alowed the so called "511" missions to exist and give some people the oportunity to earn like 50 Millions dilithium in a few hours/days.

    Now that it's back with a daily cooldown I think it's quite simple and good, no more exploit on that part.
    And honestly if people dont get at least a few dilithium from foundry each day, foundry would be dead for age and only people like I and my fleet would still use it for some "review board" and command meetings like I describe in an earlier post.
    Dark Side (KDF)
    "I am FLATULUS of Borg, Resistance if Futile! Prepare to pull my finger!"

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    zombieredshirtzombieredshirt Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    doyouw wrote: »

    during WW II we had "that kind of people" reporting neighbor for similar unsignificant things, most of the time for just being jalous of anything.
    Do I have to remind you how we dealt with people like you after the war?

    Did you really just compare this STO drama TRIBBLE to WWII? I can't even begin to image how long your arms are to make a reach like that.....
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    doyouwdoyouw Member Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Did you really just compare this STO drama TRIBBLE to WWII? I can't even begin to image how long your arms are to make a reach like that.....

    I admit it's quit a hard comparison !

    maybe I should have sticked with real life "aubsive reports" which is probably less painfull to read for Designated persons. but still.

    what having long arms have to do with that btw ? are you refering to deformity or some kind ?
    cause I dont see your point here and wondering what to think about it ?

    thx for explaining this plz
    Dark Side (KDF)
    "I am FLATULUS of Borg, Resistance if Futile! Prepare to pull my finger!"

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    daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    witches burn them at the stake not going to lie how i see this thread a big witch hunt
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
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    ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    doyouw wrote: »
    I would agree with you on foundry missions but there's one tiny point I'm not sure you are aware of, I dont remember exact numbers since I gave up foundry since last time it went down for few weeks and by the way did lost most of them but read this, Foundry is made like that
    - you have a limted foundry slots like 4 I think or maybe 8
    - to buy more slots you need like 32k or 40k dilithium
    You can buy 4 extra foundry slots for 10k dilithium.
    King of Lions rawr! Protect the wildlife of the world. Check out my foundry series Perfection and Scars of the Pride. arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1138650/ashkrik23s-foundry-missions
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    zombieredshirtzombieredshirt Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    doyouw wrote: »
    I admit it's quit a hard comparison !

    maybe I should have sticked with real life "aubsive reports" which is probably less painfull to read for Designated persons. but still.

    what having long arms have to do with that btw ? are you refering to deformity or some kind ?
    cause I dont see your point here and wondering what to think about it ?

    thx for explaining this plz

    Hmm no deformity reference. It's a play on the informal use of reaching i.e. exaggerating. In other words I thought your comprison had a lot of exaggeration.

    Also, I don't think Cryptic would consider these abusive reports. However, I don't speak for Crytic, so who knows how they feel about it. I imagine they will investigate the server logs and determine if any one is being naughty and act accordingly.
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    aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    This isn't Cryptic's version of LOST is it? Weird things happening on an island...

    If it is, we'll know come Season 10, if "the fat guy" marooned on the island with no food is actually fatter rather than thinner. :D
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    lowy1lowy1 Member Posts: 964 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    tecbull wrote: »
    The folks beaming in and out of SFA make no beaming sound. They're nearly all lvl 50's, fly a light cruiser, have 410-430 accolade points, attach

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    aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    doyouw wrote: »
    I admit it's quit a hard comparison !

    No, it's more like the old "playing the TRIBBLE card" tactic, right down to being so outlandish it calls everything else from the same source into question.
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    azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    lowy1 wrote: »
    Maybe they're bot farming diplomacy boffs. Depending on the race, they could fetch a sizable price. Grades would plummet though if SFA was overrun with Orion Females :D

    If they were farming Diplomacy BOFFS, they are sure doing it the hard way. Because Doffing is 1000x more efficient in earning Diplomacy CXP, and doesn't raise any red flags in the process.
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    rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    No, it's more like the old "playing the TRIBBLE card" tactic, right down to being so outlandish it calls everything else from the same source into question.

    Godwins law probably ought to apply.
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    doyouwdoyouw Member Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Hmm no deformity reference. It's a play on the informal use of reaching i.e. exaggerating. In other words I thought your comprison had a lot of exaggeration.

    Also, I don't think Cryptic would consider these abusive reports. However, I don't speak for Crytic, so who knows how they feel about it. I imagine they will investigate the server logs and determine if any one is being naughty and act accordingly.

    I see and yes your definitly right about it it had lot of exageration on that part just to make a pts and get people attention same with real life prosecution for abusive reports.

    I dont know criptic point of view for abusive reports but I realy think it could be a good thing to avoid that +30 pages threat.
    My point is if we can have +30 pages of 99% people talking about reporting people for just hanging around same place, just beaming in & out or doing something those people cannot understand...
    IDK but the guys 1st talking about that didnt even checked if it was a tribble or the gambling device, which obviously is since I use it and know exactly what it's doing each time you use it and beam in or out. I also read others telling for sure it was a foundry sound that'tribble' was making (when both sound are realy different) and planing to report just for that....

    Imagine how many fake / abusive report criptic is receiving each day !

    Honestly, being criptic, I'd ignore them all since it's impossible to investigate that much each days.
    and it's probably what it is happening.

    Beeing a player I wouldnt mind being banned for 1 or several days if I wrongly reported someone, as long as I get an explaination why I was wrong.
    And that would force me to investigate more before reporting too quick and most of all remind me that writing and doing stuff on internet is not without cons
    Dark Side (KDF)
    "I am FLATULUS of Borg, Resistance if Futile! Prepare to pull my finger!"

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    zombieredshirtzombieredshirt Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    rinkster wrote: »
    Godwins law probably ought to apply.

    hmm is Godwins law confirmation of itself...kind of like it's own self fulfilling argument
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    askrayaskray Member Posts: 3,329 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    So okay, I've gotten a lot of requests to finally shut this thread down as it's just turning into a witch hunt and (after finally getting through ALL the pages of this thread), I'm forced to agree. It was all fun and games but it's now taken it's toll.

    If there is any official updates to this issue, then someone will post on it (or smack one of us that can reply to closed threads to respond hehe) otherwise you can assume the team at Cryptic and PWE are looking into this matter and dealing with anyone if necessary :)

    As always, if you think someone is breaking the Terms of Service or the EULA, by all means go ahead and report them. Yes, if you are just reporting for the fun of it you might end up on the end of a smack yourself :P but if it's a genuine report, you have nothing to fear even if you're wrong :)

    Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care.
    Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
    Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113

This discussion has been closed.